Inflammation of the glands in the Yorkshire Terrier

What are paraanal glands?

Until the glands make themselves felt, the pet owner does not even suspect that their four-legged pet even has them. But when a pathology occurs, you have to not only learn about their characteristics, but also take care of this area.

The anal glands, also called sacs, are located in the place where the rectum meets the anus. This is a paired organ that secretes a secretion that has an individual specific odor. Thanks to it, dogs know who has been here recently, mark their territory, scare away enemies and attract potential suitors.

The secretion is released during bowel movements and mixed with feces. But this happens when the animal’s digestive system and intestines function normally. That is, feces squeezes the secretion out of the sacs, and with each act of defecation they are emptied of their contents.


Sakulectomy is the removal of the paraanal glands. There are cases when the anal glands in dogs become clogged regularly. The secretion cannot come out, even with regular cleaning. Even if there is no inflammation or abscess, the cleaning procedure, although painless, is still not the most pleasant.

Wherever it goes, if the glands need to be cleaned once a year. Well, what if you need to do this constantly, almost every week. In this case, it is much more humane to perform a removal operation than to torture your pet and constantly treat and clean the inflamed gland. The operation to remove the glands is not considered difficult. The doctor makes two small incisions in the skin, approximately above the glands.

Today we talked about what the paraanal glands are in dogs, what role they play and how to properly care for them. I hope that you have learned a lot of new and useful information. Good luck to you!

Take care of your pets!

Why do the glands become inflamed?

When the secretion from the anal sacs is not removed, a process of decay occurs in the glands, and in such an environment, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply intensively. There are many reasons for this pathological phenomenon:

  • the pet leads a sedentary lifestyle;
  • the dog has a genetic predisposition to the disease;
  • weakened immune system;
  • pregnancy period;
  • erratic, too frequent matings;
  • the dog was injured;
  • the presence of a defecation disorder due to poor nutrition (if the dog eats low-quality semi-finished products, eats a lot of bones, etc.);
  • failure to comply with the rules of individual animal hygiene.

It doesn’t matter what led to the malfunction of the paraanal glands, the clinical manifestations of the disorders will equally bother the pet.

Stages of the inflammatory process

Inflammation develops in stages, causing increasingly obvious signs of pathology:

  • natural outflow is disrupted;
  • a large amount of secretory fluid accumulates in the anal glands;
  • gradually the consistency of the secretion thickens;
  • the tissues of the pouches become inflamed, causing discomfort and pain;
  • the affected surface becomes an excellent environment for the activity of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • due to secondary microflora, the inflammatory process intensifies, leading to the formation of purulent exudate and abscess;
  • When abscesses rupture, fistulas form.

Such changes are accompanied by other pathological phenomena, and the owner should pay attention to the pet’s condition as early as possible.

Symptoms of pathology

The intensity of the symptoms of the inflammatory process in the paraanal glands directly depends on the degree of damage:

  1. I degree – the dog is bothered by itching and scratches the anal area. The secretion is secreted in small quantities, its color varies from light transparent to watery-whitish or yellowish.
  2. II degree – the secretion becomes even smaller, it is characterized by a thick consistency. The symptoms are complemented by other signs - alopecia (hair loss) develops, a rash in the form of pustules and vesicles appears on the skin of the inner thigh area. The pet begins to feel stiffness in the lower limbs.
  3. III degree - the secretion thickens to a creamy state, it becomes even smaller. In addition, the secretory fluid becomes darker in color. A neurological syndrome appears and the itching intensifies.
  4. IV degree - the consistency of the secretory fluid of the gland becomes similar to clay - thick, granular, from dark brown to black, paralyzes the pelvic girdle or half of the body.

In addition, a sick pet exhibits a number of other signs:

  • The behavior of the animal changes - the dog may become aggressive, habits change.
  • Appetite decreases or is completely absent.
  • Soreness is felt in the anus, caudal base and between the anus and testicles.
  • The skin and coat become damp.
  • The pathology is accompanied by hyperkeratosis - hypertrophied compaction of the epidermis.
  • Hypesthesia manifests itself - increased sensitivity.
  • Pain when touching the skin.
  • Excessive pigmentation.
  • Erythema of the skin, which manifests itself as redness.
  • Rectal-cutaneous fistulas (perianal sinuses) are formed.
  • Ulcerations and eroded areas appear on the skin.
  • The temperature rises and a febrile state occurs.
  • Scratchiness, the pet intensively scratches the painful area.
  • The anal area swells noticeably.
  • Spasmodic pain in the anus.
  • Depression, depressed mood, lethargy, fatigue.

At the very beginning of the disease, you can help your pet yourself by cleaning the paraanal glands. A similar procedure is carried out for preventive purposes and when blockage of the glands becomes a regular occurrence. But how to clean them correctly?

Cleaning the anal glands at home

To carry out the procedure at home, you need to purchase petroleum jelly and medical sterile gloves at the pharmacy. The most convenient place for cleaning is the bathroom, since the secretory fluid has a very unpleasant odor and can get on furniture. If it gets on the upholstery, it will not be easy to get rid of the stain, and in addition, the air in the room will be spoiled for a long time.

You should insert your index finger into the animal’s anus and feel the glandular formations on its sides, which are shaped like dense balls. Using light massage movements, you should empty the contents of the bags outward, the manipulation is carried out on both sides.

What is the danger of blocked anal glands in a dog?

  1. Inflammation
  1. Abscess

In this case, the anal sac becomes overfilled with secretion and bursts.

An abscess is a serious consequence, the symptoms of which are fever, lethargy, apathy, as well as inflammation around the anus, an unpleasant odor and flow from the anus.

In this case, treatment must begin immediately, since the abscess can be fatal.

  1. Saculetomy

Saculetomy or removal of the paraanal glands is a forced procedure that is prescribed in case of regular blockage.

The operation is not complicated and the body’s recovery process occurs quite quickly, as a result of which the animal will feel good and comfortable, and the owner will not need to worry about the condition of his pet.

The health of the dog is the responsibility of the owner, therefore, it is the person who must help his pet in case of illness.

Blocked anal glands in dogs are not a common problem, but they do occur, and any dog ​​owner should be aware of the symptoms and treatment options.

How is inflammation of the paraanal glands treated?

If the inflammatory process is not intense, then you can cope on your own, but if the disease is in an advanced state, then you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. And, in addition, even if the cleaning was successful, you can also contact your veterinarian to find out why the glands cannot function on their own.

For this disease, specific laboratory methods are not used; to establish a diagnosis, it is enough to examine the sick dog and palpate the area of ​​pathology. Therapeutic therapy for inflammation of the paraanal glands includes the following manipulations and techniques:

  • mechanical cleansing of blockages in the glands;
  • sinus flushing;
  • administration of antibacterial agents (they are placed in the sinuses, an effective remedy in this case is Cephalexin), therapy can last from 5 to 15 days;
  • suppositories for rectal administration, for example, ichthyol, may be prescribed;
  • sometimes novocaine blockades with antibiotics are recommended;
  • regular observation and use of measures for secondary prevention.

In case of severe pain, it is possible to use local anesthetics and drugs with a sedative effect. If clogged glands in which there is no inflammation are cleared, then anesthetic drugs are not used.

If abscesses have formed, then punctures can be made and the tissue can be washed to remove pus. To do this, the dog is drained and the tissues are washed with saline solution and a mild disinfectant. For a closed abscess, a course of wet hot compresses is prescribed, which are done until the abscess matures. Then the veterinarian opens it and cleanses it.

Severe pathological conditions require surgical intervention. In this situation, resection of the paraanal glands, called saculectomy, is prescribed. Naturally, such manipulation is carried out in extreme cases, when frequent relapses occur, and owners have to clean them every 5-7 days.

Saculectomy itself is not a highly complex operation. The surgeon makes 2 incisions over the glands, through which he brings them out and cuts them off. Since the tissues of the rectum and anal ring are not subject to intervention, the pet can walk “largely” on its own within 24 hours. He returns to his normal life, can drink, eat, play as usual.

To prevent stretching of the sutures, it is necessary to adjust the diet of your four-legged friend - give him food that is easily digestible, and take him for a walk more often, this is extremely important for recovery - the dog should not endure the urge to defecate for a long time.

How to clean your dog's anal glands yourself

Before you begin the cleaning procedure, you must make sure that your dog has a problem with the anal glands.

To do this, you need to palpate the anus from the inside. It is best to carry out this procedure with gloves. Insert your index finger shallowly into the hole (almost at the very exit) and gently begin probing. If there are no seals, the bags are soft and practically cannot be felt, then you can be sure that everything is in order. If the dog’s paraanal glands are clogged, then even with light pressure you will immediately feel a compaction.

If you find seals, then you can safely begin the cleaning procedure.

What you will need

  • Gloves.
  • Paper napkin or clean rag.
  • Basin.
  • Petrolatum.

How to clean a dog's anal glands

There are two ways to clean the anal glands in dogs.

Method one

  1. Place your pet in the bathtub. If the dog is small, then you can use a simple basin.
  2. Ask someone from your household to hold the four-legged animal by the muzzle and body so that it does not spin or struggle.
  3. Put on gloves and feel the glands from the outside.
  4. Next, take the dog by the base of the tail and lift the tail up as far as possible, but so as not to cause pain to the animal.
  5. With another gloved hand or just using a napkin, use your thumb and forefinger to apply pressure to the area on the sides of the anus. If you did everything correctly, a viscous, unpleasant-smelling beige liquid should come out of the bags.
  6. After this, rinse everything thoroughly with water.

If after this procedure there is no result, and the paraanal glands are not freed from secretion, then under no circumstances press with double force. In this case, it is better to contact a veterinary clinic. It is possible that the glands are so clogged that home cleaning will not help and surgery will be required to remove the sacs.

Method two

  1. Also, put your pet in a bathtub or basin and call someone to help hold the animal.
  2. Wear gloves.
  3. Lubricate the index finger of your right hand (on top of your gloves) with Vaseline.
  4. With your left hand, in the same way as I described in the first method, lift the dog’s tail as much as possible.
  5. Carefully insert your index finger, lubricated with Vaseline, into the animal's anus. The palm should be in a position perpendicular to the floor.
  6. Using the index finger of your right hand, gently feel the gland.
  7. Next, use the index finger of your right hand (inside the anus) and the thumb of the same hand (outside the anus) to press the pouch, squeezing the secretion out.
  8. Rinse everything off with water.

It goes without saying that this procedure will not give your pet any pleasure. Therefore, together with your assistant, act harmoniously. The assistant must hold the four-legged firmly (but not painfully) so that he does not escape. Talk to the animal, calm it down, praise it.

As a rule, such cleaning lasts for a maximum of six months. But if you regularly carry out preventive measures, then it is quite possible that in the future you will not need to do such a procedure at all.

Prevention of blockage of the paraanal glands

Of course, in some cases it is impossible to avoid such a pathology, but in most cases, compliance with preventive measures is quite sufficient in order to never know how to clean your pet’s secretion bags:

  • walk the dog more often, this will lead to the glands being cleansed normally;
  • You should take care of your pet’s activity and give it physical activity more often;
  • another important aspect is proper nutrition; excess protein foods can lead to difficult bowel movements; bowel movements should be avoided - diarrhea or constipation; To improve digestion, a dog needs fiber.

Inflammation of the paraanal glands is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, however, if you seek medical help in a timely manner, it will not significantly undermine your pet’s health. It is very important to take care of your four-legged friend and, if necessary, carry out the required cleaning; this will save your pet from discomfort and possible complications.

How to avoid blocked anal glands in a dog?

What are anal glands in dogs and why should you monitor them?

There is a list of recommendations that if you follow, you will never know that dogs are suffering from a similar illness.

  • - try to arrange walks for the animal as often as possible, as this will avoid what the dog will endure while waiting for the opportunity to relieve itself.
  • - give the animal the necessary physical activity, since a sedentary lifestyle can provoke malfunctions in the dog’s body;
  • - Pay close attention to your diet. The dog should eat a balanced and regular diet;
  • — during a routine veterinary examination, ask the doctor to examine the dog’s paraanal glands, especially if you have observed the manifestation of the above symptoms.
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