A dog that fits in the palm of your hand: the top smallest pocket breeds

Havanese Bichon

A small dog with soft silky fur and very intelligent eyes. His main character trait is friendliness, which extends to both adults and children. But this breed is absolutely not suitable for busy people who spend most of their lives at work.

If the Havanese Bichon is left alone for a long time, it will become extremely irritable and anxious. In their homeland, these dogs are called “Velcro” - this definition speaks for itself.

Bichons are easy to train and are often used as guide dogs for visually impaired people. The soft and long coat of Bichons requires high-quality care. But you can’t bathe your dog often; instead, owners brush their dogs every day and often take them for haircuts.


Chinese Crested

When studying the names of small dog breeds , pay attention to the Chinese Crested Dog. It is definitely impossible to confuse it with any other breed in the world, these miniature dogs have such a specific appearance. Some adore them, others are disgusted, but no one is indifferent. The hair covers only the head, paws and tail of the Chinese Crested. The rest of the body appears completely naked.

But such an unusual appearance has clear advantages: the Chinese Crested Dog does not cause allergic reactions, does not shed and has almost no unpleasant odor. The character is characterized by friendliness, intelligence and playfulness.

To teach a representative of the breed any commands, it is better to turn to dog handlers - the mission is not easy, requiring a thorough approach and special knowledge. Chinese Cresteds learn commands, but with difficulty.

Two more features of hairless dogs are the need for their own wardrobe and careful skin care. These dogs do not cause allergies in their owners, but they themselves are very prone to skin diseases, including allergic ones. Therefore, Chinese Cresteds need to be washed only with special products, and their diet should be selected very carefully.


Exterior and breed requirements

Ordinary people may confuse a Schipperke with a Spitz, but there are still a number of features by which you can accurately determine what kind of black miracle is standing in front of you.

Height at the withers should not exceed 33 centimeters, and weight 9 kilograms. It is noteworthy that there are also tiny individuals, weighing 3 kilograms, but this is not welcome and is not allowed for further breeding. Sexual determinism is expressed in the refinement of female features and differences in size.

The body is harmonious, with developed muscles, light bones, but good joints. The head is proportional, wedge-shaped, with a moderate forehead and smooth stop. The muzzle tapers closer to the lobe, the nose is level, the lobe is small and black. The teeth are not complete, but always have a scissor bite. The breed's eyes are almond-shaped, brown, with close-fitting black eyelids. Schipperke ears are small, triangular and stand upright. The square body has a developed chest, descending to the elbows. The withers are clearly defined, the neck is wide, but not as wide as it seems due to the fluffy collar. The back has a smooth arch, which makes the croup slightly raised. The limbs are located under the body, the front ones are shorter than the hind ones, the paws are tightly assembled, and the claws on them have black pigmentation.

IMPORTANT: the most important difference between a Schipperke and a Spitz is the absence of a tail, or its slight extension.

The coat of the small Schipperke Shepherd Dog has a thick soft undercoat and hard main hair, which has different lengths on the body of representatives of the breed. So the Schipperke has fluffy bloomers on his hind legs, a thick mane and a frill. It looks quite charming. And the most important feature of all Schipperke dogs is their black color. The entire dog is black; another dog is simply not recognized by the standard as belonging to the breed due to a violation of the purebred mating.

Shih Tzu

The breed originates in the imperial palaces of ancient China. The dogs are distinguished by their small size, endearing appearance and explosive character with the makings of a leader. If from the first day the puppy appears in the house you do not explain to him who is the boss here, be prepared that it will not be you, but the Shih Tzu, who will take the palm.

But if you don’t start the issue of education from the very beginning, then you will get the most faithful and devoted friend, sensitive and loving. Your Shih Tzu will love every member of your family, big and small, equally.

But the most difficult thing in keeping an imperial dog is not even training, but grooming. Daily combing, ponytails and braids, regular visits to the groomer - all this awaits you if you decide to get a Shih Tzu. Are you ready for such an expense item in the family budget?


Prague rat

A cute little dog that got its name due to the fact that it destroyed rodents in the houses of the nobility. The Prague Pied Piper has funny protruding ears and a beautiful coat of medium length and density: from black-red to lilac-brown. His cheerful and unobtrusive character makes him an indispensable companion.

Features of care, maintenance and character:

  • wool requires cleaning with a special brush;
  • He doesn’t need any auxiliary products to make his coat beautiful;
  • long daily walks are necessary, due to their absence the dog may become sad and even get sick;
  • can be easily trained to the tray;
  • The animal is very heat-loving; it needs to be dressed in the cold season;
  • due to its high mobility, the rat has an excellent appetite, it is important to properly prepare the diet;
  • the dog is easy to train;
  • enters into friendship with other representatives of the animal world, but prefers to dominate them.

Prague rat


Perhaps, among all the representatives of mini-dogs, this one is the smallest. A handy baby can accompany you everywhere, you just need to use a variety of carriers for small breed dogs . The Chihuahua will happily walk short distances, but soon its tender paws will get tired and you will have to take the baby in your arms.

But it's not that simple. These babies have a complex character and a hot disposition. A Chihuahua will obey one owner unquestioningly; the rest of the family is not an authority for him. Typical representatives of the breed are playful, stubborn and very touchy.

You will have to put a lot of effort into not blushing at your pet's behavior. Please note that a small family member may be jealous of “his” person for all the “secondary” ones. Especially to children.

Chihuahuas master the litter tray and diaper well, so walks with them boil down to the need to breathe some air and run around a little, to burn off some energy. If the weather is not conducive to walks, then you can completely refuse them. When it's cold outside, use dog clothes to prevent your pet from catching a cold.


English toy terrier

Recognized in England, but not recognized as a separate breed in the USA. Like almost all terriers, this variety has among its ancestors hunting dogs that helped people hunt down burrowing animals in Victorian England.

A black and red short-haired dog no more than 30 cm tall. A sign of the breed is that the boundaries between color colors must be very clear.

Positive traits:

  • very affectionate with their owners, toy terriers keep their distance from strangers;
  • good watchmen - their rough bark, not in harmony with their size, gives the impression of a large dog;
  • sporty, playful, cheerful;
  • considers himself a member of the family;
  • get along well in the house with other dogs and cats;
  • do not have the specific smell characteristic of dogs, the so-called “dog”.

English toy terrierNegative: They are stubborn and overly curious.
Therefore, it is necessary to raise a puppy from early childhood, immediately establishing the dominance of the owner. In addition, they are somewhat picky about food. Rabbits and domestic rats are in the danger zone; toy terriers are genetically predisposed to hunt them. Important! It is strictly forbidden to feed toy terriers sausages, fatty meats, and bakery products.

In care you need to observe some features:

  • bathe no more than 4 times a year;
  • wear for a walk in cold weather.

The dog is recommended for families with kindergarten-age children. Energy, cheerfulness, and involvement in family affairs make her an indispensable companion in children's games.

Miniature Pinscher

If you dream of a Doberman, but the square footage does not allow you to keep such a large dog, then a miniature pinscher may be a good alternative. He is similar to a Doberman not only in appearance, but also in character: wayward, stubborn, overly independent dogs can become a wonderful guard, friend and companion. If you are ready to look at the dog not as the youngest in the pack, but as an equal, then the Miniature Pinscher is an excellent choice.

Adult miniature pinschers weigh approximately 4-6 kg, height at the withers does not exceed 30 cm. Dogs need daily active games in the fresh air, they need physical activity.

But this breed can be kept even in an apartment - after running around on the street, they behave quite calmly at home. Another plus for living in an apartment is that miniature pinschers hardly shed.


Miniature dogs

It's not uncommon to see a girl with a small pet in a cute outfit. Such dogs belong to a separate group, which includes decorative breeds. Representatives of this group are not intended to perform any work, for example, to perform guard duty or hunt.

miniature dog breeds

They are mainly pets and true companions. These breeds include:

  • chihuahua;
  • Chinese Crested;
  • Maltese, etc.

But mini dogs are divided into 3 main groups:

  • toy – toy pets with a height at the withers of up to 30 cm and a weight of no more than 3 kg;
  • dwarf dogs – no higher than 35 cm with a weight of no more than 5 kg;
  • small pets - with a height of 10 cm and a weight of up to 10 kg.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

A cute fidget can become your best friend. Representatives of this breed do not have sudden mood swings, they are affectionate and mischievous. But dogs require the constant presence of a person - otherwise the “gentleman” begins to get bored and play dirty tricks.

In extreme cases, if work doesn’t let you go, but you don’t want to part with your pet, the owners buy a second Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Together, it is easier for dogs to survive the absence of their beloved owner without consequences.

Representatives of a rare breed are true extroverts. They are sincerely happy to communicate and are ready to see a friend in every passerby. Dogs love touch, so be prepared for constant stroking, scratching and cuddling with or without reason. This is an excellent quality for families with small children - the “gentleman” is not annoyed by the obsessive hugs of children, he is only happy with them.



When you see this dog for the first time, you won’t immediately understand who is in front of you: a shaggy monkey or an imp? Their unusually funny appearance has made Affenpinschers the favorites of many. But experts do not advise bringing this breed into a family where the children have not reached adolescence - like other pinschers, it is difficult for them to get along with small children.

The breed requires daily active walking, the duration of which should be at least 2 hours a day, an hour in the morning and in the evening. The Affenpinscher needs to be combed 2-3 times a week, and any remaining food from the beard should be washed out daily. The services of a groomer are not necessary for this breed, but many owners periodically trim the coat. Affenpinschers hardly shed - this is a definite plus of the breed.

Food for small dog breeds , including Affenpinscher, must be balanced. A veterinarian will help you choose a natural diet, but if you decide to feed your Affenpinscher with ready-made dry food, then give preference to premium brands.


Features of caring for curly dogs

Most often, the coat of such dogs is hard, without a pronounced undercoat, and therefore they shed less. There is practically no smell. However, the chance of mats appearing increases if left untreated. To give a neat appearance, it is recommended to visit a groomer and get either a model or a hygienic haircut. This must be repeated at least every 2 months. If exhibitions are not planned, it is enough to remove interfering hair in the areas of the eyes, ears, mouth, paws and groin.

Curly-haired dogs should be brushed regularly to ensure that dead hair leaves the coat without hindrance. Otherwise, they will accumulate and become tangled. Dense hairballs cause pain, discomfort and can even cause tissue infection. For combing, first use slicker brushes. They work through the entire fur coat, starting from the lower parts: paws, belly and chest. The wool is then combed with a comb or wide-toothed comb. This helps prevent tangles from forming near the skin. The procedure is repeated every 3–4 days.

It is recommended to bathe curly-haired dogs no more than once a month, however, show animals are groomed every 2-3 weeks.

Too frequent procedures lead to the removal of the protective fat layer and increased activity of the glands. Rare bathing provokes the appearance of a large amount of sebum, which interferes with proper ventilation. Conditioners can be used to improve skin condition.

Yorkshire Terrier

A very formidable beast, contained in a tiny body. A fearless baby with a very cute face has long been firmly established in the ranking of the most popular breeds in Russia. Yorkies are loyal empaths who can sense their owner’s mood well and adapt to it.

Yorkie's coat needs quality care. If the dog does not participate in exhibitions, then it can be trimmed to make life easier for both the owner and the dog. If a representative of the breed is being exhibited, the hair cannot be cut - it must hang evenly on both sides of the body. Even if you leave the maximum length, Yorkies do not shed or smell, and do not provoke allergies.

The biggest problem for Yorkies is poor health. This affects the condition of the teeth, windpipe, and gums. Unfortunately, these dogs have very weak bone tissue. Problems with the digestive system often occur. The owner’s task is to provide the dog with proper nutrition, vitamins and regular examinations by a veterinarian.

Daily care includes brushing the teeth and massaging the gums, combing the coat and wiping the eyes with a damp cotton pad. You should wash your entire Yorkie and clean its ears no more than once a week. Be prepared to get a haircut and trim overgrown nails every month.


York (Yorkshire Terrier)

The Yorkshire Terrier is a toy dog ​​and has a friendly disposition. It was bred as a companion dog at the end of the 19th century in England, where it became an attribute of mature ladies from aristocratic families.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a very beautiful small dog, with silky shiny fur falling from both sides of the animal's body, sometimes to the very paws, parted from the nose to the tail.

Very lively eyes, with an intelligent expression, covered with black eyelids and sometimes bulging a little. Overall the dog looks very noble.

Yorkshire Terrier
Positive qualities of a Yorkie:

  • easily adapts to different conditions;
  • has high intelligence;
  • very gentle with his owners;
  • is friendly towards others;
  • is friends with cats;
  • suitable for mature people;
  • does not require long walks;
  • playful.

Along with the obvious advantages, some qualities of the dog are perceived as disadvantages:

  • loves to bark loudly and loudly;
  • he has a strong need for communication, he can tire the whole family;
  • wool requires cutting and careful care;
  • practically impossible to train, but due to his curiosity he is easily trained;
  • may be very jealous of the owner of the rest of the family members and simply of those around him;
  • not suitable for families with small children - if they play too much, they may bite the child;
  • the dog can become an excellent watchdog, as it has the qualities of large breed dogs.

The dog's color comes in a wide variety of colors and shades - from birth, the shiny black color turns into blue-gray, with a golden or red belly and neck.

Caring for an animal's coat requires special care - the animal's long hair must be combed regularly. Once a week, water treatments with a special shampoo are required, otherwise the pet’s beautiful fur may become tangled.

Find out what trimming, grooming, inbreeding are and how to choose toys for your pet.

In general, when you buy a Yorkie, you get a cheerful, slightly self-confident and amusing friend.

Japanese Chin

These handsome guys have strong protective and protective qualities in their blood. Small but brave - this is definitely about the Japanese Chin. This is the case when a cute appearance can be deceiving: the dog will not tolerate familiarity from strangers. But Chins are very attached to their family, and to all its members at the same time.

It is important to start socializing your Japanese Chin as early as possible. If this is not done, then the puppy will be wary and timid, and each new acquaintance will turn into great stress for him.

The Chin does not tolerate intrusiveness and loud, sharp sounds, so it is better not to take this breed into a family with small children. But for an elderly person, a fluffy dog ​​will become a faithful companion. There is no need for rigidity and intransigence when communicating with a Chin; he can be an excellent option for a novice dog owner.



A distinctive feature of the breed is the shape of the ears, which resemble the open wings of a butterfly. These small dogs are known for their excellent intelligence and ability to accept training.

Like most small dogs, Papillons do not like to be left alone. If you are forced to leave him alone with you, then try to provide him with a variety of toys: rubber balls, vein bones.

Papillons should never be overfed. This breed is prone to obesity, which can lead to major health problems. In an adult Papillon, the ribs can be felt; if not, this is a reason to reconsider the diet.

Playing between a Papillon and a child is possible, but must be supervised by adults. The dog perceives the child as an equal, so he may bite if he is offended. Early socialization is important for the breed, because an untrained Papillon can behave aggressively when it grows up.


Toy terrier mini

The body weight of these little inches should not exceed 1.5 kg, height at the withers - 20 cm. Nowadays, toy terriers are divided into long-haired and short-haired. Both varieties can be of different colors, the most common colors being red, cream, fawn, black, and blue.

Unlike the similarly miniature Chihuahuas, toy terriers are easy to train. There is a lot of dignity and grace in every movement of the tiny dog. They can hardly do without walks and active games, so they can do without walking only in the most extreme cases. The dogs are very friendly to all family members, including small children. But be careful that the child does not injure the puppy.

Temperature in small breed dogs deserves special attention . If you are planning to get a toy terrier, then you should know that a temperature from 38.5 to 38.9 is normal. These dogs often have colds, so the slightest increase in body temperature, lethargy, sneezing or nasal discharge is a reason to urgently consult a doctor. Diseases in Toy Terriers are fleeting, so you can’t hesitate and hope that it will “go away on its own.”


American Toy Terrier

The breed was bred in the USA in 1936, another name is the American Fox Terrier. It is not recognized by the FCI, but American kennel societies recognize its breed. Moreover, Americans are very proud of this dog; it is very common in the USA.

In the countries of the former Soviet Union it is just beginning to gain popularity, so puppies are still expensive. This is a wonderful short-haired dog, usually black, white and brown, sometimes red, no more than 25 cm tall.

Character Traits:

  • the character is very flexible, at exhibitions they receive medals precisely for obedience;
  • is very easy to train; it is better to conduct training in the form of a game;

    American Fox Terrier

  • very touchy, will not tolerate rudeness even from the owner;
  • loves to be encouraged and praised, and will be very happy to carry out some command for a small reward;
  • they get along well with children, happily play ball with them, love to run, jump and remain active until old age;
  • children under 2 years old can provoke a dog into aggression, because it cannot stand familiarity;
  • She has hunting instincts in her genes, so during a walk in the park she will diligently hunt rodents and squirrels;
  • loves to dominate, you need to immediately put him in his place, otherwise he will become uncontrollable.

This dog has practically no flaws. She is unpretentious in food and feels comfortable in an apartment. The only thing you need to be especially careful about is the weather outside. The dog cannot stand the cold, he catches colds and gets sick.

Important! The dog is prone to allergies to beets and wheat. This must be taken into account when feeding.

American Fox Terrier
This breed, with appropriate training, is recommended as a companion and guide for the blind.

Check out the popular representatives of terriers in two parts: and.


The snow-white fluffy dog ​​has the roots of a rat catcher, but it has taken root much better as a pet. Since ancient times, representatives of the breed lived in rich families and not in kennels, so they learned to get along well with other animals, be it other dogs or even cats.

There should always be someone around the bolognese. If there is no person, then the dog begins to be sad, bark loudly and ask for attention. He may even get sick from melancholy or bring himself to a nervous breakdown.

If you are ready to share your love and affection with your pet to the maximum, then feel free to choose the Bolognese breed. This is an ideal lap dog that does not need long walks or regular exercise.

As with any long-haired breed, the Bolognese's coat requires proper care. This is especially true of the muzzle - the eyes of the Bolognese often run, and the coat takes on a reddish tint.



Since ancient times, unique breeds of dogs have been raised in China. And keeping such pets was a real luxury. All Chinese dogs have the following characteristics:

  • no odor;
  • unique appearance;
  • unusual color.

Chinese dog breed

In this section you will find various Chinese dog breeds with photos and names, detailed descriptions, etc.


Glamorous dogs were also loved by French kings. Through the centuries, this breed carried an absolute inability to live independently - they did not need this, because even in the most difficult times, the Maltese was cared for and cherished. Initially, the breed was distinguished by its eccentric disposition, but over time it transformed into the calmest representatives of the canine world.

Maltese do not get along with any other pet. Play outside - please, but as soon as the owner shows even a little attention to someone else's animal, furious jealousy turns on.

This is another breed whose representatives cannot stand being alone. If you plan to leave your Maltese alone for more than a couple of hours, then prepare for the bedlam that he will cause.

The dog copes with stress in its own way and chews everything it can reach: shoes, baseboards, wires and everything else. Therefore, the Maltese is unlikely to be suitable for working people as a pet.


Toy poodle

This miniature dog may be a little shy around strangers, but he will be a loyal and devoted friend to his family. Despite its modest size, the toy poodle needs to be taken care of, especially since it lends itself well to training. Otherwise, the pet can be dangerous, especially for children.

Be prepared for the dog to bark often and loudly. This is a feature of the breed and nothing can be done about it. Barking may be completely unjustified - the toy poodle doesn’t care much about this.

The breed has very high maintenance requirements: a special balanced diet, regular haircuts by a professional groomer, special clothing and shoes for the cold season.

Dogs are very sickly, and various diseases can manifest themselves regardless of care. But for people who are not afraid of difficulties, got a toy poodle and approached the issue of education competently, a puppy can become a true friend.


Pomeranian Spitz

The breed appeared on the Baltic coast, in Pomerania - hence the name. The breed was developed at the end of the 19th century, but at that time the exterior of the representatives was somewhat different from the modern one. The weight of the first Spitz was about 15 kg, so compared to modern little ones weighing 3.5 kg, they looked like real giants.

But both then and now these dogs are distinguished by thick and very fluffy hair, thanks to which the cutie Spitz looks like fur balls on thin legs. The three most common colors today are white, blue and different variations of red from dark to light. The Spitz, like other types of small dog breeds with long hair, requires careful grooming.

The wool needs not only to be combed, but also to resort to special care products: shampoos, conditioners, balms and sprays. Be prepared that in the summer you will have to turn to a groomer for a quality haircut, otherwise your dog will be very hot. Spitz have a loyal, sociable character. But it is better for this breed not to communicate with small children - Spitz themselves are like children: noisy, quarrelsome fidgets.


Russian toy

A small decorative dog, bred in 1950 by Moscow dog handlers. The ancestors of this small breed were the English Toy Terriers, which were almost completely exterminated during the October Revolution due to class hatred, because they were considered the favorites of the aristocrats.

Russian toy
The dog is very active and loves to play, but is not recommended for families with small children. Due to his mental characteristics, the dog experiences severe stress from noise, and a calm and cozy atmosphere is more suitable for him.

This little dog has a rather elegant appearance, with long limbs, thin paws and a long, beautiful neck. The dog's color has rich shades: brown and tan, lilac, black and tan, blue and tan, fawn and red.

Dog handlers have developed two types of breeds with names:

  • Russian Smooth-haired Toy Terrier;
  • Moscow longhaired toy terrier.

In 2006, the FCI association recognized the new breed, assigned it the number 352 and gave it the common name “Russian Toy.” The temperament of the Russian Toy is similar to that of the terrier, at least with the love of barking typical of the English breed. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale did not recognize this similarity and removed the prefix “terrier.”

Russian toy
The Russian Toy is easy to maintain and care for:

  • it is easy to train him to the tray; You don’t have to take it outside at all if the owner doesn’t have enough time or the weather is bad;
  • does not require additional hygiene measures other than bathing;
  • does not take up much space in the apartment.

There are also small problems:

  • long-haired toys need to be combed (a fine-tooth comb is recommended for this procedure);
  • the dog is easily injured due to its thin bones from birth, it should be protected from falls and blows;
  • sensitive to freezing and overheating.

However, with proper maintenance, small dogs of the Russian Toy breed practically do not get sick.

Did you know? Among
the animals that survived the sinking of the Titanic were three dogs, including a Pomeranian.

Brussels griffin

When you first see a dog of this breed, you involuntarily compare it with a funny brownie. A remarkable mustache and beard, a funny flattened muzzle and unusually intelligent eyes are what distinguish griffins from other dogs of miniature breeds.

The dogs are distinguished not only by their non-standard appearance, but by their good-natured character. He follows his owner everywhere, whom he chooses once and for life. He learns to accept the rest of the family over time; at first he is wary and distrustful of them.

The Brussels Griffon puppy loves to be the center of attention, but you should be careful: the dog quickly relaxes and turns into a capricious pet that will not leave its owner until it gets what it wants.

Representatives of the breed are extremely self-confident, but at the same time very dependent on the owner’s attention. Griffins have a hard time with loneliness and need long walks in the fresh air.


Rabbit dachshund

Dwarf dachshunds, also called rabbit dachshunds, have three coat varieties: smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. All of them are united by a healthy, stress-resistant nervous system. The dog is absolutely not aggressive, but at the same time brave and cautious.

Representatives of the breed do not tolerate rudeness and pressure; competent dog handlers take this into account when drawing up an individual training plan. Another striking feature of rabbit dachshunds is their overly developed sense of ownership.

Moreover, this manifests itself not only in relation to the beloved owner, but also to toys and a sleeping place. The owner of a rabbit dachshund must develop such qualities as affection, attention, patience, and consistency.

The dog will defend its right to make independent decisions, which from the outside may look like an unwillingness to be trained. Having received the owner's permission, dachshunds are happy to play with other dogs and get to know their owners.


West Highland White Terrier

If you look at small breeds of dogs in the photo , then this handsome blond will definitely attract your attention. West Highland White Terriers look like soft toys and you want to cuddle and pet them endlessly. Few people know that behind the plush appearance there is a real little hunter.

West Highland White Terriers are covered with white fur, against which the large dark eyes look especially expressive. But before you fall for the angelic appearance, study the habits of these dogs.

Education and strictness in communicating with a puppy is the key to raising an adequate adult dog, a loyal friend and even a protector. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting an extremely stubborn pet that does not understand prohibitions and does not hear the “no” command.



Those who don’t know which breed of dog looks like a toy should pay attention to the Maltese. These are the oldest animals, whose history is inextricably linked with ancient Egypt. Once upon a time, puppies of this breed were considered the most valuable gift, equated to rare fabrics or precious metals. The first official club of Maltese lovers was created in the 30s of the last century. And it was from that moment that the beginning of purebred breeding of these animals began.

dog breed that looks like a toy

Maltese dogs are miniature dogs, growing up to 20-25 cm and weighing no more than 3 kg. The beautiful head with well-developed jaws has high-set, close-fitting ears and round dark eyes. The proportional, moderately stretched body is covered with luxurious silky wool of a pure white color.

Maltese dogs are friendly, affectionate creatures that love children. They are very active, energetic and social. These tiny animals need constant communication with people and do not tolerate loneliness well. They are easy to train and do not tolerate unfair punishment.

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