What to Expect After Deworming Your Dog

When you decide to get a dog, you need to prepare not only for joy, but also for constant care for your pet. Upon arrival of the puppy to the new home, it is necessary to carry out a course of vaccinations, accustom the baby to the toilet outside, and also remove parasites from him.

Even if the breeder claims that the puppy does not have worms, you cannot believe these unconfirmed arguments. If a mother has parasites, they are always transmitted to her offspring. Therefore, you should not take the breeder’s word for it.

If the dog walks outside, it should be wormed every 4 months. But if you notice symptoms of worms in a puppy, treatment should be carried out immediately. Therefore, every responsible owner should be able to identify signs of the presence of parasites in the animal’s body. This is the only way he can maintain his health and save him from possible death.

Helminth infection

The pet industry has long reached a new level in the modern sales and services market. And yet, not all owners of dogs and other pets take all the necessary preventive measures for the health of their pets. This applies to mandatory vaccinations, protection against fleas, ticks and helminths. Almost every person will poison a puppy with fleas, because the way they torment the animal is visible to the naked eye.

Not all owners remember the possibility of parasite infection. But the symptoms and consequences of worms in dogs can harm the animal’s body much more than fleas. An attentive owner will be able to easily discern changes in the behavior of his pet if he looks closely at him. If treatment is not started in time, internal organs may be damaged. To prevent this from happening, you need to be able to identify the symptoms of worms in a puppy.

2 month old puppy has worms

Localization of parasite infestation

The clinical picture of infection symptoms varies greatly. Much depends on the type of parasites, as well as on the length of time they remain in the dog’s body. Some people mistakenly believe that worms always live only in the intestines of an animal. However, there are also parasites that are found in the lungs, brain, heart, kidneys, liver, and also in the muscles of the pet. The real state of affairs may be terrifying, but the fact remains that helminths harm all the internal organs of the animal and thereby lead to death. Symptoms of worms in a puppy can grow every day, and within a month after infection he can die.

Of course, most parasites are intestinal worms. Therefore, puppies become infected with them most often. The main site of localization is the small intestine. When the worms multiply quickly and no longer fit into it, the spread continues in the large intestine. Worms also produce harmful toxins that destroy intestinal microflora.

types of parasites

Prevention of worms in dogs

As noted earlier, it is impossible to completely protect a dog from helminth infection. Even lap dogs that use a litter box can become infected from outdoor shoes if parasite eggs come into contact with them. But it is still humanly possible to reduce all risks to a minimum if you regularly engage in prevention.

Considering the possibility of parasite transmission during gestation, pets should be given anthelmintics two weeks before the planned mating. The first deworming of puppies is carried out from two weeks of age.

There should also be a planned procedure that includes taking antiparasitic drugs. Veterinarians and experienced breeders recommend doing this once every three months.

You should not select a prophylactic agent yourself; it would be better if a professional does it. Medicines are purchased exclusively from specialized pharmacies and pet stores. It is strictly necessary to comply with the terms and conditions of storage.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of free walking, this will reduce the pet’s ability to eat something from the ground, look into street trash bins, and communicate with homeless relatives.

Some varieties of worms in the transition period (in the form of larvae) are transmitted through other parasitic organisms - fleas, ticks and lice. Therefore, timely antiparasitic treatment of the animal will get rid of two problems at once. In the warm season, when the risk of catching fleas is much higher, it is recommended to wear a special flea collar for your pet.

The pet should not be allowed to communicate with wild animals or come into contact with carrion and feces. You need to be especially vigilant towards dogs, which, due to their natural instincts, roll around in carrion and feces in order to remove their own smell.

When walking, it is better to stay away from places with high humidity and an abundance of insects, including mosquitoes. Preventive measures need to be reinforced by maintaining cleanliness in the home. The floor must be washed daily with detergent, and disinfectants must be used two to three times a week. This is especially important for the place where outdoor shoes are left.

All dog accessories must be washed, and the bed must be washed regularly. Since helminthic eggs can be found in food products, meat and fish should be purchased in stores, and in no case at street markets. It can be frozen before serving, this will reduce the risk of infection. It is recommended that all by-products be subjected to thorough heat treatment. By adhering to simple rules, the owner will protect his beloved pet from helminthic infections.

Several types of parasites can exist in a dog's body at the same time. One of the most common uninvited guests that pets and their owners encounter are longworms. Let's find out what kind of helminths they are, what danger they pose and how you can fight them.

Symptoms of helminth infection

A caring owner should know how to determine that a puppy has worms. Symptoms of infection can be severe or mild. But changes in behavior are present one way or another. They manifest themselves in the following signs:

  • Severe weakness, apathy, fatigue.
  • The appearance of chills and tremors of the limbs, regardless of the air temperature outside or indoors.
  • Puppy vomiting and nausea. Other manifestations of gastrointestinal disorders are also quite possible: diarrhea, constipation, etc.
  • Infection with parasites can be determined by stool containing blood clots or mucus.
  • It is easy to notice parts of helminths in the feces.
  • Itching appears in the genital area. The puppy will try to scratch itself against all objects in the house and the ground.
  • Sometimes your body temperature may rise or fall.
  • Mucus discharge may appear from the eyes or nose.
  • The fur stops shining, becomes dull, and falls out. In some cases, the dog may even show gray hair.
  • The puppy's breath will be harsh and putrid.
  • A cough or sneezing appears, without other signs of a cold or infection.
  • The animal's appetite is distorted. Symptoms of worms in a 2 month old puppy will be more noticeable. He may start eating too much or too little. At the same time, his weight will invariably decrease.
  • The stomach of a dog infected with worms will be hard and distended like a ball.

The manifestation of the above symptoms will depend on the intensity of the animal’s infection, as well as on the type of parasite.

Also, do not forget that intestinal and many other types of worms are transmitted to humans. When treating pets, we must not forget about all family members. Otherwise, a healthy puppy can easily be infected with worms again, but from a person.

puppy infected with worms

Symptoms of worms in adult dogs and puppies

Almost all owners of four-legged friends, especially dogs, are interested in the question: is it possible to independently determine whether a pet has worms or not?

In fact, there are a number of signs that allow you to find out, and the symptoms depend on the type of pathogen and the extent of the damage.

The main symptoms of helminth damage are as follows:

  • Long-term diarrhea can be caused by roundworms or whipworms.
  • An admixture of blood and mucus in the feces can be a signal that the dog is infected with hookworm or whipworm.
  • Body parts - segments of cestodes (tapeworms) can be found in feces, as well as in the fur near the anus. Externally, they are similar to rice grains.
  • Roundworms and tapeworms often provoke prolonged vomiting in the animal.
  • Severe bloating is a symptom of nematode (roundworm) infection and is most often accompanied by a loud rumbling sound.
  • Almost all parasites , except hookworm, cause significant weight loss in dogs.
  • The condition of the coat and skin can also indicate the presence of worms in the body. If the fur has lost its shine, the reason may be roundworms. They can also cause skin irritations.
  • If parasites live in the intestines , then they take away most of the incoming nutrients from the animal’s body. Naturally, this leads to various disorders and most often to the development of iron deficiency - anemia. It can be detected by examining the animal’s gums; with anemia, they lose their normal color and become pale. This symptom most often indicates that the dog is infected with hookworm or whipworm.

The behavior of an animal during helminthic infestations can also change. Tapeworms cause pain - the animal becomes agitated, very often pets feel itching in the anus and try to get rid of it, as if dragging their butts along the ground.

A noticeable decrease in the pet’s activity should alert the owner that the animal may be infected with hookworm or whipworm.

It is much more difficult to determine the presence of heart parasites in an animal, this is due to the fact that when infected, this type of worm does not make itself felt for a long time. Already with severe damage to the body, signs of the disease appear:

Also in this case, it becomes difficult for the pet to breathe, or, conversely, breathing becomes too frequent. The danger is that with such symptoms it is impossible to save the animal.

Who is at risk

Some owners believe that small indoor breeds of dogs cannot become infected with parasites such as those in the photo above. We will talk about the names of worms in dogs and the types of pests a little later. This opinion is an extremely erroneous point of view. In fact, any animal that walks on city roads can become infected with parasites. Moreover, worm larvae can enter the house even on a person’s shoes. This is how domestic cats become infected with them. Therefore, after purchasing a decorative dog that spends most of its walks in a carrier bag, you don’t need to think that it is protected from parasites.

Even taking pills does not provide a 100% guarantee that helminths will not enter the puppy’s body in the near future. Veterinarians recommend deworming pets every 3-4 months. This way you can prevent the possible appearance of worms, as well as kill those already living inside the dog. This period is explained by the life cycle of worms, consisting of 3-5 months.

However, there are also types of parasites that cannot be removed from the animal’s body with the help of drugs. In such cases, the dog is saved through surgery.

Features of deworming

  1. If this is your first time undergoing the procedure, it is important to prepare for it in advance. Make sure you have an absorbent agent (activated carbon or equivalent) on hand. You may also need a veterinarian's phone number, a carrier for an unscheduled trip to the clinic, saline solution, and an immunostimulant.
  2. Before giving your dog the tablet, read the instructions. If the manufacturer does not give recommendations regarding the time of administration (before or after meals), give the pill on an empty stomach in the morning. This way you will ensure effective treatment in one go.
  3. If the dog spits out part of the tablet or does not swallow the medicine completely, a second dose is not given. The amount of the drug is calculated individually based on height, weight, age and other indicators.
  4. It is not always possible to remove helminths the first time. In advanced situations, the drug should be given again after 12-14 days. Throughout the waiting period, it is advisable to monitor the pet’s feces in order to identify the parasite.
  5. Before feeding your pet medication, give him a composition to stimulate the immune system. After taking the pill, keep an eye on your pet. He should have a bowel movement within the next 6 hours. Otherwise, stimulate the intestines with an absorbent.
  6. Almost all anthelmintic drugs cause thirst. Provide your pet with round-the-clock access to clean water, change it every 5 hours.
  7. If you notice that your animal is drooling or its pupils are dilating sharply, feed it activated charcoal or another drug with absorbent properties. For puppies up to 8 months and weakened pets, the absorbent is given without fail 1 hour after the procedure.

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Why are worms dangerous?

Infection with them does not pose a threat to the life of a young puppy if their reproduction is stopped in time. When their number becomes impressive, this somehow affects the condition of the pet. The more parasites there are in the body, the worse the dog’s health. This is due to the fact that the worms feed on all the beneficial elements from the gastrointestinal tract, blood, as well as the vital tissues and muscles of the animal.

Above is a photo of parasites on a dog. Symptoms of the disease can appear at any time. Even if infected with the most harmless roundworms, the puppy will experience vitamin deficiency, weight loss and severe poisoning.

Another danger to the life of a small pet is inevitable intoxication. The helminths inside the animal release decay products, and they multiply very quickly during the entire life cycle. By the time most of the worms die, the intoxication of the puppy’s body can reach a critical level. The decomposing waste of worms is a huge amount of toxins that kill the vital functions of internal organs. Photos of parasites in a dog’s intestines or in any other organ are not included due to their unaesthetic quality.

An adult dog can maintain an acceptable condition for quite a long time and not succumb to the destructive effects of helminths. However, the puppy is unlikely to last even one month of constant torment. This is explained by the thinnest intestinal walls in young animals. They are not as strong and thick as those of adult dogs. Therefore, when infected with parasites that multiply too quickly, the puppy’s intestines may not be able to withstand it and rupture.

Symptoms and treatment of worms in a puppy should be determined by the owner as quickly as possible. After all, a young pet will refuse to eat, rapidly lose weight and lag behind in development, which will also increase its risk of fatal events. That is why owners must treat their four-legged friends with care and attention. If you deworm an animal according to all the rules from puppyhood, it will not have worms.

puppy on a walk

We remove worms

How to remove worms from a dog's body? Experts recommend carrying out the procedure once every 3 months. There is no need to follow the calendar. The main role in this matter is played by certain moments in the dog’s life. It is recommended to drive away worms in an adult dog after estrus, twice a year. The beginning and end of the mating season are taken into account.

How often

There are cases when deworming needs to be repeated, even if the last one was performed not so long ago. Treatment of worms is carried out 2 weeks before mating. Next, a week before and after giving birth.

In puppies

How often should puppies be wormed ? The answer is monthly until the dog reaches 6 months of age. Treatment of worms must be carried out 12 days before vaccination.

Treatment and preventive measures

  1. Not all owners know when to worm puppies that have just been born. The first event is held in the third week. Then they take a break of several weeks and repeat the procedure again. There should be a total of three events in 3 months.
  2. Prevention and treatment are carried out with the same drug. Deworming can be carried out regularly, from the very birth of the baby.
  3. Anti-worm medications for a puppy can have a negative impact on health. A large number of parasites release harmful and dangerous toxins during death. Those, in turn, become the cause of poisoning. The pet has no appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. What to do in such a situation? It is recommended to give your dog Vaseline oil along with the medicine. It will remove toxins from the body.
  4. How to rid an adult dog of parasites. Treatment is carried out every 3 months. The medicine is usually given with food. After this, be sure to observe the behavior of the animal. In case of severe illness, the procedure is repeated after 2 weeks.

Preventative measures are carried out at appropriate times, taking into account vaccination, birth and mating.

The best means

People have known for a long time how to deworm puppies. Then the procedure was more difficult. A lot has changed now. Once upon a time, a puppy was not fed for a day before being given medicine. To achieve a greater effect, laxatives were also given.

Today, the deworming procedure looks different. You just need to mix the medicine with food and give it to your pet to eat. After a day, you can notice the puppy’s improved condition. This is enough for all the worms in the body to die.

You can rid dogs of worms using various drugs, which are divided into two groups:

The former kill only a certain type of parasite. While the latter fight almost all parasites. Universal drugs are most often used for prevention.

Routes of infection

These parasites have strong vitality. They are not killed by changes in temperature, so they continue to reproduce even in severe winter conditions. One thing is that before they enter the body of a living being, they have to go through a difficult path. First, their eggs mature, and then they can wait a long time for their future host in the grass, soil or water. Helminths are quickly transmitted from one infected animal to another. Their intermediate hosts, before they enter the body of a domestic dog, are considered to be cattle, fleas, and some types of fish. This is why a puppy can become infected with worms through:

  • Meat. This is the most common route of infection for both humans and animals. Eating raw or poorly processed meat is strictly prohibited.
  • Intrauterine development. If the male is not wormed before mating, his parasites will be transmitted to the mother of the offspring. During lactation, helminths very quickly pass to small puppies. This is why it is so important to rid the puppy of them immediately after he arrives at his new home.
  • Water. Worms do not live exclusively in water, because they need to eat something. Their intermediate hosts in the underwater world are fish, crustaceans, and snails. If your puppy has access to a local pond, he will definitely drink in the water and become infected with parasite eggs.
  • Insects. Flies, mosquitoes or fleas also have the ability to transmit parasite larvae through their bite.
  • Dirt. All dogs love to play and frolic in nature. Especially young puppies. Having once rolled around in the mud and played with the owner in bad weather, the animal will be smeared with a potential habitat for helminths.

For most parasites, the dog becomes the final host. However, some types of helminths can be transmitted to humans. The most common of them are roundworms. A person can become infected from their own puppy through saliva or fur.

How can worms be transmitted to humans?

The harmfulness of worms for puppies

Dogs are parasitized by round, tape and flat helminths, but only nematodes pose a danger to suckling puppies. The bitch always has worms, and if housing and feeding conditions are not optimal, the mother's immune system cannot prevent the parasites from crossing the placental barrier. Puppies can also become infected externally; helminth eggs from the mother’s anus end up on the fur and udder.

Puppies can become infected with worms from their mother

By the age of two weeks, nematodes reach sexual maturity and feed on the intestinal walls, causing them to be traumatized, as well as infected with conditionally pathogenic microbes. Larvae hatch from the eggs, enter the bloodstream, and rush to the lungs. The bronchi are injured and a cough occurs. Opportunistic microflora is introduced, and bronchopneumonia develops.

Infection of a puppy with roundworms

This type of worm is considered the most numerous in its group among parasites on animals and humans. The appearance of these worms is round, thin and with sharp ends. The survival of parasites is due to rapid reproduction and a simple life cycle. Worms hatch inside the animal because there is a suitable environment for this. The number of roundworms can increase to incredible sizes.

During a severe infestation, the main symptom of worms in a puppy will be a hard peritoneum. The belly literally becomes a round, hard ball. Other signs of intoxication are also observed: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation. Feces may contain elements of blood, white mucus, and remains of parasites.

How do worms come out in a person after treatment with tablets?

If parasites are suspected or detected in a person's tests, the doctor prescribes treatment in the form of anthelmintic drugs. These medications are different and act on worms in different ways. Some, for example, work at the cellular level, disrupting metabolic processes, others have a paralytic effect, causing a neuromuscular blockade in the worms, excluding the possibility of their vital activity in the host’s body, others block the reproduction processes, and the worms die.

No matter how the drug works, questions arise: “How long does the treatment last, what happens to the dead parasites, where do they go?” After the course, the worms “leave” the body. Therefore, do not be alarmed if worms come out after taking the pills. After all, this is precisely the goal we achieved!

Symptoms of nematode infestation

These worms are very similar to roundworms, but have more rounded ends. Adults can grow up to 5 cm. Photos of parasites on a dog can be very scary. Therefore, it is better for the faint of heart not to look at what nematodes look like. Their main difference is that they multiply not only in the intestines, but also in any other organ of the animal. Infection of the entire body occurs due to the introduction of larvae into the blood circulation. Symptoms of the presence of worms are expressed very clearly, as the process of intoxication spreads throughout the dog’s life support system. The first signs of infection will be changes in behavior such as weakness, apathy, drowsiness and rapid weight loss. When parasites begin to develop in internal organs, the following symptoms appear:

  • Severe cough and nausea. This means that the worms have settled not only in the gastrointestinal tract, but also in the respiratory organs and lungs.
  • Jaundice. Indicates malfunctions of the liver, gall bladder and ducts.
  • Weight loss. This sign is due to a metabolic failure in the puppy.
  • Difficulties with coordination of movements. This symptom indicates infection of the brain area by helminths.
  • Decreased vision. The mucous membrane of the eye may swell and release fluid.

There are many signs of nematode infestation. Each affected organ will exhibit the characteristic symptoms of worms in a dog. Photos of sickly puppies confirm the fact that parasites bring them a lot of suffering. That is why you need to know everything about how to treat your pet.

treatment of worms with medications

Why do worms appear?

When identifying a problem such as a parasitic infection, the first question that interests many concerns why worms may appear. Let's start with the fact that parasites are dangerous for both animals and people. The latter may have tapeworms, roundworms, pinworms, and so on. They can enter the body in different ways. First of all, the following reasons are highlighted: consumption of unwashed vegetables, contaminated water, lack of thorough hand hygiene, inadequate processing of animal products, and we should not forget that insects that feed on blood can also cause infection.

In order to minimize the risk of infection, it is enough to maintain hygiene and properly prepare meat and fish products.

But it also happens that even if all the requirements are met, infection occurs. In this case, the first signs may be the following conditions:

  • violation of regular bowel movements;
  • weakness and frequent dizziness;
  • weight loss;
  • increased appetite;
  • the appearance of bruises under the eyes;
  • bad breath.

In children, the listed symptoms may include problems with memory, retarded physical development, and tearfulness. If at least two of the above symptoms appear, you should see a doctor. If a parasitic infection is confirmed, a drug will be prescribed. Pirantel is used quite often. The specialist will tell you how to take the drug correctly, what side symptoms the pills can cause, and how long it will take to expect the effect of treatment.

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Treatment with medication

If you notice signs of worms in your puppy, you should immediately take your pet to a veterinarian for examination. The doctor must do a blood, stool and urine test and then prescribe appropriate treatment. You cannot give your puppy medications without confirming the diagnosis. Therefore, if a veterinarian talks about worm infection without doing the necessary research, you need to find another specialist.

Anthelmintic drugs should be intended only for the treatment of animals. It is recommended to purchase them exclusively from licensed veterinary pharmacies. They can be produced in the following forms:

  • Suspensions. Medicine in the form of syrup is the best therapy option for a small puppy. Suspensions made from natural ingredients work well. A herbal medicine called “Clandestine” is in good demand. The syrup is given to the puppy using a special syringe bottle.
  • Pills. If the local veterinary pharmacy has a small selection of anthelmintic drugs, the medicine in tablet form will be found there in any case. Therefore, if there is no syrup, there is no need to get upset and go looking for it elsewhere. Tablets are equally effective. You just have to get creative to give them to the puppy. For example, disguise a pill in a piece of his favorite treat. Of all the drugs offered, veterinarians recommend choosing Praziquantel.
  • Drops. This type of anthelmintic drug is easier to use than others. It should be applied exclusively to the puppy's dry skin. You need to drip the medicine into those places that the dog cannot lick. With their help you can cure your pet not only of worms, but also of fleas and even ticks.

Symptoms and treatment for worms in a puppy depend on the stage of infection. Most often, it is possible to get rid of worms in 3-4 days. If the puppy becomes ill after taking the medicine, you need to give him Smecta, and then immediately take him to the veterinarian.

Diagnosis and treatment of helminthiasis

Before starting treatment for helminthiasis, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian and find out which parasite has settled in the dog’s body. There is no point in solving the problem on your own, as you may worsen the situation and not rid your dog of parasites.

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To determine the type of helminth, a stool analysis is done. This way the type of intestinal parasites is determined. The presence of heartworms in the body is determined by a blood test.

After diagnosis, treatment with anti-worm medications is prescribed. Anthelmintic drugs have different effects on parasites: they interfere with their feeding and cause paralysis. Only a specialist can determine which specific type of medicine will work on a particular type of helminth.

Modern industry produces several types of anthelmintic drugs.

Tablets for oral administration

Here are the most popular deworming tablets for dogs:

Suspensions for naughty dogs and puppies

This form of medication is used for puppies and disobedient dogs:

  • Drontal Junior.
  • Prazitel (prasicide).
  • Dirofen.

Drops on the withers against worms and fleas

Easy to use because they are applied to the animal’s withers:

  • Stronghold. Kills adult parasites and slows down the maturation of eggs. The drug is based on selemectin, a substance that actively affects parasites and is non-toxic to dogs.
  • Inspector. Contains fipronil and moxidectin, which paralyze intestinal nematodes, ticks, and fleas.
  • Advocate. A drug based on imidacloprid and moxidectin. Has a wide spectrum of action.
  • Leopard. Based on praziquantel and ivermectin. Affects nematodes, as well as fleas and ticks.
  • Helmintal S. Combined preparation based on moxidectin and praziquantel. Acts on adult worms and larvae, additionally destroys fleas and ticks.

Treatment with traditional methods

If it is not possible to provide medical assistance to the animal as soon as possible, it is necessary to use folk remedies. The symptoms of worms in a puppy and its condition should not be critical. Traditional recipes cannot completely get rid of all parasites. The most popular include the following:

  • Pumpkin seeds. A safe and healthy product will saturate the puppy’s body with useful elements. You need to give pumpkin seeds in ground form, mixing them into the puppy’s food.
  • Parsley. To get rid of the toxins that helminths secrete, you can chop a little of this greenery into porridge with meat.
  • Apple vinegar. It should be given 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach.
  • Garlic. The product has antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. It is enough to chop one small clove of garlic and mix it with wet food. Symptoms and treatment of worms in dogs with folk remedies are invariably related. Home methods can only help with mild symptoms.

Despite the effectiveness of traditional methods, they are better to carry out preventive measures than thorough treatment. If worms multiply rapidly in the puppy’s body, it will be impossible to stop them with folk remedies. Symptoms of worms in a puppy and his well-being should not lead to a serious condition for the animal.

folk remedies for worms

Prevention of helminth infection

First of all, you should remember that it is impossible to protect your pet from infection 100%. But you can reduce the likelihood of infection with dangerous parasites. To do this, you must adhere to the following safety measures:

  • Deworm the animal every 3-4 months.
  • Do not give your puppy raw meat or fish.
  • If the dog is covered in mud, it needs to be bathed with shampoo.
  • Reduce contact with other animals.

There is no need to give your puppy the same deworming medicine every time. This can cause addiction and resistance of parasites to certain substances.

How to give a dog a deworming tablet

    Mix the medicine with a treat.
    If the pill is allowed to be taken with food, crush the pill into a powder and mix it with a treat. As a treat, you can take a small slice of sausage or processed cheese, minced meat, chicken or beef liver, canned food, butter. The listed products overshadow the bitter taste of the medicine, so the dog will not notice the catch.

    If none of the suggested methods is effective, give your dog an anthelmintic by force. To do this, call an assistant, ask him to wrap the pet in a blanket and hold it. Mash the tablet into dust, dilute with water and apply with a spoon to the root of the tongue. Cover your pet's mouth and scratch its neck.

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