Small dog breeds for apartments


Another Japanese breed of dwarf dog is the Chin. The height is up to 18 cm, the weight never exceeds 2 kg - this is a very compact creature that has long hair and a typically flattened muzzle. The dog is good-natured, quite cheerful, and moderately active. You can buy a puppy for about 15 - 20 thousand rubles, choosing the appropriate color.


The most popular small dogs for apartments

In conditions of limited space, the choice of pet is not great. With the choice of a dog in this regard, additional difficulties arise, because the size of some does not allow comfortable keeping in an apartment. It is best to acquire a friend taking into account the following factors: the availability of free time for walking and care, the size of the apartment, the presence of small children and other animals in it. The most common pet options are:

  • Welsh Corgi
  • Pug
  • French Bulldog
  • Spitz
  • Dachshund

Due to their size, they will live comfortably in small spaces, and their character will allow them to get along with their owners and their loved ones.

Welsh Corgi

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The Welsh Corgi reaches a height of 30 cm. They were bred as herding dogs and have a loyal and good-natured character. They are friendly with people, love children and get along well with other pets. Representatives of the breed are active and cheerful, preferring active recreation in nature with their owner.

They have a short undercoat, and the coat itself feels similar to that of a shepherd dog. The color can be red, white, black or tri-color. Body weight reaches 14 kg. They are prone to overeating, so they have to carefully monitor their diet. Otherwise, uncontrolled feeding will lead to obesity. They live 12-15 years.


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The pug is a true companion that will follow its owner in any direction. Its height at the withers varies from 28 to 32 cm. A pug can weigh up to 8 kg. It is very compact, with a large short muzzle. The lower jaw is wide, and the forehead protrudes forward.

Dogs have a good-natured disposition, are lazy and do not like active games. They quickly become attached to their owners and respond well to commands. The lifespan of a pug is 13-15 years. A common disease among them is chronic corneal erosion. It causes clouding of the eyes and spasms of the eyelids. Therefore, it is worth taking your pet to the veterinarian more often for a preventive examination.

French Bulldog

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Decorative dogs grow up to 35 cm, and their weight stops at 13-14 kg. Their main difference is their large muzzle and wide upper lip. The brow ridges protrude strongly forward, and the nose is flat. The coat is short and stiff, and colors include: brindle, spotted, fawn. Bulldogs are powerful and stocky animals with muscular legs.

They have a balanced psyche, but love activities and outdoor activities. They have a high level of intelligence, are easy to learn and interact with humans without problems. During games they show increased reaction and need good training. Lifespan: 9-12 years.


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The dachshund is a small breed of dog bred specifically for hunting. They weigh about 9 kg and reach a height of 27 cm. They have strong, developed bones and a characteristic elongated muzzle. External features help them hunt small rodents and penetrate their burrows, which they dig with their strong front paws. Dachshunds come in smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired varieties.

They get along easily with people and other pets and are good with children. The breed is hardy, so it will quickly get used to long walks or long training sessions. They are loyal to their owners, patient and independent. They can live up to 13 years.

Boston Terrier

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The Boston Terrier breed appeared in the 19th century. The name was not given to her right away; at first she was called the “round-headed bulldog.” The weight of dogs can start from 6 kg and reach up to 11 kg. They have a flattened muzzle and widely spaced front paws, providing them with stability and support. The dogs are brachycephalic, which means they have a specific muzzle shape and possible breathing problems.

The Boston Terrier is a funny pet that doesn't mind being a little silly and having fun. They are energetic and never sit still for long. They do not show aggression even towards strangers, but can stand up for themselves. Especially in the case when violence is used against them or attempts are made to violate the boundaries of their territory. They live up to 15 years.


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The African dog comes from the Congo. It has excellent immunity and no odor. Ideal for people prone to allergies. It has a bright appearance: regardless of the color of its paws, chest and tail tip will be white. Ideal height 40-43 cm, weight 9-11 kg.

They are natural hunters and love various activities, including long walks. They are taken in as companions. Basenjis are affectionate and intelligent, do not cause problems for their owners and are not prone to aggression.


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The Shetland Sheepdog is a long-haired baby brought to Europe from the Shetland Islands. Their lush mane requires constant care, otherwise tangles will form. A wide variety of colors are allowed. The head is like a blunt wedge with a flat skull. The eyes are set askew and have a dark brown or blue color.

Height reaches 37 cm, weight – 7 kg. Shelties are loving, show affection to many people and other pets, and are ready to interact with children. They easily learn commands and can protect their owner if necessary. There is no nervousness or anxiety in the character.


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The poodle is a decorative dog that ranks second on the list of the smartest breeds in the world. Their main advantage is their soft wool that curls into ringlets. There are several varieties of poodles: standard, small, miniature and toy.

They are attentive and intellectually developed, prone to hunter behavior. They are suitable for search and rescue operations and customs service. At home they serve as an assistant and friend. They easily contact people and have a stable, balanced psyche. They can live up to 18 years.

Japanese Spitz

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The Japanese Spitz is an ideal pet. The purebred Spitz grows no more than 38 cm and has thick white hair. They have characteristic pointed ears and muzzle, and their eyelids, lips and nose are black.

They are brave and loyal to their owner, and can bark loudly when a stranger approaches. They need human attention, so they can be overly active and seek affection or conversation with the owner. At the same time, the Spitz is an obedient breed, quickly learns commands and does not show aggression towards people. They live for 16 years and require careful care. But they cannot tolerate washing, so a bath day should be arranged only when necessary.


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A herding breed originally from Belgium. They are small in size, but have a strong and developed body. The head has a well-developed skull, a wedge-shaped muzzle, and the ears are small and triangular. They always stand upright, rather than hanging down to the sides. The back is level and straight, and the legs are short and muscular. The coat is thick and coarse, lying close to the body. She needs constant brushing.

A suitable occupation for a Schipperke is home guarding. She reacts sensitively to strangers, her instincts include the protection of her owners and territory. She is affectionate and has a positive attitude towards children, but may bite if she behaves in a threatening manner. It grows up to 35 cm, body weight can reach 9 kg.

Volpino Italiano

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The Italian Spitz is considered a rare breed; there are about several hundred of them in the world. Compact pet with long hair and thick undercoat. Volpino Italiano comes in two colors: white or red.

They do not require special maintenance; it is enough to brush the dog’s fur regularly. Spitz are cheerful and playful, distinguished by their developed intelligence and easy-going character. They are not susceptible to genetic diseases and quickly get used to new surroundings. They love playing outdoors.

Miniature Schnauzer

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According to the standard, the Miniature Schnauzer should be short and have a hard coat. Height at withers – 35 cm, weight – up to 8 kg. The colors are varied: from deep black to light silver. The dog's peculiarity is a small beard on its chin. The legs are short and rounded, and the tail is set high.

The dog has a calm temperament, is smart and intellectually developed. When training with them, there are no difficulties; commands are given easily and effortlessly. He has no shyness and easily makes contact with people and other animals. Coarse wool requires special treatment and trimming.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

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The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a companion dog bred in the 20th century. The description of his appearance is similar to the King Charles Spaniel, of which he is a relative. But the breed has a long and silky coat that forms waves. According to the standards, it can be of four colors: black, dark red, tricolor or Blenheim. Blenheim refers to chestnut spots on a white coat.

It is not customary to cut them or comb them often. To rid your pet of dirt and excess hair, you can walk over the fur with a special mitten. They need to be bathed once a month using conditioner or shampoo.

Prague rat

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The Prague Ratdog is the smallest breed among European dogs. Their height does not exceed 23 cm. The dog is square in size, graceful and graceful, and has a pronounced bump on the back of its head. The head is shaped like a pear. The coat can be long or medium. Typical colors: black and tan, brown and tan and red.

They are passionate and prefer to hunt prey. The main victims of dogs are rats and small rodents. This explains their name - ratfish. Dogs are used to dominating other pets and establishing their own rules in their territory.

Scottish Terrier

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A hunting breed, primarily used to hunt badgers and foxes. They are strong and muscular, weighing almost 10 kg. They have small dark eyes that are widely spaced on the muzzle. The chest is wide, the neck is powerful, and the tail is slightly curved.

By nature, the Scotch Terrier is persistent and stubborn, does not like when his opinions and desires are ignored. He cannot stand it when his pride is hurt and can become offended by the owner. At the same time, he quickly becomes attached to a person and needs his attention and affection. Has a predisposition to cancer.


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Keeshonds are a branch of the German Wolfspitz, bred selectively. The head is medium in size, and the jaw is medium-sized, with a pincer-like bite. High withers are combined with a wide back, double coat. It consists of a thick undercoat with raised hairs. The muzzle and ears are slightly darker than the rest of the body. They are prone to pranks and games, and quickly get along with people. They have an easy-going character and are very peaceful. They have a negative attitude towards shouting and aggressive behavior and may experience stress. Constant brushing is required to remove excess oil from the coat. Haircuts and frequent washing are contraindicated for them.

miniature pinscher

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They stand out from other breeds with their elegance and developed muscles, which are clearly visible on the body. Miniature pinschers grow up to 30 cm at the withers. The eyes have a rich dark color. Coat color is black and tan or red

They are vigilant and attentive, always ready to defend the territory and the owner. They are active and playful, love to participate in active entertainment. But they treat outsiders with distrust. They are easy to care for, but do not forget about training and education.

Italian Greyhound

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The Italian greyhound is also called the small Italian greyhound. She was descended from greyhounds and was popular among royalty. The Italian Greyhound is a slender dog with a square body. It is refined and graceful, the head has a flat skull and a narrow muzzle. The ears are erect and the neck has a sharp arch.

Italian Greyhounds are choleric. They are susceptible to emotions, react sharply to people and surroundings, and may often bark or demonstrate their condition in other ways. They do not like coercion and are difficult to train. At the same time, they have high mental abilities and insight.


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Beagles are a British breed designed for hunting small game. They grow up to 40 cm and weigh up to 9-11 kg. They have short legs and long ears that reach to the tip of their nose. The eyes are large, and the nose is wide and stands out noticeably on the muzzle. Beagle colors match those of hounds. The most common are tricolor representatives. They live for 15 years and may suffer from epilepsy and hypothyroidism. The animal is kind and affectionate, accustomed to exploring its environment and may show an excess of curiosity.

Brussels Griffon

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The griffon's appearance is quite specific. They have a stocky small body and a round head. The skull is round, and the brow ridges are strongly convex. Large, round eyes have a “human” look, which is a distinctive feature of the breed. The coat is hard and can be black, beige or brownish.

They are energetic and active, they love to attract attention in every possible way. They follow their owner and obey his commands. But only one person can be its owner; the rest of the family will not be considered dominant.

Shih Tzu

Looking at photos of dwarf dog breeds with names, you can pay attention to babies with long hair who like to have different hairstyles. These are Shih Tzus, dogs up to 25 cm tall, with long hair that requires constant care. The animals are calm in temperament and behave independently. The cost of a puppy is about 15 thousand rubles or more.

Shih Tzu

Top 10 "Quiet" Dog Breeds

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“A wonderful neighbor has moved into our house.” This funny old song was about a new neighbor who loved music very much and drove his neighbors crazy by playing the “clarinet and trumpet.” Let's face it: very noisy neighbors are not very popular with us. No worse than the clarinet, trumpet, violin and piano are constantly barking neighbor pets annoying. Especially large, impressive dogs, whose loud voices make the walls tremble. Therefore, it is understandable to want to acquire a quiet, “cheering” four-legged friend, so as not to accidentally become an object of universal hatred.

American colleagues have selected ten diverse breeds of dogs that will not cause inconvenience or grief to your neighbors.

Akita Inu. A noble and incredibly beautiful dog that attracts dozens of admiring glances. However, the Akita is not a dog for everyone; its heart still needs to be won. And, if you succeed, you will gain a loyal and devoted friend for life. Before us are dogs with an undoubted sense of self-esteem. Akita Inus are smart. Sometimes they become stubborn. The key to success is solid and consistent training. But don’t be too firm – always reinforce any positive results achieved. Being in a comfortable environment, among loved ones, the Akita will become playful, affectionate and gentle.

Basenji. This breed cannot bark at all - instead of barking, the dog makes a very interesting sound, reminiscent of the national Tyrolean singing (yodel). However, Basenjis cannot be called absolutely silent. Although they do not bark, they do squeal and whine, especially when excited or agitated. Dogs have a difficult, independent character. When learning, you will have to overcome serious stubbornness. In addition, dogs are very active.

Bernese Mountain Dog. But this giant is truly quiet. The dog is simply not used to wasting his money on small things. If he barks, it will be strictly to the point. The dog is easy-going and friendly, quite easy to handle (apart from its impressive size). Puppies and young dogs are characterized by increased activity.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. “A little dog is a puppy all its life” - the sophisticated Cavalier Kings prove the truth of this saying. Dogs may bark softly, warning you, for example, that a stranger is approaching. But barking cannot be called annoying. Beautiful pets, playful and affectionate. Exercise needs are moderate. The downside is grooming, which takes a lot of time.

Chow-chow. A bear dog with the famous blue-black tongue. In general, dogs do not make much noise around them. The breed is criticized for being stubborn and aggressive. The reproach is not to the point: the Chow Chow simply has a highly developed protective instinct. Good family dogs, friends and companions. There is no need to demand more from a chow-chow than the dog can give. But the “bear” fur will require a lot of care.

Collie (Scottish Sheepdog). Dogs were once at the peak of popularity, especially after the release of the Lassie series. Collies are quiet dogs. If they say something, it will be powerful and weighty. Collie is a wonderful companion, sensitive and intelligent. The main problem is wool. Wool is everywhere and everywhere. There will be no problems with training your pet; the need for physical activity is moderate to high.

Greyhound. In general, dogs have earned a reputation as couch potatoes and couch potatoes. They also bark quite a bit. The Greyhound is a greyhound dog; it loves to rush and run, but only within reason. In any case, you should not become a track and field athlete. The Greyhound is a good companion, gentle, loyal and calm.

Newfoundland. Record good guy. An incredibly affectionate and friendly dog, infinitely devoted to its owners. The dog practically does not bark - except in extreme cases, for the purpose of warning or reporting something. The breed as a whole is active, this quality should be kept in mind. But caring for the coat, as strange as it may sound, is quite simple.

Saint Bernard Another good-natured giant. Dogs have long worked in the snow-covered Alps, looking for lost and frozen travelers. A huge and infinitely affectionate animal that will turn out to be a magnificent pet (if, of course, living space allows). In life, Saint Bernards are quiet and inconspicuous, barking strictly when necessary. Pay a lot of attention to training and training your pet - St. Bernards are considered a little slow-witted. But it's worth it.

Whippet. Cousin and smaller version of the Greyhound. A very quiet dog, who has absorbed the advantages and disadvantages of his “big brother”. Training a dog requires firmness and consistency. The process will take a lot of time, you will spend a lot of effort, since the breed is not very persevering. Whippets make excellent pets - friendly, affectionate, and great friends of children.

Based on : Quiet Dog Breeds That Bark Less. Author : Jenna Stregowski. Source : Photo :,, ( from open sources ).

Tibetan Spaniel

Looking at photos of dwarf dog breeds, you can also recognize the fairly common Tibetan spaniel with a light color and a dark muzzle. This is a calm dog in temperament that requires a moderate amount of attention. The average height is 25 cm with a weight of 4-6 kg. A puppy will cost 15-20 thousand rubles.

Tibetan Spaniel

Pomeranian Spitz

An exceptionally beautiful and fluffy dog ​​up to 25 cm tall, which has a typical light tousled coat. She is calm, has a wonderful easy-going character, but requires intensive coat care and attention to this point. The intelligence is quite high, and this dog cannot be called cowardly either. A puppy can cost about 20-25 thousand rubles.

Pomeranian Spitz

Basic rules for keeping dwarf breed dogs

Regardless of what breed the dog is, it is necessary to follow the rules of keeping for its health. It is also very important to raise a pet from a young age.

The rules for keeping pocket dogs are quite strict.

Training to commands

Even the smallest pets should know simple commands. Training must begin from the first day of living in the house. Gradually the classes increase. Trained dogs have a more flexible character and easily get along with all household inhabitants.


Small breeds have their own physiological characteristics, so in order for the animal to develop well, it is important to saturate the daily diet with all the necessary elements. For pocket dogs, it is recommended to use small food and dose it depending on weight.

Important. One of the most common problems in small breed dogs is obesity. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the portion size and not overfeed the animal.


Small dog breeds require special care, especially if the animal has long hair. However, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the breed. Bathing should only be done if necessary, no more than once a month.

Pocket dogs are very popular among owners. This is due to the unusual appearance of the pets and undemanding care. However, you need to think carefully before getting a puppy. Since a dog is a living being and requires regular attention and care.


Some photos of dwarf dogs are easily recognizable even by non-specialists. This is, in particular, the Pekingese with its long hair and a black mask on its face - however, it may not be there if the dog is an albino. It is not difficult to find a puppy due to the prevalence of the breed; you can purchase one for an amount of 5 thousand rubles. This is a devoted dog that requires special attention only when caring for its coat, but otherwise its character is only pleasing.


Features of care

Miniature dogs need regular walks and active games.
Dwarf dogs are demanding animals. To avoid major health problems, it is necessary to follow the rules of caring for and raising your dog. Experts highlight a number of recommendations that are suitable for all dwarf breeds:

  • Place. The animal is given its own place with bedding. It should be equipped with a warm and soft bed or a special house.
  • Walking. The dog needs regular walking and active games. Dwarf breeds are recommended to be walked 1-2 times a day.
  • Feeding. For miniature breeds, specialized food rich in vitamins is used.
  • Care of fur, claws and teeth. The wool is regularly washed with special products and combed. Teeth are brushed once a day. Nails are trimmed as needed.
  • Shipping. When traveling or on a long walk, a special bag is used to carry dogs.
  • Protection from injury. Dwarf breeds have fragile bones. To avoid injury, do not throw animals on the floor or allow rough handling.
  • Protection from cold. In autumn and winter, dogs are dressed in clothes for walks.

Miniature dogs are not a stylish accessory or addition to an outfit. This is a living creature that requires competent care and constant care.

Chinese Corydalis

The Chinese Crested has a white color, almost bare skin and long hair on the ears, tail, and tips of the paws. It can reach 33 cm in height. The character of the animal is friendly, it is an extremely cheerful creature that many people like. The cost of a puppy can be from 20 thousand rubles, for this money you can buy yourself a cheerful companion.

Chinese Corydalis

Miniature Poodle

With a height of up to 28 cm, this animal has amazing hair that allows you to make various haircuts and hairstyles. The dog is quite impulsive, but one cannot deny its friendliness, as well as its good disposition. A puppy can cost from 15-20 thousand rubles; it looks very cute with its curly hair and beady eyes. In general, the animal is unpretentious to nutrition and physical activity.

Miniature Poodle

Main characteristics of dwarf dog breeds

Dwarf breeds include dogs up to 35 cm tall. Their weight usually varies from 2 to 5 kg. There is an additional division into toys (height 12-28 cm, weight up to 2 kg) and dwarf individuals (height 28-35 cm, weight up to 5 kg). Small dogs first appeared in the 7th century BC due to a mutation in a gene responsible for growth.

Dwarf dogs have a fearless character; they can easily rush at larger individuals. Experienced dog breeders give the following advice in this regard:

  • socialize the animal with other dogs at as early an age as possible;
  • educate your pet so that it obeys its owner in any situation;
  • refrain from getting a dog if the family has children under 14 years of age.

Keeping dwarf breeds is convenient: they do not have to be taken for a walk every day; they can satisfy their need for physical activity in the apartment, and go to the toilet using absorbent diapers. Small dogs can be safely taken on trips; there won’t be much trouble with them. Such pets are characterized by high intelligence and boundless devotion.

Small sizes become a source of several problems. Dogs have a standard set of 42 teeth, sometimes missing from birth due to the jaw not being able to accommodate them. Also, small jaw sizes can lead to improper tooth growth or bite. Fortunately, this problem is rare; most pets grow up with beautiful and straight teeth.

The head is disproportionately large relative to the body, this can lead to the accumulation of fluids in the brain, which will cause pain. Sometimes this leads to a significant reduction in life expectancy. Decorative breeds are prone to developing allergic reactions.

Spaniel King Charles

An elegant dog with dimensions up to 25 cm can please you with its two-tone color, soft fluffy coat, which does not require special care. This is an affectionate animal that loves its owner and family and gives everyone its good nature. He studies quite well and rarely shows self-will. The cost of a puppy can be about 20-30 thousand rubles, for this money you will get an unpretentious and kind companion.

Spaniel King Charles

York Terriers

The Yorkshire Terrier is a common miniature breed; you can easily buy a puppy at a cost of 10 thousand rubles. The height reaches 20 cm, the hair is long and needs care - this is another dog that gets all kinds of hairstyles. This is an intelligent and active animal that needs to be played and walked with in order not to get bored.

York Terriers

How to choose a puppy

You should choose a dog in childhood. Usually a puppy is adopted when it is not yet one month old. This way he will quickly get used to new conditions and become more trainable.

You need to look for a companion from breeders or nurseries, having first studied their photographs, pedigree and profile. It is advisable to find out in advance what genetic diseases the breed is prone to and what kind of diet it needs.

How to care for a dog

Small dog breeds for apartments and children require special supervision. Because of their size, they are prone to injury. You need to carefully monitor them during walks and introduce them to other animals with caution.

It is worth checking with your veterinarian for a list of prohibited foods for the selected breed. Many dogs are prone to obesity, so their diet should be designed taking into account the healthfulness of foods. There is no need to wash the dog often; it is recommended to take baths as soon as it gets dirty.

Italian Greyhound

The height of the Italian greyhound reaches 25 cm; it is an unusual dog with short hair that behaves very actively. The creature has intelligence and an assertive character; you will never get bored with such a pet. A puppy costs approximately 20-30 thousand rubles, it grows quickly and turns into a beautiful dog with a proud posture, also called an Italian Greyhound.

Italian Greyhound


The Brussels Griffon has a height of up to 20 cm, it is a small shaggy dog ​​of gray or brownish color that loves outdoor games and has an active temperament. The creature does not require special care, but everywhere it declares itself with incessant activity. A puppy for 20-40 thousand rubles will grow into a small, faithful pet who will always be there and cheer you up at any time.



The Bolognese Bichon is a small, beloved fluffy dog ​​that does not exceed 30 cm in height.

The fur of such a pet will require constant attention; it needs to be cut, washed and combed. However, the animal will repay you with a lot of positive energy and bring a lot of joy with its love of life. In addition, the distinctive features will be unpretentiousness in nutrition and some other points.


Toy Terriers

Both Russian and English toy terriers are very popular today. The dog's height is up to 30 cm, its smooth coat does not require any care. This dog is distinguished by a lively mind, activity and mobility, and a considerable amount of courage in behavior. You can walk with her a lot and for a long time, despite her small size. The breed is widespread, and a puppy can be purchased even for 5-10 thousand rubles, considering different color options.

Toy Terriers
Russian toy terrier

Small dogs really take up little space, but they can be more hassle than regular ones. After all, they need a special diet and exercise, often attention to wool, clothing for the winter. They are also very active and inquisitive. However, despite all this, dwarf dogs are still universally loved, and many people happily care for them.

The most popular dwarf dogs

Breeds of dwarf dogs include almost all possible categories: long-haired and short-haired, indoor and decorative, working, gun (sporting), non-sporting dogs, terriers and hounds. This makes it possible for people with different tastes and preferences to choose a pet. Top dwarf dog breeds with names and descriptions will help you decide on buying a dog.

Shih Tzu

The list of toy breeds should start with the Shih Tzu, which sells for the highest price. If you have an elite pedigree, it can reach 150,000 rubles. The standard price is approximately 27,000 rubles. The dog's height reaches 27 cm, weight - from 4.5 to 7 kg.

The pet is distinguished by its long satiny coat, which fans of this beautiful breed like. The sharp mind and arrogance of representatives of this breed create certain problems with education. The Shih Tzu only obeys the owner's commands; she may have a cool attitude towards other family members.


This well-known breed was named after the state of Mexico where it was first discovered. Chihuahuas, with a height of 15 to 23 cm, weigh up to 3 kg. The cost of a pet starts from 12,000 rubles, it depends on the pedigree and appearance of the puppy.

Chihuahuas are considered the smallest dogs. For walks, they should be dressed according to the weather; going outside in cold weather is contraindicated. Individuals are characterized by courage and endurance. Training at first can cause certain problems due to the stubbornness of the Chihuahua, but over time they become obedient and loyal friends.


This breed was developed in China more than 2,000 years ago. It was considered sacred and was kept only at the imperial court. Criminals were executed for stealing Pekingese dogs. Dogs have a height of 15-25 cm and a weight of 3-5.5 kg. They have moderately long hair. You can buy a Pekingese at a price of 9,000 rubles, it increases in accordance with the pedigree, in some cases reaching 60,000 rubles.

Pekingese, on the one hand, love to be caressed and cherished, and on the other hand, they are prone to active games and have no fear. Dogs should be given a lot of attention; they are used to being in the lead. If you don't play with your Pekingese enough, he will start deliberately throwing things around and ruining things.

Yorkshire Terrier

The dogs are very small: height 18-20.5 cm and weight up to 3.1 kg. Currently, the Yorkshire Terrier is one of the first places among decorative breeds. The cost starts from 6,000 rubles; with a good pedigree, it can increase many times over.

The reasons for the popularity of the Yorkshire Terrier are its attractive appearance, beautiful coat and docile nature. Representatives of this breed, unlike many other miniature creatures, are distinguished by a complete lack of aggressiveness. Owners of a Yorkshire Terrier should be prepared to carefully care for their pet's coat.

Toy Terrier

Toy terriers are divided into Russian (20-26 cm, 2-3 kg) and English (25-30 cm, 2.7-3.5 kg). Smaller size is not the only difference between the Russian Toy Terrier. The peculiarities of his character are arrogance and distrust, which are compensated by boundless love for the owner. The cost of the breed starts from 2,500 rubles.

Simplicity of training helps to raise obedient and kind dogs. This is facilitated by the character of toy terriers: pets are friendly and good at making contact. Dogs can have smooth or long hair. Smooth-haired representatives do not need daily combing.

Bichon Frize

The Bichon Frize breed is a type of lapdog, bred in France. Individuals have a height of 25 to 29 cm and a weight of about 5 kg. The cost of this type of lap dog starts from 30,000 rubles, in some cases reaches 120,000 rubles. The white color is fixed by the standard; puppies are allowed to have beige spots, which turn white as they grow older.

A cheerful disposition, playfulness, high activity and courage with a complete absence of aggressiveness - these character traits are liked by Bichon Frize owners. Dogs do not require special care; you can limit yourself to maintaining good condition of the coat. The exception is pets that need to be prepared for exhibitions.


The breed has ancient origins. It was first discovered on the island of Malta, which was the reason for the name. The height of the animals is from 20 to 25 cm, weight – from 3 to 4 kg. A distinctive feature of Maltese dogs is their long, pure white coat. The cost is from 9,000 rubles, if there is no pedigree; if there is a pedigree, the minimum price is at least 12,000 rubles.

The Maltese has an affectionate and intelligent character. She loves to be affectionate towards small children. The dog needs active games; it can play catch-up with its owner for a long time. The lapdog constantly shows curiosity and learns new things.


Representatives of this breed have an average height of 28 cm. Weight varies from 1.5 to 5 kg, although rarely exceeds 3.5 kg. The Papillon is characterized by erect ears, which is the only difference from the Phalene, which has drooping ears. Both breeds are varieties of the Continental Toy Spaniel. The cost of puppies starts from 12,000 rubles, with a good pedigree it increases several times.

The Papillon is in excellent health. He loves to play and is easy to train. In terms of intelligence, the Papillon ranks high among all dogs, and among decorative breeds it is second only to the poodle in this indicator.

Miniature Poodle

These cheerful and impulsive dogs have a height of up to 28 cm and a weight of up to 4.5 kg. The toy poodle is considered the most intelligent among the toy breeds. Its purchase with documents and pedigree will cost at least 24,000 rubles. The animal's coat requires special care: it needs to be combed daily and visit the groomer periodically.

Japanese Chin

Representatives of the breed are about 25 cm tall and weigh from 1.8 to 3.2 kg. The dogs are white with black or red spots. They are unpretentious in food and care, and have good health. The ease of maintenance is the reason for the popularity of such pets. For puppies you will have to pay at least 9,000 rubles.

Miniature Pinscher

An active and agile dog, up to 30 cm tall and weighing up to 3.5 kg, loves to play and requires a lot of time. The cost of a puppy starts from 9,000 rubles, and if there is an elite pedigree, it increases by an order of magnitude. The miniature pinscher becomes a loyal friend, capable of defending its owner at any time.

Pomeranian Spitz

This dog's cute face makes it look like a toy. The impression is completed by a height of up to 28 cm and a weight of up to 2 kg. Without a pedigree, a dog can be bought for 18,000 rubles; the presence of a pedigree increases the price to 30,000; for show puppies you will have to pay from 60,000 rubles. By nature, this dog is smart and inquisitive. Funny behavior enhances the affection from his appearance.

Italian Greyhound

Dogs can grow up to 25.5 cm and weigh up to 4.5 kg. The breed values ​​intelligence, a love of games, and an active lifestyle. The name comes from the French word “hare”, which characterizes the appearance and character of the dog. The average price of this small elegant dog is from 24,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Chinese Crested

Representatives of the breed have a height of 23 to 33 cm and a weight of up to 5.5 kg. Males are taller and weigh more. Wool requires specific care. They love to play and have been active since childhood. The cost of a Chinese crested dog starts from 15,000 rubles. Fluffy dogs cost an average of 6,000 rubles more.

Brussels Griffon

The height of these pets can reach 32 cm, weight – 6 kg. These smart dogs have a lively character, show curiosity about their surroundings, and love to play. Owners appreciate the human expression on their dogs' faces. The cost of Brussels Griffons starts from 9,000 rubles; pedigree can cause a significant increase in price.

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