How long does it take to walk your Yorkie outside?

When can you take your Yorkie puppy out for a walk for the first time?

It is advisable to start as early as possible. Walking for a small breed is needed:

  • to teach you to use the toilet outside;
  • for pet socialization;
  • to establish correct relationships with the opposite sex and other dogs.

The best way to walk your Yorkies before vaccinations is in your arms. It is necessary to introduce the puppy to the environment, first for 5 minutes. near the house, then move on. It can be taken out up to 5-6 times a day in good weather.

He must know that his owner is nearby, but there are other people and pets. It is important to accustom your puppy to harsh environmental sounds. Yorkies are often frightened by sounds from the street and fall from sofas or chairs and get injured.

Why you shouldn’t let a puppy out of your hands before vaccination: the main reason is to protect it from wounds and possible infections, since its immunity is not yet fully formed. Dogs carry piroplasmosis and fungi on their paws, ticks dig between their toes, and fleas live.

Common Mistakes

When training your beloved dog, you should show love and perseverance. Inexperienced dog breeders often make mistakes when potty training their pets. Among the most common are:

  • Yorkie's punishment for doing his business in the wrong place. This is especially true when the emptying took place a long time ago. The dog cannot understand why he is being shouted at. Against this background, fear of the owner arises. The pet will continue to go to the toilet anywhere, not understanding why they are shouting at him;
  • a sharp reduction in the number of diapers that were located throughout the room after the puppy relieved himself on one of them. It is important to get your dog to systematically go to the toilet in a diaper. If the dog has only urinated on the material a couple of times, it may be an accident. A persistently developed reflex should be achieved. Reducing the amount of material spread on the floor should be done gradually. This way you can reduce the likelihood of finding a surprise on the floor;
  • training must be systematic. At the same time, it is important to be patient in order to teach your pet to stop crap in the apartment. Only in this way can a positive result be achieved. By making efforts and persistently training your baby, you can achieve that in 4-6 weeks the pet will learn to recognize a place in which to relieve itself.

Tray with high sides

How long to walk a Yorkshire Terrier as an adult?

There are no time restrictions. After the vaccination and rehabilitation period, the pet is taken out as usual. It is important that you need to walk your Yorkshire Terrier not only in your arms, but also on a leash!

Dogs that are accustomed to constantly being near their owner become possessive, do not listen well, and are not socialized. They are afraid of the environment and can bully others.

There is no limit to the time of day when you can walk your Yorkshire Terrier. Due to their short legs and fragility, dogs cannot walk for long periods of time because they get tired. They can be picked up periodically.

Possible problems and their solutions

In some cases, problems arise with potty training a puppy. Often the Yorkie simply refuses to go into the litter box. In this case, it is necessary to understand the reason and, if necessary, replace the pot. If the dog does not want to go into the diaper because the plastic tray is cold, it is worth moving the toilet to a warmer room.

It is also worth paying attention to whether the plastic emits an unpleasant odor that repels your pet. If the aroma is pronounced, you will have to replace the pot with a new one. It is important to be affectionate after buying a four-legged friend, because the first thing is to tame him, and only then achieve obedience.

Training a puppy to go to the toilet in a diaper is not such a simple process. The most important thing is not to show weakness and monitor your pet’s behavior, systematically putting him on the potty. The demonstrated patience and perseverance will soon bear fruit, and the Yorkie will delight you with his obedience, relieving himself in the litter box.


Rules for walking a Yorkshire Terrier

By following simple recommendations, you can save him from many troubles. Dogs isolated from other pets and people become aggressive and take a long time to get used to Yorkies of the opposite sex when mated. Breeders believe that a pet that has not seen other people for up to 3 months will not be able to establish contact with its new owner.

How long should you walk your Yorkshire Terrier?

Usually as long as he needs to go to the toilet and get some fresh air. You shouldn’t neglect him and let him constantly go to the litter box - he’s still a dog and can be trained.

It is recommended to use the tray in extreme cold, when the pet simply freezes in the snow, or when the owners are not able to take it outside regularly - at least 2-3 times a day for 15-30 minutes. You shouldn’t burden a miniature dog with long walks and too active games. It is ideal if the pet has the opportunity to play with its brothers.

Security requirements

The place where you are supposed to walk must be free of holes, broken glass, and other dangerous objects. You should not let go of your Yorkie near large breeds. Where there are no large dogs, the terrier is walked on a special leash, which is attached to a harness. A regular collar will not work in this case - the breed has a too fragile neck.

They should not jump from hands or from any height - they have a small and sensitive skeleton, a tendency to diseases of the musculoskeletal system and dislocations.

Recommendations for walking with a Yorkshire Terrier:

  • treat your pet against ectoparasites and lice;
  • gradually teach simple commands “Come to me” and “Fu”;
  • A daily routine and walking at approximately the same time have a beneficial effect on the health and behavior of a Yorkie.

Toilet for a small dog: tray, newspaper, diaper

A diaper, newspaper or tray is perfect as a potty for your Yorkie. Below you can see the features of each type of dog toilet.


There are a large number of litter boxes for dogs. You can buy them in a specialized store. Among the most popular models are:

  • Pillar toilets are a classic type of potty that consists of a mesh and a tray. The kit also includes a removable post, which allows male dogs to relieve themselves by choosing a physiological position (with their back paw raised). A toilet with a pillar must be washed every day, removing the mesh from the pan. The potty is not able to absorb the odors of urine and feces. During the first months, you should wash the device only with water, as the aromas of detergents can scare off your four-legged friend. York is marking in the apartment, what should I do? Purchasing a toilet with a column will be a real salvation in this situation. And it will be completely optional to castrate the dog;
  • trays with a collector are the simplest version of a pot, which is equipped with a grate and a tray made of plastic. After relieving itself, the pet's paws remain dry. The pot is quite easy to clean due to the fact that the mesh can be removed. There are several tray models available for sale, which differ in the height of the sides. Pots with high sides have special passages for dogs. Males have the opportunity to pee on the inside sides of the sides. Models with low sides are ideal for bitches;
  • litter tray is a type of potty that allows dogs to bury evidence of their trips to the toilet. Filler is poured into a tray with medium-high sides. Dry litters allow you to absorb urine and mask unpleasant odors. However, when choosing such a filler, it is important to ensure that your four-legged friend does not eat it, because this can cause intestinal obstruction. Filling toilets are rarely used. Such options are suitable only for some puppies who like to dig in the ground before going to the toilet;

Potted lawn

  • tray with changeable diapers. The flat tray is equipped with diaper holders, which allows you to lay it on the surface of the bottom of the container. After your dog has visited the toilet, you don’t have to worry about the urine becoming blurry. The diaper will absorb all the liquid. You can purchase both disposable and reusable diapers. The latter can be washed. The tray does not absorb unpleasant odors and reliably protects the floor from urine leaks. This tray is quite easy to clean;
  • a tray with a lawn is a three-level structure, in the lower part of which there is a spacious box. This is where urine collects. The middle layer of the structure is a protective mesh, endowed with the function of blocking unpleasant odors. The manufacturer designed the upper part in the form of a lawn. The grass is made from a rubberized material. It allows moisture to pass through the container quite well. The lawn tray has a simple assembly, which does not complicate the maintenance of the structure. Unpleasant urine aromas remain in the inside of the tray, which makes it possible to wash the potty once every 2 days.

Which tray to choose is up to the owner, who, thanks to the abundance of models, will be able to choose the option that suits a specific situation.

Note! Trays with a self-cleaning system are available for sale. This is a very convenient option for pet owners who spend a lot of time at work.


The newspaper is a temporary measure that allows you to outline the boundaries of the toilet. Paper material is not able to retain urine. Puddles will spread throughout the room. The floor surface will be wet. It is advisable to use newspaper in the process of potty training your pet. To do this, you need to put a piece of newspaper soaked in urine in a pot. This way the aroma can be transferred to a new tray, which will enable the puppy to quickly find his way and find the right place to relieve himself.


The diapers available for sale can be made of cloth or rubberized. The latter are distinguished by good absorbent characteristics and the ability to hold large amounts of urine.

Do you need clothes?

The answer to this question can be given by considering a combination of factors, namely:

  • season;
  • frequency of walks;
  • temperature in the living room.

Yorkshire Terriers enjoy running outside at any time of the year.

Dogs of this breed have a rather fragile constitution and can seriously suffer from frost in winter. This is especially true for mini Yorkies.

In general, Yorkies are considered a heat-loving dog breed and do not tolerate cold well during walks.

Therefore, in regions with a harsh climate and with frequent promenades, clothing is simply necessary for the animal.

Experts advise that if you stay outside for a long time at temperatures below 10 degrees, be sure to dress your pet.

In addition to protection from the cold, clothing allows you to protect your Yorkie's long, silky coat from contamination during walks.

Even if the pet lives exclusively in an apartment, it is worth analyzing the home conditions. Delayed heating, drafts, and cold floors can negatively affect the fragile health of the terrier.

An attentive owner will notice if the animal begins to tremble, wrap itself in warm clothes, prefers high soft bedding and curls up into a ball.

Walk duration

So, how long should you walk your dog? I hasten to reassure you: the need to run all day long does not arise in an animal that regularly receives nutritious food at home. You just need to provide the dog with physical activity, which is determined by the instinct inherent in it, and the rest of the time it, well-fed and satisfied, will sleep peacefully at home.

Exercise needs vary among different breeds of dogs. The logic is simple: an animal bred for hunting, guarding, tracking, shepherding or any other work initially has great endurance and a need for movement - without this it simply would not be able to properly perform its duties.

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How long should you walk such a dog? Minimum 2–2.5 hours, dividing them into several trips outside. Use weekends to increase the time and distance of your walks - this will give you the opportunity on weekdays, in case of time pressure, sometimes to “not finish walking.” A completely satisfied instinct tends to “fall asleep” for a while.

You can walk a small breed dog for much less time - on average, from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours a day. How much is up to you, based on the weather and your pet’s wishes. However, not all small breeds are the same - this is worth remembering.

So, for example, Maltese, Pekingese, Japanese Chins, Pomeranians and other decorative dog breeds were originally bred for home keeping and traveling in the hands of their owners. But, for example, dachshunds or Jack Russell terriers that do not exceed their size are hunting dogs with an appropriate level of activity, and therefore a need for movement.

Before purchasing a puppy, I advise you to carefully study, firstly, the history of the breed, and secondly, the breeding program of the nursery. For example, there are breeders who for many years have been breeding only “decorative versions” of breeds - the same dachshunds, Labradors, huskies, setters, other pointers and even greyhounds.

And there are those who consciously try to preserve working qualities in the breed. And they make completely different dogs! With a well-developed sense of smell, hunting instinct and high activity.

Diseases and vaccinations

Chuhuahuas are susceptible to:

  • hip dysplasia. It does not appear immediately. It may be the result of a birth injury or genetically determined.
  • cardiovascular diseases (endocarditis, mitral valve disease);
  • cryptorchidism;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • diseases of the skin and mucous membranes (alopecia, dry eyes, etc.)

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Having discovered the first signs of illness in a pet, immediately contact a veterinarian.

To avoid infection with dangerous diseases, vaccinations are carried out. The first vaccinations (against hepatitis, distemper, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis and parainfluenza) are given at eight weeks of age. Revaccination - at 12 weeks. The second revaccination is 7-8 months after changing teeth. Vaccinations and revaccinations are done with the same drug. It is better to vaccinate against rabies no earlier than one year. Small puppies have a hard time with it.

Walking is a biological need for dogs

Having decided on the time of walks, you should decide on the frequency. How many times a day should you walk an adult dog? In principle, you can be satisfied with two “outings” a day, between which no more than 12 hours should pass. Physiologists believe that such a break between the exercise of natural needs is the maximum permissible without harm to the health of the animal.

However, everything is individual: some owners find it more convenient to take the dog out for a short time in the morning, instruct a relative at home to do the same during the day, so that in the evening they can have a quiet dinner, relax and go for a long walk with their beloved pet.

An extremely important question is not only how much to walk, but also how. We talked about this in detail in this article.

The dog’s need for long walks is due to its characteristics as a biological species. Remember the saying “The feet feed the wolf”? In nature, canines actively move in search of prey, allowing themselves to rest only after a successful hunt.

If you are sure that the domestic dog is the product of a long evolution that has taken it far from the wolf, then watch stray dogs. They are always running somewhere.

So, figuratively speaking, if birds must fly and fish must swim, then dogs must run. This is a biologically fixed instinct that inexorably demands its satisfaction.

What happens if you neglect it? Of course, the dog will not die, but those numerous behavior problems that owners so often complain about will arise. Have you probably seen on the Internet a collection of photos clearly depicting the “invasion of Mamai” into an apartment in the absence of the owners?

And this is far from the only consequence - an unrealized instinct leads to many behavioral disorders. After all, only on walks does a dog have the opportunity to meet and build good relationships with other representatives of its species, as well as learn to be indifferent to strangers around.

With the help of walks, the dog learns about the world around him, develops both his senses and his intellect. This landscape is always the same for us. For a dog, there is a huge difference between the usual route yesterday and today.

She reads an open book of smells the way we read a fascinating novel, with an abundance of characters and plot twists. This is why dogs love long walks so much, and it is cruel to deprive them of this opportunity.

  1. And when your back hurts, you can’t get comfortable or sleep - your pets can settle down calmly and pleasantly anywhere. Especially if this place is located near you.


  2. And they don't understand anything. When Yorkies are confused, they look at you like this.


  3. Also, cunning people know how to look at you when they need something from you. Little manipulative devils... Their every expression brings them what they want, and you love them more and more because of it.


  4. They love to lie in bed. Comfort is a part of their life.


  5. When it's windy outside, these dogs look ridiculous. Imagine Chewbacca in a storm... Or something like that.


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