Maltese: how to cut a dog's hair

Who are Maltese?

Maltese is a Maltese dog, a dog of extraordinary beauty, possessing delicacy, intelligence and intelligence.
And the fur of this animal is unusual - delicate, requiring special care. In principle, you need to care for the coat of a dog of any breed, but more carefully for a Maltese. Haircut, combing and even styling are just a small list of procedures. Every day you need to comb your pet’s hair and trim the ends in order to give the lines clarity. Before a walk, a prerequisite is to collect the wool into small buns or curlers.

Grooming Maltese dogs is a complex, painstaking process, because this is a decorative breed, the only one in the whole world. Only these dogs can be seen with cute hairstyles with lots of elastic bands. Firstly, it is unusual and beautiful, and secondly, it is convenient, because the collected wool opens the dog’s eyes.

You can trim the ends of the coat without the help of a professional, but a thorough and neat haircut of a Maltese at home is too much work for the owner. A hairstyle is necessary if the owner cannot comb the hair of his beloved pet every day.

Why do you need to cut your Maltese?

The Maltese as a breed was specially bred to have such a long and rich coat, so caring for it is very important.
At exhibitions, dogs are presented carefully combed, washed, and treated with special products for the coat. Before the performance, the babies are kept on pillows in special cages so that their fur remains perfectly clean. In principle, you can keep your pet in this form at home, wearing various overalls for walks so that it does not get dirty. Maltese dogs have a beautiful white coat

However, if you do not plan to exhibit the animal, it is better to trim it. This provides convenience for the owner and relief for the dog. In addition, this allows for better hygiene.

For your information! The choice of coat length depends on the preference of the owner and his ability to care for the dog. It is better if the dog has a short and well-groomed coat than the presence of tangles and dirt.

Preparation for the procedure

Before you trim your lapdog at home yourself, it is recommended to perform some preparatory procedures that will make the process of creating a hairstyle easier:

  1. The pet needs to be bathed using a special shampoo and balm for easy combing.
  2. Then the animal is carefully dried with a hairdryer in the direction of hair growth.
  3. The dog is combed, unraveling the tangles.

After these procedures, you can start grooming the dog.

Note! If the dog shows aggression, it is recommended to put a muzzle on it. However, it is better to accustom your pet to such procedures from an early age.

Tips and Tricks

To get excellent results, you should follow some tips:

  • if necessary, you can use a muzzle;
  • the acceptable direction of cutting tools is along the growth line, parallel to the body;
  • the muzzle is cut away from the eyes;
  • the inguinal and anal areas are cut only with scissors;
  • minor damage is treated with hydrogen peroxide;
  • After grooming, it is recommended to bathe the dog.

Grooming a Maltese dog is an important and responsible task. If you are not confident in your abilities, then you should contact specialized salons. For your first haircut, it is better to visit a hairdresser.

Origin story

The Maltese dog (Maltese) received its name from the Semitic “malat” - “refuge”, a derivative of the word “melita”. Many islands and seaports were previously called this way.

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Presumably, the Maltese breed originated on one of these islands near Dalmatia. Previously, their homeland was called Meleda, today it is Mljet.

However, the exact origin of the dogs is not known. Their ancestors probably lived in the port cities of the Central Mediterranean and exterminated rodents.

While historians argue about the origin of the Maltese, no one doubts their antiquity. The first mention of the breed dates back to the 6th century. BC e. Figurines and images of dogs were found during excavations in Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

In the 1st century n. e. Maltese dogs came to China along with merchants. And in the Middle Ages - to Europe.

Even in ancient states, Maltese were the favorites of the nobility and monarchs. And from the 23rd century they completely migrated to palaces. The history of the breed marks the peak of popularity in the 16th century. The dogs were the favorites of Philip II, Mary Steward, and Elizabeth I.

In the same 16th century, there was confusion with the name. Until the 3rd century, Meleda was called not only an island off the coast of Dalmatia, but also Malta. Without understanding the origin of the dogs, they were dubbed Maltese or Maltese.

In Russia, they learned about the Maltese in 1812, during the Patriotic War with France. During the retreat, the French left behind several decorative dogs, which they called “French lapdogs.” However, the breed's exterior was lost: the pets were crossed with local dogs.

The first Maltese exhibition was held in Birmingham in 1864. Snow-white angels fascinated dog handlers: they recognized them as a separate Italian breed and developed a standard. And in 1873, an English club for Maltese lovers opened.

In Russia, the breed was introduced in the 20th century. The first representatives were brought from Czechoslovakia. But breeders made mistakes in breeding, and by the 80s. There are no Maltese dogs left that meet the requirements of the standard.

Now the situation is improving. The breed is actively bred in the CIS countries, nurseries and clubs have been founded. However, the Maltese remains one of the rarest and most elite decorative dogs.

Features of keeping a Maltese dog

Potential owners of this beautiful dog need to find out in advance what responsibilities owning a Maltese will entail. The lapdog is very demanding and will feel good only if:

  • having your own bed;
  • properly selected diet;
  • regular grooming with all its constituent elements;
  • control and monitoring of health status by a veterinarian;
  • mandatory socialization, education and training.

Arranging your personal space

A lap dog bed must be purchased before the puppy gets into the house. The place where it will be located should be quiet and cozy. The “corner” should not be close to the front door. It is also necessary to ensure that the animal sleeping on it does not freeze from a draft or, conversely, does not experience discomfort from excessively high temperatures.

There should be no wires or objects near the bed that the dog might want to try on the tooth. You should not stir the dog's bed near the dog's feeder. The optimal place for it would be a corner in the master bedroom or children's room (for adult children).

Making a menu

Your veterinarian will tell you how to properly create a menu for your Maltese. First of all, it is necessary to understand that the health, activity and appearance of the dog depend on nutrition. The diet must be compiled taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of each representative of the breed separately, without forgetting about the general recommendations.

You shouldn’t be too zealous in trying to feed your lapdog beyond the norm. These dogs are already poor at controlling the amount of food they consume and are often overweight and obese. Putting a dog on a diet is much more difficult than simply feeding it as much as it needs and what you can.

The owner must carefully monitor not only what his pet eats, but also whether he has an appetite. If there are any changes in eating behavior, this is a reason to take the dog for an emergency appointment with the veterinarian.

Grooming and its components

You should not think that grooming is just combing and cutting; it is a set of procedures that includes caring for the eyes, ears, and claws. However, if the owner can clean the ears and eyes himself, cutting and caring for the coat is much more complicated.

In order for the Maltese to have an attractive appearance, the master groomer will have to work hard on this. During skincare procedures, not only scissors and combs are used, but also shampoos, conditioners, hair dryers and other attributes necessary for beauty.

In addition to the fact that a lapdog needs to be cut so that its fur does not get dirty during street walks in bad weather, it also needs clothes

Special overalls, raincoats and raincoats will not only prevent the snow-white creature from getting wet, they will also protect it from hypothermia, which is also very important.

Taking care of your lapdog's health

In order for a lapdog to remain “in service” for as long as possible, it needs to be given as much attention as possible. The owner is required to:

  • constantly monitor the condition and behavior of the pet;
  • carry out coat inspections;
  • take your dog to the veterinarian for examinations and vaccinations;
  • Monitor your dog's behavior while walking outside.

The latter is especially important, since a lot of dangers can await a dog while it is on the street. To prevent your lapdog from accidentally eating poison, she must be forbidden from early childhood to eat anything outside the home.

It is also worth protecting the sissy from yard dogs, who may not like her.

Socialization and education will also be useful so that the Maltese is not afraid of sharp sounds and strangers. If a correct and harmonious relationship is built between the dog and the owner, which can only be achieved with the help of proper training, both the person and the dog will enjoy the union.

Who are Maltese?

Maltese is a Maltese dog, a dog of extraordinary beauty, possessing delicacy, intelligence and intelligence. And the fur of this animal is unusual - delicate, requiring special care.

In principle, you need to care for the coat of a dog of any breed, but more carefully for a Maltese. Haircut, combing and even styling are just a small list of procedures. Every day you need to comb your pet’s hair and trim the ends in order to give the lines clarity. Before a walk, a prerequisite is to collect the wool into small buns or curlers.

Grooming Maltese dogs is a complex, painstaking process, because this is a decorative breed, the only one in the whole world. Only these dogs can be seen with cute hairstyles with lots of elastic bands. Firstly, it is unusual and beautiful, and secondly, it is convenient, because the collected wool opens the dog’s eyes.

You can trim the ends of the coat without the help of a professional, but a thorough and neat haircut of a Maltese at home is too much work for the owner. A hairstyle is necessary if the owner cannot comb the hair of his beloved pet every day.

Grooming Maltese and any other lapdog

The wool of lapdogs is constantly growing and can be very long - up to the floor, and indefinitely. In addition, the Maltese has white fur. All this requires constant care. Have you seen unkempt lap dogs on the city streets? How do these dogs and their owners make you feel?

You can’t imagine how quickly such wool falls off; sometimes the tangles cannot be combed out and you have to cut or shave them off. And under the tangles, the skin gets warm, the wool dries poorly in the tangles and bacteria and parasites grow. I don’t want to scare you, but I want to warn you.

The Maltese is considered a non-clipping breed in grooming. This means that show dogs are not cut, but their long hair and structure are carefully preserved so that it does not get cut. The fur needs to be combed every day. To preserve the Maltese's long coat, it is collected in curlers.

The long, well-groomed, white coat of the Maltese is impressive. It's elegant and graceful. Under its own weight, the hair stops curling and becomes straight and flowing.

In the ring, the Maltese's hair should almost touch the floor.

This image of a dog is suitable for those owners who have time to care for their pet; this often becomes the owner’s hobby.

If the Maltese does not participate in exhibitions, and you have little time to care for it, then it is easier to cut it. A properly trimmed and groomed Maltese is undoubtedly very cute.

Any Maltese dog, whether it is a show dog or just a pet, needs daily, hygienic grooming:

>Cut and sharpen your dog’s claws every 4-6 weeks >Free the paw pads from excess hair, trim long hair around the paw so that it does not interfere with free running and does not collect dirt >You can and should bathe your dog as it gets dirty, using a specialized shampoo for long hair wool and conditioner. >Brush your dog's fur more often, especially after bathing, using a slicker brush and a hair dryer >Wipe the fur in the corners of your dog's eyes and paws as they become dirty. The white coat of the Maltese quickly absorbs dirt and loses its whiteness, turning into brown tracks. >Don't forget to clean your ears, if possible, removing excess hair in the ear canals to improve aeration >It is necessary to monitor the condition of your dog's teeth and brush them on time to prevent the development of tartar

Features of Maltese coat care

In order for a dog to look attractive, in addition to professional grooming, it needs daily care, which the owner can provide for it himself. Experienced dog breeders even draw up special schedules in which they indicate on which day the dog has a haircut and on which day it has a bath.

Professional breeders recommend accustoming your dog to grooming procedures from an early age. Both a puppy and an adult lap dog must endure without fear or aggression:

  • washing paws after a walk;
  • bathing;
  • hygienic haircut;
  • cleaning ears, eyes and teeth;
  • trimming nails;
  • winding wool on curlers.

Each owner chooses how to cut a dog's haircut himself. The only thing he should know is that certain requirements are put forward for the appearance of animals that take part in exhibitions. So, the Maltese’s coat should not be 5-10 cm longer than the height of the dog itself at the withers. When moving, it should flow; when the dog is calm, the hair should beautifully frame its silhouette. Lap dogs, which for one reason or another do not take part in exhibitions, can look the way their owners want.

Grooming a lap dog at home

You can also care for Maltese fur at home. To do this, you will need to buy high-quality tools, study the rules and techniques of cutting, but the main thing is to hone your skills in practice.

Preparation for the procedure

Before cutting a Maltese, you need to bathe it with shampoo and a special balm for easy combing. Afterwards, the animal needs to be dried with a hairdryer in the direction of hair growth and combed, getting rid of all tangles. At this stage, the dog is completely ready for further grooming.

To fully groom your dog, you will need the following tools:

  • combs and slickers for combing wool before and during the procedure;
  • well-sharpened hairdressing scissors;
    To cut a lap dog, you need to purchase high-quality professional scissors.
  • clipper (it is better if the tool is specifically for animals, and not for cutting people, otherwise it may simply not cope with the delicate fur of a lapdog);
  • nail clipper;
  • cotton pads for ears.

Procedure for cutting

The haircut itself should take place in several stages:

  1. The dog needs to be seated on a surface that is comfortable in height for the groomer.
  2. It’s better to start with the bangs - move the desired length away from the eyes and cut off the cap.
    Maltese haircut starts with bangs
  3. We trim or shave the space between the ears, making sure the result is symmetrical.
    Stage two: cutting between the ears
  4. The next stage is cutting the back.
    Here you also need to focus on the desired length of the finished hairstyle. If you need to cut your dog’s hair as short as possible, then this result can only be achieved with a clipper against the growth of the hair; in other situations you need to work according to the growth. After the space between the ears, a strip is cut along the spine
  5. Now you can process the sides, starting from the place between the muzzle and the ear, moving to the neck and further along the body.
    At the next stage, the area between the muzzle and ear is trimmed.
  6. Once the sides are trimmed, the limbs can be processed.
    After processing the body, you can start cutting the limbs
  7. The next stage is the tail.
    It is usually enough just to trim it a little. During the haircut, you can trim the tail if desired.
  8. Be sure to remove excess hair between the paw pads and in the ear.
    At this stage, trim the claws and clean the ears with cotton pads dipped in warm water. Be sure to remove excess hair from between the paw pads
  9. Now you can start trimming your ears. In order for everything to turn out smoothly, you need to comb the wool and pinch the line along which you plan to cut with your fingers.
  10. All that remains is to shape the muzzle.
    To make the lines smooth and beautiful at the end, thinning scissors are used along the edge of the cut. At the last stage, all that remains is to trim the fur on the face

The algorithm for grooming a puppy is no different from caring for an adult dog. The only caveat is that babies are usually cut with scissors and not short, but only by trimming the ends and giving a beautiful shape to the coat.

Possible mistakes when cutting your own hair

It is unlikely that you will be able to cut your dog's hair perfectly the first time; this will require a lot of practice. The most common mistakes when cutting hair at home:

  • Household scissors. No ordinary scissors, even well-sharpened ones, will give a beautiful cut on a dog’s fur - they will tear it, wrinkle it and pull it. It is necessary to invest in a professional tool that will be convenient to use.
  • Lack of example. The best option is to take your dog to a professional for grooming several times and observe his actions. Then your independent haircut will be more confident and of better quality.
  • Household hair clipper. An ordinary machine, especially if it is expensive, simply will not take the delicate hair of a lapdog. It is necessary to purchase a tool designed specifically for cutting animals.
  • Radical solutions. If you have a fluffy dog, you should not immediately go to extremes and cut it very short - there is a high probability that the result will not suit the owner and will create stress for the animal. It is better to start with light, hygienic haircuts and, if necessary, gradually shorten the animal’s hair to the desired length.

Show Maltese dogs are usually not cut short; a long, well-groomed coat is important to them. But pets outside of show activities are often given hairstyles, ranging from simply trimming long hair to completely cutting it off.

Types of Maltese haircuts

Experts differentiate between exhibition and everyday haircuts.

For a pet to participate in shows and shows, the closest attention is concentrated on the texture and length of the coat. The long, flowing awn envelops the dog in a flowing, precious mantle

The breed standard clearly indicates the length of the coat: it “exceeds the height of the dog at the withers by five to ten centimeters.” The task of exhibition grooming is to maximally emphasize the advantages and characteristics of the Maltese and hide (smooth out) minor flaws in the exterior.

When keeping a pet “for the soul” in the absence of exhibition activity, for everyday life, when the owner is not able to carry out the most complex care for floor-length hair (washing, combing, curling with curlers), owners prefer short haircuts for Maltese dogs. Everyday haircuts are divided into hygienic and designer hairstyles.

Exhibition classics

A clipped Maltese dog must meet all the requirements of the breed standard. This is filigree, jewelry magic. It is strictly forbidden to touch the length: the groomer does not cut it, but only gives the coat the proper appearance with the lightest strokes of the scissors. The fur is smoothed out, damaged ends are trimmed, smoothing the edges of the mantle, giving the silhouette a stylish look.

A classic show haircut: top notes gathered on the head (ponytails) turning into a perfectly straight parting along the entire length of the body.

A lot of attention and trouble is paid to hygiene procedures: cleaning the ears (including trimming the ear canals) and trimming the hair in the groin area. Preparation for the exhibition does not include trimming the fur around the eyes.

A show is an important and serious event; inexperienced owners would be better off spending time and money on a visit to a professional grooming center. Exhibition haircut of a Maltese is a complex procedure, full of hidden subtleties and details.

A Maltese cut in violation of the canons and standard requirements will certainly be disqualified.

Hygienic haircut

This haircut option is intended only for non-show Maltese dogs. Everything is clear from the name: making life easier for the owner (care is minimized) and the everyday life of the pet (spending days and nights in curlers and curlers is hard labor even for a dog). The grooming center specialist will fulfill any wishes of the owner: he will shorten the fur as much as possible along the entire length of the body, trim the genital area and anus.

Some “progressive” salons, following fashion, include in the price list of their services the coloring of the Maltese in “any color and shade” with special dyes.

With a certain persistence and desire, having received advice from an experienced groomer and a little practice, a hygienic haircut is quite possible at home by the owner himself. A simple haircut with a “no frills” clipper to a minimum level, almost “to zero” is ugly, but practical and cheap.

Maltese puppy haircut (mouton)

Mouton is a neat haircut with scissors followed by “grinding” with a machine using attachments of different lengths. A puppy-style haircut for a Maltese dog changes the silhouette of the dog: the adult contour is replaced by the outline of a teenage dog.

The “mouton” haircut of Maltese dogs is very popular on the eve of the summer season: the dog can tolerate the heat more easily, and the owner’s efforts to care for the rich coat of the Maltese are significantly reduced. In winter, puppy grooming of doggies is also possible, but you will need to replenish your pet’s warm wardrobe.

Maltese haircut in kawaii style

Designer haircuts for Maltese dogs are the widest field for implementing the most unusual fashion trends. It is now difficult to surprise anyone with the usual “poodle” and “lion” haircuts. The Korean-Japanese “Maltese kawaii” trend rules the roost, creating a unique image that stands out from the general background.

Experts insist that fashionable style is a projection of popular Japanese cartoons. The term “kawaii” translates as “cute toy.”

The muzzle is cut short, the cheeks are shaved down to the skin, the entire length of fur is left behind the ears and in the back of the head.

A cut “kawaii” Maltese certainly attracts attention and causes, if not delight, then amazement

Like most designer haircuts, kawaii haircuts require regular maintenance. The coat of lapdogs grows unevenly: after a couple of weeks, the ideal silhouette line loses its clarity. In this situation, there are only two solutions: the owner mastering grooming techniques or regular, expensive visits to the salon.

How to trim a Maltese at home

The Maltese is one of the few dog breeds whose coat allows you to create original haircuts and hairstyles. Typically, an exhibition lap dog comes to the salon 2-3 times a month; a dog that does not go to exhibitions can do this much less often - from 6 to 8 times a year.

What haircuts are popular among Maltese dogs?

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Like a puppy

This haircut needs to be updated infrequently; it is easy to maintain. The only downside of this hairstyle is that it is not suitable for winter - a lapdog without fur simply freezes in the cold.


The most common, convenient and simple type. Suitable for all lap dogs, as it allows you to adjust the length of the guard hair. When designing a hygienic haircut, many owners take liberties, which are manifested in coloring individual strands with special dyes, which make it possible to make the appearance of the lap dog original and unusual.

The only requirements for this type of haircut are to shorten the hair in the intimate area and between the pads on the paws. Also, do not forget about the long hairs that grow in the ears. If they are not shortened, wax and dirt will accumulate in the ears, which can cause inflammatory processes.

Korean haircut

“Kawaii” is one of the most popular haircuts for lap dogs. Dogs trimmed this way have their cheek areas shaved, and the hair behind the ears is very long. A ponytail or cap adorns the head. The neck is cut short, the rest of the body may look different. The only thing that should remain unchanged is the feathering on the paws.

For a toy

The haircut to look like a toy bear is reminiscent of the first option, “to look like a puppy.” The hair growing on the body is shortened to 5 cm, as well as on the muzzle. Due to the fact that the wool is shaped correctly and symmetrically, it creates a “plushness” effect.

For the exhibition

It is for preparations for exhibitions that curlers are used on which wool is wound. They help to grow the required length. The main thing is not to forget to apply a special spray before twisting. Change curlers 1-3 times a week.

Each owner decides for himself which look to choose for his pet. Most often it all depends on the class and gender of the dog. Show dogs are limited in choice, while for the pet class “the law is not written.”

It is quite difficult to cut a Maltese haircut at home, but you can try. First of all, the baby should be given a good walk so that he spends maximum energy. Then the dog is bathed, mats are removed and carefully combed. After this, start cutting:

The dog is seated in a suitable place. First of all, the bangs are cut - the required length is removed from the eyes and the cap is cut off. Then they cut the area between the ears

It is important to ensure that the haircut is symmetrical. Then the back is cut. If you need short hair, use the clipper in the direction opposite to hair growth.

In other cases, they cut only in the direction of growth. Next, the sides are processed, starting from the head and gradually moving towards the tail. After the body, the limbs are trimmed, and then the tail, which can be slightly trimmed.

Important! Don't forget about the extra hairs on your paws and ears. We suggest you familiarize yourself with Blocked Anal Glands in Dogs

We suggest you familiarize yourself with Blocked Anal Glands in Dogs

The grooming of the Maltese lap dog ends with the processing of the muzzle, the hair is cut neatly. Use thinning scissors to straighten everything out.

The length of the Maltese coat allows you to do any hairstyle

Grooming Maltese in the salon

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In the salon, the dog will be provided with comprehensive services, which include the following procedures:

  • bathing with special means;
  • drying;
  • haircut of the owner's choice;
  • trimming nails;
  • removing hair from ears.

Some salons may offer to clean the anal glands. It is recommended to carry out a similar procedure up to 2 times a year.

The cost of all procedures is often fixed depending on the salon. However, if the coat is heavily soiled and tangled, groomers may increase the price slightly.

Personality of the Maltese

The Maltese is a perky fidget that just needs to stay in the thick of things and keep abreast of all the news. Moderately friendly, but at the same time confident in their own exclusivity, Maltese will never conflict with pets. In dogs of other breeds, these energetic fluffies see, if not friends, then at least play buddies with whom they can run and fool around to their heart's content.

But lap dogs do not intend to share their master’s attention with any living creature. As soon as the owner of a Maltese pets another animal, a little jealous person awakens in his pet, capable of any meanness towards his opponent.

Maltese with his owner

Despite the fact that the Maltese breed is usually considered as a family breed, bringing an animal into a house where there are small children is at least unwise. Of course, the Maltese has a peaceful disposition, but his patience is by no means unlimited. Dogs have rather strained relationships with strangers. For a Maltese, any unfamiliar person is a potential enemy who should be frightened in advance and properly. Usually, the owner learns about the arrival of an unwanted (from the dog’s point of view) guest by the pet’s choking bark. In this way, lap dogs show their wariness and suspicion towards a stranger.

White and fluffy on the outside, the Maltese, unfortunately, does not always remain so on the inside. The main negative character trait of lapdogs is considered to be stubbornness. If the dog finds the training useless, it will be difficult to convince him otherwise. Another dark side of the breed is the fear of loneliness. If you are used to leaving your pet alone for more than an hour, get ready to accept the chaos in your apartment as a given. Finding itself in a stressful situation, the dog will try to cope with the phobia in its own way, that is, chewing wires, scratching shoes and making puddles wherever possible. Otherwise, the ex-Melitas are quite good-natured and flexible creatures. They just need a little more affection and attention than representatives of other decorative breeds.

Character traits

The breed is distinguished by its kindness, activity and intelligence.

The Russian lap dog has a playful, soft, friendly character, which quickly wins the love of all family members. The pet becomes very attached to its owner and needs constant communication . Lack of attention can negatively affect your dog's well-being. But at the same time she is unobtrusive. Gets along well with children.

The Russian lapdog is distinguished by its extraordinary intelligence. Dog breeders note that this breed is capable of very subtly sensing the owner’s mood. If a person is in the stage of emotional depression, the pet will not bother you with its attention, but will simply lie down next to you. If there are other animals in the apartment, he will be able to find a common language with him without any problems, even if they are parrots or cats. Doesn't like to be alone.

Video: dog behavior and appearance

Types of Maltese haircuts

The differences in haircuts by gender in the case of the Maltese are very subjective; there is no clear distinction. Most owners choose shorter haircuts for males and longer hair for females, but this is a personal choice for each owner. Even male Maltese dogs have bows pinned to their bangs, but in dark, boyish colors.


A hygienic haircut is created with the goal of providing the pet with maximum comfort in everyday life, and for the owner to simplify the daily care of the dog. The basis of this type of fur treatment is the removal of long hairs around the anus and genitals, between the paw pads and on the belly. In other places, they do as desired - you can either shorten the wool a little or make it as short as possible using a machine. This is the most popular haircut option due to its variability; it can also be used for show pets, but only outside the show season.

Hygienic grooming involves shortening the coat for the convenience of the owner and the dog.

Home (everyday)

With dogs that temporarily or do not participate in exhibitions at all, owners are happy to experiment, creating the most unusual images. There are several popular options for Maltese haircuts:

  • Like a puppy. This type of haircut is done with scissors over the entire body of the dog. They shorten the main part of the fur, making longer hairs only on the ears, bangs and muzzle. The area around the eyes is cut short. The result of the haircut is an adult dog that resembles a puppy that has not yet acquired long hair. This option is often suitable for the summer, allowing the dog to feel more comfortable in the heat, but having done this haircut in the winter, you will have to additionally insulate the pet with clothes during walks.
  • Kawaii (the style is also called Japanese and sometimes Korean). The haircut involves creating a toy-like appearance: the neck, body, cheeks and eye area are cut short, while long hair is kept on the forehead, ears, paws and tail. The kawaii style requires constant care, the guard hairs grow unevenly, so you will have to trim them regularly, otherwise the image will be ruined.
  • Under a teddy bear (plush). The plush style is reminiscent of a puppy cut, but in this case the length is maintained throughout the entire body of the animal (usually about 5 cm). The ears are trimmed short, removing most of the hair inside.
  • Clipper cut is a short clipper cut. This is one of the best options for the summer - the dog’s fur remains as short as possible, which makes it easier in the heat.

There are a lot of designer haircuts, for example, poodle or lion, which allow you to give your dog an unusual appearance. It is not uncommon for the snow-white coat of a Maltese to be specially tinted - any colors turn out bright and saturated against such a background.


For exhibition, the coat cannot be shortened too much - it should reach the ground and stretch a little along it. Therefore, before the event, a haircut involves only minor intervention:

  • trimming the edges of hairs;
  • thinning hair around the eyes;
  • removal of a small part of hair near the genitals and on the paws.

In other places, the wool is not touched with scissors, but the preparation usually does not end there. Maltese are decorated in every possible way, making their hair for the exhibition with various hairpins and decorative elastic bands. The most popular design option for bangs is a topknot ponytail.

Show cutting only involves trimming long hair.

Kawaii and bear - aesthetically pleasing and neat

The Korean lapdog haircut is a legacy of anime culture. It involves keeping the hair on the face short and shaving the cheeks. As a result of grooming carried out using this method, a cap or a long tail remains on the head.

The coat on the neck is cut short, on the body and paws the length is determined by the hairdresser. It must be taken into account that ultimately the animal’s body is significantly exposed and even fluffy feathers on the legs will not save it from hypothermia on winter days.

Kawaii is a rather complex technique, the high-quality execution of which can only be done by experienced masters. The Little Emperor specialists have extensive practical experience in this area and regular visits to our salon will bring pleasure from their work to both the dog and its owner.

The Maltese dog's teddy bear haircuts are reminiscent of the Mouton version. The hairs on the body are shortened to 5 cm, on the muzzle and head the length is the same, but on the ears they are cut short. If all the requirements are taken into account, then after grooming is completed the pet will acquire the toy appearance of a cute cartoon teddy bear. The main feature of this technique is the obligatory observance of symmetry, which gives the animal’s appearance a very harmonious appearance.

Dog and man

Maltese are sensitive dogs, they can play for hours, and when a person gets tired, they slow down and adapt to the owner. This character trait and comfort in living together defines a companion dog.

For this breed, the preferred living conditions are an apartment or a private house. They will not survive on the street for two reasons: they will freeze, and they will suffer from lack of attention. In addition, a good-natured disposition does not allow one to respond to offenders as they deserve.

The Maltese dog will not cause damage to things and repairs in the apartment. These proud animals are meant for humans and live up to expectations. They are loyal to children and other animals, but may be jealous of new family members and pets.

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