How long does a Dachshund's heat last?

Published: 4 months ago ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A dachshund's estrus lasts for 26-28 days. When deciding to get a pet, you must initially understand the difficulties that dachshund owners will have to face. The growing up of your pet cannot but please you, but it is worth remembering that the first heat is ahead and with it the appearance of new troubles. In this breed, the body reaches sexual maturity between the ages of six months and one year. The first signs and changes in behavior begin to appear. The body becomes ready for procreation.

Stages of heat

  1. Proestrus is the period when bloody discharge begins from the dog’s vagina. It lasts nine days. At this time, males are especially “not indifferent” to her, but the female is not ready for mating and can even show aggression. The character of the animal can change dramatically, becoming nervous and irritable. It is better to stop various trainings and animal training.
  2. Estrus is the second period of estrus. It lasts for 14 days. The dachshund is ready to mate, so owners need to be especially careful and always on guard to prevent the appearance of unwanted offspring. Walk your dog on a leash and make sure that the animal does not approach other dogs. The male smells and can be obsessive with his attention. The discharge changes color and becomes yellowish.
  3. The third stage is metestrus. The owner understands its onset by the fact that the pet stops allowing male dogs to approach her. The stage lasts from 2 months to five. During this period, a so-called “false pregnancy” may occur, which affects her behavior. The bitch begins to show signs that she is about to whelp. She will look for a place to give birth, the mammary glands will swell, and milk will appear.
  4. The final stage will be aestrus - when the activity of sexual desire decreases and the dog calms down. Its duration is from 3 months to five. Characterized as a lack of interest in male dogs, refusal of sexual activity.

Features of caring for a pregnant dog

In the early stages, it is necessary to walk the pet as usual, allowing it to play and run. From the second half of pregnancy, the dachshund needs to be taken care of, avoiding stress and emotional stress.

Your dog's diet should contain the nutritional supplements and vitamins necessary to bear healthy offspring. If a pregnant dachshund refuses any food, it is necessary to choose a different menu for her so that the pet does not starve.

In the second half of the term, it is worth preparing a place for the expectant mother where she will give birth and live with her puppies. The “nest” should be in a place where the puppies and mother will be calm, but the owner will always be able to come to the rescue if necessary.

The dachshund must become familiar with and accustomed to its home before giving birth.

Taka - caring for a pregnant dog

Preparing for childbirth at home

Dachshunds most often cope with the birth of offspring on their own. But it’s worth preparing for the adoption of puppies. In addition to the equipped space, you will need:

  • oilcloth;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • thermometer;
  • cotton wool;
  • gauze napkins;
  • brilliant green;
  • alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Signs of the onset of whelping

It is almost impossible to miss the first signs that a female is about to whelp. The dog exhibits the following symptoms:

  • whining;
  • anxiety;
  • the appearance of colostrum;
  • discharge from the loop;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • decrease in body temperature.

Delivery at home

After the dachshund took its proper place, it stopped worrying, and its stomach began to contract, which means that labor has begun. During this period, it is important to be close to the expectant mother and observe the process in order to provide her with help if necessary.

Childbirth in a dachshund takes place in several stages:

  1. First, contractions begin, during which the cervix opens. The duration of contractions can reach 12 hours.
  2. Labor begins after the water breaks. Puppies appear at intervals of 30 minutes to 3 hours.
  3. Then the placenta comes out. It should come out after each puppy is born. You need to make sure that all traces come out. Otherwise, purulent inflammation of the uterus may begin.

The dog may need the owner's help when the puppies appear. If the female does not burst the amniotic sac herself, then a person must do it. Pulling the fetus by the paws is prohibited; you can only completely fix the baby’s body and slightly shake it from side to side.

After the puppy appears, it is necessary to remove mucus from its face and clean its mouth. The umbilical cord is cut at a level of 3 cm from the baby’s abdomen.

Dachshund - newborn puppies

First stage

During the second period, the amount of discharge decreases and its color changes to brown.

The bitch begins to lift her tail up and move it to the side, indicating that she is ready for mating. The owner’s oversight and inattention may later cost him a new addition to the family.

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Symptoms of estrus and pet behavior characteristics

Each stage of estrus has its own symptoms. Shortly before an imminent heat, the following signs begin to appear:

  1. There are changes in the dog's behavior. The dachshund can become aggressive or, on the contrary, too affectionate.
  2. Food preferences change. The pet may refuse a portion or persistently ask for more.
  3. The vulva is swollen.

Next comes blood. At first there is little discharge, but every day the amount of blood increases. The dog tucks its tail, especially if other dogs are walking nearby.

After some time, the discharge becomes less, the color of the blood changes to brown. The swelling of the vulva subsides and it becomes softer. These days the dachshund pays attention to the opposite sex.

Signs of heat

How does estrus manifest itself? You can determine when a dog is in heat by its behavior, and it changes significantly. The female becomes more active, becomes overly playful and may ignore commands. This is all the result of a hormonal surge.

Among the main signs of estrus are:

  • The dog begins to sit down to urinate more often (it marks its territory so that potential suitors are aware that it is ready to accept advances);
  • Bloody discharge oozes from the noose;
  • She often licks the area under her tail;
  • The bitch begins to flirt with the males, they show active interest;
  • Estrus is preceded by molting.

At first, dogs do not allow members of the opposite sex to approach; they may even show aggression when courtship is too intrusive; their body is not yet ready for mating.

After one and a half to 2 weeks, the structure of the dog’s discharge changes; it will look like yellowish mucus. During this period, the female feels a strong sexual desire, especially if she notices males nearby, her tail moves to the side, and her body takes the stance necessary for sexual intercourse. The loop increases significantly in size.

The bitch can remain in this excited state for 5 to 7 days. If the owner wants to breed a dog, then he must mark these days. The right time for mating animals is between the 9th and 17th days, less often on the 21st. Everything is individual and depends on the breed of the pet.

Caring for puppies and dogs after birth

In the first few days, the female has a discharge that is thick in consistency and dark in color. You need to keep a close eye on them. Any change in smell and color indicates the negative consequences of childbirth. The dog needs to be shown to a specialist.

It is important to feel your dachshund's nipples daily for lumps. It is necessary to keep them clean and, if necessary, treat them with anti-crack creams.

After giving birth, your dachshund should take frequent walks. Walking time should be reduced to a minimum so that the dog does not catch a cold or become overtired. After going outside, it is imperative to carry out hygiene procedures.

The dog's diet should be rich in calcium. You should not introduce new foods or change the brand of food.

Puppies must be kept clean. The litter needs to be changed regularly, temporarily placing the offspring in a prepared box.

Possible problems

Postpartum complications include:

  1. Infectious infection of the uterus - metritis. Symptoms appear in the first 7–10 days after birth. There is a fever, heavy discharge from the vulva, dehydration, diarrhea and vomiting, and breathing problems. Aggressive therapy is necessary.
  2. Milk fever or eclampsia is a sharp drop in calcium levels in the blood. Expressed in the form of severe anxiety, unsteady gait, increased body temperature. The dog can die without human intervention - it requires intravenous administration of calcium supplements.
  3. Mastitis. Infectious infection of the mammary glands. Sore nipples hurt, the dachshund stops feeding the puppies. At the first signs of mastitis, you need to remove the babies and transfer them to artificial nutrition. The dog needs antibiotic treatment.

Step-by-step passage of heat

The entire animal cycle is divided into 4 stages:

  1. Proestrus (or called proestrus). Duration 1-1.5 weeks. At this time, the process of blood circulation in the genital area increases significantly, the loop swells, and the first, initially scanty, bloody discharge appears. During this period, the dog is not yet ready for mating; ovulation has not yet occurred. But external signs are already evident - she becomes playful, may not obey the owner, and run away. When walking, he spends more time sniffing out the surroundings and constantly crouches down to leave marks. Males are already experiencing increased interest; when trying to copulate, the bitch growls and snarls.
  2. Estrus (active sexual hunting). During this period of time, more precisely the first 2 days, the process of ovulation occurs. But the bitch can keep the gentlemen away for a few more days. A little later, when she sees a potential suitor, the female raises the back of her body, tightens the noose and moves her tail to the side to facilitate the penetration process. She freezes and patiently waits for action from the male dog. The discharge from the loop will vary; normally, the appropriate period for mating occurs when it is light pink or disappears completely. The vulva swells significantly.
  3. Metaestrus (the final stage of estrus). The duration of this period is several days. The discharge stops, the noose returns to its previous size, and the bitch again does not allow gentlemen to approach her. If fertilization does not occur, then the female again becomes calm. The dog still experiences hormonal changes - the level of progesterone increases, which is not without reason called the pregnancy hormone. This happens regardless of whether the female becomes pregnant or not. This condition becomes the cause of such a phenomenon as false pregnancy, which mostly passes without outside help and consequences.
  4. Anestrus (phase of sexual tranquility). The duration of this stage is approximately 100-150 days and allows the animal’s body to recover before the next heat.

The frequency of estrus varies among dogs due to several associated factors. For example, in domestic dogs it happens 2 times a year - in autumn and at the end of winter. Sometimes flow is limited to once a year.

Dogs that are kept outdoors, pets from the north, breed once a year in early spring to give birth to puppies in the warmer months.

Preparing a dachshund for breeding

Before breeding a dog, you should consult with a specialist. When planning to breed, the dachshund must be prepared.

Depending on your health status, your veterinarian may recommend:

  1. Vitamin therapy.
  2. Balanced diet.
  3. Moderate physical activity.

If the owner plans to breed, treatment for fleas, ticks, worms and vaccinations are carried out about a month before the onset of estrus.

Dachshund mating

Signs of pregnancy

Fertilization in dogs does not occur immediately. Usually 2-3 matings are required. Pregnancy in a dachshund can be determined by certain signs:

  1. There are no external changes for the first 25–30 days. Only some minor “deviations” from the norm are possible - changes in taste preferences or emotional state.
  2. At 35 days you can show the dog to the veterinarian. A specialist can use palpation to determine whether the dog is pregnant.
  3. At the same time, the dachshund’s nipples begin to enlarge and the belly becomes rounder. The skin on the abdomen becomes lighter.
  4. By 5 weeks, the dog may begin to suffer from toxicosis - vomiting, loose stools, whims in food.
  5. By 40 days, discharge may appear from the vulva. If they are bloody or have a musty smell, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Important! During the first or small pregnancy, the dachshund may not have a strongly rounded abdomen.

Signs of false pregnancy

It happens that an animal shows signs of pregnancy, but in fact fertilization has not occurred. In this case, we can talk about a false pregnancy in a dachshund.

The condition occurs due to an imbalance of hormones. They are produced during estrus and prepare the animal’s body for labor.

False pregnancy begins 40–45 days after estrus. A dachshund owner may notice the following symptoms in a dog:

  1. Lethargic state of the animal, attempts to remain alone.
  2. Refusal to eat or increased appetite.
  3. The dachshund stops obeying and shows aggression.
  4. Mood swings. A dog can play happily and suddenly immediately give up on entertainment and become sad.
  5. Swelling of the nipples, secretion of milk from them.

False pregnancy lasts from 8 to 12 weeks. Usually this condition is not dangerous to health, and nothing needs to be done, you just need to understand and care for the dachshund.

However, if after 2 months the signs of pregnancy do not go away, you should take your pet to the veterinarian. It may be necessary to introduce special medications.

Dachshund - false pregnancy

Important! If breeding offspring is not planned, then in case of repeated cases of false pregnancy, it is better to sterilize the dog.

How to avoid mating

This question is most often asked by owners of dogs who do not plan to breed. But it is not alien to people who keep breeding dogs, because an unplanned mating will be an unpleasant surprise.

The main condition is to keep an eye on the dog while walking, do not let it off the leash and do not allow strangers to get too close.

You can purchase a special product at veterinary pharmacies or pet stores that eliminates the odor that attracts male dogs. It is used to treat the back of the pet’s body before each walk.

Methods for determining estrus

There are changes in normal behavior. The pet becomes restless, and aggressive behavior towards everyone may be observed. During a walk, the dog may not follow basic commands. There are often cases when she breaks off the leash and runs away. In most dogs, the beginning of this period is determined by physiological characteristics: specific discharge from the loop, frequent marks on the street or at home. Some owners create a diary. All necessary notes are entered into it. Such records help to accurately determine the period when the period began and its duration.

Care features

On the eve of the first estrus, the female may experience discharge from the loop, juvenile vaginitis containing a small amount of pus. There is no need to worry, this phenomenon is normal. Everything will return to normal as soon as the heat passes. If this does not happen, then it is worth undergoing an examination to identify various pathologies.

To make the estrus period more hygienic (especially for estrus in dogs kept in an apartment), you can purchase elastic panties for one-time use. They will prevent your dog from leaving bloody spots around the house. But still, you should not wear them all the time; veterinarians advise allowing the female to remove the discharge on her own by licking it.

During the first heat, the dog may not understand how to behave, so it is worth teaching it to remove spots. And to do this you need to remove carpets and rugs from the floor.

During the period of heat, the dog requires care:

  • You should avoid long walks in winter to prevent your pet from catching a cold;
  • There is no need to take her out to places where other dogs gather;
  • Walks are strictly on a leash.

If suddenly it was not possible to prevent an unwanted mating, then it is forbidden to give the dog drugs to help terminate the pregnancy. This will cause significant health problems for the pet, which lead to infertility in the dog.

An important factor is keeping the dog during heat. If you do not plan to breed a dog and get puppies from her, at the first sign of estrus you need to start taking precautions:

  • Keep a close eye on your dog while walking and avoid all contact with dogs of the opposite sex.
  • Walk your dog on a short leash: even the most well-mannered and docile pet can run away during heat, not paying attention to any commands.
  • Do not allow your dog to mate - it is impossible to separate the animals during intercourse.
  • Do not take your dog while in heat to competitions or shows. This will cause anxiety among the male dogs present at the show. During heat, a dog does not respond well to commands and can be disobedient.

All the subtleties of the estrus period

Estrus is the best time to learn everything about raising your dog. Those commands that the dachshund knew will have to be tested in action. If she walks next to you or runs up after hearing a command, this will help get rid of problems. But natural instincts cannot be dulled with the right commands.

Using special sprays will help dull the smell from the loop. The products will help calm an excited dog. The aroma present during estrus can excite not only her, but also all the dogs around. When other animals smell it, they start going crazy. Therefore, you need to maintain hygiene, limit contact with yard dogs and use special aerosols. This will help protect against unwanted pregnancy.

No heat

With good general health and the state of the reproductive and hormonal systems, the first estrus occurs at the established normal times and then repeats with a certain cyclical regularity. If the dog is older than 18 months, and the first heat has not come, you should consult a veterinarian to find out the reason for this delay.

Reasons for delay/absence of first heat:

  • Poor living conditions, improper or insufficient feeding;
  • Violation of hormonal regulation of the reproductive system;
  • Congenital disorders in the development and structure of the genital organs;
  • Ovarian dysfunction (hypofunction, lack of appropriate hormones during the appropriate period);
  • Dysfunction of the pituitary gland and/or thyroid gland;
  • Tumors and/or other neoplasms, cysts of the pelvic organs or on the ovaries;
  • Endocrine pathologies;
  • Chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • Hermaphroditism (for example, when underdeveloped testes are found instead of ovaries).

How to avoid the difficulties of estrus

To cope with the symptoms of estrus in dogs, breeders and dog owners advise using drugs to regulate sexual heat.

Drugs from the CounterSex Neo brand are hormonal drugs for regulating sexual desire and preventing unwanted pregnancy in case of accidental mating.

Many breeders and dog owners use CounterSex Neo for the following reasons:

  1. High efficiency. With the help of CounterSex Neo drugs, it is possible to effectively correct a dog’s behavior, solve problems of aggression, marks in dogs during heat; prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  2. Safety. CounterSex Neo is a new generation bihormonal drug. The drug is safe due to the minimal content of 2 modern active ingredients.
  3. Convenience. The drug CounterSex Neo is available in the form of drops and tablets. Each owner can choose the most comfortable form of the drug for his dog, in which it will be convenient for him to give the drug to the animal.


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