The dog is losing a lot of weight for no reason

Neuromuscular disorder in dogs

Myasthenia gravis is a disorder of the transmission of signals between nerves and muscles (known as neuromuscular transmission), characterized by muscle weakness and excessive fatigue. This disorder can be congenital (present at birth) or familial (passed on genetically). The breeds most susceptible to inheriting this disease are the Jack Russell Terrier, English Springer Spaniel, Smooth Fox Terrier and Smooth Dachshund. October 09, 2013 Aglaya Kirsanova

This disease can also manifest itself during the dog’s life, that is, it is not inherited. However, as with other autoimmune diseases, a certain genetic background is required for the disease to manifest itself. Multiple factors are involved, including environmental, infectious and hormonal influences. Familial forms of acquired myasthenia gravis are common in Newfoundlands and Great Danes, and are also found in Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Labradors, Dachshunds, Scottish Terriers, and Akitas.

The congenital form appears at 6-8 weeks of a puppy’s life. The acquired form appears either at 1-4 years of a dog’s life, or at 9-13. Among puppies, the disease is more common in females; for adult dogs, a similar pattern was not observed.

Treatment of Cushing's syndrome

Treatment of pathology involves an integrated approach. Conservative treatment gives good results in the initial stages of the pathology. More advanced pathological processes require surgical manipulation.

Treatment of Cushing's syndrome in dogs, provoked by the development of a tumor in the body with metastasis, involves surgical excision of the affected part of the adrenal gland or the gland is completely removed. Removal of two adrenal glands requires the animal to undergo constant lifelong replacement therapy.

The animal must receive doses of mineralcorticoid and glucocorticoid substances prescribed by the veterinarian throughout its life. A benign neoplasm in the pituitary gland requires the administration of medications.

Prescribed drugs - Lysodren, Ketoconazole, Mitotane - are widely used in conservative methods. The dosage and duration of the course of therapy are determined exclusively by the treating specialist, familiar with the medical history.

The most commonly used drug for Cushing's syndrome is Mitotane. The hormonal drug Mitotane reduces the concentration of cortisol in the bloodstream. Therapy lasts on average 14 days, after which repeated laboratory tests are carried out. If the indicators change for the better, the dosage of the drug is left the same, but the number of injections is reduced.

Depending on the form of the pathology, treatment will differ. Hypercortisolism provoked by an iatrogenic factor is treated by completely withdrawing hormonal substances. The pituitary form includes the use of medications based on Trilostane, which suppresses the production of the hormone by the adrenal cortex.

The primary form of pathology, which occurs as a result of damage to the adrenal glands themselves by a tumor, is difficult to respond to conservative treatment methods. It is recommended to perform surgery with preliminary use of Mitotan.

In addition to the main medications aimed at reducing the level of cortisol in the blood, secondary medications are prescribed. An animal with Itsenko-Cushing syndrome requires regular monitoring of blood tests (general clinical and biochemical), as well as ultrasound diagnostics.

The result of therapy depends on many different associated factors, including proper care of the sick pet.

Hypercortisolism is a dangerous pathology associated with disruption of the endocrine system. The disease has a serious negative impact on the functioning of all body systems, reducing the response of the immune system to external stimuli, and also leads to rapid depletion of the body.

The lifespan of a pet depends on its age and living conditions. On average, dogs diagnosed with Cushing's syndrome with properly prescribed therapy live from 2 to 3 years.

Normal dog weight

The owner, before sounding the alarm about the appearance of thinness in his four-legged friend, needs to know what a dog with a normal weight looks like. When determining the degree of exhaustion, the breed, age, and sex of the animal should be taken into account.

Representatives of some breeds - greyhounds, toy terriers, Italian greyhounds, Chinese Crested due to genetic prerequisites and choleric temperament characteristics with normal weight may seem thin.

Young individuals of large breeds (German shepherds, Rottweilers, Great Danes) in adolescence look thinner compared to adult pets. As a rule, females look lighter and smaller compared to males.

To be sure that the dog is in good physical shape, the owner just needs to take a close look at its shape from above when the dog is standing quietly. The outline of the animal should normally resemble an hourglass. The ribs and bones of the pelvic area should not protrude, but can be easily felt. There is a small amount of fatty tissue in the abdominal area.

Thinness is indicated by prominently protruding ribs, spinous processes of the vertebrae, and pelvic bones. This picture is especially pronounced in short-haired individuals. If the animal has thick hair, then sharp corners of the bones can be felt upon palpation. There are no fat deposits in the chest and abdomen area.

In general, there is a lack of muscle mass. Having discovered signs of exhaustion in a pet, the owner must find out the reasons and, if possible, eliminate them himself or seek qualified help.

We recommend reading about why a dog won't eat. From the article you will learn about the reasons why a dog refuses food and normalization of appetite.

Learn more about obesity in dogs.

Possible complications of diabetes in dogs

Acute complications of diabetes may include diabetic coma and metabolic acidosis. Then the dog has weakened reflexes, decreased body temperature and a characteristic smell of acetone coming from the mouth (which indicates acidosis). The animal does not respond to glucose administration and therefore requires immediate veterinary attention.

Chronic complications of diabetes include:

  1. blindness caused by cataracts,
  2. renal failure,
  3. pancreatitis associated with abdominal pain and vomiting.

You already know that untreated diabetes is associated with many diseases that threaten your dog's health. If diabetes is not treated properly, it can be dangerous. A dog that receives too much insulin is at risk of hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemia is an excessive drop in blood sugar that can be associated with your pet losing consciousness. Then the animal may have pale mucous membranes, dilated pupils and low body temperature. The dog's body turns out to need sugar.

Never give your dog chocolate; it contains theobromine, a substance that is very toxic to dogs. Even a small dose can be dangerous. If your pet has symptoms of hypoglycemia, give him a glucose solution, table sugar, or a small amount of honey. Symptoms should disappear within a few minutes. After a hypoglycemia incident, be sure to visit your veterinarian with your dog.

The main reasons why a dog loses weight

According to the observation of veterinary specialists, experienced dog breeders and dog handlers, a pet can lose live weight for the following reasons:

  • Errors in feeding. This group of factors includes, first of all, insufficient intake of nutrients due to underfeeding.

Often the owner does not know the animal’s needs at a given age, and regular inadequate portions lead to the pet losing kilograms.

A novice dog breeder does not always adjust the dog’s diet and portion size in the winter, which can negatively affect his muscle mass. A four-legged friend can lose weight due to an unbalanced diet not only in protein and carbohydrates, but also due to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements in food.

Feeding a dog monotonous food, for example, only fish, disrupts the function of digestion and metabolism, which manifests itself in weight loss. Illiterate use of dry food (failure to comply with dosage, small amount of water consumed, incorrect selection of composition) is a common cause of weight loss in dogs.

  • Helminthic infestations. Numerous types of parasites (bandworms, roundworms and flukes) undermine the health of the animal by feeding on ready-made nutrients, resulting in a lack of necessary ingredients in the body. In addition to the fact that parasites compete for proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, living tissues are also poisoned by waste products.

As a result, the dog loses weight and does not gain muscle mass, even if the rules of feeding and a well-chosen diet are followed. The most dangerous parasites from the point of view of loss of live weight are Ancylostoma caninum, Dipilidium caninum, Diphyllobothrium latum, and Echinococcus.

  • Dental problems. Inflammation of the gums, caries, wounds and abscesses in the oral cavity are often accompanied by soreness, which makes eating difficult.
  • In addition to dental sores, ear diseases can lead to refusal of food and rapid weight loss. When a dog has inflammation of the middle ear, severe pain makes chewing and swallowing difficult.
  • The most common cause of weight loss in dogs is diseases of the digestive tract. Gastritis, peptic ulcers, liver diseases, pancreatitis, inflammatory processes in the intestines are often accompanied by impaired digestive function in the form of diarrhea and constipation.

A decrease in enzyme activity, disruption of intestinal motility and its absorption function lead to the fact that the nutrients entering the body are not used.

  • Allergic manifestations. Recently, veterinary specialists have observed many clinical cases where a dog’s weight loss is caused by food allergies. A large amount of synthetic dyes, flavor enhancers and antioxidants in ready-made food, which increase the shelf life of the product, lead to serious disruptions in the pet’s body due to an allergic reaction.
  • Diseases of oncological nature. Tumors and neoplasms consume large amounts of nutrients while simultaneously poisoning the body with toxic substances. Muscle mass in dogs decreases not only with oncological pathology, but also during its treatment with chemotherapy.
  • In case of viral infections (adenovirosis, canine distemper) due to the development of diarrhea and severe intoxication, the animal quickly develops cachexia.

Experienced dog breeders and veterinarians include such factors as the hot season, change of teeth in young animals, the period of estrus, and the rehabilitation period after surgery to the group of physiological reasons for weight loss in four-legged friends. After the physiological causes end, the dog’s body quickly returns to normal, and the lost kilograms return.

Causes of wasting in dogs

Causes of cachexia in dogs:

  • Insufficient calorie intake.
  • Low quality food.
  • Taste qualities of food.
  • Spoiled food.
  • Decreased appetite (anorexia).
  • Intestinal inflammation.
  • Protein-losing enteropathy.
  • Worm infestation.
  • Chronic infections.
  • Intestinal tumors.
  • Obstruction in the stomach/digestive tract.
  • Resection of part of the intestine.
  • Pancreatic disease.
  • Diseases of the liver or gall bladder.
  • Impaired function of internal organs (heart, liver, kidneys).
  • Addison's disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Chronic bleeding.
  • Skin lesions causing protein loss.
  • Neurological diseases affecting appetite.
  • Paralysis of the esophagus.
  • Neurological problems that make it difficult to grasp or swallow food.
  • Increased physical activity.
  • Prolonged exposure to cold.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Fever and inflammation.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Infections – bacterial and viral.
  • Viral infections.
  • Mycoses.

If he eats well but loses weight

The owner often notes the fact that despite a good appetite, the dog nevertheless looks exhausted. Most often, this phenomenon is observed when the pet’s body is damaged by parasitic worms, the development of neoplasms in the internal organs, an unbalanced diet or the development of an allergic reaction.

In some cases, the reason for the causeless weight loss of a four-legged friend is diseases of the digestive system. A comprehensive examination in a specialized clinic will help to establish the exact cause of cachexia.

For diagnostic purposes, a veterinarian will first conduct a scatological analysis. Fresh feces of the pet are examined for the presence of helminth eggs, and identification of one or another type of parasite is carried out. Having established the type of helminth parasitizing in the furry patient’s body, the veterinarian will select the most effective anthelmintic agent.

Taking a medical history, analyzing the nutritional value of the diet and biochemical blood tests will help determine the cause of muscle loss. Based on the research results, a veterinary specialist will give recommendations on improving the quality of nutrition, the use of feed additives, multivitamin and mineral complexes. In some cases, switching your pet to a specialized food from a medicinal line will help solve the problem.

Ultrasound and endoscopic examination of the abdominal and thoracic cavity organs will help to rule out the oncological nature of exhaustion and identify problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In case of diseases of the digestive tube, the dog will first be prescribed a therapeutic diet, enzyme preparations, and hepatoprotectors. The radical method of treating cancer is surgery followed by chemotherapy.

To learn why a dog is losing weight but eating well, watch this video:

Causes of wasting in dogs

Presence of diseases. The main reason for painful thinness is problems with the gastrointestinal tract, for example with the development of gastritis, as well as in the presence of intestinal parasites. Metabolic disorders lead to kidney and pancreas disease, which in turn leads to exhaustion. In addition, it can be difficult for a dog to absorb food due to diseases of the oral cavity.

As a rule, dogs with such diseases lose their appetite or eat too little, and as a result they lose weight. An animal may refuse food when under stress.

Pregnancy and lactation. During pregnancy and after childbirth, the bitch may experience hormonal imbalances. As a result, the bitch can suddenly lose weight. If the dog does not gain weight for a long time with proper feeding, then tests should be taken.

Lack of feed. One of the common reasons is insufficient feeding and improper maintenance of the animal. Dogs that were once pets, but then for some reason ended up on the street, especially suffer from hunger. As a rule, it is difficult for them to obtain food for themselves, because they are accustomed to the fact that food was always provided by the owner. Some unscrupulous owners deliberately starve their animals. In most cases, thinness in puppies with proper feeding is the result of a lack of food. You may need to increase your puppy's food intake.

Increased physical activity. Active, working or sporting dogs may lose weight if not fed enough, which is usually immediately noticeable.

With a good appetite on dry food, but loses a lot of weight

In a situation where exhaustion is observed against the background of preserved appetite with a concentrated type of feeding, the owner needs to analyze the correctness of the chosen product and compliance with the feeding regimen. In some cases, cachexia when feeding a dog dry formulas is caused by the following reasons:

  • Incorrect selection of dry food. The composition may not correspond to the age, breed and physiological needs of the pet. For example, it is unacceptable to feed food intended for adults to puppies, and vice versa.
  • Cheap economy-class food is a common cause of exhaustion of an animal with a satisfactory appetite. Such compositions do not correspond to the declared nutritional value; they contain few protein ingredients, but many ballast and harmful substances.
  • Non-compliance with feeding regime. The owner’s ignorance of the amount of nutrients required can lead to exhaustion in the pet. Regular underfeeding leads to a decrease in muscle mass in a dog. Violation of the diet, feeding your pet at different times has a negative impact on fatness.
  • Violation of the drinking regime. In order for the beneficial substances of dry food to be effectively absorbed by the body, it is necessary that the animal has free access to water. A normal digestion process is possible only when dry food swells in the stomach under the influence of liquid. After this, digestive enzymes begin to work.
  • If an animal receives a limited amount of water, nutrient absorption processes are disrupted, which is accompanied by cachexia.

We recommend reading about why a dog whines. From the article you will learn why a dog whines in his sleep, at night and in various situations, what to do if the behavior has changed for no reason.

Learn more about the causes and treatment of seizures in dogs.

A four-legged friend can lose muscle mass for many reasons - from violation of feeding rules to serious health problems. A timely visit to a veterinarian and carrying out the necessary diagnostic procedures will help determine the root cause.

Adjusting the diet, adding multivitamin and mineral complexes to the dog’s diet, switching the pet to specialized premium and super-premium food will bring the animal into the desired condition if the cause of exhaustion was due to errors in nutrition. If a disease is detected, a veterinarian will prescribe appropriate treatment.

What to do if your dog is lethargic

The treatment regimen for lethargy in a dog is developed individually, depending on the factor that provoked such a symptom. Treatment, as a rule, is complex, including conservative methods and sometimes surgical intervention. If it is not possible to eliminate the main factor, symptomatic palliative treatment is prescribed, aimed at maintaining the body’s strength and improving the pet’s quality of life.

If your dog has lost his appetite and is weak, the cause may be intoxication of the body with chemicals, medications, or poor-quality food. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to determine the underlying cause. After diagnosis, the doctor, based on research, prescribes painkillers, antispasmodics, and enterosorbents.

It is also necessary to administer hepatoprotectors to maintain liver strength, and decongestants to prevent problems with the heart and brain. If vomiting is present, antiemetic drugs are prescribed. Poisoning with chemicals requires the administration of a specific antidote.

Diseases of the digestive tract are clinically similar to intoxication of the body. The cause of lethargy, pain in the stomach and intestines can be inflammation of the stomach and small intestine, blockage or obstruction of the intestine. The pet refuses to eat and drink, the dog is vomiting and lethargic due to dehydration. Therapy includes infusions of saline, glucose or Ringer-Locke solution to restore water and electrolyte balance.

Diagnosed intestinal obstruction requires immediate surgical intervention. The cause of blockage of the lumen of the small or large intestine is pinching, foreign objects, and balls of helminths. After surgical manipulation, the dog is prescribed a course of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Lethargy that occurs in a pet due to a viral infection is eliminated by administering antiviral drugs, antibiotics, and antipyretics. A necessary condition for a quick recovery is to ensure proper conditions of detention. The dog should lie in a dry room and have free access to clean drinking water. To maintain the body's defenses, the dog is prescribed a course of vitamin therapy and immunomodulatory drugs.

Diagnosed helminthiases in a dog, which provoked the appearance of lethargy and apathy in the animal, as well as refusal of food and other characteristic signs, are treated by prescribing anthelmintic drugs. Depending on the type of helminthiasis and the severity of the pathological process, the specialist develops a treatment regimen. Advanced cases require longer treatment.

The danger of helminthiases lies in serious damage to liver tissue.

Anastamoses (choroid plexuses) occur, and liver failure develops. The main task of the veterinarian is to restore normal liver function. For these purposes, hepatoprotectors, immunomodulatory drugs and vitamin complexes are prescribed. The development of secondary pathogenic microflora in the body against the background of helminthiasis implies the use of a course of antibiotics.

Causes of weight loss

Sometimes the owner of a four-legged creature notices that his pet suddenly began to rapidly lose weight and eat poorly. The best way out of the situation is to show the dog to a veterinarian and undergo a comprehensive comprehensive examination. However, keep in mind the fact that this will cost you a decent amount. That’s why you should first establish the reason for your dog’s rapid weight loss, and only then make a decision.

Common factors that cause weight loss in a pet include the following:

  1. Feeding your pet's offspring. After this, the dog usually requires serious recovery.
  2. Dogs living in the same house cannot share food among themselves. In this case, it is advisable to isolate the malnourished dog from other individuals during feeding.
  3. The dog suffered from a helminth infestation. In this case, you need to give the animal special anti-worm medications, otherwise the consequences may be tragic.
  4. This is due to the young age and individual characteristics of the breed.

Feeding offspring

Lack of appetite is not always associated with health problems in your pet. Sometimes she does not feed very actively and at the same time loses weight due to the fact that most of the nutritional components are lost along with the milk. When a dog fattens its offspring, it often loses weight. In this case, it is recommended to increase the portions.

Also make sure that your daily menu includes vitamins. Then the puppies will receive more useful substances along with their mother’s milk, and the tailed mother herself will not actively lose weight. We should not forget that sometimes the birth of babies in dogs is associated with serious complications. The reason for this is surgery or illness.

High competition for food

Sometimes the owner of four-legged creatures does not notice the exhaustion of one of the pets in a timely manner. It would seem that the food is distributed evenly, and each of your doggies has their own bowl for food. However, keep an eye on your animals while feeding: it is quite possible that someone is left without treats because they cannot win their “place in the sun.” All you have to do is feed the deprived dog in another room so that his food is not taken away.

The influence of diseases and parasites

Another way to increase a dog’s appetite if it is noticeably exhausted is to eliminate parasites. The animal is often predisposed to pest infestations. That is why anthelmintic drugs are recommended to be given as prophylactic agents. If this is not done in advance, the number of helminths in the dog’s body increases, which leads to its excessive exhaustion. It is necessary to provide treatment and improve the dog’s appetite, otherwise the consequences will affect not only the pet’s weight, but will also become a threat to his life.

Age and characteristics of the breed

Among the reasons for a dog's sudden weight loss, it is also worth highlighting its age and individual characteristics. For example, representatives of working dog breeds often gain weight by the age of 2–3 years. This is explained by the fact that the animal’s metabolism is too active at an early age. Therefore, it is not worth increasing the daily diet.

Keep an eye on your dog first: if he continues to lose weight, you should show him to a specialist and check if everything is in order with his health. After consultation with your veterinarian, you can modify your daily diet.

I have a fence with legs or how to fatten a skinny dog

Posted on Jun 16, 2015 in All Posts, Dog Health, Nutrition | 2 comments

Imperfect weight is a problem not only for owners, but also for their four-legged pets. Most often we are talking about excess body weight. However, there are times when, on the contrary, a worried owner is racking his brains over how to get a little one to eat an extra piece and build up some fat on the ribs.

Before starting a program to increase your pet’s body weight, ask yourself again how much such changes in the figure are necessary for him. The point from which the report must begin can be the breed standard. It clearly indicates not only the recommended weight and height at the withers, but also the condition - you will agree that a greyhound will be a variant of the norm, for an English bulldog - the initial stage of dystrophy.

The second thing to consider is the animal’s physical activity. It is clear that an active dog will spend much more calories than a lazy dog ​​lounging on pillows. And muscles, for the most part, look much less voluminous than fat.

The third important aspect is the well-being of your four-legged friend. Pay attention to how the dog feels. Symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea followed by constipation and deterioration in well-being after a specific product should definitely alert you. Depending on this, a further strategy for combating thinness is chosen.


The causes of lethargy in dogs are varied. Any disturbance in the functioning of the body provokes a depressed state. The most commonly diagnosed conditions in veterinary practice that accompany lethargy are:

  1. Increased body temperature . Hyperthermia is not a disease. This is a specific signal from the body indicating the presence of an inflammatory process. A rise in temperature above normal levels is accompanied by weakness throughout the body. Having noticed the lethargy of the pet, the owner can measure the body temperature. A dog's hot nose indicates temperature. You can use a thermometer for an accurate determination. The normal body temperature for dogs is between 37.4 and 39.1. It is important to note that if a dog has a dry nose immediately after waking up or in hot weather, this is not always a sign of illness.
  2. A sharp decrease in sugar levels in the bloodstream. Hypoglycemia is typical for small puppies due to underdevelopment of body systems, and is also a pathology characteristic of small dog breeds. A decrease in blood glucose provokes lethargy and drowsiness. You can measure the amount of sugar in your blood using a special device - a glucometer. Hypoglycemia poses a serious danger to the normal functioning of a pet’s body. Postponing a visit to a specialist if you suspect hypoglycemia can lead to death.
  3. Painful sensations . The occurrence of pain in the abdominal organs, spine or limbs provokes a disturbance in the animal’s condition, expressed as a lack of desire to walk again. The pet tries to take the most comfortable position in which the least discomfort is felt. Abdominal pain is caused by disorders of the digestive tract, foreign objects stuck in the intestinal lumen, neoplasms and problems with the genitourinary system. Disturbances in bone and muscle structures due to mechanical damage are also characterized by lethargy.
  4. Infectious lesions . Various viral and bacterial infections provoke a lot of characteristic signs, including lethargy in the dog. The most common infections are leptospirosis, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, and canine distemper. At the initial stages of development, lethargy and apathy are observed. Then comes refusal of food, nausea, upset stool and vomiting. Depending on the type of pathogen, symptoms develop rapidly or increase gradually.
  5. Changes in the hormonal system . Problems of the endocrine system have a sharply negative impact on the general condition of the pet. The dog has no appetite, lethargy and drowsiness are observed with the development of Cushing's syndrome, hypothyroidism, and hormonal imbalances. Diagnosis of pathologies of the hormonal system is complicated by expensive specific studies (hormonal panels).
  6. The period of gestation of puppies and lactation . With an unbalanced diet and an acute lack of essential minerals during the female’s pregnancy and lactation period, serious pathological changes are observed. In addition to general weakness, a dog with a high fever and trembling may indicate the development of a dangerous condition - eclampsia. Without the timely intervention of a veterinarian, the animal may die in the shortest possible time.
  7. Chronic diseases . Failure of renal structures, cardiovascular diseases, and disruption of the hepatorenal system lead to the development of apathy and lethargy in dogs. Chronic diseases occur especially often with age. Animals over 7 years of age must be under the supervision of a veterinarian. Regular visits to a specialist for the purpose of preventive diagnostics make it possible to identify any deviations in the animal’s condition.
  8. Intoxication of the body. Poisoning or acute intoxication caused by dangerous chemicals or drugs provoke the development of lethargy and apathy in the animal. The dog experiences diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Possible damage to the central nervous system with further inhibition of the respiratory center and cardiovascular system. If your dog is poisoned, do not self-medicate and consult a specialist. Any delay threatens the life of the animal. Before entering the clinic, a dog that is poisoned can be given enterosorbents.

Lethargy can be a symptom of a serious illness in a dog after a tick bite. Ixodid ticks are carriers of dangerous infections, including piroplasmosis. Blood parasitic microorganisms pose a danger not only to the hematopoietic system. During their life activity, piroplasms destroy red blood cells.

Toxic substances are released that poison the animal’s body. In addition to lethargy with piroplasmosis, the dog has dark urine, which is associated with massive destruction of red blood cells and the release of hemoglobin, anemia of visible mucous membranes, refusal to feed, and an increase in body temperature.

In some cases, weakness in the body is observed in the dog after vaccination. This is due to the specific reaction of the body to the introduction of the vaccine. Lethargy is considered a normal condition in an animal after immunization for 2-3 days. If the deterioration progresses, you must immediately contact a veterinary clinic for help.


There are several ways to combat low weight pets. The first thing that changes should affect is the dog’s daily menu. The simplest and most obvious way to solve the problem is to increase your pet's daily diet. The easiest way to do this is if the dog eats dry food. You simply increase the drying volume by 10-15% and monitor the dog for several weeks.

If you think that stuffing your belly full of food is a bad idea, just change the dryer. In the line of any manufacturer you will find food with a high content of proteins and fats. Just remember to make the transition smooth so as not to upset your pet’s gastrointestinal tract.

For those who eat natural foods, increasing the nutritional value of their diet is even easier:

  • First, remove completely unnecessary ballast from the animal’s diet - cereals, which only increase the volume of the stomach and are poorly digested by carnivores.
  • Secondly, introduce high-calorie sea fish, meat and offal into your diet. For your own peace of mind, you can scald the product with boiling water or, if you are confident in its quality, serve it raw.
  • Thirdly, introduce a sufficient amount of greens and vegetables into your diet. Of course, silage itself, as it is called, is unlikely to be able to round out the sides of your slender friend, but in combination with meat it significantly improves the digestibility of the latter.
  • When feeding an animal with meat, be aware that this product is often of different quality. And the point here is not even in the degree of freshness, but in the nutritional value of this or that piece. The more veins, skin and chaff the meat contains, the more product the dog should eat to be satisfied. No one encourages you to feed your pet pure tenderloin, but it won’t hurt to increase the daily intake by 15-20% if the diet consists of flank meat or offal.
  • Drastically increasing the volume of food is another common mistake that well-intentioned owners make. Don’t think that if you give your pet three daily doses of food today, he will instantly become smooth and beautiful. The only thing you will achieve is problems with the gastrointestinal tract and vomiting of undigested remnants of goodies.

Medical examinations

The reason for your four-legged friend's thinness or lack of appetite may lie in poor health. These can be either problems with the digestive system or various pathologies of internal organs. How should the owner behave in this case?

  • The first thing every responsible dog owner should do is check the health of the pet. In addition to traditional blood and urine tests, it would not hurt to take a coprogram showing the presence of helminthic infestation and a test for Giardia. After all, any of these parasites can cause painful thinness.
  • The next stage of diagnostic procedures includes ultrasound and x-ray examination. And, by the way, when carrying out all these expensive manipulations, make sure that the test results are reviewed by a truly experienced diagnostician, otherwise they will be of little use.
  • When deciphering your pet's blood test, pay special attention to such an indicator as amylase. This enzyme is produced by the pancreas and increases with its inflammation or pathologies of the gallbladder.
  • In addition to the symptomatic treatment that the veterinarian will prescribe for you based on the test results, your emaciated pet will benefit from a little support for the body. For this purpose, first of all, there are vitamins. Just be sure to choose high quality products, otherwise you can harm your health even more. Hepaprotectors of plant origin have a good stimulating effect on the body. These drugs improve liver function and protect liver cells from damage.
  • Improving intestinal microflora significantly increases food digestibility. This effect can be achieved with the help of lacto or bifido bacteria or by introducing fermented milk products into the animal’s diet.
  • The presence of appetite, as well as its absence, directly depends on hormonal levels. Often, painful thinness in a bitch disappears without a trace after giving birth, and a male becomes rounder after castration. In this situation, the main thing for the owner is to change his mind in time, so that in a couple of years he does not have to look for an answer to the question of how to rid the dog of excess weight.

Little tricks

If the dog’s diet and health are not satisfactory, but the four-legged little one still refuses to eat, just try to outsmart him. Here are some ways you can stimulate your pet's appetite:

  • Set a 15 minute rule. This is exactly how long it takes a dog to taste and eat everything in its bowl. If after a quarter of an hour the food remains untouched, simply put it in the refrigerator until the next feeding. Attention: do not offer your pet food that has been in the bowl more than 2 times. In the hot season, even such a short time is enough for pathogenic bacteria to appear in food.
  • Increase your physical activity. Remember ancient folk wisdom? “He who works well eats well.” Provide your animal with active walking 2-3 times a day, and its appetite will change for the better. Attention: you can run and jump only before eating, lightly. Active games are strictly contraindicated with a full stomach.
  • Arrange fasting days. Don’t be afraid that forced hunger strikes will make your slender four-legged friend even slimmer. A fasting day a couple of times a month will awaken in the dog the ancient instinct of fear of hunger. Knowing that there is a time when there is no food at all, the animal will be more enthusiastic about accumulating calories. Attention: Short-term hunger strikes should be carried out only after a thorough examination of the dog in the clinic. Such unloading is contraindicated for animals whose thinness is caused by gastrointestinal diseases.
  • If your shaggy capricious one turns up his nose at any food, use a trick. Add a little grated boiled liver or a couple of tablespoons of canned baby meat to your main diet. This addition will give the dish a more appetizing smell and taste. Attention: Do not use fatty foods with a lot of flavoring additives as seasoning. Smoked sausages will certainly whet the animal's appetite, but the negative effect they have on the liver will significantly shorten the dog's life.

The owner's greatest desire is for his dog to be healthy and cheerful. If, despite all the tricks, your pet maintains a lean appearance, while remaining active and cheerful, allow him to eat as much as he wants. After all, wise nature knows better what thickness your dog’s waist should be.

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  1. Olga:
    I give mine a dry branch of wormwood to chew on, or I make a decoction and fill it with a syringe... and I give him as much food as he can eat, but he eats little and rarely
  2. Olga:
    I started giving homemade yogurt with dry sourdough from a syringe - I began to eat better and gain weight
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