The shaggy assistant of the French shepherd crossword clue

History of the origin of the Bouvier des Flanders

Perhaps the emergence of the Bouvier breed can be called the most confusing of all stories of canine origins. According to various testimonies, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands are considered the birthplace of this breed. But it would be more correct, apparently, to talk about Flemish soil, on the territory of which all these states are located.

Purebred dogs, as they are understood today, practically did not exist until the 17th century. There were quite a lot of working dogs, and they can even be considered more or less purebred, but to improve working qualities, regular interbreeding was carried out.

The first clubs began to be created by breeders of English Foxhounds, and dog shows became a new fashion in Europe. The first canine communities appeared, and by 1890 the bulk of herding dogs already had their own standards. The dog magazines of that year contain descriptions of an unusual breed of cattle dog living in Flanders. With the help of these animals, cattle were driven to markets and from one pasture to another.

The “duties” of such dogs included monitoring the livestock, they did not allow them to wander, they barked and even bit the lagging and disobedient animals. In their homeland, Bouviers were simply irreplaceable, but outside its borders almost nothing was known about the dog. British writer Maria Rame published The Dog of Flanders in 1872, which became a classic in the USA, England and Japan.

Since initially these dogs were kept by the Dutch-speaking peoples, who gave their four-legged helpers names according to their type and main activity. Therefore, if you translate the first names of the Bouvier, they will sound like “cow shepherd” and “dirty beard”. This is the basis for the version of the origin of the Bouvier from German and Dutch dogs.

Bouvier des Flanders

The most common theory is that their ancestors were schnauzers, because these dogs were at the peak of their popularity back then. There is also an assumption that French dogs, which were brought to Flemish lands along trade routes, were involved in the appearance of the Bouvier.

According to other hypotheses, Bouvier dogs appeared by crossing the Beauceron and different types of griffins, as well as the result of the selection of English dogs with rough hair, such as the Irish Wolfhound or the Scottish Deerhoud, with shepherd dogs, which was carried out by the monks of the Ter Duinen monastery, where the first kennel was located. Each of these hypotheses may be close to reality, but the truth lies somewhere “in between.” Since Flemish farmers were active in trading and military activities, they had access to a large number of European breeds.

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To obtain a universal shepherd dog, they crossed different dogs, as a result of which the Bouvier is a kind of “explosive mixture” of different breeds. In it you can find something from Airedale Terriers, Giant Schnauzers, German Boxers, various Collies, Griffons, Briards, Beaucerons and some other varieties.

The division of Belgium into two regions led to the use of Dutch in Flemish lands and French in Wallonia. Since 1890, the breed has become more in demand in Wallonia, where it was named in the French manner - Bouvier des Flandres (herding dog from Flanders).

The popularity of the French language then contributed to the fact that the name stuck. They made their debut at exhibitions in the Flemish lands in the first decades of the 20th century. And in 1914, the first breed standard was described in Belgium.

Soon after the official recognition of the breed, the First World War broke out. Until that moment, there were at least two variations of the breed. At the time of the German occupation of Belgian territory, only 20 such dogs were recorded. Many dogs became famous during wartime, but none of them managed the Bouvier des Flanders Representatives of this breed performed various functions in the army, they demonstrated courage and intelligence, becoming famous and popular.

Bouvier des Flandres dog

But many dogs died at that time. And the destruction of the economy led to the inability to support them. The economic recovery process began in 1920, but the need for cattle dogs disappeared with the development of the railroad. Despite the disappearance of the main occupation for these dogs, the owners still kept these versatile animals. And in 1922 the first breed club was created. In the next decade, the breed became in demand in all countries of Flanders. Over 1000 dogs are registered every year.

Of course, Bouviers also actively participated in World War II; many dogs died in battle. But for Belgium, these years turned out to be so difficult that the breed almost disappeared - there were no more than a hundred dogs. In the 50-60s, the breed was actively developing in America, and in 1980, even the American President Reagan acquired a dog of the Bouvier des Flandres breed. Now in Europe these dogs are involved in various jobs. They serve in the army, police, rescue service, customs and guard various objects.

Brief history of origin

There are two versions of the origin of the French Beaucerons. According to one of them, they descended from an extinct peat dog. According to the second version, the shepherd is a direct descendant of the wolf. What is known for certain is that the breed developed in France.

The shepherd is a faithful assistant to shepherds: she guarded and herded livestock. The breed has been formed for centuries through natural selection without human intervention. According to historical documents, such individuals lived already in the 16th century.

In 1863, the breed was first presented at an exhibition in Paris. However, it was only 33 years later that zoologist Jean Pierre Mengin and a group of his colleagues created an authoritative commission and developed an official standard.

The dogs were divided into two groups: the short-haired shepherd dogs were called Beaucerons (in honor of the French region of Beauce), and the long-haired ones were called Briards. Another 15 years later, Jean Pierre created a club of Beauceron lovers, whose members began to breed the breed.

Character and description of the Bouvier des Flandres breed


The Bouvier des Flanders looks quite remarkable - it is impossible to confuse it with any other dog. These animals look elegant, impressive and terrifying at the same time. The animals are quite large - height at the withers is 58-71 cm, and weight is 36-54 kg. The strong, muscular body is very well built for a herding dog. You can't call her fat at all. According to tradition, the Bouvier's tail is docked, leaving 7-10 cm, but this is if the dog was not born tailless.

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The Bouvier's double coat protects him from the elements with a tough outer coat and a very thick, soft undercoat. The dog's face looks characteristic - with a beard and mustache. The color is often monochromatic, sometimes there are spots of a slightly different shade. Quite common colors: black, fawn, brindle, pepper and salt. There is a small white spot on the chest.

You won’t get active manifestations of love from this dog; they are restrained in expressing emotions. There is a sense of dominance in their character, even if they adore a certain person, so such pets are not recommended for beginners.

Breed description, standards and appearance

The French Shepherd Beauceron is a harmoniously built, strong and resilient dog without a hint of heaviness. This is a fairly large pet, the height of males is 65–70 cm, females – 61–68 cm. The weight of representatives of this breed ranges from 30 to 45 kg. According to the monthly weight table, by the age of one year the animal’s weight reaches 30 kg.

Official description of the Beauceron (FCI breed standard No. 44):

  • The head is elongated, with clear features. Its length is approximately 2/5 of the height at the withers.
  • The muzzle is not very sharp and not too narrow. Its length is equal to the length of the skull.
  • The lobe corresponds to the size of the muzzle and is always painted black.
  • The jaws are strong and set in a scissor bite.
  • Shepherds' eyes are round and set straight. The pigmentation of the iris is dark brown. Light eyes are unacceptable for any coat color. In dogs of the Harlequin color, heterochromia is not considered a reason for disqualification.
  • The ears are erect, cropped, look straight and tilt slightly forward. Uncropped ones hang down slightly. Located high on the head.
  • The neck is quite long, blending harmoniously into the shoulder blades.
  • The body is slightly stretched. The withers are clearly visible, the back is level, the loin is short and strong. The croup is slightly sloping. The chest is voluminous, dropped below the elbows.
  • The tail remains in its natural form (not docked). It sits quite low and has a J-curve.
  • Limbs straight and parallel. A distinctive feature of the breed is the forked dewclaws. Unlike other dogs, Beaucerons do not have them removed.
  • French Shepherd Beauceron: description of the breed and character of the shaggy assistant

    The description of the breed includes characteristics of movement: the French Shepherd runs elastically and freely. The Beauceron rearranges its limbs at the same level, maintaining maximum productivity. The typical gait is a sweeping trot.


    The Beauceron dog is covered with thick hair 3–4 cm long. The fur on the head is shorter, and characteristic feathering and dewlap form on the hips and lower part of the tail. The undercoat is dense and soft to the touch, invisible through the guard hairs. Its grayish tint is welcome.

    Allowed colors:

  • Black and tan - on a black background, red marks are scattered in strictly defined places: in the area of ​​the eyebrows, on the sides of the muzzle, on the chest, neck, around the genitals, on the lower third of the limbs (on the inside the tan can be located a little higher).
  • Harlequin is a rare and valuable color: bluish-motley with tan. Black and gray colors are evenly distributed throughout the body. The predominance of black color is possible. The tan is located in the same places as in black and fawn dogs.
  • A small white spot on the chest is not considered a defect.

    French Shepherd Beauceron: description of the breed and character of the shaggy assistant

    Important. Shaggy or shaggy coat, lack of tan marks, a pronounced spot on the chest are disqualifying faults.

    The main purpose

    Bouvier des Flanders

    During the First World War, these dogs proved to be excellent bodyguards, so they were subsequently kept in this capacity. As a result, the French Bouvier developed a rather strong protective instinct. They are quite wary of strangers, since Bouviers have suspicion of them in their blood.

    This dog does not show aggression, it tries to protect, and if raised correctly, it will behave quite politely. Manifestations of aggression can begin in the absence of socialization, which is very important for Bouviers.

    These sensitive dogs make excellent watchdogs - they protect their territory with a loud and frightening bark. The Bouvier des Flandres is always ready to protect his people from any danger. In the process of defense, dogs never immediately rush to attack; they try to scare the enemy by barking and threatening poses. But if there is a need to use force, then they will not think for long and will attack, no matter who their opponent is.

    They have a very touching attitude towards children, especially those who have grown up before their eyes, and can become best friends. But the dog is very wary of unfamiliar children and its behavior is difficult to predict. The natural dominance of these dogs does not allow them to behave friendly with other animals in the house and, in particular, with dogs. Bouviers of both sexes exhibit particularly strong same-sex aggression.

    Maintenance and care

    bouvier dog breed

    Bouviers need a lot of activity and exercise every day. Otherwise, problems in the pet’s behavior will begin to develop - increased activity, a desire for destruction, and others. Fortunately, this breed is not as active as, for example, a border collie, so their energy requirements are not difficult to satisfy for many people.

    The dog is not so easy to care for - its thick coat requires daily, or at least every other day, combing. It is necessary to trim the Bouvier's coat several times throughout the year. An experienced owner can handle this himself, although many prefer to turn to specialists. Although shedding is considered moderate, due to the thickness of the Bouvier's coat, shedding is quite heavy.

    There is no need for frequent washing; the dog is washed as it gets dirty, eyes and ears are periodically examined, and nails are trimmed regularly.

    Bouviers can be fed with natural food or ready-made food equally successfully. As a rule, breeders choose the first option, since it already has everything necessary for the development of the dog's growth.

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    Care and maintenance

    The Beauceron breed is quite unpretentious. It is characterized by increased activity, so it is problematic to keep it in a city apartment. A private home with its own area is perfect for a French Shepherd, where the dog will always have the opportunity to frolic.

    French Shepherd Beauceron: description of the breed and character of the shaggy assistant

    The right diet

    The Beauceron French Shepherd can eat ready-made food or natural food. In the first case, you should purchase high-quality premium or super-premium products. It most fully meets the needs of the dog’s body and eliminates the need to include vitamin supplements in the diet.

    When feeding naturally, French Shepherds are given:

    • lean meat (beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey) and offal;
    • porridge (rice, buckwheat);
    • fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, yogurt without dyes);
    • fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs (pumpkin, zucchini, cucumber, apple, pear, dill, parsley).

    Once a week they make porridge not with meat, but with sea fish. To improve the structure of the coat, vegetable oil is periodically added to the food of Beaucerons.

    Walking and physical activity

    Herding dogs need movement. You need to walk your French Beauceron twice a day for at least 40 minutes.

    The dog must not only relieve himself, but also have plenty of frolic in the field or forest.

    Important. A dog that does not have the opportunity to throw out the energy seething in it goes to extremes: the shepherd becomes overly aggressive, or, on the contrary, apathetic.

    Training and education

    The Beauceron begins to be raised immediately after appearing in the house. The puppy is taught to respond to its name, follow the rules of living together, and go to the bed on command. When the quarantine ends after vaccinations, the French Shepherd is taken outside and introduced to the outside world, new smells and sounds.

    At 3 months you can start training - while it is in a playful form, but it already teaches the Beauceron basic skills.

    French Shepherd Beauceron: description of the breed and character of the shaggy assistant

    The breed is highly intelligent, so it is quite easy to train. However, the lessons should be varied and interesting - monotonous performance of the same actions will quickly tire the dog.

    Important. The peculiarity of the breed is late maturation. The psychological formation of Beaucerons is completed only by the age of three.

    It is advisable that one person conduct training with the dog - then he can become a real leader for the shepherd.

    Remember. Beaucerons do not tolerate violence.

    As punishment you can:

    • scold the dog in a stern tone;
    • deprive of treats;
    • select your favorite toy;
    • completely ignore the pet.

    To develop unconditional obedience at 8–9 months, it is recommended to send a dog of this breed to OKD. After this, the shepherd can undergo a special training course.

    Care and hygiene

    The dog is brushed a couple of times a week, and daily during shedding. There is no need to bathe your pet frequently; water treatments are only required if the shepherd is very dirty. Without harming the fur, bath days for the French Beauceron can be given no more than once a month.

    Otherwise, care for representatives of the breed is standard:

    • cleaning ears and eyes – once a week;
    • nail trimming - monthly;
    • brushing your teeth several times a week.

    Shepherd care includes treatment for worms and blood-sucking parasites. It is carried out every 3 months.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    It is better to keep a Bouvier as your only pet; in extreme cases, you can get a second dog of the same breed, but of the opposite sex.

    Socialization cannot completely eradicate the natural manifestations of the character of this animal; herding dogs tend to grab the legs of anyone who does not comply with their demands. There have been cases of attacks on other animals. There are cases where Bouviers can coexist peacefully with cats when they have known them since childhood. But these are rather exceptions to the rule.

    Possessing remarkable intelligence and wanting to please the owner, the Bouvier des Flandres is highly trained; the only thing that can prevent this is the dominance of this dog, which prevents it from blindly obeying orders. For them, a person must be a leader, otherwise problems will arise with obedience.

    In the owner-dog relationship, a person needs to take a leading position, and training should begin, the sooner the better. Bouviers have excellent memorization abilities and artistic abilities. There is an opinion that a dog only needs to remember something once, and he will never forget it.

    Where to buy a Bouvier des Flanders puppy

    Puppies can be purchased from specialized nurseries. To get an idea of ​​the price for this breed, just go to the bulletin board.

    Bouvier des Flandres kennels

    In St. Petersburg, the Bouvier des Flandres is sold in the Volchya Zemlya kennel, where breeding work is carried out, in the Tambov region - the professional cynological kennel "Hit Alivet", in Moscow and the Moscow region - kennels "S Cherry Orchards", "Kennel Family Flight" , “Apple of the Eye”, “Royal-Puppy”, as well as a number of others.

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