Description of the Pharaoh Hound breed - standard, character and care
Video * We invite you to watch a video about the Pharaoh Hound breed. In fact, in front of you is a playlist,
Small dog breeds for apartments
Chin Another Japanese breed of dwarf dog is the Chin. Height is up to 18
What is the correct name of the breed? There is no breed that is often called the Dwarf Doberman and the Mini Doberman.
How many years do hound dogs live?
Large dark eyes, wide forehead, long legs, muscular body, as well as a ringing voice and
Pit bull is a killer fighting dog: varieties, description and breed standard, character, upbringing, owner reviews. What are the purposes of the Pit Bull Terrier dog breed? What can you call a pitbull maiden?
History of the Pit Bull Breed Pit Bull with Cropped Ears The word “American” in the name of the breed creates a misnomer
Papillon: cute dog with butterfly ears
Pets >> Dog Breeds * Here is a photo of a typical representative of the Papillon dog breed.
Appearance of the Black Russian Terrier
Black Russian: cocktail at home
Appearance of the Black Russian Terrier General impression As you can see in the photo, the Black Russian
Dog in your pocket - the most popular pocket dog breeds
Shih Tzu - 4-7.2 kg The Chinese name "Shih Tzu" means "little lion" in English. Their
Japanese Terrier (Mikado Terrier): description of the dog breed with photos and videos
The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular and recognizable dog breeds in the world. But
Biewer Yorkshire Terriers are real long-livers
Biewer Yorkshire Terriers are a young breed that appeared at the end of the 20th century. During my