Is the Siberian Husky suitable for hunting or not?

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Siberian Huskies have become one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, thanks to their beautiful color, soft fluffy coat and deep blue eyes.

Despite their popularity, not everyone knows the origin and true nature of these amazing animals.

History of the Husky breed

For hundreds of years, humans have used huskies for a variety of jobs, including herding reindeer herds, harnessing and hunting. Northern peoples had no idea about dividing dogs according to certain qualities. Huskies were a truly versatile breed that could be used to perform a wide range of tasks.

Siberian Huskies were exported as hunting dogs at the beginning of the 20th century from the regions of Kamchatka, Chukotka and Kolyma. It is these beast-like and primitive dogs that are considered to be the ancestors of modern huskies. They were all of related origin and had many similar features in appearance.

Husky with different eyes

Origin of the breed

The Siberian Husky is an ancient breed of dog that appeared in the Neolithic. The animals were bred by the indigenous peoples of the Russian Far East. In the 17th and 18th centuries, due to the active development of the eastern part of Russia, an increased demand for sled and working dogs arose. Russian travelers learned from local residents how to properly drive sleds and harness huskies to sleds. The number of animals has increased sharply.

Husky photo

At the beginning of the twentieth century, huskies were brought to the United States. Gold miners and prospectors in Alaska appreciated the strength, endurance and speed characteristics of the new breed. In 1934, the Husky received official recognition from the American Canine Associations. Animals began to be exported to the UK, France and other countries. Dogs have gained worldwide fame and become heroes of films and books. Animals returned to Russia after the collapse of the USSR.

Character of the Husky breed

Intellectual abilities and sufficient independence allow huskies to make the right decisions and find a way out of many emergency situations. Of course, the combination of such qualities found a way for the husky as a hunting dog. This breed is also distinguished by its willfulness and stubbornness. The latter results in the dog’s irresistible desire to do something, from which only a very authoritative owner can dissuade him.

Wolf instincts live full life in this breed. The dog is extremely active and requires constant attention and observation. Its owner must match the husky - persistent, active and cheerful. In this vein, one can fully answer the question of whether a husky dog ​​is a hunting dog or not, since perseverance and endurance, combined with a strong character, make the husky an excellent breed for hunting.

Husky in harness

Husky speed

Of course, the husky does not have the same speed characteristics as the Russian greyhound or other hound breeds. However, this breed is very hardy, capable of covering long distances in a sled through the snow, which is more difficult than running on a flat road . In a day, a team can cover a maximum of 250 km.

photo 12In the snow, a team of dogs with a load can reach a speed of 30 km/h. The maximum speed of one dog can reach 40 km/h.

The character of this breed is very contradictory and unique. This dog is a good member of the family, where its opinion is taken into account. This is a friendly, affectionate and very beautiful four-legged friend of man. Before getting such an animal, think about whether you like to run as much as this husky loves. And will your pet be able to live in comfortable conditions if you confine it to the confines of a small apartment or the backyard of your house?

Natural Hunter Instincts

Another important point that makes huskies excellent hunting assistants is the peculiarities of their breeding among northern peoples. To this day, the tradition of feeding northern dogs only in the winter season has been preserved. At the same time, from the very beginning of spring and the melting of snow until late autumn, huskies are left to their own devices. This means that they have to get food on their own, literally looking for pasture, which confuses some owners who keep huskies in apartments.

When walking, the dog begins to pick up everything it can find on the ground, rightfully considering it its prey. Huskies need to be weaned from such actions in early childhood, otherwise it will become extremely difficult in the future.

This approach fully demonstrates the action of natural selection - for the sake of survival, northern dogs have to actively use their instincts as much as possible, and next to the instinct of searching for food, the ancient hunting instinct always goes hand in hand. The latter, by the way, was inherited by the husky (as well as other breeds) from a common ancestor - the wolf. Typically, this free-fed breed feeds on field mice and small birds, but northerners mention cases when huskies independently drove and ate even hares.

Husky runs in the snow

The influence of urban conditions

First of all, it can be difficult to understand whether a Husky can become a hunting dog or not if he grew up and spent his entire life in the “concrete jungle.” The main nuance lies in the dog’s living conditions. For example, if a husky, as a puppy, grew up under the same roof with a cat, then in adulthood he most likely will not hunt cats.

However, the instincts innate and nurtured by many wild and semi-wild generations will make themselves felt even if the dog has been kept in an apartment all its life and walked in the yard. Without proper training, such a dog can rush at any game that seems suitable for hunting. Only certain training and living conditions will help eradicate ancient instincts, but this also means that any Siberian Husky can be used for hunting.

Three huskies with different colors

Maintenance and care


The dog needs to be brushed once a week. This procedure is performed using a comb, a slicker brush and a brush with metal teeth. Dogs shed in spring and fall. In this regard, the animal must be combed daily.

Grooming is done using smooth movements, eliminating jerking and strong pressure on the comb. It is necessary to accustom your dog to hygiene procedures from an early age. In this case, she will not actively resist combing.

Bathing and parasite prevention

After a walk, the dog needs to wash its paws with warm water. Huskies need to be bathed as their coat becomes dirty (it is advisable to do this no more than 3 times a year). After washing, hair should be dried thoroughly. 2-3 days after bathing, the dog’s fur can be treated with antiparasitic drugs. Such prevention will prevent the appearance of fleas, ticks and other insects.

How do huskies behave when hunting?

This breed exhibits its best hunting qualities when tracking and driving ungulates. The hunter takes two or three huskies and sets them off on the fresh tracks of a wild boar, roe deer or wapiti. Watching the process, you might think that a pack of wild wolves is hunting. Moving gracefully through the snow due to their relatively low weight, huskies are able to chase game until the very last moment.

Determining whether or not huskies are suitable for hunting is necessary based on personal preferences for the choice of game and comparison with other hunting breeds. For example, huskies are often contrasted with huskies. At the same time, it is believed that huskies outperform huskies according to a whole list of criteria: they are faster, more resilient and persistent, that is, they more often finish the job and drive the animal.

Big and small husky

Features of hunting with a husky

Many people believe in the popular misconception that huskies cannot bark, but the experiences of dog handlers show exactly the opposite. Teaching huskies to bark is not so difficult, but they still prefer not to make such sounds again. Unfortunately, this fact makes Siberian Huskies unsuitable for guarding a house or apartment. They mainly like to howl loudly, making sounds in a higher register. In this way they also inform the hunter that they have found or caught game. With proper training, huskies can bark loudly and vocalize when they drive an animal.

Coupled with excellent flair and perseverance, the effectiveness of hunting with two or three dogs of the Siberian Husky breed will certainly increase. Huskies definitely don’t lack excitement in the process of driving game. It should be noted that only specially trained and trained dogs who know how to track and drive game in cold conditions, for which this breed is intended, will be able to show their best side.

Husky puppies

Reviews from hunters about the Husky breed

According to experienced hunters, Siberian huskies are excellent at tracking and hunting upland and swamp game and even furs. A dog left unattended at the dacha will start tracking down hedgehogs and mice as entertainment.

The following speaks very eloquently about whether a husky dog ​​is a hunting dog or not. There are many stories about the fact that the Siberian husky is not averse to hunting animals that are bred, for example, in village pens. To protect ducks, goats, chickens and geese, it is worth putting up a powerful fence that will protect the animals from undermining. Husky digs well and breaks through holes.

Possessing a number of undeniable qualities and advantages, huskies have always been used for this purpose. Most hunters and game experts leave positive reviews about huskies for hunting. According to them, Siberian Huskies are a very versatile breed in terms of their ability to be used for hunting. They are valued for their absence of annoying barking and massive seasonal molting, for the ability to be kept in an ordinary city apartment and for their ability to catch a variety of game.

Behavior, character and appearance

Huskies are suitable for living in a private house or city apartment. They will become true friends, safe neighbors, residents who do not create inconvenience. A dog of this breed knows the place, quickly learns to live with restrictions on freedom, and at the same time has a balanced character and will not offend a child. According to reviews, dogs are very sociable and kind, which can be a disadvantage in their role as guards.

When buying a Husky, you need to immediately plan frequent walks, regardless of the weather, so the breed is considered more suitable for young people leading an active lifestyle. The dogs are hardy, have excellent health, interact well with their packmates, and do not bark for no reason. Animals are clean and do not create unpleasant odors in the house.

Husky external data:

  • height – about 60 cm;
  • weight – 15-25 kg;
  • eye color – brown, blue, cut – elongated;
  • ears – straight, close set;
  • head – small, proportional;
  • tail - fox type;
  • The coat is varied in color, lighter, of medium length, with a thick undercoat.

Some disadvantages of the breed include stubbornness, a desire to lead, and for hunting - the need for good training. Also, dogs shed a lot and they definitely need physical exercise.

Basic care

A dog can be considered an adult from the age of 1.5 years. Husky puppies love bathing and tolerate grooming and brushing well. You need to regularly examine your dogs teeth, clean their ears and eyes. They eat a lot and have a tendency to overeat, so it is important to observe moderation. Meals need to be varied. If you plan to hunt with a husky, its diet must include all vitamins, minerals, and enough protein. Dogs have excellent immunity; they only get sick if their care is seriously neglected. Usually dogs live about fifteen years.

Education and training

The Husky's ability to train is not very good. The owner will have to work hard to instill the qualities of a guard in the dog. You can trust training to teenagers; dogs have better contact with people of this age. If you immediately outline all the prohibitions, then it will be almost impossible to change the dog’s character. You can watch a thematic video about the features of training.

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