Miniature Schnauzer: description of the breed and character traits

  • Miniature Schnauzer

Color is a canine term that refers to the color of a dog's coat.
It is one of the most important traits when breeding dogs. The standard of any breed establishes acceptable and unacceptable colors. Dogs can surprise you with their colors. Each breed of dog has its own color and pattern, therefore, trying to find a puppy with an uncharacteristic color for a given breed is a pointless exercise. Miniature Schnauzers (Medium Schnauzer, Standard Schnauzer) were originally bred to be watchdogs and farm helpers. Their medium size, watchdog qualities and love of family make them a versatile dog breed. They have strong territorial ownership, stubbornness and high intelligence. If you are an active and experienced dog owner looking for a companion, then this is the breed for you!

  1. Country of origin : Germany
  2. Height at withers : male: 47–50 cm, female: 44–47 cm
  3. Weight : male: 14–20 kg, female: 14–20 kg
  4. Lifespan : 13-16 years
  5. Use : watchman, shepherd, rat catcher, companion dog
  6. Other names : medium schnauzer


* We invite you to watch a video about the Miniature Schnauzer . In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what a Miniature Schnauzer looks like.

In this article:
  • History of the origin of the Schnauzer
  • Miniature Schnauzer - description of the breed
  • Popular colors of miniature schnauzers
  • Character and habits of miniature schnauzers
  • Interesting facts about miniature schnauzers
  • Pros and cons of Miniature Schnauzers
  • Breeding Schnauzers
  • Caring for Miniature Schnauzers
  • Miniature Schnauzer diet
  • Diseases and health problems
  • Miniature Schnauzer - price and how to buy correctly

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The Miniature Schnauzer is a breed of dog that is distinguished by its specific intelligence. They were specially bred as shepherd dogs, so the animals have a sharp mind. Today, herding dogs have become full-fledged members of the family, loyally serving their owner and giving strangers a wide berth.

Tips on how to choose a puppy

Before choosing a Miniature Schnauzer puppy, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. You should know that you constantly need to set goals for this dog, providing it with work. If the owner does not do this, the pet will find something to do on its own and you may not like it.

General tips for choosing:

  1. You need to contact reliable breeders. If they don’t have any puppies at the moment, then you need to be patient and wait.
  2. A responsible breeder will sell a puppy starting at six weeks of age. But you can take an overgrowth of up to 4 months. This will be even better. The dog is already accustomed to hygiene and has already formed important concepts. Also, the individual will already be stronger and vaccinated.
  3. The first impression may be wrong. It is better to ask the owner about the character of the pets and choose according to your requirements.
  4. But a visual examination of the future family member will also be useful. Examine your puppy carefully to ensure it meets breed standards.
  5. When choosing a sex, you need to know that the male is more balanced and elegant than the female. But when nature calls, it can easily abandon its owner. The bitch is more flexible and loyal. She gives in to the call of nature twice a year and the rest of the time she is indifferent to gentlemen.

History of the origin of the Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is one of the most ancient breeds of schnauzers. The beginning of the breed dates back to approximately the 14th – 15th centuries. The breed was bred in Germany specifically for protection. The literal translation of the word "middle schnauzer" means bearded dog. The reason for the name is quite understandable; the animal has a clearly visible beard on its face. This breed gave impetus to the formation of two others: the Giant Schnauzer and the Miniature Schnauzer. The first name of the breed was Wirehaired Pinscher.

For many years, the Miniature Schnauzer was a farm dog and was used to perform various types of tasks. In fact, this is a fairly versatile dog breed that can perform many useful functions. Famous medieval artists such as Albrecht, Dürer and Rembrandt often depicted dogs of this breed in their canvases.

Interesting fact: Until the 19th century, the Schnauzer was one of the most popular dog breeds in Germany and its neighboring countries. And in 1850, the breed was recognized as the best and purebred by professional breeders and dog breeders in Germany.

The breed received a new name, namely the Miniature Schnauzer, only in 1879. At one of the dog shows, the winner was called Schnauzer. So this name was attached to this breed. And since the beginning of the 20th century this has become a very common name. Although the dog received its first breed standard in the 1880s in Germany precisely as a wire-haired German pinscher. In the beginning, the breed had a large number of colors, but later breeders were able to achieve the basic colors, black and pepper, which became standard for this breed in 1907.

During the First World War, this breed of dog served and was extremely useful. They were both couriers for Red Cross nurses to deliver aid to the battlefield for the wounded, and service dogs for the police.

After the First World War, Germany experienced decline and people migrated in large numbers to various European countries, taking their wealth with them. This list also included miniature schnauzers, which is how the breed came to the countries of Europe and America.

Tips for choosing a puppy

This breed is suitable for almost every person. Mittel is a great friend and companion, but is also willing to work hard. The dog's activity and good health allows you to take it with you into nature both in summer and winter.

Many people worry about how to choose a purebred and healthy baby. You should buy a puppy from a breeding nursery with a full package of documents - a puppy card, which is then exchanged for a pedigree in the Russian Canine Federation, and a veterinary passport with vaccination marks. By purchasing a pet from a breed specialist, you will be sure that your dog meets the breed standards both in appearance and character.

When meeting your baby, observe how he behaves. The puppy should be cheerful, active, play with littermates, touch them, growl and bite. The dog should show interest in people unfamiliar to him and, perhaps, even show his character. Cowardice is considered a vice in this breed. Before getting a dog, it is advisable to consult a breed specialist. He will tell you what Schnauzer puppies should be like at a certain age.

Miniature Schnauzer - description of the breed

Miniature Schnauzers are medium-sized dogs with a strong frame made of wide bones.

Standard breed characteristics:

  • The dog's weight is 12-25 kg, height at the withers is 45-50 cm;
  • The elongated and wide head, the shape of which resembles a blunt wedge, is equipped with a flat forehead and a bump on the back of the head, as well as a U-shaped jaw;
  • Developed cheekbones framed by flat muscles;
  • Oval eyes with close-fitting eyelids edged with a dark stripe;
  • Semi-erect ears that are set quite high. Some owners decide to crop their ears. However, in a number of countries, ear cropping is prohibited, so the owner of a Miniature Schnauzer needs to take this fact into account.
  • Almost square body with a well-developed oval sternum and strong back;
  • Medium length neck;
  • A high-set saber-shaped tail, which the dog always holds straight. In rare cases, owners dock the tail, leaving 3 parts of the spine. According to the standards, it must be intact;
  • Strong paws and well-defined shoulders;
  • Black nose with wide nostrils;
  • Correct bite of teeth that stand without gaps;
  • The coat is of medium length, which consists of guard hair and undercoat. The axial hair is hard and the ends are soft;
  • Eyebrows and beard are pronounced;
  • Average life expectancy is 14-16 years.

The Miniature Schnauzer has established itself as a cheerful, playful dog that is especially wary of strangers. The dog is very smart and always tries to please its owner, so it is easy to train and can be trained.

Black miniature schnauzers

This color variety is famous for its balance of character, complaisance and amazing obedience. Blackies are clearly focused on the owner-leader, learn instantly and easily, and concentrate without problems.

The Miniature Schnauzer is ideally suited to apartment living - a service dog with proper coat care does not shed, its fur is odorless and does not cause allergies. Many supporters of anthracite color consider black mittels to be more elegant and stylish.

Among the anthracite mittels there are many individuals with a wiry-hard base spine and lush decoration. Minor waviness is not a defect: a kink in the spine can be corrected by trimming and corrected by styling.

The Charcoal Schnauzer is a versatile dog. This is a tactful and sensitive interlocutor-companion, a cheerful and energetic companion, a reliable watchman, a tireless athlete, an empathic psychotherapist who can feel and lift the owner’s mood.

Popular colors of miniature schnauzers

Miniature Schnauzers have a thick, coarse coat of medium length and a good undercoat. Wavy and tousled fur is not allowed.

There are two types of coat color:

  1. Pepper and salt. With this color, each hair is colored with pepper, but the undercoat is gray. There is a dark mask on the muzzle;
  2. Black. The main hair and undercoat are colored pure black.

The two color types belong to the same breed, but the dogs are bred separately. The nursery breeds only one color. There are cases when individuals of only one color are presented at exhibitions.

Despite the fact that two colors are popular, owners give greater preference to the “pepper and salt” color. Therefore, the likelihood of seeing a Pepper Schnauzer on the street is much greater than a resin one. The calling card of the Miniature Schnauzer is its variegation. This color is recognized as the generic coat of arms of the breed.

The widespread distribution of peppered dogs was greatly influenced by the breeders themselves of this breed. So, pieds began to be bred in Russia ten years earlier than blacks. In addition, black Schnauzers did not have a wide choice of imported progenitors with strong roots.

Interesting fact: Despite the widespread distribution of peppered Schnauzers, it is the black representatives of this breed that are distinguished by their high class and can compete with foreign representatives of the breed.

Today, only two colors of Miniature Schnauzers are declared and no relaxation in this matter is expected from the registry section.

What nicknames can be given to a boy and a girl?

The noble appearance determines that not all nicknames are suitable for representatives of this breed. Boys can be named Baron, Perce, Toby, Vegas or Luke

Names that evoke a feeling of nobility are also suitable for girls. Most often chosen are Richie, Sandy, Doxie, Viva, Molly and some others

When choosing a nickname, do not forget that it will be used several times a day. Therefore, it should be short and sonorous.

The breed has high intelligence and perfectly understands the words of the owner.

Character and habits of miniature schnauzers

An energetic and cheerful dog who loves outdoor games, can be very serious and sweet at the same time. The Miniature Schnauzer is particularly devoted to its owner and intelligent, so training these animals is very easy and simple.

A characteristic feature of the breed is stubbornness. During the training process, the owner will have to show perseverance and perseverance in order to achieve the highest quality results. The Miniature Schnauzer is a very smart dog, so it will initially try to take the place of leader in the family. The owner will have to fight this and let the dog understand that his place is “on the mat.” Otherwise, the dog will constantly manipulate the owner.

The dog is ideal for keeping in an apartment, but it also needs regular physical activity. The owner should spend enough time playing with their pets, preferably outside.

Dogs of this breed are very sensitive to harshness from their owners; they are touchy. The hunter's blood still continues to boil in his veins, so they do not get along well with cats and rodents. The exception is a union with another pet from the very birth of the dog. The optimal union is considered to be cohabitation with another individual of the same breed.

Dogs do not allow strangers into their home; the guard instinct is triggered automatically. When an intruder enters the house, the dog first signals the owner about danger, and then independently tries to detain the intruder. The Miniature Schnauzer has established itself as a brave and fearless protector of all family members.

Interesting fact : At the same time, dogs are very affectionate and friendly towards their owner. Their favorite pastime is active play. They will enjoy playing with children.

Life on a chain is not suitable for a Miniature Schnauzer. The dog needs constant activity. If you keep him in an apartment, then he needs to be walked for a sufficient amount of time, at least an hour. If a dog lives in the yard of his house and can independently move around its territory, this does not mean at all that he does not need attention. Play and training are mandatory conditions for the full maintenance of an animal.

Features of character and behavior

This is a typical representative of working dogs, accustomed to working as a guard. They are designed to work with people and retain their functional abilities. Animals are soft, but loyal and true friends. They become very attached to their owners and do not like to be left alone for a long time.

Dogs are active, they need training and walking, so Schnauzers are not suitable for homebodies and busy people. They are smart and developed enough for narrowly focused training, but they are also stubborn.

Read articles about related breeds of the Miniature Schnauzer: “Hardy and smart - Giant Schnauzer” and “Brave guard - Miniature Schnauzer”.


The main advantages of the breed include:

  1. Devotion, attachment to only one owner and family (a pet cannot get used to other owners, even with long-term cohabitation);
  2. Pronounced protective instinct (Schnauzers are born guards);
  3. Mittel feels the mood of those around him, does not impose himself, fits into the rhythm of life of any person;
  4. Observation, alertness;
  5. Affectionateness, love (especially towards children);
  6. Good memory, developed intelligence, quick learner;
  7. Activity, playfulness;
  8. Restraint, absence of random bursts of aggression.


Character flaws appear for each individual separately. After all, temperament, although given from birth, is adjusted by upbringing and living conditions. One way or another, all Mittels are characterized by features that owners do not like:

  • Dislike for fellow dogs (it is important to properly socialize the pet, accustom it to the equality of all dogs, otherwise the Schnauzer will try to show leadership at every opportunity);
  • Grudge;
  • Wary of strangers;
  • Loud barking;
  • Willfulness and stubbornness.

Interesting facts about miniature schnauzers

The favorite pastime of dogs of this breed is active games, so they are often completely immersed in the process and get carried away by it. Such behavior makes them uncontrollable; the dog may simply stop obeying the owner during play.

However, the Miniature Schnauzer is not only distinguished by its playfulness. Dogs have a well-developed sense of smell and smell, and at a crucial moment they can be extremely attentive and diligent. That is why they are recruited to serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, border services and police. Dogs are excellent at following a person's scent, so they can easily track down criminals or victims. With their help, it is easy to find evidence during investigative activities.

The following facts speak about the specific character of the Miniature Schnauzer:

  1. Many years ago, dogs were specially kept in stables to catch rats. They dealt with rodents much better than cats. That's why they were called rat catchers or stable pinschers;
  2. Dogs were active participants in hostilities. They coped well with the role of ambulance dog and signal dog in army units;
  3. At the end of the 20th century, a miniature schnauzer lived in the White House of the presidential administration, who often performed for visitors. In 1995, he won the title of "First White House Pet" in a competition with Bill Clinton's cat. As a result, the pet received a personal limousine and security. The dog was regularly invited to public appearances, banquets and various events;
  4. History knows the case of a miniature schnauzer named George, who determined the presence of cancer in a person. Sensing clusters of cancer cells, the dog sat on the patient’s problem area and barked loudly;
  5. In Germany, the Miniature Schnauzer was erected a monument “The Night Watchman” in 1620;
  6. The dog can be trained to wipe its beard after eating.


The most pronounced feature of a dog’s character is its innate suspicion. The dog can easily determine who is standing on the threshold of a house or apartment - an ill-wisher with bad intentions or a good friend of the family.

Miniature Schnauzers are smart and resourceful. However, such skills must be constantly developed, otherwise the dog will withdraw into itself.

The animal expresses emotions vigorously, especially when it comes to love for its owner. You should be prepared for the dog to constantly show his feelings. However, she is not obsessive.

The Schnauzer strives for leadership. From year to year, the pet will test the strength of the owner’s authority.

Pros and cons of Miniature Schnauzers

The main advantages of this dog breed:

  • A good option for maintaining a home;
  • Vitality and unpretentiousness;
  • High intelligence. The animal is easy to train;
  • Good qualities of a watchman. In any situation, the dog will defend its owner;
  • High sports skills. This is an energetic and hardy dog;
  • Devotion to the owner and his family;
  • Ability to get along with children. Especially loves to play active games with children from his family;
  • Excellent coat that makes the dog feel comfortable in any weather. The dog does not get wet or freeze;
  • Distrust towards strangers;
  • A dog that will find a way to cheer up its owner.

The main disadvantages of this dog breed:

  • Manifestation of cunning and manipulation of the owner;
  • If the owner shows weakness, the pet tries to dominate him;
  • Stubbornness;
  • Resourcefulness. If you do not organize leisure time for this dog, it will definitely find something to do that the owner does not always like;
  • Impudence. If you give it some slack, the dog will simply sit on the owner’s neck. But it will be difficult to throw her out of there;
  • Excessive distrust of strangers;
  • The dog needs constant painstaking and expensive care.

The main difficulty of the Miniature Schnauzer's character is its ambiguity. For one owner, distrust and caution towards other people is a positive thing. For other owners, this trait of the animal brings a number of inconveniences. Even a small puppy is ready to defend its territory to the bitter end, not allowing strangers into it.

And everyone around them is considered strangers to this breed, except the owner and members of his family. With age, the dog's guard qualities only intensify. Of course, an adult dog can get used to its owners' friends and, over time, enjoy their presence. But this will take a lot of time.

What is the color and color of a Schnauzer dog?

The visible pigment of the outer part of the hair. A significant number of dogs, along with pigmented hair, have white spots or marks in certain areas of the body that are devoid of pigment, i.e. hair lacking pigment. When mixing colors, the color of the dog is determined by the dominant color. A dog has such types of hair as downy, integumentary (smooth), guard hair. The different properties of wool are determined as an adaptation to different climatic conditions and their habitat. Each type of coat and its color requires special care. Breeders have studied how color and patterns are created on the body of an animal. Genes can be responsible for hair structure and color. This is general information that applies to all dog breeds and does not apply to Miniature Schnauzer puppies.

  • A. With the help of this locus, a solid color of the pet’s entire body is obtained (monochromatic).
  • B. Dyes wool black. Some species have partial of this gene (spotting). Some dog breeds necessarily have this gene!
  • C. This is the key component! With its help, the body produces color throughout the body. If this component is missing, the dog may be born without color (albino). The color of the nose and iris does not depend on this component.
  • D. If there is little gene in the pet’s body, then the coat will be lighter. If there is a lot of gene in the body, then the dog will have a rich black color. The gene affects the viability of the dog; if a pet is born with a lack of the gene and a blue color, then he may most likely not live to see his senior years. When the gene is dominant, the color of the pet turns out to be black.
  • G. With old age, this component is activated and gray hair appears. They call him gray-haired. When the color turns gray.
  • E. With its help, in most cases, three-color colors are obtained, containing pigment of black, brown and yellow.
  • M. The gene leads to anomalies for the pet and gives a harlequin pattern. Has a marble color. With old age, the gene can lead to lightening of color.
  • S. This gene causes partial body pigmentation in dogs. (white spotting).
  • T. The gene is characterized by mottling. It is opposite to the S gene and forms dark spots on white areas.
  • R. Chastity - alternation of hair that is colored and not.

Breeding Schnauzers

Mating of dogs of this breed is no different from mating of dogs of other breeds. A female Schnauzer is capable of producing offspring after her first heat, which occurs before she is one year old. But experts recommend refraining from giving birth after the first heat, as this can negatively affect the health of the female. At this age, she is not yet fully formed. The most suitable age for giving birth is 2 years, in which case the threat to the female is minimal, and the puppies will be healthy.

Interesting fact: Signs of pregnancy in the Miniature Schnauzer appear quite late in the pregnancy. The bribe occurs between the eleventh and fifteenth days of estrus.

It is undesirable to feed animals before a bribe. It is best to introduce a male and female for mating on territory that is neutral for both dogs. It is best to do this outdoors, so that the animals can get to know each other well, walk and run around together. But it is advisable to carry out mating on the territory of the male, these are ideal conditions for him. The main thing at this moment is not to disturb them and not to interfere. After 48 hours, it is advisable to carry out a control mating.

The number of puppies for bitches increases with each litter depending on age. Young ones give birth to fewer puppies than older ones. The main thing is to mark the day of mating, in this case it will be possible to control the gestational age. After all, giving birth too early or too late can negatively affect the health of the puppies.

Since pregnancy manifests itself late, it can be determined by the dog’s behavior. A pregnant female becomes calmer and more affectionate. From ignorance, you may get the feeling that she is sick.

For childbirth, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • Disposable diapers or sheets;
  • Sterile wipes;
  • Afterbirth bowl;
  • A large number of rags, maybe not new, but always clean and ironed;
  • Basin or box;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Medicines in case of unsuccessful birth.

Females give birth to puppies between 58 and 63 days. Before giving birth, your dog's stomach needs to be cleaned, so you will need to give her a laxative. A couple of days before giving birth, the dog’s body temperature drops to 37°C.

Caring for a Miniature Schnauzer - features of the breed

Like other wire-haired dogs, natural shedding in Miniature Schnauzers is difficult. It must be replaced with regular grooming procedures, which include plucking dead hair, trimming hair on the head and legs, and trimming it in delicate areas.

But your pet will not add any smell or fur to your home. Other recommendations suitable for any four-legged friend can be found in the “Care” section of the website.

Caring for Miniature Schnauzers

The Miniature Schnauzer is a medium-sized dog, which means it can be kept in an apartment without any problems, but only with regular walks. This breed has a developed undercoat, so the dog can be kept as a guard dog in the yard. The Miniature Schnauzer, like other dog breeds, requires care.

The list of procedures that a dog needs includes:

  • Cleaning wool;
  • Periodic regular bathing;
  • Haircut and trimming;
  • Regular examinations of eyes, ears, teeth;
  • Trimming nails as needed;
  • Cleaning the eyelids.

Trimming and hygienic haircuts must be carried out at least twice a year. They mainly cut the hair in the area of ​​the muzzle, paws and groin area. At least once a week, the coat should be cleaned and combed with a comb and a special brush.

When examining the eyes, it is necessary to pay attention to the mucous membrane of the eye and the secretion of tears. Ears should be cleaned once every one to two weeks. Claws are trimmed on average once every three weeks. An important point concerns the animal's fur. About twice a year it becomes soft and loses color. In this case, it must be plucked out so that a new and beautiful one grows. This does not cause the animal any pain.

A distinctive feature of the Miniature Schnauzer breed is its beard, and it requires maximum care. The beard should be combed daily and washed after each meal so that there are no pieces of food left there that can cause skin diseases.

The Miniature Schnauzer can be fed with both special food and natural food. In both cases the food must be of high quality. If you feed natural food, then the menu should include meat, offal, cereals, various vegetables and herbs. You can also add dairy products and eggs to your diet.

Maintenance and care

In size, Mittels are significantly inferior to their relatives, Giant Schnauzers, which makes keeping them in an apartment more comfortable. But if you are interested in the opinion of the Miniature Schnauzer himself, then there is no doubt that he will vote with all four paws for a house with a garden or a large plot where he can run freely all day long.

My miniature schnauzer


With proper care, the Schnauzer's shedding coat does not shed like many other breeds and has almost no unpleasant dog odor. And yet, if you are not indifferent to your pet’s appearance, you will have to tinker with its “fur coat” often and a lot. It is better to start with the most dirty areas - tufts of wool between the toes, to which sand, small debris and liquid dirt stick during walks. Breeders recommend washing the paws of indoor miniature schnauzers after each walk, simultaneously picking out specks tangled in the fur. Don’t forget about the decorative hair on the face, which the animal constantly gets dirty while eating, so after each feeding we wipe the dog’s “whiskers” and “beard” with a clean, dry cloth.

Miniature Schnauzers can be bathed once a month using shampoos and conditioners for coarse hair. By the way, in order to achieve maximum effect, it is better to dilute detergents with water in a 1:1 ratio. After the bath, clean wool is blotted with a cotton towel and dried with a hairdryer. To brush your dog, stock up on a set of different-sized combs. For example, for a “mustache” and “beard”, metal combs with sparse teeth are suitable. It is better to treat the hair on the body of a Miniature Schnauzer with a massage wire brush that penetrates deep into the undercoat. This process is quite labor-intensive, since you will have to thoroughly work out the tangled areas of the lower layer of the “fur coat”.

Clipped Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzers are trimmed at least twice a year, removing dead undercoat, thereby creating optimal conditions for faster coat renewal. Hair plucking can be done manually (silicone fingertips help) or using a trimming knife. First of all, the neck and croup are treated, gradually going down to the body and hips of the animal. The Miniature Schnauzer's head is not trimmed, but cut short with a clipper, maintaining a uniform coat length of 2-3 mm. Frequent haircuts all over the body, which some owners practice, are not at all beneficial for the Miniature Schnauzer. Hair that is constantly cut eventually changes its structure, becoming softer. In addition, the undercoat of such Miniature Schnauzers often falls off.

Once a week, take a few minutes to care for your Miniature Schnauzer's ears. Carefully inspect your pet's ear canals to see if there are any debris or excess wax secretions in them. If there are any, remove them with a cotton swab and veterinary lotion. It is better to examine the eyes of the miniature schnauzer every day, removing any lumps that have accumulated in their corners with a napkin. If there are signs of souring of the mucous membrane, you can wipe your eyes with a clean cloth soaked in chamomile infusion. For miniature schnauzers that eat commercial food or regularly consume special solid treats from pet stores, brushing their teeth is not necessary. Dry croquettes and pressed seeds will do a great job of removing plaque. In all other cases, the dog's teeth will have to be brushed manually or using a special brush.


6 month old miniature schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is an active dog, which for a happy and long life needs to be physically “unloaded” on a regular basis, so the breed will not be easy for an unsportsmanlike owner. You should walk your pet twice a day, but this should not be a spontaneous “cutting circles around the area.” It is highly desirable that the promenade be held in a lively rhythm and interspersed with physical exercises, tasks for ingenuity and endurance, as well as games. If the miniature schnauzer lives in a house where there is a large yard, or even better, a fenced plot of land, you can take him out for a walk less often. Just make a few sports equipment for your ward, on which he could improve his physical fitness.

You can take your Miniature Schnauzer puppy outside as early as two weeks after the first vaccination, although some owners play it safe by not letting their animals go for walks until they are 4 months old. Mittel owners explain such actions by their desire to protect the puppy’s body from street infections. In fact, the bacteria and microorganisms that inhabit the environment are not so dangerous for the Miniature Schnauzer. The worst thing is that a puppy who has been confined to four walls has a very difficult time getting used to the street and socializing even worse, so if you want to get a fierce, suspicious beech, lock your miniature schnauzer in an apartment and do not let him out into the street until he is 6 months old.

Feeding the Miniature Schnauzer

What are we having for lunch here?

The owner of the Miniature Schnauzer will have to choose between industrial food and natural food on his own, since veterinarians have not yet decided on the ideal food for this breed. The miniature schnauzer himself will absorb both “dry food” and meat products with equal pleasure. At the same time, it is important to remember that food from the store - if it is at least premium-class options - is balanced in composition and contains the entire complex of microelements that a dog needs. As for the “natural” dog, the owner of the mittel will have to tinker to include in the pet’s diet all those products that will provide his body with vital amino acids. In addition, you will have to spend extra money on vitamin and mineral supplements.

Products included in the diet of the Miniature Schnauzer:

  • lean meat or its waste;
  • offal;
  • cereal porridges (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat);
  • sea ​​fish;
  • vegetables and herbs;
  • boiled egg (no more than once a week);
  • dairy products.

The meat for miniature schnauzers is given raw, chopped into medium-sized pieces (puppies can be cut smaller). Do not scrape or mince the meat under any circumstances - you will only spoil the product and deprive your pet of most of the calories. Poultry bones won’t do any good either, but a young mittel will be sincerely happy with a brain veal bone.

Miniature Schnauzer diet

Miniature Schnauzer puppies can eat both dry food and regular food. A small Schnauzer may not always like dry food and he will not eat it. Accordingly, you need to conduct several tests before purchasing food in large quantities.

If the owner is going to feed the baby natural food, then it is worth remembering that for normal development and growth the dog needs a balanced amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins. This means that his diet should consist of products containing this entire set.

You can get protein for your baby by feeding him milk, meat or fish, as well as cereals. Meat and fish will provide your pet with fats. To normalize the functioning of the dog’s muscular system, its menu should contain vegetables, rye or wheat bread, as well as various cereal products. To replenish the body's reserves of minerals and vitamins, the baby needs to be fed liver, dairy products and fruits.

As for the drinking regime, the water in the drinking bowl should always be clean and constantly change. The water should not be cold or very hot. A Miniature Schnauzer puppy, one and a half months old, is fed on average 4 – 5 times a day.

His daily menu is as follows:

  • Meat;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Porridge (rolled oats or buckwheat);
  • Fermented milk products (kefir or yogurt);
  • Vegetables;
  • Sour cream;
  • Vegetable oil.

One meal should not exceed 80 g in weight. Upon reaching two months, the norm for one meal is 160 g. Until 10 months, puppies’ food must be crushed, and the portion size gradually increased to 240 g.

Important fact: From the age of one year, the puppy must be switched to adult food, taking into account its anthropometric parameters and physical development. Regardless of age, the dog needs to be given additional medications containing salts, phytin and calcium, as well as vitamins. All these drugs are given to the animal on a monthly schedule.

In order for the use of drugs to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian before use and undergo the necessary tests, on the basis of which the doctor will prescribe a dosage. Otherwise, you may exceed the dosage, which will lead to negative health consequences.

Education and training

It is recommended to start learning the basics of raising and training a Miniature Schnauzer a couple of weeks after the puppy has moved to its new home and has become accustomed to it. The exercises are performed calmly and methodically, with multiple daily repetitions.

The first to learn are the basic commands: “Sit”, “Lie down”, “No/Fu”, “Place”. After the baby has been vaccinated and quarantined, you can try the commands “Near” and “Come” on walks.

If you plan to attend exhibitions, the dog must be able to show its teeth. In this case, it is necessary to start socializing the dog as early as possible so that in the future it will not be afraid of large and noisy places where people and dogs gather. Try to teach your pet to perceive the hands of strangers as adequately as possible, since judges often examine animals in detail.

Toilet training of the little mittel begins as early as possible. Regardless of the season - winter, spring, summer or autumn - the owner must take the baby for a walk every day at a certain time. You should start with 4-6 times a day, gradually moving to two or three walks.

If the puppy shows interest in shoes and chews furniture, it is necessary to strictly but calmly prohibit him from doing this. Physical punishment is unacceptable.

It is recommended that you take your pet through a general training course, during which competent dog handlers will tell and advise dog owners how to raise a puppy and how to find an approach to their pet, taking into account the breed’s temperamental characteristics.

Diseases and health problems

There are three types of infectious diseases that can affect this breed of dog:

  • Viral (appears when the dog has either not been vaccinated against this disease or has been vaccinated incorrectly);
  • Bacterial (diseases that spread to the animal’s skin);
  • Fungal (spread to the skin and hair).

Tick ​​bites are also quite dangerous for the animal, which can lead to diseases such as piroplasmosis or babesiosis, which are deadly for the animal. If your pet exhibits any suspicious behavior that does not resemble its usual behavior, you should immediately contact a veterinarian; perhaps this will help prevent the development of the disease at earlier stages by diagnosing it in time.

The main distinguishing features of the disease are: lack of appetite, dry nose, digestive tract upset, excessive salivation, cramps or convulsions, weakness, apathy, increased or, conversely, decreased body temperature, change in color of mucous membranes.

In general, Schnauzers are a fairly healthy breed of dog, but they also have their own diseases:

  • Atopy is an allergic disease accompanied by itchy skin caused by substances in the environment;
  • Melanoma is a tumor;
  • Lipomas are tumors in the fatty subcutaneous tissue, usually benign;
  • Bloating – with this disease, twisting of the intestines is possible, which is extremely dangerous for the animal;
  • Hip dysplasia is an inherited condition that causes lameness;
  • Epilepsy - manifests itself during the period of life from 2 to 5 years of life;
  • Cataract - affects the eyes and leads to blindness of the animal;
  • Cryptorchidism is a disease in which one or two testicles do not descend;
  • Diabetes is a disease in which the pancreas does not secrete enough insulin;
  • Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Most often accompanied by abdominal pain and loss of appetite.

Miniature Schnauzers also have bladder infections, and unneutered males have testicular tumors.

Miniature Schnauzer Health and Diseases

Possible diseases

Representatives of this breed are among the long-livers. The average life expectancy is 14 years, some pets live up to 16-17 years, while remaining active and hardworking. Animals have fairly strong immunity.

A prerequisite for reducing the risk of developing infectious diseases is timely preventive vaccinations.

Since dogs move a lot and often run through fields, it is necessary to remember about regular tick treatment, which is the prevention of the most terrible disease - piroplasmosis.

Despite all of the above, there are a number of hereditary diseases inherent in this breed:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • allergic reactions and their skin manifestations
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • epileptic seizures.

At the current stage of development of Russian and foreign dog breeding, musculoskeletal disorders expressed by dysplasia, unfortunately, are a scourge affecting many breeds. It is characterized by varying degrees of severity - from mild to complete lameness. Dogs with this disorder should not be allowed to be bred, and experienced breeders try to check their sires using special tests.

Food allergic reactions are common. In this case, the owner must independently identify the allergen and exclude it from the dog’s diet. If this fails, you should contact a veterinary clinic, where the doctor, after conducting additional tests, will help identify the source of the reaction. In severe cases, it is necessary to switch to medicated feed.

Dermatitis can be the result of food allergies or improper care of your pet's skin and coat. The provoking factor is moisture, which remains on the skin under the undercoat and irritates delicate skin. The second reason is incorrect trimming.

Some representatives of the breed suffer from epileptic seizures. The first are diagnosed before the age of 2 years, if they were not identified before this period, the likelihood of their occurrence in the future tends to zero. If they have been diagnosed, such an animal is not allowed for breeding.

Reproductive health

Dogs older than 12 months are allowed for breeding. The optimal age for the first mating in a male is 10-12 months, in a female - the second or third heat (depending on the interval between them). The duration of estrus is 22-28 days. With this cycle, mating is carried out on the 11th day, control - on the 13th. Males can be used for breeding no more than 8 times a year.

During pregnancy, the dog is recommended to limit, but not completely eliminate, physical activity, add raw meat to the diet (in the case of a natural type of feeding) and special vitamins for pregnant and lactating bitches.

In most cases, if the pregnancy is healthy, childbirth is easy and without complications.

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