Why shouldn’t you give your dog chicken bones, and what kind of injuries can it get because of this?
The benefits and necessity of bones in the diet There has long been a debate among dog owners about whether to introduce
The most fashionable clothes for a dachshund with your own hands
Modern clothing for dogs can boast of a wide variety of choices. Besides, dog fashion
How long does a bitch's heat last and how does it go?
A dog's heat (estrus) is a natural process that is one of the important periods of its life.
Why does a dog stick out its tongue when it's hot?
Why does a dog stick out its tongue in extreme heat - the reasons for this pet behavior
Reasons why dogs pant frequently with their tongues out Heavy breathing can be a sign of dangerous
Pros and cons of dachshunds (according to owner reviews)
What do dachshunds look like? The breed appeared in Germany several centuries ago and is considered the oldest
Everything about poodle haircuts: types, features, photos
Caring for a poodle, cutting a toy poodle, grooming a poodle, video tutorials on cutting a poodle On this
Who is the head in this house
How to teach your dog the command “Quiet!”
Often, pet owners are faced with a situation where the animal does not react at all to
How to give smecta to a dog with diarrhea dosage
Effects on the animal's body You can give Smecta to your dog without any fear. Despite
Childbirth in dogs
Kennel club "Vernost"
The birth of babies is a special moment in the life of every owner and his pet. Often new owners
The puppy's first days in a new home. What do you need to know?
Preparing the apartment A puppy is a pet that is ideal for keeping at home So that the dog does not
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