Two dogs in an apartment: myths and reality.

How to make dog-dog friends

The decision to get a second dog is an important and responsible step. By bringing another pet into your home, you may encounter problems such as jealousy, disobedience, and aggression. In order to avoid this kind of trouble, you must know how to make friends between dogs and dogs and make their coexistence as comfortable as possible for each other and for you as well. All dogs, without exception, even puppies, need socialization.

Socialization - where to start

All skills and habits develop in a dog in early childhood. They, just like people, need society, companions for games, communication with relatives. At the moment of the first acquaintance with one's own kind, a model of behavior in the future is laid. This is why early socialization is of great importance. It is easier to train a puppy than to train an adult dog.

You can start getting acquainted with other dogs immediately after the end of quarantine for vaccinations. A walk is a time not only to relieve natural needs, but also for communication and games. Find a place in your area where dog lovers and their pets gather, and find the right company for your baby. Try to spend as much time as possible with them, arranging in advance to meet and go out together.

While playing and interacting with dogs, the puppy acquires the necessary skills, learns to interact with others, and feels confident around other animals. At the same time, exclude any reasons for rivalry - toys or your increased attention to someone else’s dog can become a reason for sorting out the relationship between the pets.

During active play, the pet may show aggression or attempts to dominate other participants. They must be strictly suppressed. A demonstration of strength on the part of a pet is not a positive moment of self-affirmation, as many owners mistakenly believe. By leaving this behavior unaddressed, you make the dog feel that you are right. In the future, this may develop into conflict behavior, which will greatly complicate her communication with other animals and walking together.

Reviews of the book "Dog the Dog" by Daniel Pennac

The books of the modern French writer D. Pennac have long been included in the classics of children's literature in France. Pennac began writing back in the 80s of the last century, but his works became known to the Russian reader only a few years ago. The story discussed below was published in 1982 and was a great success in Europe. In the story “Dog the Dog,” the author addresses the world of domestic animals that is closest to children. Few adults did not dream of having a dog as a child. At the same time, few children imagine what it means to have a dog. Pennac's book is dedicated to revealing the meaning of this coexistence between humans and pets. As befits a children's book, the plot of the story “Dog Dog” is aimed at solving the problems of education, namely, instilling responsibility for those whom we have tamed. Saint-Exupery's ideas are quite easy to read in Pennac's book, but the influence does not cancel, and even implies a certain originality and independence of the new creation. In all likelihood, the novelty of Pennac's view on the well-known topic of relations between man and his smaller brothers lies in the reflection of different points of view: both man and dog become participants in the process of mutual education. The homely puppy Dog, after a series of tragic events in his short independent life as a dog, goes in search of his owner. She needs to not only be found, but also raised. This was the lesson of Black Muzzle Dog's adoptive mother. Only when he falls into the hands of the “red sun”, the girl Pom, does the puppy understand what Black Muzzle was talking about. The spoiled, capricious Pom always got her way, so the Dog was asked from her parents with a ringing voice that did not tolerate quarrels. When the girl's interest in the new toy wanes and Pom forgets about the dog, the Dog takes over the upbringing. Pom begins to understand the value of their friendship and recognizes the Dog’s independence and autonomy. But before the Dog and Pom became truly friends, the puppy had to learn a lot about what fear is, the pain of losing a loved one, what dignity and courage are, and most importantly, who children are. The story “Dog the Dog” is written in a realistic manner. Pennac turns to the widespread use of anthropomorphism in literature, endowing animals with human abilities to think, sympathize, remember, and experience. The dog tirelessly thinks about his actions, intentions, feelings, memories. The most significant for the development of the plot are the instructions of the Black Muzzle (“Be careful with people, they are unpredictable”, “Think well, make a decision and don’t back down from it”), the Dog’s reflections on dignity after Pom stopped paying attention to him (“ In essence, Pom abandoned him... And he sat in place and waited... Isn’t everything simpler? What keeps him here if not a roof over his head and a daily soup? He has good dignity! And just remember how ashamed he was for Nasal, when he fawned over journalists..."), Giyenich's explanations about the nature of adults and children ("... there is nothing so special about her, about your Pom. Just a girl, of which there are many: she is preparing to become an adult; only while she is still all mixed up ... these are not whims, this is a mishmash: she doesn’t yet know what she wants”). Thus, the perception of dogs and cats becomes the starting point in assessing human characters and events. Thanks to this artistic technique, Pennac achieves a deeper and more multidimensional revelation of the relationship between people and pets. Continuing the tradition of Charles Perrault and the tradition of practical pedagogy, Pennac provides his text with an afterword, in which he reveals the moral content of the story told - “In essence, respect for difference is the basic rule of friendship.” “Dog the Dog” is an instructive story about true friendship, which, like everything in this world, is not given to a person without effort. A.S. Sorokina (“Bulletin of Children’s Literature”, No. 2/2011)

How to introduce an adult dog to a puppy

Dog Socialization: The Basics of Dog Friendship

The best option to get a second pet is to adopt a puppy. It is in the nature of dogs that adults have a friendly and condescending attitude towards children. If your older pet has been socialized, there should be no problems. But still, you shouldn’t let the process of getting to know each other and getting used to it take its course.

You can introduce an adult dog to a puppy at home, in the conditions familiar to the pet. It is important to monitor the reaction of the older dog and try to avoid too active actions or demonstrations of superiority on its part that could frighten the baby.

  • Release the puppy, allowing the adult dog to sniff him thoroughly. Suppress any unwanted actions on her part with a strict ban.
  • Watch your baby's behavior - he should not flirt or become too intrusive, so as not to irritate the older pet. If the puppy is too active, take him to another room for a while, giving him time to calm down.
  • Give equal attention to both pets. Too obvious displays of feelings for the puppy can cause an attack of jealousy in the first dog and aggression towards the new neighbor. The puppy should not be competitive or be perceived as a competitor.
  • For the same reason, at first it is better to feed the dogs separately. Even exactly the same pieces in someone else's bowl can look more attractive and lead to a quarrel.
  • Walking together is a very important moment. If your first dog is well-trained, obeys unquestioningly and follows commands, this is a huge plus. The baby begins to actively copy the behavior of the older pet. The process of raising and socializing a puppy is greatly facilitated and accelerated.
  • Remember that the last word is always yours. You are the owner and educator. In any dispute or quarrel between them, your behavior is decisive. Commands concerning both dogs are given clearly and must be followed unquestioningly.

When choosing a puppy of a different breed as a second pet, be sure to take into account the difference in size, temperament, and character of the dogs. It will be difficult for pets that are too different to live in the same home.

Negative consequences

  • Incompatibility . Animals may not have the same personalities. Constant quarrels and fights are possible over any little thing. Pets will share food and toys. At the beginning of communication, minor conflicts and fights are possible, but if the attitude has not changed after a long time, most likely the animals will never be able to get along. To avoid problems, you need to choose the right character and age of the second dog.
  • Establishment too early . The recommended experience for a dog walker is at least one year. If you get a second dog too early, the owner will not be able to cope with raising two pets. One of them will receive more attention, which will cause further difficulties. Also, it is not recommended to have two dogs of the same age at once. Besides the attention needed, future separations will be more difficult and emotionally painful. The appearance of even one animal is a big responsibility, and if there are two of them, more care and time will have to be devoted.
  • Financial expenses . Providing and maintaining pets requires a lot of money spent on food and care. Also, dogs periodically need to be vaccinated against diseases and pests, since they often spend time on the street, where there are many dangerous factors. The future owner of two pets must calculate whether he can support two animals at once.
  • Constant fights and chaos . Dogs are active animals. 2 dogs in the house guarantee regular friendly fights. While the owner is at home, the animals do not dare to play fully. However, after leaving, mayhem may appear. When the owner comes home, a mess, broken and torn things will be waiting for him.
  • Double responsibility . When a second dog appears in the house, the owner's responsibility doubles. This decision must be carefully thought out, otherwise the choice will bring negative consequences.

Two dogs on the sofa

How to make adult dogs friends with each other

Making adult dogs friends with each other is, in most cases, not an easy task. Of course, if both dogs have successfully completed the socialization stage and have no problems with training and obedience, the adaptation process will go without problems. But, as practice shows, there are very few such cases. So, how to make dog-dog friends:

  • The first acquaintance should be “as equals”. Meeting in an apartment gives the first dog a territorial advantage, therefore, it is better to introduce pets outside.
  • By the time of introduction, the dogs should be calm, walked, and slightly tired. It's best not to let them off the leash. Don't pull or pull, but control the situation so you can intervene if necessary.
  • One meeting may not be enough. Take a few walks together to see how the dogs interact with each other and whether there are any obvious signs of aggression on either side.
  • Give the dogs an equal amount of attention, avoiding jealousy in one of the pets, but strictly suppress attempts at dominance. Protect the weaker side and punish the culprit of the quarrel.
  • You cannot violate the “personal space” of the first pet - rearrange its bed and bowl, or place the new arrival’s bed or bowl next to or in its place. This may provoke the old-timer to defend his territory.
  • The best option is to place the pets in different rooms or at least feed them in separate rooms.
  • For the first time, it is worth removing all “apples of discord” - toys or objects that the first dog may consider his property, which can provoke a conflict between animals.
  • Well, the easiest option is to contact the kennel club. There the pets will play and get used to each other under the supervision of experienced dog specialists and trainers.

The most difficult period in the process of getting to know and getting used to is the first week. How to make friends with dogs in such a short time? Spend as much time as possible with your pets. It is optimal to start living together on Friday, then you will have two full days to be close to the dogs and control the situation. If this is not possible, and you are forced to leave your pets alone in the apartment, separate them into different rooms. Limit free communication within the same room. You can use a net, cage, or playpen as a partition. This way the dogs will be able to see each other, but even with a strong desire they will not be able to harm.

Do you want to know how to make dog-dog friends using canine tricks? You only need two pieces of soft, damp cloth. Wipe one and the other pet with a piece of cloth and, having separated them into different rooms, leave the cloth with the smell of the other dog. This will allow the dogs to get used to each other faster.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid disputes between pets. But the main word is always yours. Put a muzzle on the offender and remove it only at the time of feeding. A few days of such punishment will give the dog a clear understanding that this behavior is not allowed. Be sure to reward both pets for good behavior.

Pros of the neighborhood

  • Attention to the owner . Dogs are the most loyal animals. They support the owner in difficult times and adapt to his mood. The dog is always happy to see a person. If you have two pets, there will always be enough attention, even if one of the animals is busy with its own business.
  • Attention to the pet . A dog always demands attention. Experienced dog lovers know that prolonged loneliness negatively affects the character of the animal. This is especially true for some breeds. Long absence of communication causes behavioral and psychological problems. Not all owners can spend time with their pets all the time. Getting a second dog will keep the first one from getting bored. While a person is not at home, animals will not be sad. Together they can find fun.
  • Puppy socialization . Communication with a relative develops emotional and psychological balance. Puppies need to gain social experience in order for further development to proceed properly. Communication with the owner is not enough; special attention is paid to relatives. It is better to prepare the puppy in advance than to run into trouble when meeting other dogs on the street.
  • Socialization of the owner . Since there will be 2 dogs in the house, you will have to walk them more often and for longer. Dog owners with one pet do not cause surprise, but with two or more they attract the positive attention of passers-by. Most often, dog lovers walk at the same time. Walking your pet is a good excuse to meet new people.
  • Health and mood . Since animals need to be constantly walked, a person begins to lead an active life. Most dogs need physical play. An addition to the family will double the effect of walks. The owner goes outside more often, constantly breathes fresh air, and improves his health. Feeling good improves your mood. Scientists have found that having pets reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Also, the risk of heart attack and stroke is reduced.
  • Allergies in children . The presence of animals with fur in the house reduces the risk of allergies. If a child does not initially have a reaction to animals, then it will never arise. Scientists say that the absence of domestic dogs in the urban environment contributes to the development of allergies in children and adults. Research shows that if a person constantly interacts with several animals at a young age, he develops immunity to other allergic irritants (dust, grass, pollen).
  • Parenting . The child needs to be given a lot of time and attention. When there are several children in a family, it is difficult to provide care and comfort to everyone equally. When there is 1 dog, each child tries to play with him more than the others. Because of this, disputes and quarrels arise. If you get a second pet, everyone will be given enough attention, both dogs and children.

Two dogs at home

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