When a pet is unwell, he seems lethargic, drowsy, and loses his appetite. If some internal organ hurts, he may take an unnatural position or tuck his paws.
Health is also determined by the nose. If it is warm and dry, this is a clear signal of poor health.
If you suspect your pet is sick, inspect its fur for wounds, redness and swelling.
Classification of diseases
To successfully treat a pet, it requires timely veterinary examination. What diseases do dogs have?
- Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems (obesity, diabetes, etc.).
- Surgical. These include damage to internal organs and various parts of the body: fractures, dislocations, skin diseases of dogs, etc.
- Gender sexual diseases.
- Parasitic (invasive):
- Infectious: plague, tuberculosis, fungus, etc.
The causative agent of toxocariasis in dogs is a nematode, the mature individuals of which are localized in the small intestine. As they mature, they release thousands of eggs, resistant to environmental conditions, in animal feces. Eggs can enter the human digestive tract through unwashed hands after contact with a sick pet or pet care items.
Important! Most often, small children become infected with toxocariasis (ascariasis) while playing on the playground or in the sandbox, where there may be dog feces. There is also a high probability of infection through close contact with a pet that has not been dewormed.
In the human intestine, parasite larvae emerge from the eggs, penetrate into the bloodstream, and then through the bloodstream enter the liver, lungs, heart, brain, kidneys, and endocrine glands. Localized in certain organs, they become overgrown with an inflammatory membrane and freeze for a while, maintaining their viability. When the resistance of the human body decreases, the parasites again begin the process of migration, accompanied by:
- increase in body temperature up to 38°C;
- swelling;
- allergic rashes;
- lethargy, malaise.
When localized in the lungs, a person experiences attacks of suffocation and coughing. While in the brain, the larvae provoke headaches, seizures and nervous phenomena. In the thyroid gland, parasites form tumor-like formations that compress the glandular tissue and lead to inflammation or dysfunction.
Invasive diseases
In simple terms, these are worms in the pet’s body. There are several types of them, and they pose a danger to humans.
A dog can become infected through water, food, contact with a sick animal or its objects (toys, bowl, etc.).
- The pet develops unusual taste preferences (earth, sand).
- Dull, dry coat.
- Bloated belly.
- Cough.
- The animal rubs its butt on the floor.
- Sometimes there may be vomiting.
Parvovirus enteritis
An acute disease that most affects puppies under one year of age, although dogs of any age can get sick. The virus enters through close contact with another carrier, when sniffing the excrement or urine of a virus carrier; the infection can enter the body along with food.
Like some other viral diseases, parvovirus enteritis begins with a sharp decrease in appetite. A characteristic symptom is the appearance of repeated vomiting and diarrhea mixed with blood. Dogs with enteritis develop a characteristic (garlic) odor from their mouths. Feces also have a foul odor.
Treatment is aimed primarily at stopping vomiting and diarrhea and preventing dehydration. To do this, a mixture of glucose, Hexamine, Dexamethasone, ascorbic acid, Cerucal, vitamin B complex and No-shpa is administered intravenously.
To prevent complications caused by secondary infection, antibiotics are used: Ceftriaxone, Penicillin, Kanamycin, etc. Instead of antibiotics, sulfonamides can be prescribed: Norsulfazole sodium, Sulfadimezin, Enteroseptol. To relieve intoxication, liquid adsorbents are used: Enterosgel, Reosorbilact. Since this disease affects the functioning of the heart muscle, heart medications, Cordiamin, Camphor, are prescribed. To stop nausea and vomiting, injections of cerucal and metaclopropamide are given.
At the beginning of the disease, in order not to provoke vomiting, the sick animal is not given food for a day. After vomiting stops, to restore water and salt balance, the dog is given Smecta and Regidron in small portions (5–10 ml). Anti-enteritis vaccines are used for preventive purposes.
Feeding for all infectious diseases of dogs should be gentle and easily digestible.
To break the fast, rice water is given. His animal is given a day. Then you can gradually introduce lean broths and low-fat fermented milk products. Solid food of minced meat or finely chopped boiled meat can be given starting from the fourth day after the hunger strike. A dog that has had enteritis should not eat raw vegetables, legumes and bones to avoid irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.
This is a type of disease transmitted by airborne droplets or through hairs in food.
- The pet overall looks unwell.
- Coughs.
- Doesn't eat anything.
- Lethargic, apathetic.
If your pet is infected with rabies, the following symptoms will be observed:
- Paralysis.
- Impaired coordination of movements.
- An accumulation of white foam forms in the corners of the mouth.
- Convulsions.
Endocrine diseases
Cushing's disease in dogs is a pathological disease caused by a malfunction of the pituitary gland.
The disease is accompanied by:
- Mental disorders.
- Constant thirst.
- Increased appetite.
- Frequent urination.
- Weakness, lethargy and drowsiness.
- Sagging belly.
- Hair loss over large areas.
The pet's body is working to the limit, which will ultimately lead to death.
Dog diseases - symptoms, types, treatment
A dog, like a person, can suffer from various diseases. And just like in humans, a dog’s disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Caring for the health of the pet falls entirely on its owner. It is necessary to do all vaccinations in a timely manner, maintain the correct diet of the dog, deworm it once every 3 months, observe hygiene rules, care for the animal’s coat, and also visit a veterinarian once every six months. This will keep the dog healthy and not have to resort to unnecessary treatment for diseases.
The behavior and appearance of a healthy dog looks like this:
- after waking up, the dog behaves actively, makes contact with the owner with pleasure
— the dog’s coat looks shiny, without bald spots. Shedding occurs once every six months and lasts about a month.
— the dog’s eyes shine, but do not water
- the dog’s nose is cold and wet
— the dog breathes evenly, without wheezing
- the dog has a good appetite
- mucous membranes and tongue are pink.
If any deviations in the dog's behavior or appearance are detected, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.
A dog can suffer from contagious and non-contagious diseases. Contagious diseases include infectious diseases, such as: rabies, hepatitis, plague, tularemia, tuberculosis, as well as invasive (diseases transmitted by parasites, such as fleas or ticks).
Non-contagious diseases, as a rule, affect individual organs of the animal. These include:
- diseases of the genitourinary system. They often occur after hypothermia and are accompanied by frequent urination. When treating diseases of the genitourinary system, the veterinarian prescribes medications, as well as a special diet.
- diseases of the digestive system. They arise as a result of improper nutrition. Symptoms may include: vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, refusal to eat.
- diseases of the nervous system. The causes may be injuries, infectious diseases, invasive diseases. With diseases of the nervous system, the dog may be depressed, react inadequately to noise, suffer from epileptic seizures, and have sudden mood swings.
— Diseases of the circulatory system and blood diseases. They occur as a result of infection entering the blood. May be accompanied by the following symptoms: shortness of breath, swelling, blue discoloration of the mucous membranes. When treating these diseases, it is recommended, along with medications, to adhere to a special diet and provide rest to the pet.
If you notice alarming symptoms in your four-legged friend, you should not try to diagnose it yourself. After all, sometimes even an experienced veterinarian cannot make an accurate diagnosis until he does the necessary tests.
The Doctor-Vet veterinary service has all the necessary equipment for examining dogs. Our experienced doctors are ready to help your pet and return it to a healthy life as soon as possible.
You can call a veterinarian at home or get a free consultation by calling: 221 — 55 — 81, +7 (903) 485 — 99 — 81
Diseases that pose a danger to humans
Some canine diseases can be transmitted to humans.
Rabies. It can be contracted through the bite of a sick animal. It is important to consult a doctor immediately, because after the incubation period (2 weeks - 3 months) rabies cannot be cured. Without treatment, rabies will lead to a painful death.
Ringworm. To avoid infection, you need to avoid contact with a sick animal. When a person becomes infected, rounded areas of skin appear on the body. They are inflamed and flaky.
The disease is accompanied by fever, nervous disorders, rapid weight loss, foul breath and bleeding areas in the mouth.
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A terrible disease, dangerous to almost all species of mammals and humans. Mortality rate is 99.99%. Since the first descriptions of the disease appeared, no more than a dozen cases of recovery have been recorded. The causative agent is an RNA virus. He's quite unusual. Unlike other viruses, it can survive for quite a long time (up to a couple of months) in the external environment, and in the rotting brain of a dead animal - up to two (or even three) years. Transmitted through bites. There are no other ways of infection.
After a bite, the pathogen enters the nervous tissue, from where it begins to gradually rise, reaching the brain. The closer the bite area is to the head, the faster clinical signs of infection will develop. As a rule, this happens within three to five days. If a pet has already developed clinical manifestations of the disease, it is no longer possible to save it.
How does rabies manifest itself? There are two forms of infection: silent and classic. In the first case, the animal becomes unusually quiet, affectionate, drooling does not flow from its mouth, but the pet is terrified of water and completely loses the ability to swallow. When in violent form, the dog becomes extremely aggressive, silently and without barking (the larynx is paralyzed) and rushes at people and other animals.
From time to time, seizures reminiscent of epileptic occur, and saliva constantly runs from the dog’s mouth. If you observe any of the above in your dog, call the vet immediately! Try to isolate the dog in a separate room (without fanaticism). Remember that rabies is incurable! It is impossible to cure him, and therefore the sick dog is euthanized, and the corpse is destroyed by burning.
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