Tireless Pointer: character, breed standard, maintenance and care (+ photos and videos)

Standard and description of the shorthaired pointer or German pointer breed

Bitch's height at the withers: 58-63 cm,

Male height: 62-66 cm,

Weight: 28-35 kg.


  • Dark brown with splashes,
  • Brown with white spots on neck, chest and paws,
  • A mixture of brown (liver) and white, both colors can be basic,
  • Light brown with a darker head and splashes of white,
  • White with a brown head and splashes of brown,
  • Black with splashes,
  • Yellow spots are allowed.

Only if the dominant color is white, weak pigmentation of the nose is possible; in other cases, only black nose is allowed.

additional characteristics

  • Noble appearance;
  • Body dimensions are harmonious;
  • The length of the body is slightly greater than the height of the animal at the withers.


Dry, characteristic, neither heavy nor light, consistent with strength and length. bodies.

Parietal part. Cranial bones Quite a wide, flat convex skull, weakly defined occipital protuberance, not too deep frontal folds, clearly defined brow ridges. Frontal bone (transition from forehead to muzzle) Moderately expressed. Cranial bones of the muzzle. Nose The nose protrudes slightly. The nostrils are quite wide and mobile. Basically brown, but black or speckled dogs have black. Only with a dominant white color is a reddish or speckled nose acceptable. Muzzle A long, wide, deep and strong muzzle to facilitate the dog to retrieve game correctly. When viewed from the side, the bridge of the nose shows a straight line with a slight hump, more pronounced in males. In the same way, a completely straight line of the bridge of the nose, which is still acceptable, is less attractive; a curved (concave) bridge of the nose is a significant defect. Lips: Fitted, not drooping too much, well pigmented. The direction from the nose to the point of separation is almost vertical, then there is a flat curve to the moderately pronounced corner of the lips. Jaw Powerful teeth and jaw, ideal, regular and complete jaw (scissor bite), with the upper row of incisors meeting the lower ones without gap, the teeth stand vertically in the jaw, 42 healthy teeth in accordance with the dental formula. Cheeks Strong, well muscled. Eyes: Medium size, not protruding or too deep set. The ideal color is dark brown. Tightly fitting eyelids. Ears. Of medium length, set high and wide, lying close to the head, smooth and hanging without curling, bluntly rounded below. Not too meaty and not too thin. They lie in front, ending approximately at the corner of the lips.

The length is in harmony with the overall appearance, gradually widening towards the body. Very muscular, slightly arched nape, tight-fitting throat skin.

History of the shorthaired pointer

It has not yet been possible to accurately trace the line of the breed. The most likely assumption is that in the 17th century, Old Spanish Pointers were brought to Germany, where they were crossed with local breeds intended for bird hunting.

The dogs were also crossed with English pointers. Shorthaired Pointer researchers say that various hunting dogs took part in the development of the breed. Shorthaired Pointers have truly outstanding hunting qualities.

Cynological associations approved the breed standard in 1930.

Character and temperament

With the decline in the popularity of hunting, Shorthaired Pointers willingly took on the role of a companion dog.

Distinctive character traits:

  • liveliness,
  • energy,
  • need for communication.

Owners note the independent nature of their pets; if they get bored, they will find something to entertain themselves with. But most likely, the owners will not like the consequences of such entertainment. A very active breed , with a lack of walks the dog makes attempts to escape .

Like other German pointers, the shorthaired pointer can perform any role as a gun dog: retriever, pointer, hunt water and land birds. They are distinguished by a sharp mind and an exceptional sense of smell. Below you can watch a video about how a quail hunt with a shorthaired pointer takes place.

They are extremely attentive guards and will immediately raise their voice if they hear extraneous noises or notice strangers on your territory.

Keeping a shorthaired pointer and other animals , such as cats or rabbits, in the same house can be problematic . Strict training is needed to control a dog's hunting instinct; it is very difficult to get them to stop looking at other pets as prey.

German Smooth-haired Pointers get along well with other dogs. We would like to note that the females of this breed have strong dominant qualities, this allows them to take a leading place among other animals in the house.

Hind limbs

General: When viewed from the front, straight and parallel; from the side, the paws are well positioned under the body. Shoulder-scapula joint: obliquely and backwardly applying the scapula flatly. Strong, lean muscles. Good articulation between shoulder and shoulder blade. Shoulder As long as possible, with good and lean muscles. Elbows Close to the body, but not pressed into it, not turned in or out, directed far back. Good angle of articulation between shoulder and forearm. Forearm Straight, with sufficient muscles. Powerful, not rough bones. Carpal joint Strong Fore metacarpus Minimal bend in the angle of the forearm and pastern, never set too steeply. Forefeet Round to spoon-shaped, with toes tightly packed and fairly arched. Powerful claws. Rough, strong, pads. They rest parallel to the surface and are not turned in or out when standing or moving. General: When viewed from behind, straight and parallel. Good articulation angles. Powerful bones. Thigh Long, wide and muscular. Good articulation between pelvis and thigh. Knees: Powerful, with good articulation between shin and metatarsus. Heel (hock) joint Powerful. Metatarsus Powerful, vertically set. Hind legs. Round to spoon-shaped, with closely spaced, fairly curved toes. Powerful claws. Rough, strong, pads. They rest parallel to the surface and are not turned in or out when standing or moving.

Who is the dog suitable for?

Let us repeat once again that this is a very active dog . If you are a homebody and prefer sedate walks, then it is not quite suitable for you.

Of course, if you are a hunter, then this is a great choice, but even those who have never held a gun in their hands can get this wonderful dog. She will be a devoted friend for an active family who loves sports and fun.

The shorthaired pointer can accompany its owners on bicycle rides or roller skating . A walk with her should not be a measured stroll through the streets, but an energetic event so that the dog can run around and free itself from the energy that overwhelms it.

The breed gets along well with children , but if the child is too small, then you need to monitor the interaction between the dog and the baby: the Shorthaired Pointer may inadvertently push or knock down, just because he is too lively and playful. The breed is not suitable for older people if they are not inclined to an active lifestyle.


Upper profile lines Straight, slightly falling.
Withers Clearly expressed. Back: Firm and well muscled. The spinous processes are hidden by muscles. Loin: Short, broad, muscular, straight or slightly arched. The transition from the back to the lower back is taut and well completed. Croup Wide and fairly long, not cut short, easily leading to the tail, with good muscles. Chest: Deep rather than broad, with a well-defined keel and, if possible, with the sternum directed far back. The sternum and elbow joint are at the same height. Well sprung ribs, not flat or barrel shaped. The rear ribs are well directed downwards. Lower profile lines and belly Easily tucked into an elegant curve, running backwards, dry. The tail is set high, strong at the base, tapering upward, of medium length. Approximately half docked for hunting use. When at rest - hanging, when in motion - set parallel and not too high above the line of the back and not strongly arched. In countries where tail docking is prohibited by law, it may remain natural. It should reach the hock and be straight or somewhat saber-shaped. We suggest you familiarize yourself with: Chicken development, chicken embryo development by day

Education and training

This breed is highly trainable. Since such a dog always strives to move, the first command that is taught to him is “Nearby” .

It is recommended to learn the command “Quiet” , because the shorthaired pointer has a loud bark, they often react to noises outside the door, even when they do not relate to your apartment (for example, the sound of an elevator arriving).

In general, dog trainers advise taking a firm approach to training , but not forgetting about rewards and active interaction with the dog.

How to choose a shorthaired pointer puppy

It is better to buy a dog from a specialized nursery, even if you want to buy an ordinary four-legged friend, and not a hunter. Having a pedigree and all the necessary documents is a guarantee that the pet will not have genetic diseases or behavioral defects. If a dog is purchased for hunting, it is also recommended to check the parents' working certificates.

The price of a purebred shorthaired pointer in Moscow is 15-25 thousand rubles. Show class puppies from champion parents will cost more – 30-50 thousand or more. It is not recommended to buy a dog cheaper than 10 thousand; it could be a mixed breed or a sick animal.

Shorthaired Pointer puppies are sold at 2-3 months. At this age, the external signs of the breed are already visible. You need to pay attention to the characteristics of the coat, color, position of the limbs, shape of the muzzle and ears. When choosing a gender, you need to take into account that males are more stubborn, but are better suited for hunting. Bitches are loyal, affectionate, and do not strive to dominate or run away.

The puppy should be active, cheerful, and curious. He should not show cowardice or aggression. A healthy baby has clean eyes and ears, no unpleasant odor, smooth and shiny fur, and a soft tummy.

The photo shows what a shorthaired pointer puppy should look like:

Maintenance and care

The shorthaired pointer is a very clean dog , suitable for keeping in an apartment; you don’t have to take a lot of care for its coat. Occasionally you need to comb it out, usually this is done during the molting period. The dog is washed only when it gets dirty, for example, after a walk in the forest. Once a month her ears are checked and cleaned.

Shorthaired Pointers are a large breed, but they are prone to obesity , so you need to feed them a reputable food in the dosage that the manufacturer indicated on the package.

You cannot give in to the dog’s requests and feed it from the owner’s table.

And again we return to the active temperament of this breed: long walks, during which the animal runs and frolics, are simply necessary for the shorthaired pointer to have adequate living conditions. Walk the dog at least twice a day .

general characteristics

The shorthaired pointer is a breed created specifically for hunting. People have used it for these purposes since ancient times, even when there were no guns in use and birds were caught using nets or tamed birds of prey. The Pointer has the innate ability to stand completely still, so there is no need to specially train the dog in this skill. Developed muscles allow the pointer to run and swim well. All this makes the breed ideal for people who hunt.

The German pointer shorthaired pointer attracts not only its hunting abilities, but also its beautiful appearance, good intelligence and good-natured character, which makes it popular not only among hunting enthusiasts, but also among all other people.

Major diseases

This breed is characterized by good health , however, it is also prone to some diseases. Most diseases are hereditary:

  • Dysplasia,
  • Eye diseases,
  • Dermatitis,
  • Epilepsy.

Dog handlers note that all these diseases occur quite rarely.

Shorthaired Pointers are prone to bloating if not fed properly, but this can easily be avoided if you leave a little time between feeding and walking.

Bitches can develop oncological lesions of the mammary gland, but when dogs are sterilized, the risks decrease significantly.

The lifespan of a dog is 12 years ; one dog out of 8 lives more than 15 years. The longest recorded lifespan of a shorthaired pointer is 17 years .

How much does it cost and where can I buy it?

Almost every major city has a breed club or breeder from whom you can buy a puppy.

A purebred puppy from reliable producers costs from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles . You can contact the interregional organization “German shorthaired pointer”, where they will recommend a puppy and tell you about the breed. Almost all members of the organization hunt with their dogs.

By the way, shorthaired pointer puppies are born without the characteristic spotted color. They have an even color throughout the body, spots appear later.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of stately shorthaired pointer dogs.

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