Pomeranian haircut options photo in Rostov

Grooming rules

The lush, beautiful fur needs to be constantly looked after, regularly trimmed, washed, dried, and combed. During walks, the wool collects debris, dust, and dirt from the street. There is no need to wash your Spitz too often; once a month will be enough; after bathing, dry your pet with a hairdryer.

Spitz dogs do not need to dry out naturally. At the roots, the wool will dry out for a very long time, this creates conditions for the development of microorganisms. In addition, the dog will simply freeze.

It is convenient to use dry shampoo; they are sold in all pet stores. Spitz hygiene also includes cutting nails every 2 weeks.

Home grooming

To take care of your home you will need:

  1. Scissors of different lengths with safety tips - regular and for thinning.
  2. Spitz combs should be metal, with rare and frequent teeth.
  3. Massage brushes with soft bristles.
  4. A slicker brush will come in handy.
  5. You can buy a furminator for small dogs; it combs out the undercoat well.
  6. Buy cosmetics for dogs - shampoo, nourishing balm, spray to add volume and shine, for ease of combing.
  7. A cat nail clipper is more suitable for a spitz.
  8. Hair dryer.
  9. You can buy a dog clipper; human models are not suitable.
  10. Potassium permanganate for cuts; pet stores also sell antiseptic powders to stop bleeding.

Mandatory grooming of the Spitz at home and in the salon

Grooming your pet at home

The best option is a simple, fashionable hairstyle. It can be performed in any conditions.

Home haircut

To work you will need:

  • combs - frequent, rare teeth;
  • scissors – thinning, with rounded ends;
  • massage brush;
  • low table with a non-slip surface;
  • hair clipper.

This is interesting: Basic rules for training a Pomeranian at home

All accessories must be sharp, otherwise the scissors will chew the dog's hair.


Before your dog takes on a well-groomed appearance, you need to perform several steps.

Spitz transformation steps:

  • combing;
  • bathing;
  • blow drying;
  • repeated combing;
  • a haircut.

By following the step-by-step procedures and thoroughly approaching each stage, the result will differ little from the salon one.

Step-by-step diagram:

  1. Prepare a professional machine designed for animal hair, or regular and thinning scissors.
  2. Trim the hair around the base of the dog's tail.
  3. Remove excess from collar and ears.
  4. Remove the fur with your Spitz fingers.
  5. Correct the work by milling.

Making a beautiful haircut with your own hands is possible. The technique will improve over time.

After each stage, the wool must be combed out.

If you follow the step-by-step instructions, you will be able to quickly master the art of cutting hair.

Basic Rules

Start cutting and combing your puppy at about 2-3 months to accustom the dog to the mandatory procedures. Otherwise, the pet will resist and bite in the future. At 3-4 months the fur is still very soft, resembling fluff. After a year, a dense undercoat grows, the dog becomes harder to the touch. At first, choose a hygienic haircut that does not take a long time, otherwise your pet will develop a dislike for the grueling procedure.

For the first time, you can go to the salon, the master will show you how easy it is to cut your Pomeranian haircut at home. During the procedure, the dog must stand, preferably on a table. Breed standards provide for a natural appearance, so a radical change in appearance is carried out no less than 6-7 months before participation in the exhibition.

Posted by Everyday Pomeranian Life ❤ (@everydaypomeranianlife) May 17, 2021 at 11:53 am PDT

Your pet needs to be groomed once every 2-3 months. It is a mistake to trim the coat too short, although many owners choose this option. With a short haircut, the structure of the hair is disrupted. In addition, dogs have sensitive skin. Thick, moderately long hair protects from blows, scratches, insect bites, protects from frost and wind in winter, and keeps cool in hot weather.

The rich “hair” allows you to choose any Pomeranian hairstyle.

The nuances of grooming

Some breeders believe that cutting a dog's hair in early childhood is prohibited. This is wrong. The sooner a Spitz “gets acquainted” with the grooming procedure, the calmer he will tolerate it. The first haircuts should be simple so that the puppy does not develop a dislike for the procedure.

The dog should be cut at least once every 3 months. Most groomers do not recommend hairstyles that are too short, as these dogs have sensitive and thin skin. The shorter the haircut, the warmer he needs to be dressed in the cold season, since deprived of a natural fur coat he may freeze.

This is interesting: Lunar hair cutting calendar for October

Proper care of a Spitz's coat is not easy work, however, an ornamental pet deserves it. You can groom your dog either independently or in special salons. You can groom your pet yourself if the dog does not participate in exhibitions, but to prepare for the show you should seek help from a groomer.

» How to cut your hair correctly


Some owners do not know how to properly trim a Spitz at home and immediately turn to grooming salons. However, you can easily do this yourself at home. First you need to thoroughly comb out the undercoat, remove matted tufts and tangles. Hair is cut this way:

  • in order to make the ears round, it is enough to remove the hairs sticking out at the tips;
  • you need to remove long hairs around the circumference of the paws;
  • remove hairs sticking out of the ears;
  • cut the hair on the back of the “pants” and around the anus;
  • Using thinning scissors, you can carefully go around the base of the tail so that it curls and reaches the withers.

Carrying out a haircut

For owners who have no experience in grooming and do not know how to trim a Spitz correctly, a special dog clipper will help. This device usually comes with various attachments that make it easy to give your pet's hair the desired shape. Clippers should not be used on people.

The animal's haircut looks like this:

  1. You need to start from hard-to-reach areas. First you need to get your paws in order. Particular attention is paid to the hair between the toes, because it gets very dirty during walks, sand and small stones get stuck in it, which prevents the dog from moving normally and causes discomfort. It is better to do this with thin scissors.
  2. Next, you can trim the so-called panties on the paws. They can be quickly processed with a machine by running it down the hair growth line.
  3. After this, you can move on to the hair at the base of the tail. The tail itself is voluminous, so it is difficult for a beginner not to spoil it during the first haircut. If you have never groomed before, just try to carefully trim the fur.
  4. Then it is recommended to treat the ears. They need to be cut especially carefully, because the hair there is very short, and if you move awkwardly, you can injure the dog. If the owner is afraid that he will not be able to handle the haircut alone, then it is better to invite an assistant who will hold the animal during the procedure.
  5. After the ears, treatment of the area around the anus is mandatory. Here you are allowed to cut the hair short. This must be done not so much for beauty, but for hygiene purposes, because particles of waste products remain here and infections develop that can cause inflammation. Any feces left on the fur can then be removed with wet wipes. However, it is not recommended to bathe dogs frequently.

Grooming a Spitz at home usually takes the owner more time than a professional in a salon, however, it causes less anxiety for the animal. However, try not to carry out the procedure for too long. Even the most patient Spitz will not be able to stay in one position for several hours.

After the haircut, you should carefully comb your pet again to even out the fur, remove the cut hair, and again look from the outside to see if there are any defects left.

If you are going to show your animal at a show, let the groomer know in advance. The master will help you choose the most suitable hairstyle for Spitz that meets the standards.


The hairline is slightly shortened throughout the body to give the dog a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. First, wash your Pomeranian with dog shampoo and conditioner. After washing, wrap it in a towel and hold it for a while. Place the animal on a table or other flat surface and dry it with a hairdryer. Before doing this, spray the wool with any product after washing, you can use human hair spray. Dry your dog, then comb thoroughly with a fine-tooth comb from root to tip. Now the Spitz is ready for grooming.

Mandatory grooming of the Spitz at home and in the salon

For the procedure, you will need scissors with safe ends for the main cutting, thinning ones for thinning. Constantly comb your dog with a fine comb, cutting off only those hairs that stick out after combing. Using this principle, treat the dog’s entire body. Start with the head and fluffy collar. Carefully remove the hair around the ears; they should be small and round. Hairs are removed with one movement of scissors. Trim the auricle only from the top, do not touch the sides.

Leave the signature frill on the collar. Next, process the body and the “pants” on the legs. The wool around the pads must be cut off; here it easily falls into tangles. The tail area can be cut in any direction, but it should not look shorn.

The breed standard suggests it has a fairly fluffy appearance. The correct length is when the tail lies on the back and touches the withers. Don't remove this edge anymore. Once you have combed and trimmed all the hairs, go over the entire body with thinning scissors to remove excess hair.

In the summer, you can cut your Spitz a little shorter, but don’t get too carried away. A dog cut to the undercoat or shorter will suffer heatstroke as thermoregulation is disrupted. Moreover, there is no need to shave your pet; the hair may not grow back at all.

Posted by Irina Portnova (@portnowa_irina) November 7, 2021 at 6:59 PST

Secrets of home grooming Spitz

The Spitz is characterized by the presence of thick wool. It looks especially beautiful in the collar area and on the tail. Caring for a pet's fur coat is difficult. And this is largely due to the fact that the hairs are stiff. In this review, we should consider the main recommendations regarding grooming the Spitz.

Necessity, not whim

It should be immediately noted that a Spitz haircut is a prerequisite. As numerous photos show, with its help it will be possible to improve the appearance of this small and domestic bear cub. In addition, the condition of the coat itself will improve. It will begin to grow thicker and better.

The Spitz puppy has baby fluff. After reaching three months of age, it will be replaced by a tougher coat with undercoat.

If you plan to participate in an exhibition after the Spitz has been cut, this process should not be performed independently at home. In such a situation, the pet should be cut by a specialist who knows the intricacies of grooming. He can do this at your home or in the salon.

Popular types of haircuts

Your pet's coat needs careful care and regular combing. Proper grooming involves getting rid of excess hair around the ears and on the paws. Haircut should not be done with a clipper. Otherwise, the fur may not grow back later.

Light edging

There are many different haircuts. But three of them are considered the main ones. If you are one of the owners who prefer shaggy pets, pay attention to the light edging. With its help, the dog will get a neat look by removing a small amount of hair in specific places. The pet bear cub's fur coat will become complete.

Maximum edging

Maximum edging is quite popular among Spitz owners. It implies that processing occurs throughout the body. As a result, medium-length fur will remain. With the help of such a haircut it will be possible to make care easier. In addition, Spitz will be able to wear clothes.

This is interesting: Bichon Frize haircut diagram

Popular haircut "Under Boo"

The most popular is the “Boo” haircut. Boo is Spitz's nickname. whose photo blew up the Internet. Thanks to his haircut, the pet became a real star. On the body the dog is cut quite short. The head should be shaped like a fluffy ball. After such a haircut, your pet will acquire a charming and funny look.

You will find out what this haircut is by watching the video.

Performing the procedure independently

In order to trim your pet at home, you need to consider some basic recommendations:

  1. Carefully remove the hair around the tail, ears, collar and paws. Care must be taken when cutting the hairs between the fingers. In these places, the fur can quickly become dirty and fall off.
  2. Then trim the fur all over the body.
  3. It is best to cut with scissors. You can purchase a professional machine. For self-cutting. It is also worth using single-sided thinning scissors. With their help you will be able to get rid of hair on the paws, ears and around the anus.
  4. Use multiple combs. The best option would be a frequent, sparse metal comb, as well as a massage brush with metal teeth.
  5. Trim your paws in a circle. This should be done to the knee in front and to the hock in the back.
  6. You can cut the hairs on the tail however you like. However, the standard implies that the hair in this place should be longer than on the head.
  7. In hot summers, you can cut your Spitz shorter. For example, “like a puppy.” In this situation, the dog is cut evenly, leaving a hair length of two centimeters. After such grooming, Spitz takes on the appearance of a funny puppy.
  8. It is not recommended to shave your head, as the Spitz may not grow back after this.

Using the above simple rules, you can cut your pet’s hair quite easily.

Professional haircut in a salon

If you plan to visit exhibitions with your pet, it is best to entrust the matter to professionals. In salons, haircuts are carried out almost according to the same rules that were described above. The wizard will offer different options. And it is the pet owner who must make a choice in favor of the one that he liked the most.

Hygiene procedure

If after a haircut the pet must visit an exhibition, then the procedure must be hygienic. In such a situation, the general cover will not be affected.

The master will carefully remove excess hair length from some individual areas:

  1. The hairs in the paw area will be trimmed. The specialist will remove the hairs that stick out between the fingers. The result will be a neat paw, reminiscent of a cat's.
  2. A professional will trim the “combs” not only on the front legs, but also on the hind legs. As a result, the trimmed Spitz will have clearer metatarsals and pasterns.
  3. The lint around the genitals and anus will be removed.
  4. The specialist will shorten the hair slightly at the base of the tail. This is necessary so that Spitz can easily throw his tail behind his back.
  5. After a salon haircut, the shape of the collar area will be preserved. The master will use thinning scissors to remove only those strands that stick out.

If it is necessary to shorten the coat in a significant amount, it is better to do this six months before the start of the exhibition.

Photo gallery

Video “Comprehensive care”

The video will demonstrate what complex Spitz care is like, carried out by professionals in the salon.

What needs to be done before the main dog grooming.

Trimming the fur around the anus. What tool to use for cutting.

How to trim your neck correctly. Where to start cutting the lower part of the neck. What scissors are needed to cut a collar?

Tail trimming. What should a tail look like after a haircut? How to hold scissors correctly when cutting tail hair.

Cutting the “pants” on the hind legs. What is the best way to trim the fur on the “pants” if the dog is shedding.

Groove haircut for the tail. How deep should the “groove” be? How much hair to trim at the top base of the tail.

Thinning wool on the thighs.

Drawing the bottom contour of the dog's haircut. Trimming the fringe on the front legs. Trimming the fur on the belly.

How to trim your ears correctly. What to do to avoid injuring your dog's ear.

How to give a collar a rounded shape.

Paw trimming. How to Trim Cat's Paw Pads. How to give a neat shape to your paws in general. How to trim the fringe correctly if the dog has a lot of hair on it.

How to profile the fringe on the metatarsus.

How much hair to remove when thinning ears.

Collar trim. How to visually highlight the front paw using thinning scissors.

How to properly profile the hind legs.

Thinning of wool on the butt and near the “groove”.

Thinning of wool on the inner thighs and belly.

273 comments. #8220;LECTURE 5. Grooming a Spitz.#8221;

Thank you for the video. I am an ordinary owner of a one-year-old dog, no grooming skills, paws, ears and #171;under the tail#187; I always cut my own hair. But one day we decided to give our dog a grooming to the breeder of our dog, but we were not allowed to be present. They said that in half an hour it would be possible to pick it up. As a result, an hour later they took the dog in shredded tufts, with a clear ladder effect on the chest. After this, the dog came to his senses for two days. At the very least, she was beaten there; there are fears that they even injected her with something. The dog is very miniature, weight 1700g already formed. Now I’m just going to cut my hair myself, I’ve already tried several techniques, but I’m not yet ready for a global haircut. Thank you so much for this video

This is interesting: Haircuts for thin hair of medium length

Thank you very much for the video. You will learn a lot after such wonderful lessons.

The breed is new to me. I looked with interest. Thank you very much.

What a sweet creature. just a charmer. Thank you for the video. Now I’ll definitely buy myself a Pomeranian. THANK YOU!

Thank you, I liked it very much! I learned a lot of new things.

I liked it if I could see the bear haircut

Thank you! The dog turned out to be quite neat, everything unnecessary was removed, everything was logical. A competent specialist, everything is clear and accessible.

Thank you for the video! I didn’t learn anything new here, since I myself have Spitz dogs and do these procedures all the time. The only thing I don’t take is clients who want to cut their Pomeranian into a clipper (the body is like a Yorkie), I send them home, or I persuade them to get a plush. You can't cut your Spitz's fur with a clipper! The most interesting thing is that clients whose hair I sent to another master, whom I could not persuade at least for a plush, then come to me with damaged hair from another master (who was not afraid to shave). And so I have to restore the fur for some time with special shampoos and masks. Although there is one client who took a year to recover.

Everyone cuts their hair differently. At the salon we cut Spitz dogs with fillers and shankers and start with the paws, shape the butt with a peach and no grooves for the tails. Our results are more beautiful, hair by hair. Evgeniy, once again I am convinced that I am not coming to you, so as not to clutter my head with unnecessary techniques, but rather to the Academy for master classes!


According to standards, the dog should look natural. With a haircut, it is important to hide the shortcomings and highlight the advantages of the Spitz. The undercoat is lightly trimmed. Only protruding hairs are removed; the hair should look like plush. At the end, the entire silhouette is carefully milled, and the collar on the neck is given a rounded shape. The outline should be well defined. The fur in the anus area is trimmed last.

Mandatory grooming of the Spitz at home and in the salon

The main parameters by which judges will evaluate the appearance of a Spitz:

  • a trimmed Spitz looks round;
  • the ears do not stick out on the head, they gently merge with the contour of the head;
  • there are no stray hairs throughout the body;
  • even feathering on the paws, toes cut “cat’s paw”;
  • the tail is fanned out on the back, the tip reaches the head.

Publication from Spitz • groomer • handler (@anastasia.ryseva) May 2, 2018 at 4:27 PDT

Under the teddy bear

“Under Boo”, or “under the bear cub” - the hairstyle of a Pomeranian puppy named Boo, a social media star. His image marked the beginning of a new fashion. A spitz's teddy bear haircut involves an almost bare body; the hair on the paws and body remains very short. After a haircut, the dog's head becomes spherical in shape.

Please note that this hairstyle will deprive you of the opportunity to participate in exhibitions for a long time. The pet's fur may not recover at all. But if you want such a hairstyle for your four-legged friend, it’s better to go to a hairdresser at a salon; it’s quite difficult to do it at home.

Posted by Buddy Boo Blue Benny (@buddyboowaggytails) Mar 16, 2017 at 11:25 am PDT

Types of haircuts for Spitz

There are more than 10 options for Spitz haircuts. The owners choose them based on their needs. For one, it is important to present the animal at an exhibition, which requires a classic hairstyle. Others tend to experiment with haircuts, so they create different looks for their pet.


With this haircut, the Spitz will not look pretentious. The hairstyle focuses attention on the dog’s advantages and veils its shortcomings.

The silhouette, in the classic form of grooming, is given a clear outline. The collar takes on a spherical shape.

Using regular and thinning scissors, the hair around the ears is trimmed, exposing the ear canal. The Spitz's paws are made round in shape, following the contour of the claws. Remove regrown hairs between the pads. Correct the area under the tail. The hairstyle is equally suitable for boys and girls.


An option akin to the classics. The haircut is preferred by dog ​​owners who are trying to preserve the visual uniqueness of the breed and simplify subsequent care for their pet.

Modern implies a deeper edging of the silhouette than in the classic version. The Spitz's coat takes on a plush appearance. The structure of the hairline is not affected.

Interesting article: Nutritional characteristics of German and Pomeranian Spitz


A dog cut this way resembles a teddy bear and looks cute. However, after a bold hairstyle, the original length of the hair may no longer be there. This is a feature of the pile of some individuals of the breed.

If the quality of the dog's coat is poor, the Boo style - like a teddy bear - may be the best option.

The trend setter for plush was a Pomeranian named Boo, who quickly gained popularity on the Internet. The haircut began to be copied in different countries of the world, due to which the number of bear-type dogs increased sharply.

Read also: All about the Pomeranian breed

a lion

The belly, back to the shoulder blades, hips are shaved like a machine. A brush is left at the end of the Spitz's tail. The shape of the collar is carefully aligned with the lion (acts as a mane). In this form, the dog resembles the king of beasts in miniature.

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Grooming in the salon

Professional grooming includes washing, drying, trimming, trimming nails, and cleaning ears. The thick hair of a Spitz allows you to choose traditional and original haircuts. Typically, salons provide the opportunity to choose an option based on a photo in the catalog. The cost of grooming depends on the size of the animal.

Grooming a dwarf Spitz will cost approximately 3200 rubles, a small one – 3400 rubles, a medium one – 3700 rubles, a large one – 4100 rubles. A separate haircut will cost from 2000 rubles. Before this, the dog needs to be washed at home, thoroughly dried and combed.


Like any dog, the Spitz goes through periods of shedding. The dog's coat begins to change for the first time at 3–4 months. First, the long hair is replaced. The undercoat sheds longer and slower. Do not wash your Pom during this time. The wool will roll and tangles will form. Washing will enhance this process. After bathing, brushing your pet will be problematic. If necessary, you can wash only the contaminated areas or use dry shampoo.

Many owners do not know how to brush their Pomeranian while shedding. You will need: a metal comb with long, wide teeth and a soft brush with natural bristles. When brushed, it will improve blood flow. This will improve the condition of the skin and promote the growth of new hairs. Start brushing your puppy at the age of 1-1.5 months. Place your dog on your lap or on a sofa or table. Then gently run the brush through the fur against the direction of hair growth.

Pay special attention to the armpits, ears and groin area. Tangles often form here, since the wool here is very soft. They need to be combed out with a wide-toothed comb; if that doesn’t work, cut them off with safety scissors or pluck them out. If the puppy resists the procedure, postpone it for several hours. To begin with, comb him for just a few seconds, repeat the procedure several times a day so that the dog gradually gets used to it.

You can distract your dog with a toy or treat. Brush your dog 1-2 times a week; during shedding period, treat the undercoat every day. You can lubricate severely thinned areas with an oil solution of retinol and castor oil, mixed in a 1:1 ratio.

When should you trim your Pomeranian?

Groomers believe that the optimal time to cut your Pomeranian's hair for the first time is around 3 months of age. During this period, it is already possible to slightly remove the protruding ends of the hairline.

If the hair does not grow too quickly (especially in dogs after three years), then cutting can be done two to three times a year. If you regularly participate in exhibitions, more frequent trips to the grooming salon are allowed - perhaps even before each such event.

However, such coat care also makes sense for hygienic purposes. It allows you to maintain a decent appearance and prevents the following reasons for its damage:

  • fracture of guard hairs;
  • loss of undercoat and hair;
  • frequent shedding;
  • matting of fur;
  • formation of tangles in hair;
  • baldness of local areas of the skin.

Timely cutting of excess hair will allow it to perform its physiological functions - maintain body temperature, neutralize the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation.

Pomeranian spitz trimmed

Pomeranian spitz trimmed

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