A real smiling dog lives in Japan, and it is the Shiba Inu Mocha. Take care of your hearts, the dog wins them over once or twice

Breed card

  • Famous breed names: Shiba, Japanese Shiba Inu, Shiba Ken, Shiba, Shiba Inu, Japanese Small Size Dog
  • FCI breed number: 257
  • Description of the standard on the FCI website: link
  • Height at withers: females - up to 37 cm, males - up to 40 cm
  • Adult dog weight: 9-14 kg
  • Color options: red, sesame
  • Life expectancy: up to 16 years
  • Puppy cost: 50,000-90,000 rubles
  • Size: 3 out of 5
  • Learning ability: 3 out of 5
  • Attitude towards children: 4 out of 5
  • Shedding intensity: 4 out of 5
  • Protective and guard qualities: 2 out of 5

Appearance and character

The Shiba Ken belongs to the group of Spitz-type dogs. Unlike the decorative mini-Spitz, the Shiba has a strong, muscular build. Animals have harmonious body proportions. The size of an adult dog is due to sexual dimorphism: males are more powerful than females.

The standard defines the average parameters of individuals:

According to the accepted description, the Shiba has a muscular body, the hind legs are more developed than the front legs, a wide head with a narrowed muzzle, and the tail is curled into a ring.

The coat consists of hard, dense wool and soft undercoat. The characteristics of the breed include 6 color options, consisting of a combination of black, white and red colors (the so-called “sesame”). Individuals with a tan tint are often found. Snow-white Shibas look the most impressive.

Regardless of coat color, all Shibu should have a light colored underparts. A white “mask” is visible on the muzzle, covering the eyebrows and cheekbones.

Japanese dogs have a true samurai character - independent, proud, determined. At the same time, Shibas show enviable devotion to their owner.

Raising a dog must be approached responsibly. Young animals are energetic and unrestrained. Shiba Inu have a strong instinct for dominance, so they must be taught to obey and follow commands, and also be immediately given a place in the family hierarchy.


Shiba Inu is a primitive breed of dog, previously used for hunting, belongs to the fifth group of the breed classification. Today it is increasingly being purchased as a companion. Operational tests are not carried out.

FCI breed standard: No. 257

The Shiba is a small, compact dog, balanced, with well-developed muscles. She moves easily and freely.

The Shiba Inu has a flat forehead, which runs distinctly into a nose with a straight back, tapering to a black nose. The muzzle is of moderate thickness, tapering only near the lobe. Tight lips cover strong jaws that meet in a scissor bite. The cheekbones are well defined and the muzzle looks full.

Triangular dark brown eyes are set straight, the outer corners are slightly raised. The ears are triangular, small, located at the top of the skull - the tips are rounded, and the ears themselves look forward. The neck is strong and muscular, in proportion to the body. The back is muscular, the lower back is wide, the stomach is tucked, and the chest, on the contrary, is deep. The thick tail is set high, the dog keeps it tightly curled into a ring, less often - unfolded into a sickle.

The limbs are straight and thick, quite long, with developed muscles. The fingers are collected and curved.

Any deviation from the breed standard is considered a fault.

The most critical defects:

  • cowardice;
  • aggression;
  • “loose” or floppy ears;
  • hanging tail.

Any dog ​​showing defects will be disqualified from exhibitions and breeding.

Shiba Inu breed: description of character and appearance, history of the breed
Shiba Inu breed: description of character and appearance, history of the breed

Dimensions, weight and height of the breed

Standard Shiba Inu sizes:

  • females – about 37 cm;
  • males - about 40 cm.

According to breeders, the weight of dogs ranges from 9-14 kg.

Possible colors

The coat of Shiba Inu dogs is thick, with a good soft undercoat that raises the guard hairs. On the tail the hair is longer and stands upright.

Possible colors:

  • red;
  • sesame – black, red or regular.

The usual sesame color is otherwise called sesame - it is a combination of white and black hair in equal quantities. Black sesame - the same combination, but with a predominant amount of black hair. Red sesame is a red color interspersed with black hair.

With any color, the urajiro effect is required - the presence of light hairs on the face.

Puppy weight by month

Shiba Inu puppies develop in leaps and bounds and at the age of eight months almost reach their maximum adult weight. Breeders do not provide data on the relationship between weight and age, but you can monitor the puppy’s fatness by feeling its sides in the area of ​​​​the last two ribs. If the ribs can be felt well, but do not stick out, it means that you are feeding the dog correctly and it is developing normally.


The life expectancy of a Shiba is 12-13 years, but there are cases when companions lived up to 15-16 years, remaining active and vigorous in old age. To increase life expectancy, regularly maintain your pet's health and fitness.


Shiba Inus do not emit a dog odor, but they shed a lot, which is why they can hardly be called hypoallergenic. Before purchasing a puppy, make sure there is no reaction by visiting an allergist and taking a PAST test.

Shiba Inu breed: description of character and appearance
Shiba Inu breed: description of character and appearance

20+ smiling dogs that make you want to burst into a smile yourself

There are about 450 dog breeds in the world. Some of them, such as German Shepherds, are very numerous and are found all over the world, while others, such as the Slovakian Chuvach, are found only within one region or country. However, all dogs have one thing in common: they know how to truly be friends and love. And they also learned to smile - just like you and me.

Looking at these photos of our four-legged friends, we at Bright Side couldn’t help but smile. We hope that you will not resist their charm and sincerity.

“I went downstairs and saw my 35-pound shepherd watching a cartoon about a restaurant. I've never been more proud of her."

© focusynocd/reddit

“My dog ​​can't walk, and today she tried out her wheelchair. Look at her smile!

© chupacabrabliss/reddit

“Hmm... “Boxing” in English means “box”. It turns out I’m a boxer!”

© wbbartsch/reddit

The "Oh my God, you're home from college" smile

© Maryconroy4525 / reddit

2 month old Ossie goes home for the first time

© kennakumnick/reddit

Before and after she was told she was beautiful

© snax4you/reddit

Pretzel found these 2 balls under the bed. He seems very proud of himself

© m_me_yer_corgis / reddit

“Found this abandoned puppy in a ditch near our farm. We needed a guard dog and now he is happy because he has a home and food."

© kpic1414213562 / reddit

We named him Gaston and he learns commands very quickly.

My dog ​​(left) enjoys his time at doggy daycare.

© planet_shrooms/reddit

The most beautiful boy in the world

© Jetto-Roketto / reddit

“My girlfriend kissed him on the forehead”

© Oi_to_the_World / imgur

Mr. Tank is very proud of his new haircut and tie

© Fill_erUp / reddit

Her first smile after returning home from beating cancer.

© Unknown Author/reddit

“Well, when will you give me this wonderful piece of apple?”

© dogs0121 / reddit

Puedo is happy about the good weather and the fact that the whole family is at home


The first "tease" after we adopted him from the shelter

© mjd42/reddit

“My friend is battling illness and is stuck in the hospital. Meet Loki, his doGtor."


“At 9:30 p.m. sharp he gets his bedtime treat. It's 9:35 p.m. and he thinks I forgot."

© Mark_Hamill / reddit

He's always smiling

© Unknown Author/reddit

“My dog ​​met his sister and now I can’t figure out which one is which”

© xivmm/reddit

My dog ​​smiles in his sleep

© broad_rod/reddit

Good boy and his sheep

© kyrothedog/reddit

This is what happiness looks like

© adrian_maal/reddit

“That smile made me melt with emotion”

© DogsReadingBooks/reddit

“We decided to take some professional photos of our dog.”

© toweringinferno / reddit

Have you ever seen a smile on your pet's face? Maybe you even managed to capture this moment in a photo?


History of the breed

The history of the Shiba Inu begins in the 6th century BC in Japan and is associated with the life of Buddhist monks who created a service of dog guardians designed to support and develop national breeds. According to legends, despite their small size, sibs took part in hunting small and large animals - even bears. They were distinguished by their athletic build and incredible endurance. Breeders allowed their pets to have a tough temperament and make independent decisions. The Shiba Inu is the standard among Japanese dogs; its standard was adopted in 1922. And in 1937 the breed was recognized as a national treasure of Japan. The dog was brought to Russia only in the nineties, but is already gaining popularity among owners.

Emotional connection between dog and person

Dogs are very smart animals. They feel the mood and emotions of people, not only their owner, but also strangers. After all, dogs have lived for many years in constant communication with humans and during this time they have perfectly learned to understand people. In addition, pets feel whether a person’s speech and mood corresponds to what emotions he is showing.

An interesting fact is that dogs can repeat the behavior of their owners. They very keenly determine mood and distinguish between different human emotions. Dog owners can confirm this fact: if a person is sad, then his beloved pet will be calm and peaceful, and if a person is having fun, then the dog is also in the mood for fun.

Experiments by scientists prove the fact that dogs copy the behavior of their owners. This knowledge is used not only in habits and some little things, but also helps to train and raise the dog. The famous statement that all dogs are like their owners is actually true. And the point here is not only in choosing a dog breed based on its character, but also in the fact that dogs begin to imitate their owner.

REFERENCE! Some dog breeds are the most smiling. Breeds of dogs with a smiling face: Shiba Inu, Pugs, Huskies, French Bulldogs. The dog that always smiles is the Dalmatian.


In Japan, the Shiba Inu's temperament is described in three words:

  • courage and fearlessness - “kan i”;
  • complaisance and friendliness - “riosey”;
  • innocence and generosity - “soboku”.

Dogs of this breed are truly irresistible - they have not only a unique appearance, but also a wonderful cold-blooded and tolerant character. The only drawback of the Shiba is its possessive instincts. The dog jealously guards all toys, loves its owner fiercely and is jealous of guests and random passers-by. She sincerely believes that everything should be shared with her - food, space on the couch and in the car.

To avoid displaying unpleasant personality traits, the dog needs early socialization, exposure to people and other animals, and serious authoritative training.

The independence and stubbornness of the Shiba Inu can be “broken” or directed in the right direction. A socialized and trained Shiba is always on the side of the owner and responds well to commands.

Why do dogs smile

The presence of emotions in dogs has recently been confirmed by scientists. According to their research, dogs can feel happy, sad, nervous, and feel shame and guilt. Facial expressions indicate the manifestation of these feelings. However, dog owners often misunderstand the emotions their dogs show.

The dog smiles in different ways. There are several types of dog smile:

  1. The real smile of a dog while receiving any pleasure, when the animal is enjoying something. For example, some dogs love to ride in cars and get pleasure from it, some like to enjoy some kind of treat. In such cases, dogs smile and it is very easy to distinguish this smile.
  2. Smile to please the owner. If the owner of the dog has taught it to smile by praising and petting it, the dog will also smile to please its owner.
  3. During the heat, dogs open their mouths wide and stick out their tongues, possibly closing their eyes. Some may think it's a smile, but it's not. In fact, the animal is hot and, basically, this “smile” is combined with rapid breathing.
  4. Some people mistake a dog's aggressive grin for a smile. When your pet is angry, he will be tense and growl.

REFERENCE! Scientific research confirms the fact that dogs can smile.

Pets express their feelings by using not only facial expressions, but the whole body. When a dog is happy, its jaw relaxes, its mouth opens and its tongue sticks out. The cheeks move back towards the ears, and folds appear in the corners of the mouth. The dog's gaze is very friendly and soft, his eyes are slightly narrowed. Perhaps the ears are laid back. The position of the body does not matter, but it must be relaxed. And the most important thing is, of course, the wagging of the tail. The more often a dog wags its tail, the more happy it is about something.

Learning ability

The Shiba Inu's intelligence knows no bounds. The dog is incredibly cunning and tends to come up with its own solutions when trained. If you need a companion who unquestioningly obeys commands without hesitation, do not buy a Shiba. This dog evaluates the situation and does not tolerate mechanical exercises. To develop, it requires complexes of complex commands that require physical and mental effort.

The Shiba rarely shows emotions, but may harbor dissatisfaction. You should not use negative reinforcement in training; it is better to focus on praise. When training, do not perceive the dog as a decorative one - do not forget that it is a hunter by nature. And all the same, you are unlikely to achieve perfect obedience; do not expect this from your Shiba.

Smiling dog: breed. Shiba Inu (Shiba Inu): description of the breed
Smiling dog: breed. Shiba Inu (Shiba Inu): description of the breed

Types of smiles

On the Internet you can find many photographs called “Smiling Dog”. They depict funny smiling pets. But does such a facial expression always mean that the animal is content and happy? Unfortunately, a grin can also indicate negative emotions or physical discomfort. A dog may bare its teeth in the following situations:

  • during times of stress or nervous tension;
  • when an animal is forced to obey;
  • in the heat;
  • when the pet is angry and irritated.

The owner needs to take a close look at the behavior of his pet. After all, by the way a dog smiles, you can say a lot about its mood and well-being.

If the pet is nervous or stressed, this condition may be accompanied by a “smile.” But at the same time, the dog’s facial muscles are always tense. When very anxious, the animal trembles and chatters its teeth.

Dogs bare their teeth when they have to obey their owner or a larger and stronger relative. At the same time, they raise the corners of the lips. Their face may look smiling, but it expresses submissiveness. The position of the ears changes, the tail is lowered. The dog slouches and whines pitifully. This indicates that the animal is depressed and scared.

How does a dog smile when it's hot? In summer weather or in a stuffy room, the animal is forced to open its mouth slightly to take a breath of air. Outwardly, it may look like a smile. At the same time, the pet breathes heavily and noisily, becomes apathetic and lethargic.

do dogs smile

A grin is often a sign of aggression. If a dog’s “smile” is accompanied by a growl, and folds appear on the bridge of the dog’s nose, then this indicates irritation and anger.


Keeping a Shiba Inu is not difficult, even in an apartment. Dogs feel better in the air, but they get along well in and around the city provided they get enough walks. They are very clean and maintain their own hygiene.

Need for physical activity

The small size of the dog misleads owners into thinking that the Shiba Inu does not need long walks. This is far from true - the dog requires walking at least twice a day, for a total duration of three hours.

When walking, you should alternate between activity and exercise. By doing exercises, the dog develops intelligence, and by running and playing with the owner, it develops physical capabilities. Jogging on a leash next to a bicycle or agility competitions are good for her.

Pregnant bitches are walked more often - 3 times a day, but the duration is reduced and stress is not given.

Appearance care

The Shiba Inu's coarse coat cleans itself. Dirt does not stay in the hide for long. The dog should be washed only if it is heavily soiled, and after a walk it is enough to wipe its paws with a damp cloth. You can comb the coat once a week, removing the undercoat and dead hair with a slicker brush. During the shedding period - twice a year, comb the coat daily.

Shiba ears rarely get dirty - it is enough to inspect them weekly and, if necessary, clean them with a chlorhexidine solution. Under sufficient loads, the claws wear off on the asphalt and soil - they need to be trimmed only in winter, about once a month. Trim the growing fur between the pads periodically with scissors.

Examine your eyes daily and instill antibacterial drops that improve vision and cleanse the retina.

Shiba - description of the breed, character, training, care,
Shiba - description of the breed, character, training, care,


You can feed your dog natural food, including large amounts of carbohydrates, or dry food for energetic breeds. The optimal amount of natural meat is from 50%, meat in finished food is from 30%. Bones for dogs of any breed are prohibited! You can only give cartilage. Add vitamins and minerals to natural foods.

Bowls should be washed after each feeding and be sure to ensure that the dog always has water available. Change the water twice a day - morning and evening.

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