What to do if your dog ate the pills?

Symptoms of pain in dogs and how to recognize them in time

Animals of the canine family, just like humans, are capable of experiencing types of pain that differ in symptoms.

Visceral pain, symptoms:

  • attacks of panic and anxiety;
  • the animal may bite its stomach;
  • an unnatural body position appears, coordination is impaired;
  • the animal's appetite decreases or disappears completely;

The presence of foci of pain in the chest area:

  • cautious movements, uncertainty while moving;
  • reluctance to take a lying position;
  • presence of shallow breathing.

What to give your dog for pain

Somatic pain

Damage to the upper layers of skin, nerve fibers, as well as injuries to bones and muscle tissue have consequences in the form of somatic pain. Such painful sensations are accompanied by aggression, avoidance during touching and fear. The presence of inflammatory processes in the spine, spinal cord and joints leads to the following symptoms:

  • lack of mobility in the dog;
  • presence of lameness;
  • the dog whines;
  • The pet does not allow you to touch the source of discomfort and shows aggressiveness.


Four-legged pets are also subject to headaches due to increased blood pressure, as well as pain in the digestive tract due to poisoning. If your dog has a fever, find out more about what you can do at home.

Types of Pain Relief Products for Dogs

Of course, every owner should have a specialized pain reliever, and also know whether to give it to the dog or not. Unfortunately, such medication is not always at hand during an emergency. In this case, the question arises: “Can dogs be given pain pills that are prescribed for humans?” Some human painkillers are applicable to four-legged pets.

Tablets for dogs

Nutraceuticals, provided with plant-derived components, minerals and amino acids, can eliminate pain and swelling in the paws and joints, they do not contain contraindications. Non-steroidal drugs can be given: ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin. These types of tablets or injections not only eliminate the source of discomfort in the body, but also relieve inflammatory processes.

The disadvantage of such painkillers is the presence of side effects with frequent use in the form of diarrhea, vomiting or apathy. Pain medications that have a narcotic effect are prescribed only by a veterinarian, since opioids can cause the dog: weakness, drowsiness, numbness of the limbs, and slow reaction.

Which painkillers can a dog use and which ones can’t?

It is enough for loving owners to have several analogues of drugs to eliminate pain in their home medicine cabinet. Know exactly which painkillers are suitable for your pet from human medications. And all this knowledge will help you not to wonder what kind of painkiller you can give your dog.

Drugs for pain relief in dogs

What can you give your pet from available medicines to make it feel better?

  1. Ketonal. For example, an inexpensive and effective pain reliever is ketonal or ketoprofen. This medicine has a convenient way of dosing the medicine. Ketonal can be purchased in the form of tablets or injections. Medicines should be given within the period prescribed by the veterinarian for up to one week.
  2. Vedaprofen (quadrisol) is a gel pain reliever that is used for problems with the musculoskeletal system. The drug is highly effective and can be used for a month, but has the disadvantage of being overpriced.
  3. Baralgin. One of the most common painkillers is baralgin. Very often, owners are interested in whether their dog can be given baralgin for excruciating pain. This product is not prohibited for use on pets, so it can be given to your pet without fear. But unfortunately, the drug does not have a long-lasting effect, which is its disadvantage.
  4. Analgin. Sometimes dogs are given pain relief in analgin tablets. Puppies and small breeds are given a quarter of a tablet 2 times a day. The larger the breed, the larger the dose of medication. The dosage should not exceed two doses during the day.
  5. Amantadine is given to four-legged pets for pain resulting from herniated discs and in the presence of a tumor. This measure is safe to use, but the animal may experience diarrhea.
  6. Tramadol - painkillers, like opiates, eliminates areas of discomfort in sarcoma, as it is a synthetic, potent drug. This medicine is used to relieve well-being and pain from suturing after severe operations in our little brothers. This medicine is prohibited in Russia and can only be purchased by specialized veterinary clinics.
  7. Travmatin is a homeopathic pain reliever that relieves pain in the pet’s bones and joints due to fractures and dislocations. Traumatin can be in injections and gels.
  8. Pentalnig. Another human painkiller suitable for pets is pentalgin. The shaggy friends can easily eat this drug with food or drink it dissolved in water. Pentalgin has a long-lasting effect and an affordable price.
  9. Rimadyl is not a steroid, it is used as an anti-inflammatory drug used for arthritis and arthrosis of the joints in older dogs. Its action also reduces aches in the limbs, allowing you to move more actively. Rimadyl is available in ampoules and tablets and acts immediately. Animals like the beef taste of the tablets, so Rimadyl is convenient to use. But ampoules have many contraindications; before use, it is worth clarifying all possible complications.

what painkiller can be given to dogs

Foreign analogues of painkillers for dogs

Tramadol is a drug made in America. It belongs to the genus of narcotic analgesics and is prohibited for sale in Russia, so you can purchase it if you have permits. But at the same time, there are other more affordable means of pain relief: capsules that can be chewed FlexPet, Deramaxx (Deracoxib), Previcox (Firocoxib).

What medications should not be given to your pet?

The dog's body is very sensitive to certain types of medications, so not all painkillers are suitable for the animal. You should not give your pet the following medications to prevent pain:

  • Voltaren;
  • Indomethacin (metindole);
  • Ketorol and its derivatives (ketrolac, ketrodol) cannot be given to a dog in any dosage;
  • Salicylic acid;
  • Aspirin (find out more about whether you can give your dog aspirin);
  • Paracetamol (acetaminophen, Tylenol);
  • Naproxen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ortofen;
  • Ibuprofen;

The dog is sick

Types of painkillers

The current pharmaceutical market is filled with a huge number of painkillers of various types.

  • non-steroidal,
  • steroid drugs,
  • analgesics,
  • narcotic drugs.

Release forms also vary. They are presented in the form of tablets, capsules, less often powders, solutions in ampoules. There are ointments, sprays, and creams with an analgesic effect. Each of them is suitable specifically for a particular case in practice. The therapeutic effect also occurs in different ways. Injectable drugs act the fastest, as they quickly enter the bloodstream. Ointments act purely locally. The capsule needs time in the stomach to dissolve the gelatin shell, etc. Some medications can be purchased at any pharmacy, others only by prescription or can generally only be used by a doctor in a specialized institution.

Non-steroidal (aspirin, ibuprofen, ketaprofen)

Is it possible to give dogs ketorol, aspirin and other similar medications - read on! This group is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, NSAIDs). Medicines with pronounced analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. The name itself indicates the absence of so-called steroids in their composition. Steroids are substances of animal or plant origin with very high biological activity. Such drugs are prescribed for acute and chronic diseases with concomitant inflammation and pain. It is important to note that this type of medication inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, and this leads to pathology of the kidneys, heart, and they also negatively affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines in a direct way. The main representatives of this group are:

  • aspirin (aspirini),
  • ketorol (ketorol) - also known as ketorolac (ketorolac),
  • ketoprofen (ketoprofenum),
  • carprofen (karprofenum) - also known as rimodil (rimodilum) veterinary, canine analogue,
  • Nurofen (nurofenum), etc.

As you can see, there are both human and strictly veterinary drugs. Is it possible to give Nurofen to dogs from a human pharmacy? No! It can harm the animal's body.

Steroid drugs

A group of anti-inflammatory, antiallergic drugs based on hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Namely the hormone cortisol. This is a very active hormone that affects metabolism and the body as a whole. The name comes from the Latin “cortis” - bark, “ol” indicates the absence of an alcohol group in the molecule. Thus, their action suppresses the immune system, relieves inflammation and allergic reactions, and reduces shock. They should be used extremely carefully and not for a long time. Although these medications act very quickly and effectively. Drugs of this type are used for rheumatism, osteochondrosis, skin diseases, and ailments of allergic etymology. You should beware of side effects:

  • weight gain,
  • swelling,
  • ulcerative processes,
  • decreased immunity,
  • hypertension.

Such drugs include:

  • dexamethasone (dexametazonum),
  • flucinar (flucinar),
  • cortisol,
  • hydrocortisone.


A group of drugs intended to relieve pain and painful sensations - analgesia. They can be of different origins: natural, synthetic or semi-synthetic. The name comes from the Greek “an” - without and “algos”. They are divided into two main groups, namely narcotic and non-narcotic (described in the next section). Their application is very wide. Non-narcotic drugs are divided into salicylic acid derivatives:

  • aspirin,
  • pyrazolone-analgin (analgin with diphenhydramine is used in dogs for fever, shock, allergies),
  • aniline-paracetamol, etc.

Narcotic drugs and opioids

The drugs themselves are poorly used in veterinary medicine. The doctors themselves do not want to deal with them, since the responsibility and control on the part of the state is very high. However, it is worth noting that such drugs are powerful analgesics. Their effect on the central nervous system is very high. Under their influence, there is a dulling of sensations and nerve conduction. Overdose leads to death. With prolonged use they cause mental and physical dependence, the character and appearance of the animal changes. Classic representatives of this family:

  • morphine,
  • fentanyl,
  • codeine,
  • promedol,
  • tramadol (synthetic analogue).

Contraindications to taking painkillers for dogs

Medicines belonging to a type of narcotic analgesics have a severe effect on the animal’s body. The drug primarily affects the mucous membrane of the dog’s gastrointestinal tract, as well as the blood, as it dilutes.

A complication may appear in the form of dark brown vomiting, which will indicate bleeding in the stomach. The animal has vomit-colored diarrhea. If such symptoms are found, then a number of measures must be taken:

  1. Stop using the drug.
  2. Give the dog a Vicalin tablet, for large breeds 6-8 tablets, and for small and medium breeds two or three.
  3. Take your pet to the veterinary clinic.

What painkillers should not be given to animals?


How, by itself or as part of other medications, may cause undesirable results. It is important to monitor and check its presence before using various drugs. This substance is toxic to dogs and especially puppies. There is a detrimental effect on the liver, the blood suffers - hemoglobin binds poorly to oxygen, and a mutation of red blood cells is observed. The animal is weak and depressed, vomiting is observed. Due to blood pathology, the mucous membranes turn pale. Breathing is very difficult and in especially severe cases, limb spasms occur.


Aspirin is very good due to its anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect. It is available and widespread both in pure form and as part of a variety of preparations (including veterinary ones). Aspirin is a derivative of acetylsalicylic acid and is safe for animals in small doses. But it is prescribed only for severe forms of arthritis in dogs, during exacerbations of inflammatory processes. It is very important to remember that aspirin is toxic to dogs in large doses. It is forbidden to give it on an empty stomach (direct irritation of the mucous membranes), aspirin can react violently with other medications, and is prohibited for pregnant bitches and puppies. This medicine thins the blood and is prohibited for animals during postoperative rehabilitation.

Use of steroids for dogs

Veterinarians often use steroids as a means of reducing pain symptoms. Steroids do not completely eliminate pain, but they help reduce swelling and inflammation in the animal's body. Examples of steroid drugs: stanozolol, nandrolone. Although they can be given to a dog, it is still necessary to consult with a veterinarian before giving your dog a steroid drug. And also you should not combine steroids with other anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as with painkillers.

How to give an injection to a dog

What you need to know about ibuprofen toxicity in dogs?

Unfortunately, intoxication with this drug, along with paracetamol and aspirin, is one of the most common poisonings. An estimated one in three give these medications to their pets.

The animal's body is very different from the human body , as well as the effect that the medicine has. There are certain enzymes in the body that attack drugs. In animals, these enzymes differ, as well as the form in which pharmacological substances are destroyed. This means that many of these substances are not broken down and remain in the dog's body and therefore lead to poisoning.

What happens then? The animal's body is not suitable for receiving and processing this type of medicine. His Body does not eliminate toxic substances. This explains the cause of ibuprofen toxicity in dogs.

How to give a painkiller injection?

The injection is made with a sterile syringe; the needle is selected depending on the size of the animal, the method of administration and the fluidity of the administered substance. The injection is injected carefully into the muscle with a long thin needle, there are also subcutaneous injections, they are usually injected with a thin needle into the withers. A sterile injection should not be touched with your hands or used repeatedly. If the integrity of the ampoule is damaged, it should be thrown away, but under no circumstances should it be used.

The owner, knowing what painkillers can be used, will be able not only to help his shaggy friend, but also to save him from death, since the presence of painful foci indicates many terrible diseases. Also, the ability to determine which product can be used and which cannot will protect the four-legged family member from unnecessary discomfort and complications. The most important thing is to notice the symptoms of pain in the behavior of your four-legged friend in time and alleviate his suffering in time.

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