What combs are best for Yorkies?

Home and show grooming

For home care of your Spitz, one brush is enough. It is better to choose a soft massage brush. It will not harm the dog's fur or skin. This comb is suitable for regular care and maintaining a beautiful appearance.

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It effectively removes lost hair and massages the dog's skin. With such a brush, the combing process becomes comfortable for the dog and does not cause anxiety to the pet.

For an exhibition hairstyle, one brush will not be enough. You need a whole arsenal of tools to make your pet look beautiful and well-groomed.

It is important to remember that the teeth of the comb should not be sharp so as not to damage the dog’s skin. Minimum required:

  1. A brush with fine teeth.
  2. Wide-toothed comb.
  3. Massage comb with metal teeth on a rubber pad.
  4. Brush with natural bristles.

Types of combs

Different tools are used for home and exhibition grooming. For daily care

At home, most often it is enough to use a comb, a massage brush and a slicker brush. During the shedding period, you can additionally use a furminator for long-haired breeds.

Show dogs require special attention to their coat. During the exhibition period the following combs for Spitz dogs will be required:

  • comb with frequent and rare teeth;
  • massage brush;
  • brush with natural bristles.

Professional tools provide in-depth care and give an aesthetic appearance to the dog's hairstyle. Photos of specialized equipment for grooming a Spitz are presented below.

Which ones are needed?

There are a large number of brushes for caring for Spitz coats. When choosing a tool, owners should remember that the pet's skin is very delicate, and the brush should not scratch it.

Otherwise, each combing will cause stress and pain to the animal, which means that this procedure will become problematic. If the brush is chosen correctly, the dog will sit quietly and allow itself to be combed.


The most comfortable option for the dog. This brush does not cause discomfort and makes the combing procedure very gentle. You should start teaching your dog to comb with such a comb.

Outwardly, it looks like a massage brush for people. There are metal teeth on the rubber cushion. Their ideal length for Spitz wool is 2.7 cm. This way they do not scratch the skin, but at the same time reach the undercoat.

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Each tooth has a plastic tip. It does not allow the teeth to damage the skin, so the combing process does not cause discomfort to the animal.

The brush has a long handle to make it convenient for the owner to comb the pet.

This tool is suitable for superficial grooming. It can be used before deep combing or blow drying. A massage comb will also help if you need to quickly brush your dog’s hair. For example, before a photograph, a walk or an exhibition.


It is this brush that allows you not only to tidy up the appearance, but also to comb the fur well. It gets rid of dead hair and helps comb out the undercoat.

Reference. The powder brush should be used carefully and no more than twice a month. Sharp teeth can scratch a dog's skin, and frequent brushing will completely remove the undercoat, causing the coat to stop being so fluffy and beautiful.

A slicker brush is a brush with a hard or rubberized base and frequent metal teeth. The teeth are usually curved for better hair removal. For Spitz dogs, you should use two types of slicker brushes.

  1. A small one with teeth 1.5 - 3 cm is suitable for regular use.
  2. The large one is used during molting.

A slicker brush without droplets on the teeth removes hair better, but it must be used carefully so as not to scratch the animal.

Before using the slicker, the hair should be combed with a regular brush and then divided into partings. The layers are combed from roots to tips in different directions. Dogs often do not like this procedure, so the owner will have to be patient with his pet.


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This tool is useful for final grooming. He collects the fur left over from the slicker, pulls it out, and puts it in order. The comb also helps during cutting and styling.

This brush is a plate with sparse thick metal teeth arranged in one row. It also has a long handle for easier use.

Only a comb can bring a Spitz’s coat into complete order, completely comb through the thick coat and get rid of tangles.

Trimming your pet's fur

If you do not intend to show your Pomeranian in the ring and are not a fan of extreme changes, give him a regular, traditional haircut. And for this you don’t have to contact a specialist, you can easily do it yourself.

Armed with blunt-tipped scissors and a fine-tooth comb, first remove excess hair from the ears, giving them a neat appearance. Pull out long hairs inside and at the ends of the ears, as well as between the fingers, with tweezers. Then trim the “collar”, “pants”, cut off the excess from the shoulders, sides and lower back. You can process the paws with a machine. It can also be used instead of scissors to trim fur.

Treat the area around the anus. Trim the tail last, starting at the base and finishing with the excess at the top, giving it the desired length. To make it easier for your Spitz to hold its tail on its back, go through the fur in these places with thinning scissors.

Which is better?

You can find a huge number of brushes for dogs in pet stores and hypermarkets. In practice, not every one of them justifies its price. But there are brands that have been tested by time and customers.

Among the massage combs, Spitz owners choose Hello Pet. It combs the wool well and does not scratch the skin, even despite the absence of protective droplets on the teeth.

Another popular model is the Trixie Dual. It is ideal for long-haired Spitz dogs. The coat looks well-groomed and beautiful, and, thanks to its good shape, the brush is convenient to use.

As for powder coats, buyers prefer Usond. The teeth remove hair well, and the droplets massage the skin, making the procedure less unpleasant for the animal. Another favorite is . Despite the low price, the brush performs its functions perfectly, removing all dead hair.

There is a large selection of combs on the pet products market, but Spitz owners give particular preference to the Triol and Karlie Perfect Care brands. They have metal and thick, but not sharp teeth, so they remove hair well without injuring the animal.

Functions of massage brushes

You can quickly get your dog in order with a massage comb.
The ideal option for the Pomeranian Spitz is a brush on a rubber pad with metal teeth 27 millimeters long. They comb the wool well and give it extra volume. At home, a massage brush is often used when blow-drying a pet's coat. At shows, it helps make the coat fluffier and is used at the final stage of combing.

Which one to choose for a puppy?

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Puppies of any breed do not like to be brushed, so they should be accustomed to this procedure gradually.

To do this, sit the animal on your lap and quietly start running the brush over the fur. At first the dog will run away, but then he will get used to it.

It is better to start accustoming your animal to combing with a massage brush. It is soft and does not scratch the skin, which means it does not cause discomfort. Over time, it is worth gradually adding a slicker brush and a comb to the massage brush.

Many dogs, accustomed to combing since childhood, love this procedure as adults and ask to be combed themselves.

Reference. The choice of brush does not directly depend on the type of Spitz, since their coat type is almost the same. But owners should pay close attention to their pet and observe which brushing makes the fur better and which makes it worse.

And, of course, it is important to pay attention to the dog’s behavior while brushing. If your Spitz shows displeasure, fidgets, whines or tries to bite, the brush may be hurting him and needs to be changed.

How to choose a good comb for your Yorkie?

First of all, you should remember that plastic brushes and combs are not suitable for Yorkshire Terriers, they electrify the hairs and tangle them. Therefore, even if the body of the device is made of plastic, the teeth must be covered with metal.

It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of materials and sizes of devices. Yorkies are miniature dogs, so the tools must be selected so that they can be used to effectively comb hard-to-reach areas. The teeth must be rounded, otherwise you can scratch the delicate skin.


The photographs below show examples of combs used for Spitz dogs.

How to choose a comb for a dog with long hair

Combs for long-haired dogs are very diverse, most often you will even need several of them - for different occasions. This is especially important if you raise a show-class animal and regularly participate in exhibitions. Before buying a comb, pay attention to a number of essential points:

  • Length and frequency of teeth.
    The rule here is: the longer the wool, the longer and sparser the comb teeth should be.
  • Material of manufacture.
    Plastic is inexpensive, but tends to become electrified. The metal must be sharpened to a “cone” and not be scratched.
  • Design.
    Thin, light wool can be combed with a single-row comb, but for abundant undercoat it is better to choose products with two rows of teeth.

If you find it difficult to understand the assortment on your own, seek the help of our consultants. They will answer your questions and help you place your order.

Prices for combs for dogs with long hair

These products may have different prices depending on which model you choose. The most commonly available are conventional single-row combs with plastic teeth. Double-row models with metal teeth of different lengths are more expensive. They are very convenient when caring for animals, as they allow you to thoroughly comb both the hair and the undercoat.

You can save a little on the purchase price by taking advantage of discounts and bonuses from our online store. Pay attention to the sections of our website “Promotions” and “Bonus Program”, pleasant surprises await you there.

Buy grooming accessories at Zoolaki and brush your pet, making him even more beautiful!

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