Should you let your dog lick its wounds?

Why does a dog lick its paws?

Many dog ​​breeders are interested in the question of why a dog licks its paws, and so often. Perhaps this is a bad habit or a symptom of a serious illness. Should we sound the alarm? The reasons for such habits are various.

If your dog frequently licks its paws, then this is a reason to take it to the veterinarian.

For your information! There are 9 reasons why a dog starts licking its paw, and all of them require special attention. They can become both a consequence of disease and a cause of mental disorder.

Main reasons

Why does a dog lick its owner's feet and what does it mean?

The main reasons why a dog licks its paw to the skin are parasites, inflammation or stomach problems. It is not always easy to get rid of them, but with proper treatment, the disease will quickly recede, and the pet will again be able to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Allergic reaction

Perhaps this is the most common reason, occurring in 80% of cases. The dog begins to experience severe itching caused by inflammation of the skin. Food can be an irritant.

Redness on the pads

Allergy is a congenital disease. It is transmitted in the same way as in humans, at the genetic level. Therefore, you should not be afraid that the dog is a carrier of the disease. With allergies, the dog licks its paw down to the skin and begins to bite the sore spot. A red pad on the paws is an indicator of an allergy, as redness appears on the affected area and pads due to itching.

Important! Confirming factors that a dog has an allergy are a runny nose, an unpleasant odor, watery eyes, and discharge may appear from the ears.

With these symptoms, the dog will not stop licking its paw, and without the help of specialists, its condition will deteriorate sharply. It is important to find the cause of the allergy and get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise the pet will never get better. You shouldn’t hesitate with this, because finding the source is not so easy, and the dog himself won’t tell you why he’s unwell.


When the fungus occurs, the dog's hair falls out and a bald spot forms on a certain area of ​​the paw. The fungus grows and develops, so the infected area will continue to grow until the owner seeks help from a veterinarian. This disease is very difficult to remove, since the dog licks its paws constantly, and this disease can move from one place to another.

Note! The dog should interact less with other pets. The parasitic fungus is quickly transmitted to animals, and removing it is problematic. It is worth consulting a veterinarian, who will determine exactly what is best for your pet: ointment or spray.

Diaper rash

This problem occurs in furry animals with long hair. The cause of diaper rash is improper care. Dogs sweat too, and sweat eats away at their skin. When a dog has diaper rash, it licks its paw to relieve the irritation, but due to its long hair it is unable to help itself. This problem is easy to solve: you should bathe the dog well, especially rinse between pads, and then dry the fur thoroughly.

Skin inflammation

The cause of skin inflammation can be a splinter or microorganisms that have entered the wound. The dog cannot pull out the splinter on his own and begins to lick the sore spot. As a result, the dog licks his paw until it hurts.

It is important! This disease cannot be allowed to spread, otherwise the dog may lose its front or back paw. The affected area must be treated and the foreign body removed by bandaging the wound. Licking a sore will not lead to anything good.

Wound inflammation can lead to amputation

Stomach problems

Due to this problem, the dog begins to lick its paws. Licking is a common indicator of stomach problems. By doing this, the dog is trying to trigger a gag reflex in order to alleviate his illness. If your pet begins to exhibit this strange behavior, you should immediately contact a professional. The problem may lie in poor nutrition.

Neurological and mental problems

They arise due to the wrong attitude towards the animal. Against this background, the pet develops muscle tension and pain, which causes discomfort in the animal. By biting or licking his front paws, the dog tries to prevent this unpleasant feeling. Veterinarians also attribute this problem to spinal deformity and an uncomfortable leash. Often, when walking, people pull their dogs away, but this should not be done.

Mental problems are caused by stress in the pet. The habit is developed on the basis of mental problems. Often, to relieve stress or get rid of boredom, a dog licks its paws. Therefore, you should pay more attention to your pet.

Additional Information! It is possible that paw licking may be a bad habit. To wean your dog from such a hobby, you need to start devoting more time to him. The dog will quickly forget about the habit if it is carried away by something. Otherwise, a special spray can help with this.

Neurological problems occur in every second dog

Is it acceptable to let a dog lick its paw?

Dog saliva is not as healing as they say. Because of this misconception, owners often do not pay attention to their pet's wounds. Licking only interferes with healing, which can cause the dog's wound to fester.

A dog licks its anus under its tail: why does this happen?

Therefore, licking must be discouraged. This can be a problem for dog owners. It is impossible to explain to the dog that this will harm him; he simply will not be able to understand it.

For your information! Licking wounds in animals is a reflex.

Why should you not allow your dog to lick a person's face or wounds?

Author: Ivan Blinov Category: Review
There is a legend among the people that dog drool has a healing effect, so the dog can be allowed to lick wounds and the face. In fact, no less microorganisms live in a dog’s mouth than in a person’s mouth. However, most of them differ from human ones. The way of life of animals is not similar to that of humans, therefore the bacteria they live in are completely different. Nobody knows how these microorganisms will behave once they get into a person’s mouth or onto damaged areas of the skin. No reaction may occur, or, on the contrary, some kind of disease, complication, or inflammation may appear. Despite your love for animals, you should limit contact with your beloved pet’s saliva. This is especially true for children, since a child’s immune system is formed before the age of 6, and it is still extremely difficult to fight harmful bacteria that have entered the body from the outside at an early age. Once in the human mouth, dog saliva can provoke the appearance of periodontal disease, gingivitis and other unpleasant diseases. There is even a risk of losing teeth. Considering that many bacteria have become resistant to antibacterial drugs, it is quite difficult to get rid of them later. Some strains of bacteria are resistant to all types of antibiotics. Because of this, treatment may not bring any results at all. Often, owners allow the dog to lick damage in the form of abrasions and wounds on the surface of their body. This cannot be done, since the body will have to somehow cope with damage to the skin. Why make the situation worse by adding millions of harmful microorganisms? As a result, the inflammatory process can occur with complications, and the wound will heal more slowly. If it is not handled correctly, then it is likely that pus will begin to accumulate, and this can lead to amputation of the limb, as well as death. It’s worth at least thinking about the fact that the animal picks up food from the ground, takes various objects with its mouth while walking, licks and sniffs everything that comes in its way. As a result, thousands of types of microorganisms enter his body, many of which are harmful to humans. At the same time, do not forget about the dozens of types of worms and other parasites that live in the body of your beloved pet. Even if you periodically give an animal anthelmintic drugs, you cannot say with certainty that the dog is not infected with parasites. So it is advisable to wean your pet from licking its face and to prevent dog saliva from getting on the wounds.

  • Pets
  • animals
  • dogs

June 30, 2018| 13:07

How to stop your dog from licking sores

A dog licks a person’s legs, arms and face: why

The bandage is needed to prevent the dog from licking the medicine that was applied to him to heal the sore. The disadvantage of this procedure is that sometimes the wound must be kept in the air to dry and heal. After removing the bandage, the dog will again try to lick the sore. Also, some dogs try to remove bandages; in such cases, a veterinary collar will help.

A veterinary collar is a cone that blocks the dog’s view. With it, the pet will not be able to bend over to the paw and lick the sore spot. You can buy such a thing at veterinary clinics or make it yourself.

Veterinary collar

Should you let your dog lick its wounds?

Should you let your dog lick its wounds?

Should you let your dog lick its wounds?

One of the most common misconceptions we hear at the veterinary clinic is that licking wounds is supposedly good for the dog. Sometimes small wounds are left without care, because the owners are sincerely confident that the pet will “lick it itself.” Alas, dog saliva is not as healing as some owners believe. There are a lot of bacteria in the animal’s mouth, so licking causes suppuration and interferes with healing.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to stop a dog from licking a wound even in a veterinary clinic. The animal tries to lick it as reflexively as a person rubs a bruised area. For stray or feral canines, this is truly the best available way to disinfect a wound. But they spend much more time looking for food, and the pet will deal with the injury until it “licks” the healing edges. How can you prevent your dog from interfering with the healing process?

In veterinary medicine, the following types of protective collars are distinguished:

  1. classic collar – has a cone shape, made of flexible transparent plastic;
  2. cone-shaped collar made of soft material – made of durable waterproof material that does not cause allergic reactions. They are characterized by increased wear resistance and will not tear even when chewed by a dog. However, such collars are not suitable for dogs with long necks;
  3. inflatable collars - made from flexible, soft material, are most effective for dogs with short legs that physically cannot reach a protective collar.

It is advisable to purchase a collar made of transparent plastic, which will less block the dog’s view. If you can’t buy a collar, you can make it yourself.

The device, which is a truncated cone, the narrow part of which is placed on the dog’s neck, prevents licking, combing and scratching of wounds.

• take plastic, cardboard or a sheet of thick paper that is suitable in size; • place a fastened collar on it and circle it; • draw an outer circle; • having cut out the collar, try it on and mark the cuts; • treat the inner edge of the product by covering it with adhesive tape or covering it with fabric; • put the product on the animal's neck and connect the sections using glue, tape or paper staples.

Collar drawing

They prevent licking and support injured wrists and joints. Such bandages are often used to fix the joints of dog athletes, and they are also used for sprains and injuries. If the injury is less serious, you will need a bandage, which compares favorably with a regular bandage. The bandage does not become shaggy, does not overtighten the paw, does not stick to the fur and does not slip.

Also try to distract the dog from the wound that is bothering him. For example, offer a chew bone or dog biscuit to keep restless teeth and tongue occupied. Just remember to slightly reduce the portion size when feeding, taking into account the amount of additional calories consumed.

Regardless of which method of protection you choose, do not stop monitoring its effectiveness.
If the animal shows anxiety and extreme persistence in trying to get to the wound, consult a veterinarian, because such behavior often indicates that the animal is in severe pain. come back

When and why you should contact a veterinarian

If your dog begins to lick its paws, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. The owners themselves cannot always determine the exact cause of the disease, much less choose treatment methods. Some of the ailments, if certain measures are not taken, lead to the loss of a limb. And the fungus can spread not only to animals, but also to humans.

A dog is man's friend. Having tamed her, the owner bears the burden of responsibility on his shoulders. If the dog is drooping and lies down a lot, it means he feels bad and has health problems. When the first signs of illness or habits that are unusual for a pet appear, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Is there any harm from licking wounds?

After reading the previous paragraph, you may get the impression that Mother Nature took care of everything, and the owner’s main task is not to prevent the pet from healing on its own.
However, it should be emphasized that dogs are not very clean animals; they explore a lot with their mouths. And saliva sometimes contains not only medicines and drugs. The question takes on a different meaning if your dog is experiencing dental problems, has sore teeth and gums. In this case, the oral cavity is literally teeming with harmful bacteria, which, naturally, will get into the wound with saliva. Let's go further: with the help of their tongue, dogs take care of both their genitals and the anus area. Traces of feces are often found in the mouth and, accordingly, in saliva. Nothing good either. Therefore, we will assume this: the existing risks balance, if not outweigh, the beneficial properties of dog saliva.

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