What to do if your dog is losing hair
All about hair loss in dogs
4.5 / 5 (4 votes) Seasonal molting in animals is a sign of normal
What is the difference between a Labrador mix and a mongrel? What is a Labrador mix and how to distinguish it from a purebred breed. German Shepherd and Collie mix
Labradors are famous for their unpretentious life support, simplicity and ease of care. The most important part of hygienic and aesthetic
it's a coprophage
Coprophagia in cats. When is this possible?
What is coprophagia? Literally, a coprophage is an organism that feeds on feces, most often from mammals. Word
Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgis - differences between the breeds
Welsh Corgi Cardigan Description The Welsh Corgi Cardigan is an energetic, agile and hardy dog ​​with a non-standard
anti-vomiting drug for dogs
Inject Cerucal into a dog when vomiting
Cerucal for dogs will help stop an attack of causeless vomiting or hiccups in an animal. Stop symptoms
lice in dogs
Lice in dogs
Lice in dogs or canine lice are a contagious parasitic disease that is less common than
what is pyometra
Severe disease of the reproductive system - pyometra in dogs: signs, types, therapy
Specifics and causes of the disease Purulent endometritis or pyometra is a disease characterized by inflammation of the uterine mucosa
Motion sickness in dogs (kinetosis)
Causes of hypersalivation Saliva is the secretion of the salivary glands (sublingual, parotid, submandibular) entering the mouth. Is
Why does a dog shake its head and scratch its ears?
Dogs make gestures that can be adorable and even funny to humans, such as when
Dog nicknames for girls French Bulldogs
TOP 10 nicknames The most popular names for boys in English (according to rover.com):
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