Is there a heat after sterilization in dogs?

Sexual heat, which changes the behavior of an obedient pet beyond recognition, is not only a test of strength for the owner, but also a possible threat to health. If the animal is not involved in breeding, then veterinarians recommend surgery to remove the reproductive organs. Thanks to it, you can get rid of persistent male dogs and accidental pregnancies, as well as prevent the development of oncology.

Despite the benefits described, it is still possible to experience bleeding after surgery. It remains only to understand whether a sterilized dog can be in heat or whether the observed symptom is a sign of a more serious problem.

The difference between the concepts of “castration” and “sterilization”

To begin with, it is worth noting that owners often confuse two concepts: castration and sterilization. Most naively believe that the first type of operation is intended for males, and the second - for females. In fact, both types of surgical intervention can be applied to a representative of any gender.

Pros and cons of castration

Castration is an operation that involves excision of the genital organs involved in conception and gestation. Under anesthesia, the uterus and (or) ovaries are removed from the bitch, and the testicles from the males.

When using this method before the first oestrus, the risk of developing malignant tumors of the reproductive system is reduced to zero. Organs at risk are removed, so the development of cancer cells becomes impossible. At later dates the risk will be slightly higher.

Despite the described advantages, castration also has disadvantages. Due to hormonal imbalances, the likelihood of developing hypothyroidism increases. Neutered animals are prone to obesity - without changing their diet, they can suffer from complications caused by excess weight.

Pros and cons of sterilization

Sterilization is an operation that involves artificially obstructing the patency of the reproductive ducts by ligating the fallopian tubes (in females). Unlike castration, this method does not deprive the animal of the instinct to reproduce, but only eliminates the possibility of having offspring.

Sterilization eliminates hormonal imbalance and involves minimal intervention in the body. Although the operation itself is safe, it is worth noting the long-term risks. This type of surgery does not provide protection against gynecological and oncological diseases.

Probable causes of sexual estrus after sterilization

The most commonly reported reasons are:
  • Syndrome of reminiscent ovary or residual ovarian tissue. If these organs are incompletely or incorrectly removed, glandular tissue cells remain, which can grow and continue to produce sex hormones. This reason can be attributed to a poorly performed operation - for example, when the ovaries are not cut off, but are cauterized with coagulators.
  • Inertial estrus or sexual cycle that occurs against the background of residual sex hormones in the blood after surgery. This is observed in cases where the dog is sterilized at the peak of sexual heat, and not during the rest period, the concentration of hormones in the blood is maximum and it takes some time for them to be eliminated from the body. This period can take from several weeks to several months.
  • The ovaries were not completely removed. It often happens that dogs are sterilized by tying the fallopian tubes, and leaving the ovaries - no unwanted pregnancy occurs, but estrus passes within the prescribed time frame. This occurs due to miscommunication between the owners and the surgeon. For owners, the main thing is that the dog does not become pregnant, and how this will be achieved is not specified. By and large, this reason can be attributed to the surgeon’s mistake, because a competent veterinarian will always suggest and insist on spaying, so as not to have problems with unwanted puppies or hormonal imbalances in the future.
Possible causes, which are diagnosed in very rare cases:
  • Ectopic ovarian tissue syndrome. A congenital pathology in which the glandular tissue of the ovary appears and grows in any part of the abdominal cavity with the subsequent production of sex hormones. It is impossible to find out about this before the operation, because... Hormones are produced in ectopic areas on a par with normally functioning ovaries. In addition, the volume of pathological tissue can be so small that it is very difficult to detect it during abdominal operations. The surgeon must have extensive practical experience to be able to identify ovarian tissue where it should not be. This syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion when estrus continues after surgery and all other possible causes are excluded.
  • Symptoms of estrus in a dog after sterilization may occur due to hormonal duplication . The essence of the phenomenon is the pathological switching of some internal organs to stimulate the production of sex hormones, although they themselves have nothing to do with the reproductive system. These organs include the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal glands. Cases have been recorded when the thyroid gland took over sexual functions - hyperfunction was accompanied by an increase in sex hormones in the blood. This pathology occurs in all animals - both sterilized and not. This suggests that the operation to remove the genital organs is not a provoking factor, it’s just that the pathology itself becomes noticeable only after.

With irregular sexual cycles and different durations of estrus, hormonal duplication can also be suspected. It is most often recorded in middle-aged dogs - between 5 and 9 years. To avoid this problem, sterilization is recommended immediately after the first heat in dogs.

  • Neoplasms (tumors). Estrus after sterilization in dogs can continue if there are hormone-producing tumors in the body. At the same time, not only the level of sex hormones in the blood increases, but also the external behavior corresponds to the peak of the animal’s sexual activity.

Do spayed dogs go into heat?

After the explanations, it is not at all difficult to understand whether the dog will be in heat after sterilization. In such pets, all organs remain in place, so hormones are produced without changes. The operated animal will be able to participate in matings to satisfy its sexual instincts, but will not be able to give birth to puppies. The frequency of estrus and its characteristic symptoms remain.

Dog sterilization methods

One of the effective methods of sterilization is the technique of ligating the animal's fallopian tubes. Such sterilization of dogs, sterilization of a dog, ensures that the dog will not be able to give birth to offspring, but all the biological processes inherent in the pet by nature will continue at the same level.

In other words, we can say that the female will continue to walk and discharge from the loop will continue as before, but offspring after such sterilization will be completely excluded.

If a special operation is chosen as the castration method, then in this case the uterus and ovaries of the sterilized dog are first removed. In this case, estrus is completely excluded, just like the birth of puppies.

However, after such an operation, situations may occur when the adrenal glands begin to play the role of the ovaries; this depends solely on the individual characteristics of the animal. In this case, the bitch returns to heat. But it is worth noting that such cases are the exception rather than the rule. Consequently, each individual case of the return of estrus in a bitch should be considered by a doctor strictly individually.

The effectiveness of sterilization and the disappearance of such a symptom as discharge from the loop most directly depends on the qualifications of the doctor who performs this procedure. Therefore, the most common effects resulting from surgery may be the following:

  • the dog completely loses the possibility of giving birth to puppies;
  • a neutered female dog’s behavior changes – aggression is replaced by an agreeable character;
  • Diseases associated with the reproductive organs, including their oncological varieties, are excluded as much as possible.

The likelihood of estrus in neutered dogs

Having figured out whether sterilized dogs are in heat, it remains to find out its likelihood after castration. If in the first case the onset of estrus is the norm, then in the second it is a reason to contact a veterinarian. Discharge from the loop in a neutered pet can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Restructuring of hormonal levels. Instead of the ovaries, the adrenal glands can produce sex cells.
  2. Error during operation. A small fragment of the reproductive organs remaining inside the body quickly restores its functionality.
  3. Loss or defect of an implant that suppresses hormone production. This situation is typical for chemical castration, when a special capsule is implanted under the animal’s skin.
  4. Swelling or inflammation of the vaginal walls. A neoplasm that is not noticed before surgery can metastasize. They will provoke a constant release of hormones, so blood will be released from the loop without interruption.

The first case is the least common and is treated with hormonal therapy. If the problem lies in an incorrectly performed operation, it is performed again, excising previously undetected fragments.

Veterinarians recommend avoiding chemical castration. Despite the suppression of sexual desire and cessation of estrus for a period of up to 1 year, this method is fraught with the appearance of neoplasms.

Advantages and disadvantages of dog sterilization

Next, we will look at the pros and cons of the operation and figure out whether the effort and nerves are worth it, whether it pays off in the end, and whether the behavior of the animal as a whole changes.

Pros of sterilizing dogs. Why is it worth sterilizing?

First, let's talk about the pros and benefits of sterilization . If we talk about reviews from veterinarians, they highlight more advantages and are more likely to recommend carrying out the procedure if such a question arises. After all, females experience a so-called hormonal explosion at least twice a year; it begins during the period of estrus.

Hormones depend on the adrenal glands, so in general the hormones are in a calm state most of the time. Estrus is accompanied by molting, capricious behavior, the dog is disobedient, changes its mood sharply and sometimes even becomes aggressive , getting into fights with the owner or relatives. It is also worth noting that the dog begins to mark territory everywhere and even in the apartment. There are frequent cases of attempts to escape from supervision.

Thus, sterilization helps not only to solve problems with procreation, but also to eliminate changes in behavior during estrus, when the body is preparing for fertilization. The dog is calm, obedient, not nervous. Also, with the help of sterilization, any problems that are associated with hormonal levels and their deviation from the norm are treated. And it’s not so important whether it’s serious illnesses or simple outbursts that happen to every female from birth, because it’s so inherent in nature.

Among other things, the sterilization procedure is a powerful tool that can save an animal from various diseases and pathologies.

, which cannot be cured with medications.
We are talking about fasting, tumors, oncology, false pregnancy and many others. And if you remember that during periods of heat the animal is also uncontrollable and aggressive, then the operation is truly irreplaceable and useful, often capable of saving the pet’s life. Indeed, among females, mortality during estrus is especially high. If surgery is required immediately, then with the help of modern means it is performed even during estrus.

What happens to a dog after sterilization. Does a sterilized dog actually go into heat?

    As a result, it is worth saying that dog after sterilization:
  • The female's behavior becomes calm and balanced due to the fact that she is no longer exposed to sex hormones.
  • Estrus does not occur twice a year, the dog stops dirtying the floor and furniture, it is easier to move around or travel with her, or carry her in a car. There are certain cases that we will discuss further.
  • The dog stops shedding at least twice a year, as it did before.
  • The character itself and attitude towards the owner does not change.
  • There is no risk of pus forming in the uterus, which is often found in older dogs.
  • Also, the risk of getting neoplasms or malignant tumors on the uterus is significantly reduced, which guarantees a long and healthy life. After all, such problems occur in 80% of dogs without sterilization.

If he’s talking about males, then dogs undergo surgery a little differently

, because hormones and their work depend on the work of the testicles.
If the testes are also removed, then the aggression completely disappears, the dog is very calm even towards females. However, the attitude towards the owner and joy for life does not disappear anywhere.

Cons of sterilizing dogs

Of course, all operations have their own disadvantages and disadvantages, which it would be wrong not to mention:

First of all

It is worth saying that in order to remove testicles in males or internal organs in females,
anesthesia must be given
and the animal must be put into this state.
Breeds and genders tolerate anesthesia differently, and it also depends on age. Only an experienced veterinarian will be able to tell whether it is worth using anesthesia and, accordingly, performing an operation.
Because sometimes anesthesia can even lead to the death of a pet. If sterilization is carried out at a late age , a deviation in the form of urinary incontinence often occurs. According to statistics, about 20 percent of those who undergo surgery are susceptible to this problem.

In male dogs, the functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted.

, which also negatively affects the animal’s body. There is also a risk of getting bone cancer if spayed before the age of 1 year.

You should not sterilize an old dog , because the risk of getting abnormalities and disease is much higher than in young and strong pets, whose body is able to withstand such stress.

Should a dog be sterilized: conclusions

If we summarize the pros and cons, we get the following:

  • Spaying a female after her first heat at the right age will only make things better, reduce the risk of many diseases, and generally does not cause complications that cannot be corrected in a short time.
  • Surgical sterilization of cables can lead to health problems. However, age is not so important here.

Symptoms of estrus in a sterilized dog

After sterilization, estrus symptoms remain unchanged. These include:

  • swelling and increase in the size of the loop;
  • attempts to mark territory;
  • restless and aggressive behavior, refusal to follow commands;
  • bloody discharge from the loop remaining in the urine and directly on the floor;
  • aggression towards familiar male dogs, gradually giving way to increased interest and attempts to mate.

The frequency of discharge, its duration and frequency are maintained. Due to infertility, the animal does not find a release for its hormones, which can result in behavioral deviations or more serious complications. For this reason, veterinarians recommend spaying rather than neutering their pets.

Attention: false heat!

False estrus is typical for young unsterilized pets. Despite the symptoms being similar to the original, it does not provide for ovulation. The mating of animals these days is pointless. All efforts will be doomed to failure, since eggs ready for fertilization do not enter the fallopian tubes.

There is no need to be afraid of such a phenomenon. It is not dangerous to health and goes away on its own after some time.

If your pet has already been operated on, then you should start from the past tense. Critical days with a very recent surgical intervention are normal, as they are stimulated by previously produced hormones. After the hormonal levels stabilize, the situation returns to normal. Otherwise, you should contact your veterinarian.

What should the owner do?

If after sterilization or castration the dog goes into heat, act according to the circumstances. In the first case, there is no need to worry, since this process will accompany the animal for the rest of its life. Only a few uncharacteristic symptoms may be cause for concern:

  • temperature increase;
  • refusal to eat;
  • change in volume and color of discharge to green or yellow;
  • the appearance of pus from the loop;
  • persistence of bleeding for more than 30 days in a row.

In the second case, it is better to immediately show the pet to the veterinarian, without waiting for the end of estrus. The only exception is 2-3 months after surgery, when a large-scale restructuring of the body occurs.

Feature of sterilization

What does the owner need to know about sterilizing a dog so as not to cause irreparable harm to the pet’s health?

  • Sterilizing a dog before the first heat (it can begin as early as six months of age) significantly reduces the possibility of mammary tumors, and the risk of cysts, inflammation or tumors of the ovaries or uterus is reduced to zero.
  • A sterilized dog during uncontrolled matings, which can occur outside the city, in the country, or if the dog is left on the street without the supervision of the owner, will not become infected with sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, venereal sarcoma, etc.). These diseases are even dangerous for humans, and venereal sarcoma can lead to the death of a dog.
  • If your dog suffered from false pregnancies before sterilization, then after sterilization they will disappear and complications such as mastitis, ovarian and uterine cysts will stop. When these pathologies appear, sterilization will be a necessary measure to preserve the health and life of the dog.

The downside of sterilization is that the dog gains excess weight, and this problem can only be solved with the help of a specially selected diet for sterilized bitches. Your veterinarian will also advise you on possible diet options.

Another problem that owners who decide to sterilize their pets may encounter is urinary incontinence in dogs. This problem can be solved with medication. The veterinarian will prescribe the necessary medications when examining the animal.

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How to stop estrus once and for all

Veterinarians recommend castrating the animal 2-3 weeks before the first heat. This choice is explained by the low likelihood of hormonal imbalances and oncology. At later stages, surgical intervention is also acceptable, but less effective.

Of the possible options, it is better to choose castration. With careful work by the surgeon, proper care in the postoperative period and compliance with basic recommendations aimed at preventing common diseases, you can get rid of estrus forever.

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