Bulldozer - the largest Alabai

The biggest dog among Alabais

A male named Bulldozer is officially the largest Alabai. Considering that the breed is one of the largest, this dog is rightly at the same time one of the largest dogs in principle.

He lives in the Stavropol Territory with his owner Alexander Khudyakov. His weight is 130 kg, and his height is 2 m if the dog stands on his hind legs. Alabai received many awards at prestigious competitions.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (CAO) Bulldozer is a peaceful, friendly pet. He is not evil, he even sometimes allows children to ride him. The appearance of the animal corresponds to the standards of its breed:

  • flat, rounded forehead;
  • powerful paws;
  • a wide muzzle that does not taper towards the nose;
  • wide chest and powerful lower back.

The Bulldozer has a beautiful color, standard for the Alabai - white, with large dark brown spots on the face. This dog is a champion in ring fighting, but now he is retired and helps his owner Alexander entertain children.

Important! Bulldozer had a busy training program. Every day he walked 10 km with weights. The walk took him 6 hours.

Alabai - Bulldozer

This is the name of the largest alabai in the world, and here is its photo. The giant lives in the Stavropol Territory with the owner Alexander Khudyakov. The dog has been participating in dog fighting since the age of three and has achieved serious results. The master's house is hung with certificates and diplomas.

Adult Alabai dog - photo with a person

The largest alabai in the world became the Pride of Russia, the Champion of Russia, and the winner of international competitions. Now Bulldozer is retired, but maintains an active lifestyle. He gets along well with the children of the owner and his guests. If desired, you can ride on your back. And the wolfhound’s first offspring have already grown up and achieved good results in competitions.

At 9 years old, the Alabai captured in the photo has the heaviest weight in the world - about 130 kg. When rising on its hind legs, its height reaches 2 meters. All won titles and personal achievements are the result of daily hard work. Every day the Bulldozer covers tens of kilometers, the walk lasts 6 hours.

To appreciate the Alabai, the world's largest dog of its kind, watch the video.

Alabai in the photo appears as a majestic and powerful pet, although not the largest in the world. It is important to remember that keeping such a dog has many nuances. It takes experience, time, effort and patience to train her.

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Evolutionary changes of the breed

Alabai, known as the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, was bred to guard sheep. It was a fairly aggressive breed, wary of strangers. Since ancient times, dogs have had outstanding guarding qualities. But when surrounded by family, they turned into affectionate, friendly pets.

These character traits are due to life in harsh weather conditions. The difficult climate, the need to protect sheep from strangers - all this made the Alabai a strong and fearless dog.

The owner must earn the respect of his pet. Alabais do not tolerate pronounced dominance. They were raised as faithful helpers to protect families and animals.

The dog is amazing with its size

The history of the appearance of the largest representative of the breed

Alabai Bulldozer achieved such results thanks to genetic characteristics and constant training. The owner paid attention not only to training, but also to physical training. Alexander Khudyakov chose the name for his dog immediately after seeing how the puppy walked in the snow and literally crushed it.

The strongest Alabai won his first fight at the age of 3 years. Then he won many awards, championship titles at the Russian and international levels.

Important! The owner of the alabai arranges trial fights for all his pets. In his opinion, this is simply necessary to consider the character of the pet and its fighting qualities.

In addition to regular training, Bulldozer achieved such impressive results thanks to a special diet. Every day the dog eats 10 liters of porridge and 1 kg of meat.

Giant Alabai produce large, healthy puppies, and they have also won numerous shows and competitions. The owner of the Bulldozer shared information that breeding puppies began to bring good income. Now the pet has retired and remains an honorary member of the family.

Important! A distinctive feature of Alabais from other fighting dogs is their restrained aggression. This breed does not seek to injure an opponent, only to demonstrate its superiority.

Dimensions and weight

At the withers, the dog’s height is 150 cm, the average Alabai is 60-70 cm. The Bulldozer weighs 130 kg, when usually their weight does not exceed 70-80 kg.

It turns out that its parameters exceed the dimensions of the average Central Asian Shepherd by 2 times. Like any big dog, it requires special conditions of maintenance and training. Therefore, the ideal place to live is a spacious country house.

The largest offspring is born from the Bulldozer

How to choose a puppy and cost

It’s easy to buy a Turkmen Shepherd puppy in the Russian Federation; there are plenty of breeders.

  • The cost of a puppy can start from 25 thousand rubles for a pet class, representatives of a show class are a little more expensive, they will cost from 40 thousand rubles.

Before choosing, you will need to decide who will be your friend: a male or a female. Girls may cost a little more. Pay attention to the pedigree, availability of vaccinations, behavior of the baby and his mother. The puppy must be active and friendly; children fall into new hands at the age of 2 months.

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Bulldozer character

Despite its impressive size, this overgrown Alabai has a good-natured, calm disposition. The dog was never the first to show aggression or bite a person. The bulldozer likes to play with children, he can even give them rides on his back. Alexander’s wife leaves the boys with their pet without any fear.

For the Khudyakovs, the Bulldozer became a full member of the family. They affectionately call him Bulya. Alabai is large, so it is distinguished by endurance, strength, and intelligence. The dog has become a first-class fighter, but at home he becomes a caring nanny and faithful assistant. Bulldozer treats strangers with respect.

Despite its peaceful and good-natured nature, the dog is a wonderful guard who, if necessary, can protect the home and family members. Alabai prefer to build partnerships with their owner without expressed dominance.

Representatives of this breed do not accept being treated as a subordinate. They can be stubborn. The largest dog, Alabai, was no exception, and from the first months it showed its character. Therefore, patience and endurance became fundamental principles in his upbringing.

Important! A calm and balanced character are signs of a stable psyche and mandatory criteria for admission to a fight.

The largest alabai in the world

And now, as we promised, we will tell you about the largest representative of this breed. This giant lives in the Stavropol region (Russia). You can see a photo of the largest alabai below.

This powerful handsome man lives in the house of the famous Russian breeder Alexander Khudyakov. According to the owner, this is a unique dog in many respects. Despite the fact that this is the largest dog - the Alabai Bulldozer (that is the name of the giant), it has characteristic qualities inherent only to this breed.

Dog's daily routine

Now Bulldozer is enjoying a well-deserved retirement. However, after finishing competing at the championships, Alabai retained his excellent physical shape.

Bulya loves long walks - at least 6 hours. He needs to lead an active lifestyle. And the owner continues to train his pet for fun.

Bulldozer is a good-natured pet

Sports achivments

The bulldozer took part in many competitions where it proved its superiority. Among his awards are:

  • "The Pride of Russia";
  • Champion of Russia;
  • Champion of the RKF (Russian Cynological Federation);
  • three-time candidate for international Beauty Champions;
  • two-time national club championship candidate.

Bulya won his first serious fight at the age of three. Alexander immediately realized that the puppy could be raised into a champion and a real fighter.

Bully with her owner

Breeder information

Alexander Khudyakov graduated from the Petroleum Technical University. He loved dogs since childhood, but did not seriously think about breeding and raising them. Everything was decided by chance: he bought a Central Asian Shepherd dog at the market and other breeds ceased to interest him.

Now Aleksnadr is known among dog handlers as a specialist in Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. Bulldozer has the largest offspring. Based on his experience, Khudyakov is now able to determine at a glance whether a kitten will become a good fighter or not. Alexander considers it his main responsibility to preserve the working qualities of this breed.

Important! If a person wants to raise a fighter from Alabai, he must have great patience, endurance and be willing to devote a lot of time to his training.

Giant – Bulldozer

The photo of this handsome man cannot leave you indifferent. His owner, a resident of the Stavropol Territory, is seriously involved in breeding and training Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. And although the Bulldozer is the largest Alabai in the world, its appearance is very attractive and even good-natured. But this good-natured fellow is a repeated winner of dog fights and has many awards won at prestigious world exhibitions. His aggression directed at other dogs has nothing to do with the owner and his family, and as the breeder himself claims, Bulldozer enjoys riding children.

The Central Asian Shepherd is a winning breed, and before you decide to get such a dog, you need to realistically assess your strengths and capabilities. Improper upbringing of such a giant can bring many problems, both to you and to those around you.

Other largest representatives of the breed in the world

The bulldozer is not the only large representative of its breed. There are other dogs that claim to be the largest Alabai in the world:

  • Elbars is a foundling whose owner put a lot of effort into restoring the dog. Elbars repaid this with sincere love, he protected sheep and took part in battles.
  • White Ekemen is a large white alabai with barely noticeable light spots. A hardworking dog who took part in one fight. Then he was returned to guard the sheep.
  • Ak Gush is a three-time champion of Turkmenistan. During his career he did not lose a single fight, which characterizes him as an excellent fighter.
  • Alabai giant Jafar is a champion from Turkmenistan. Like Bulldozer is now retired. Didn't lose a single fight.

Large size is not the main sign of a future champion. Alabais make excellent guards and loyal friends.

Bulldozer is a Central Asian Shepherd dog known all over the world. Jafar is a worthy competitor to him. Such successes were achieved thanks to hard training and a special diet. Now the dog is resting, but his owner continues to spend a lot of time with him, and the children play with him with pleasure.

Dimensions of the giant alabai

The bulldozer fully justifies the title of the largest Alabai. The dog, standing on its hind legs, exceeds two meters in height. Today, at the age of nine, this dog weighs about one hundred and thirty kilograms, which does not in the least interfere with his mobility: he enjoys frolicking with the owner’s children and their friends. This is how he is - charming and immensely kind in everyday life, courageous and fearless in the ring - the biggest Alabai in the world - the legendary champion Bulldozer.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is one of the winning breeds. If you decide to get such an animal, evaluate your strengths and capabilities. Improper upbringing of such a giant can cause many problems for you and your loved ones.

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