Rating of the TOP 7 best electric collars for dogs: which one to buy, characteristics, reviews


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This article contains detailed instructions for purchasing and using an electronic dog collar. You can find out what types of this device there are and choose the one that best suits your needs. The principle of operation, rules of use and capabilities of electronic devices - you will read all this below. Additionally, you will be able to understand how safe e-collars are and whether they are harmful to your dog.

Different ways to use an e-collar.

  • Correction of unwanted behavior
  • Learning new skills
  • Polishing existing skills
  • Controlling the dog's behavior.

Even if a dog understands a command, this does not mean that it understands the e-collar signals. A gradual introduction to training with an electric collar will help the dog associate its behavior with the signals of the collar, and prevent the dog from misperceiving and understanding these signals.

Clicker Training Basics

The use of a device such as a dog clicker should be carried out from the first day of the training process. It is extremely important to know how to use a clicker correctly. You can buy such a gadget at any pet store; there are really many options. A clicker for training is a plastic device equipped with a button or a special tongue. Similar to a car alarm key fob, the clicker fits in your hand without any problems.

When you need to trigger a click, all you have to do is press the button. If you plan to train using this device, the sound should be produced when the dog begins to correctly follow commands. Moreover, it should be no earlier and no later, just on time.

It should be noted that the training process should be carried out not only using this remote control, but also be accompanied by treats. If the dog does everything correctly, then it needs to be rewarded, but this is done only after you press the clicker button. Of course, it is always necessary to remember about verbal praise.

How to prevent your dog from understanding the impact of the collar.

A dog that associates the influence with the collar being put on it understands perfectly well that without the collar it may not obey commands.

Here are some tips to help avoid this problem.

It is necessary to properly accustom your dog to wearing an electronic collar in advance. When putting a collar on your dog for the first time, you need to do it gently, without causing the dog any trouble or discomfort. It is best to wear it when going for a walk. The dog will naturally become curious about the new object you are trying to put around its neck. Let her examine and smell the device, and when she, in anticipation of a walk, stops paying attention to it, carefully place the collar on the dog’s neck, tighten the belt, and praise her for her calm behavior.

Pick up the remote control. Also let your dog sniff him and praise him for his calm behavior. After this, the remote control can be temporarily hung around the neck or put in a pocket, and the collar must be adjusted exactly to the size of the dog’s neck in the place where she will wear it. Typically, this is the narrowest point on the dog's neck.

It is advisable for the dog to wear the e-collar TURNED OFF on every walk for 3-5 days before you first start training with it. This is necessary in order to develop in the dog an indifferent attitude towards the device during a walk and a positive one when putting it on. When going for a walk, you also need to take the remote control with you and press the buttons on it from time to time (with the receiver OFF). The buttons produce a characteristic light click, which the dog, located at a short distance from the owner, hears perfectly. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not associate the click of the button with the subsequent electrical impact.

Some tips for the initial stage of training.

1. Make sure that the dog is healthy, that nothing hurts or causes it discomfort. 2. The dog’s neck should be clean, the hair at the location of the receiver (long-haired dog) should be combed. 3. Always start working ONLY on a leash. The leash can be any length, but not less than 3 meters. 4. Do not move too quickly to training without a collar. All dogs have “forgetful moments” after they have seemingly learned a lesson. Be prepared to remind a “forgetful” dog.

You can make a dog disobedient if you start working him without a collar before his obedience has become a skill in different places and under different stimuli.

Never make the mistake of removing the collar during training to “see if she will obey without the collar.” If you put on and take off the collar during training, you give the dog the opportunity to compare the “results” of disobedience.

A good way to reinforce established obedience is to have your dog continue to wear the collar for 30 days after the last time you pressed the button. Also, you should plan to have your dog wear the collar for 30 days after you have had to put the collar back on to address a specific problem.

Remember that these rules apply to any situation in which you have to reinforce the command with the influence of the collar, and not just during training sessions.

  • Put the collar on your dog at least 30 minutes before you apply the correction for the first time. Do not use the correction immediately after you put the collar on your dog, otherwise the dog will definitely associate the presence of the collar on him and the remote control in your hands with the correction he receives.
  • Put the collar on the dog at different times without using it, so that it is not something noticeable for the dog. You want your dog to not associate the collar with the correction he is receiving.

Remember that dogs are very sensitive and observant, and notice all the little things in your behavior. Therefore, when putting an electronic collar on your dog at different times, always speak to him in the same even tone and behave in the same calm manner. Also sometimes carry the transmitter with you, hold it in your hands without using it. This neutralizes the connection between the transmitter in your hands and the correction.

Some dogs that have previously been incorrectly corrected with an e-collar feel constrained simply because they are wearing an e-collar. They may become afraid to leave the handler's side just because they are wearing a collar, even if they don't have to turn it on at all. To ensure that your dog does not feel or behave this way because of wearing a collar, use a proper procedure to familiarize your dog with it during training, such as an obedience program.

Do not leave the e-collar on your dog all the time. The collar should not remain on the dog for more than 10 hours at a time.
When working with the collar, it is recommended to move it on the dog’s neck every 2 hours so that the contacts move a few centimeters from their original position. Check your dog's neck regularly; some dogs' skin is more sensitive than others and is more prone to irritation. If irritation occurs, remove the dog's collar until it goes away. If it appears regularly, you may need to change the type or model of collar, or limit the time it is worn as much as possible.

What types of electric collars are there?

Before you accustom your dog to an electric collar, it is worth finding out what these devices are.

The most common models are those with a liquid crystal screen and adjustable levels, with vibration and electrical discharge functions. These are fairly reliable devices that run on batteries or rechargeable batteries. They have wide functionality. One remote control can be used to train several dogs at once. These new products are valid for a radius of 300 meters.

Combination electric collars for dogs are also popular. They combine vibration, electric shock and a beep from a remote control that is used to call the dog. These models are easy to use. They are not as reliable as LCDs, but are offered at more affordable prices. The range can be from 150 meters to a kilometer. There are versions of these collars with a remote control in a waterproof shell.

Another option is six-level models. They can be powered either by batteries or by batteries. Typically they have six non-adjustable levels and a separate vibration function. The main disadvantage of such models is that if they break down, it is extremely difficult to find spare parts for them. These are quite reliable devices, especially collars equipped with moisture protection. They operate over a short distance - about 250 meters.

Anti-bark – these models differ in that they emit a warning sound before the shock signal, which avoids unnecessary use of shocks. The impact of such devices is quite intense, so they are mostly suitable for large dogs. There are also special less powerful models for small breeds.

electric collar for dogs reviews
The power sources for such collars can be built-in or regular batteries. Their service life is usually from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. The disadvantage of such collars is that they do not have too many options for influence, and the batteries for them can be expensive.

What to look for when choosing?

Whatever brand you choose, it is important to choose a collar that will meet your goals. So, if you want to buy it solely to master some basic commands with your pet, you should not purchase an expensive model. The simplest collars are suitable for this purpose. If you are going to go through a complex training course with your dog and teach it multi-component commands, buying a model with a large number of modes and the ability to customize will be much more appropriate.

If you work out in any weather, often go outdoors or go hunting, the device should have good protection from moisture and a durable body. It is not so necessary for walks within the yard or walking area. To go hunting, the collar must have a good range - from one to three kilometers.

It is also worth considering whether you will be using the device for one or more dogs. In the latter case, it is more appropriate to purchase electric collars of the same brand in order to control them from one transmitter.

How to choose the intensity level of exposure.

The correct intensity level is usually a level that stimulates the dog to follow the command without being too much for the dog. Dogs, just like people, have individual sensitivity to physical stress, and this has nothing to do with its breed or size. Also, different types of training require different intensity of exposure. Therefore, it is necessary to test your dog to determine the right level of intensity for him before you begin training.

Use the lowest level initially.

Before testing your dog, test the collar on a tester. It is also recommended to test the collar on your hand by placing the contacts on your palm or wrist. You need to start with the lowest level, gradually increasing it until it seems too strong. This is also necessary in order to imagine the dog’s sensations when working with an electronic collar. To test your dog's sensitivity, you should start at the lowest possible level and work your way up. How you achieve the “working” level of impact depends on the specific model of your collar. Typically, intensity adjustment includes two types of adjustment.

  • Adjusting the intensity on the transmitter
  • Adjustment by using contacts of different shapes and lengths on the collar.

Testing procedure.

It is carried out exclusively on a long leash or a fenced area that prevents the dog from escaping, in the absence of strong distractions. In no case should it be carried out on a short leash, near the trainer, or near another person or dog. In many dogs, this can provoke aggression towards a person or dog. With the collar intensity set to the minimum level, wait until the dog is not paying attention to you or anyone else. Then press the short-term stimulation button at the lowest level. Observe the dog's behavior. You should see the dog prick up its ears or turn its head quickly. A surprised expression on the muzzle is also possible. This behavior of the dog indicates that the dog felt the impact, but it is not excessive. If you do not observe any response to pressing the button, try pressing the long stimulation button (at the same level). This behavior of the dog indicates that the dog felt the impact, but it is not excessive. If you do not observe any response to pressing the button, increase the intensity by 1 level (1 notch), and try pressing again, starting with short-term stimulation.

Continue in this manner until you see the dog's reaction described above. If the dog reacts too strongly to pressing the button (whines, worries), then you have chosen too high an intensity to start training. If a dog whines, under no circumstances should you “comfort” it. Try not to show her that you are paying attention to her reaction, otherwise she will quickly understand that in this way she can attract the owner’s attention and get affection or a “yummy”, and very quickly she will begin to “earn” the owner’s attention and a treat. Just distract her with something if she doesn’t switch from her feelings to some external stimulus within 1 minute.

When you test your dog for physical sensitivity to stimulation, he should not be distracted by anything, and you should not give him any commands when you press the button. If she is distracted or trying to follow a command, you will not be able to accurately determine her reaction to the influence.

When to increase or decrease the level of exposure.

You may want to increase the intensity of stimulation during training if (1) your dog does not respond to correction, especially if he is distracted, (2) during training you primarily use the instant stimulation button instead of the continuous stimulation button, or (3) you use a collar. to stop a dog when it is chasing someone.

You can reduce the intensity of the stimulation during training if (1) the dog is very anxious about the correction, (2) you are not very far from the dog during the correction, especially if he is not excited or distracted, (3) the dog often exhibits excessive reaction to correction (whining).

Types of shock collars

To control animals, veterinarians identify various types of devices, which have their own direction in training small and large breeds of dogs.

On-site containment systems

In a pet restraint system, it is customary to use a constant radio signal, creating an accessible zone for the animal. The fixed receiver picks up the signal from the transmitter. If the dog leaves the authorized area, a warning sound will sound, followed by an electrostatic discharge.

EShO for training

An electronic dog training collar works on a remote control and often has the ability to recode the collar to work with any remote control from the same company. These products are manufactured by manufacturers with good warranties and waterproof features.

To start working with the collar, you need to choose a familiar area; you should start training with small puppies. A small or large dog should be given the opportunity to simply walk around in the collar for several days and get used to it.

Important! The button must be pressed only when the pet is acting incorrectly.

It is much easier to train a dog with such a device.

ESHO for hunting dogs

Electric collars for hunting dogs should only be used on healthy pets. It is recommended to start training when the puppy is 6 months old after learning the basic commands.

To get positive and effective results, you need to choose the right moment to press the button and praise your pet with a treat. Before using the collar, you need to show your dog to a veterinarian to confirm satisfactory health.

To train hunting dogs you need an electric collar

Control collars

During the first bark, the dog receives a warning signal with an ultrasonic effect while running on its paws. Your pet may receive a second boosted signal by continuing to bark for the next 30 seconds. The subsequent barking will be accompanied by a minimum level of electrostatic discharge, which will increase if the dog is disobedient.

The collar will automatically return to the first level of correction with an audible warning after half a minute of silence on the part of the dog.

Attention! If the maximum level of punishment is reached, the dog device stops functioning for 1 minute.

Which brand of electric collar for dogs is best to buy?

The TOP includes devices from 5 brands, among which there are both budget brands and those offering goods at an average cost. This also includes premium companies, each of them has positive reviews and an excellent reputation. The list of leaders includes the following companies:

  • Dogtra is one of the best e-collar companies in the world, recognized as such by leading dog trainers. They are suitable for training dogs both professionally and amateurly. The company's assortment includes models for hunting and instilling obedience in pets, as well as those equipped with the Anti-Barking system. Brand devices are safe for animals.
  • SmartDog - the company's products have an optimal price-quality ratio. Depending on the model, it is suitable for training dogs of both small and medium and large breeds. It is characterized by versatility, ease of use and a high level of safety for dogs. They offer products with several operating modes and more than a hundred levels of signal sensitivity adjustment.
  • Petrainer is a brand of affordable electric collars for dogs, which are characterized by good water resistance, fast and accurate action, and a wide operating radius. Its features include the convenience of remote control over the animal’s behavior using a remote control and ample training opportunities thanks to a wide selection of settings.
  • Petcomer is an inexpensive brand that sells universal electronic collars for training dogs, including non-professionals. His devices exert a safe pulse effect on animals at different frequencies, which guarantees the desired effect for varying degrees of disobedience. According to reviews, the level of their reliability and comfort for pets is quite high, so they respond normally to the use of the products.
  • PaiPaiTek is a brand of inexpensive e-collars for training and bark suppression. In this rating it is represented by the PD-258S model. They have flexible settings that allow you to select the most optimal operating mode, taking into account the dog’s behavior, its breed and conditions of use. They are covered by a six-month warranty.

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I'm watching you!

In some highly developed countries there is a ban on keeping animals locked up, but it is impossible to verbally explain to a dog the boundaries of its territory. Collars with electronic fences have been developed for these purposes. They come in three types:

  1. Underground system.
  2. Ground system.
  3. Indoor system.

When approaching a border that is prohibited to cross, a warning signal or vibration is triggered, and an electrical impulse occurs only when disobeying. Research has shown that attacks on people by dogs living behind electronic fences are particularly brutal.

How much does an invisible aviary cost? Prices vary depending on the manufacturer and kit. Budget models will cost 15 thousand rubles, the average price of ammunition is 20 thousand rubles.

A safer type of collars are collars with GPS, with a navigator. With their help, the owner tracks the dog's location via a satellite system online. The price of such models is 3 thousand rubles.

Manufacturers offer collar models with a fitness tracker that shows the dog’s physiological activity rate. This is important for dog owners who have health problems and are prone to obesity. The application calculates the number of steps per day for a dog according to its parameters and breed. This is usually a multifunctional and beautiful collar that functions well in difficult conditions. Such models are not widely represented on the market and are quite expensive.

Key points for stopping disobedience and unwanted behavior.

When working with an e-collar, you should always start by determining the minimum level of impact on your dog. The next stage is to practice calling the dog and moving nearby. This is a good rule of thumb to follow in most cases, whether you are working on learning new skills or correcting problematic behavior. Practicing recall and movement alongside (following) are important, first of all, for the formation or strengthening of contact between the dog and the trainer. By working on these skills, the dog learns that the trainer is always right, and that the cure for all troubles is always with the trainer. Thus, trust in the trainer and understanding of the obligation to fulfill his requirements increases. You should start working on each new skill (or correction) no earlier than the skill in the previous exercise has been firmly formed, and in no case should you combine this within 1 day at the beginning of training. That is, only after practicing the “come to me” command can you move on to practicing shrinking or styling, exposure or another skill. It should be kept in mind that the more skills a dog has already developed using an e-collar, the easier it is for him to learn the next skill.

What are electric collars and why are they used?

An electric collar for dogs (ESC) is a device that uses electrical impulses to influence an animal. The dog handler controls this device remotely using a remote control.

Electric collar for naughty dogs

The device uses several types of pulses:

  • sound signals;
  • vibration;
  • electrical discharge, different power.

Most models have 3 modes of electric shock:

  • single or single discharge, duration not exceeding 0.2 seconds;
  • with an increasing effect, with a duration from 0.2 to several seconds;
  • constant mode, with continuous exposure.

The device allows you to control the dog’s behavior and form certain reflexes, to rein in the animal if it behaves aggressively towards others. The collar allows you to prevent the lifting of various objects and teach your pet various skills, attracting the dog’s attention at the right time.

Types of effects of e-collars

Sound signal

The weakest method of influence. With this function, you can indicate to your pet that he has made a mistake by sounding a beep.


The animal learns that an unacceptable action has been committed due to the vibration of the collar. As practice shows, most often the vibration mode is sufficient to ensure the dog’s obedience, but in some cases it is necessary to stop the dog using a stronger impact.

Electrical stimulation

Despite the frightening name, the effect of the electric discharge of an electronic collar on a dog can be compared to the sensations during physical therapy: with the correctly selected level of impact, the animal only feels vibration or slight muscle contraction.

Video about the effect of an electronic collar on a person. For electrical stimulation, weak currents are used, the strength of which is adjusted individually, taking into account the sensitivity of the dog.

General instructions for stopping unwanted activities.

Some tips to keep in mind when using an e-collar to stop unwanted behavior. Perseverance and timely application are the main keys to success. Press the button exactly at the moment when the dog makes an incorrect action. It is necessary for the dog to associate the unpleasant sensation with its specific action. She will never learn if the exposure is too late.

  1. Stay “out of the picture” if possible. You need to make the dog think that he caused the unpleasant sensation through his own actions. Therefore, it is best not to say anything to her during the correction.
  2. Choice of continuous or immediate stimulation. For most problems, immediate stimulation is best, although long-term stimulation can also be used. In order to wean your dog from being chased (cats, cyclists, etc.), as well as to wean it from prolonged barking, it is better to use prolonged stimulation. The principle of choosing the duration of stimulation can be compared to working with a leash. Where a jerk or a series of short light jerks is used when working with the leash, short-term stimulation is used. Where leash tension would be used - long-term stimulation.
  3. Remember, some behavior problems are better prevented than corrected. Perhaps it is better to remove the temptation and solve the problem. For example, if a dog is rummaging through a trash can, it is best to place the bin in a place where the dog cannot reach it.
  4. General obedience training will help solve unwanted behavior problems. Training general obedience (“Sit”, “Lie down”, “Near”, “Come to me” and other basic commands) teaches the dog to treat you with great respect. It also teaches you to communicate with your dog more effectively. Additionally, many behavior problems are caused by the dog having too much energy and the dog being unable to release it. Regular obedience training for at least 20 minutes a day will give your dog a workout and a chance to get rid of excess energy, making him a much calmer and more accepting companion.

To be continued.

What is the essence of the technique?

Before asking yourself which clicker is best to choose, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations regarding its operation. These points are described below.

First, remember that the clicking sound of a device should never be used as a reward for an animal. The click should indicate praise or a treat that you should give your dog.

Secondly, if you use the device correctly, your pet may develop two instincts. A click will indicate that the dog has followed the command correctly, and also that he will soon receive a treat.

Thirdly, thanks to the device, the dog will be able to remember commands better when compared with verbal praise.

Price quality

For clarity, we suggest studying the prices for similar accessories for dogs. We have collected several collars from different manufacturers to compare their characteristics.

Innotek SD-100AAbout 5,000 rubles
(to reinforce commands and correct the dog’s behavior)
  • range: 200 meters;
  • runs on batteries;
  • The kit includes a remote control for controlling the collar;
  • 4 levels of stimulation.
DTSystems Ultra-EUp to 5,000 rubles
(stops aggression, helps correct behavior)
  • compact;
  • there is vibration;
  • single and long-term stimulation;
  • range of action is about 250 meters.
Tri-Tronics SpotrsmanFrom 6,700 rubles
(needed to obtain initial skills and commands)
  • distance range – 800 meters;
  • control panel with antenna;
  • single and long-term stimulation.
DogtraFrom 7300 rubles
(suitable for training and education)
  • 20 different stimulation levels;
  • high range;
  • single and long-term stimulation;
  • The device is recharged from the battery.

These are the types of electric collars for dogs you can find on sale. The last presented manufacturer should be given more attention, since these models are in high demand. Take a closer look at the characteristics.

electric collar for dogs in Moscow

How to choose an electric collar

Electric collars are selected individually – you shouldn’t choose based on price alone. Different models have different functionality, which determines the cost.

You will choose the model that is suitable for the operating range based on your tasks:

  • if you need a collar on walks to prevent the dog from running away, then 300 meters is enough;
  • if you teach basic commands and consolidate initial skills, then it is optimal to choose an improved model, where the range of action will be 800-1000 meters;
  • An overly aggressive dog will need an electric collar with a continuous shock function. The range is maximum 250 meters.

If you are reinforcing already learned commands or need to slightly adjust the dog’s behavior, then an inexpensive model without many additional functions will do.

The dog's weight also matters. For small breeds weighing up to 8 kg, a small and low-power collar is needed. For medium-sized dogs up to 50 kg, models with a small or medium receiver are suitable. The largest pets require a powerful electric collar. Before purchasing, measure the circumference of your dog’s neck and compare it with the diameter of the collar. The device should hang freely and not put pressure on the neck, but the pet should not be able to remove it on its own.

Many models have a beep or vibration. If you don’t want to immediately train your pet using electric current, then give preference to this collar. Then a sound or vibration will alert your dog that you are about to turn on the collar.


There are also disadvantages when using an electric collar, they are as follows:

  • As soon as the dog understands the involvement of its owner in the given impulses, it will not be easy to put this device on it.
  • The pet may develop a negative attitude and aggression towards the owner, since they have excellent hearing and vision, which means they can match who presses the remote control button, after which an impulse comes.
  • When showing aggression, the dog may not pay attention to the electric collar in action, but associate it, for example, with vibration from passing vehicles.
  • Electrical impulses can cause fear and panic in a dog, and in the end, such training can lead to the opposite effect.
  • An electric collar, after some time, causes dogs to get used to electric shocks, which means the strength of the electric impulses will need to be periodically increased. And this, in turn, can have a bad effect on the dog’s heart function, in some cases a heart attack develops.
  • Some dogs don’t immediately understand what their owner wants from them when they put this strange thing around their neck. The dog will be overtaken by apathy, he will refuse any movements, lie down for a day, over time his psyche will be disturbed and the help of a qualified dog handler will be needed to bring him out of this state.

An electric collar as a device for educating and training your ward is a good and worthwhile thing. The main thing is to know how to use it correctly and not use it constantly.

  • Author: iarriba
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The compact size and fairly light weight of the device does not interfere with the dog’s ability to move around and lead a normal lifestyle.

Helps to gradually control her behavior and cope with mistakes and pranks in a timely manner.

Impulses given to the pet allow you to attract the pet's attention and stun it, and this helps to stop incorrect or inappropriate actions.

Using a collar allows you to control your dog from a distance, without resorting to shouting or violence towards your pet.

As a rule, the dog does not associate electrical stimulation received from the collar with negative influence from the owner.

The collar reminds the pet of the necessary rules during a walk, and also develops a certain habit, which over time remains in the pet’s memory and allows the owner to refuse to use this electrical appliance.

When walking a dog, the owner can control the territory beyond which the dog can go.

An electric collar is a distinguishing feature between domestic dogs and stray dogs, so if the owner is not around, the dog is unlikely to be caught by special services, and therefore will not be taken to a shelter.

Various types of rewards and treats can help reduce the time spent training using a collar.

Some dogs are already aggressive and irritable after birth, and using an electric collar will stabilize their behavior for the better.

Electric shock collar for dogs: what is it?

An electric shock collar for dogs is a device that provides electrical stimulation over a distance. With its help, you can train your pet and control its actions remotely.

Principle of operation

On the electric dog collar there is a small box with electronic content. It contains 2 metal contacts that are directed towards the animal’s neck. A shock collar for dogs must be worn tightly around the neck. An electrical impulse is produced between the contacts through the skin and muscles, then the dog feels an unpleasant electrical effect.

The dog training collar is standardized and has an individual level of sensitivity. The final intensity and comfort of the impact are influenced by the following factors:

  • duration and intensity of the impulse;
  • waveform;
  • size and type of electrodes;
  • distance between electrodes;
  • electrical voltage;
  • current level;
  • degree of tightening and location of the collar.

Sensitivity does not depend on the breed of the dog, its gender, size and body weight. It can be affected by susceptibility, humidity, thickness of the skin and subcutaneous layers, and the nervous excitability of the animal.

Important! A big role in the operation of a stun collar for dogs is played by the well-being and living conditions of the pet.

Convenient remote control

Most famous brands

One of the well-known training devices is iPets PET 620. The package contains a convenient remote control, the buttons of which operate independently. The device operates at a distance of 300 m. The dog can swim in the collar, as it is waterproof. For convenience, on the screen you can see the impact power, communication channel and its type. The stun gun allows for control of two dogs simultaneously when an additional receiver is connected. The device has 100 functions of vibration effects and power levels.

Another reliable and high-quality training collar in the rating is the Petrainer PET998DR1. The user can take advantage of vibration, current, sound signals and light. The model provides a range of up to 150 m and 100 levels of vibration and current stimulation. The package includes a reliable belt 10-56 cm.

Petrainer PET998DR1 is one of the most popular


Such collars were first invented more than 50 years ago. They were used exclusively for hunting dogs. First, it’s worth touching on special-purpose collars. Namely:

  • OKD (general training course);
  • GPS tracking;
  • keeping a dog in a specific area.

There are different types of collars based on the type of impact. Here are the following criteria:

  • number of stimulation levels;
  • antenna;
  • type of stimulation.

There are models in which several collars can be controlled by one remote control. This is ideal for hunters or people who walk 2-3 dogs at a time.

electric collar for dog training

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the collar must be selected for a specific breed of animal.


In the summer-autumn period, animals are at maximum risk. On the street they may encounter unpleasant situations, namely parasite bites. In order not to jeopardize the dog’s health, doctors recommend purchasing special collars with protection against fleas and ticks. The bites of these insects cause irritation, itching, and discomfort. In some cases, it all ends with the spread of infections leading to serious illnesses. The rating presents the best collars from reliable manufacturers.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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