Dog with dreadlocks: name of the breed

Dog breed

There are many amazing animals on our planet. The Hungarian Shepherd (Commander) dog breed has unusual features. This is an ancient breed that was used primarily as a guard during grazing and transhumance. The animal's fur somewhat resembles dreadlocks. At first glance, due to its thick, long hair, the dog can be confused with a sheep. This characteristic allows the commander to be inconspicuous when grazing the herd, without attracting unnecessary attention to his person.

Care and maintenance of the commander

The Commander is a dog that requires special care.
Specific wool needs to be washed several times a year. This is quite a troublesome and time-consuming matter. It will take about an hour just to wet the commander - his braids repel not only dirt, but also water. The washing process itself, even for an experienced groomer, can take 6-8 hours. Owners of commanders jokingly call it “the big wash.” After all executions, the dog dries for more than 2 days.

Many people solve the hair problem by giving their pets shorter haircuts and keeping cords from falling off. This also allows for a thorough examination of the animal for ticks, of which there are a huge number during the warm season.

It should be noted that commanders are very sensitive to insecticides, and treatment against parasites must be carried out with great care

Otherwise, keeping the commander is no different from other dogs. Proper and varied nutrition, long walks, annual vaccinations and examination by a veterinarian are the three components of a healthy and active dog.

By the way, the commander’s health is excellent. Having lived for centuries in harsh pasture conditions, these dogs are not susceptible to any diseases. Nature itself hardened them and made them hardy and strong.

Features of pet care

  • Wool. A dog with dreadlocks does not need to be combed. When the puppy's curls begin to get confused, they are separated by hand. The strands are separated by hand, and the older the dog, the less often this should be done. Wool grows throughout its life. The dog can be cut leaving dreadlocks 25 cm long.
  • Bathing. For convenience, the dog is placed in the bathtub and watered from a flexible shower. You need a special shampoo for animals based on lanolin. You need to lather the cords very carefully, without circular movements, so as not to knock off the hair. At the end of washing, you need to thoroughly rinse the dreadlocks and squeeze them out with your hands, like a mop. In order for the braids to take on their natural shape, it is better to leave them slightly damp and let them dry on their own.
  • The animal's ears and paws must be carefully examined. Due to the thick fur, wounds or parasites may not be noticed. It is recommended to cut the fur cords on the paws and ears.

Care and maintenance

Private ownership is undoubtedly considered the best living conditions for a Komondor. But no one denies that animals do well in apartment housing. The only thing you should not do is lock your Hungarian Shepherd in an enclosure.

It is extremely important for a dog to communicate with a person.

Caring for dogs is simple and at the same time very specific. Komondors are not combed. On the contrary, mature individuals are helped to form dreadlocks by weaving a thin but dense silky undercoat into a thick, heavy outer coat. Frequent bathing does not benefit the Komondor's coat. Only show animals are bathed with shampoos a little more often - four to five times a year.

Komondor fur grows throughout its life. Dogs are often not bathed with shampoo, and adult representatives of the breed are not brushed at all. Only puppies need combs. During adolescence, as dreadlocks begin to form, owners hand-shape the dog's fur into rope-like "curls."

Carefully monitor the dogs' teeth, ears and eyes. A strong dental system should be examined by a veterinarian once a year. Eyes hidden by strands also need to be examined, preferably twice a week. The Komondor's ears should be cleaned regularly, preferably every other day. Dogs' nails are practically never trimmed, since they are worn down during walks, and only the claw from the dewclaw of the fifth toe is trimmed if it has not been removed.

Important! A large and powerful Komondor, which can easily drive away a wolf, should not a priori be put on a chain. This attitude towards a dog is considered unacceptable, and the club has every right to seize the animal if the generally accepted rules for keeping a Komondor are violated.

Either a sheep or a dog. The eyes are tightly covered with wool, like curtains. Because of this, it is impossible to understand whether this miracle of nature is planning to attack, retreat, or simply ignore you. Only the owner of a Komondor can read the thoughts of his pet, and it is not a fact that he will read it correctly.

Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the thoughts of a Komondor are always crystal clear, honest and straightforward. In a nutshell, this dog has one goal: “To serve and protect.”

How to get lost in a flock of sheep

If you believe the Hungarian legends, namely Hungary is officially considered the birthplace of these amazing dogs, then the Komondor originated as a result of unnatural mating games between sheep and wolves. Of course, it’s hard to imagine a wolf who, instead of just tearing a sheep’s throat out, begins, sorry, to look after it or whatever happens in such cases.

And if there was even a word of truth in these legends, then the consequences could be the most terrible. Just imagine a sheep commanding a pack of wolves, or a wolf, due to heredity, knowing perfectly well the habits of sheep and, of course, shamelessly using this for his own selfish purposes.

But we sincerely believe that “nothing happened” between the wolf and the sheep. And no matter where the Komondor came from, this dog turned out to be simply amazing: brave, strong, independent, knowing its charges well. A dog that, thanks to its appearance, can easily get lost in a flock of sheep if, for example, you need to confuse, deceive or punish the same greedy wolf.

By the way, legends are legends, but experts officially state that the origin of this dog was not without wolf genes. One of the most important working qualities of Komondors is that all responsibility for protecting the flock can be transferred to them for a long time, and these dogs will fully justify the trust placed in them.

King of all dogs

But, let's start in order. Nobody knows when Komondors appeared. Various sources claim that the breed is about a thousand years old, but if you ask these sources for documentary evidence, then they, the sources, shyly fall silent.

The first descriptions of Komondors are found in chronicles of the mid-16th century. Then these dogs are mentioned more and more often by medieval authors, and in the most flattering terms. Such as: “The Komondor is the king among shepherds”, “The Komondor is the leader and the king among dogs”, “Only the Komondor can be trusted with your life” and so on. From this it is clear that the Komondors made, and quite rightly, an indelible impression on everyone who met them at least once and remained alive.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Komondors received official status in international cynological organizations. They appeared in the USSR immediately after the Great Patriotic War.

Italian French?

By the way, World War II almost killed these dogs. Hungary, as we know, was literally in the thick of things, and Komondors were better suited than many other breeds to perform the most difficult (and, most often, deadly) tasks, so by the end of the war there were practically none left.

The Americans helped restore the breed. Overseas enthusiasts, who managed to get acquainted with Komondors during the fighting, after the conclusion of peace, scoured the farthest corners of Europe in search of surviving individuals. And they found it. Now approximately half of all Komondors living on the planet (about three thousand) live in the United States. Moreover, a couple of these dogs occupy positions in the presidential guard.

The name of the breed, as well as its origin, still causes controversy among breeders. Everyone offers their own option. Some breeders claim that this word has Turkic-Pecheneg roots. This is what ancient tribes called their large white herding dogs (and Komondors are only white).

Others believe that the word "komondor" comes from the French commondeur or Italian sape commodore, meaning "dog king." Well, as for the last option, then, frankly speaking, we are tormented by vague doubts. Indeed, in Italy almost until the middle of the 20th century they had no idea about this dog. Where does the Italian “name” come from then?

Very fashionable dreadlocks

When talking about the Komondor, one cannot help but dwell on its original appearance, and, more precisely, it was necessary to start with it. Actually, appearance is the first thing that makes a lasting impression when meeting this dog. You've probably already seen this by looking at the photographs.

These chic dreadlocks are not at all the fruit of the painstaking work of a fashion stylist. They appear on their own. Even in puppyhood, the Komondor's coat begins to curl into beautiful curls. By the age of eight to ten months, it becomes tangled, forming such blonde pigtails, and here it is impossible to do without the help of the owner. The braids must be divided into thinner ones so that the hair does not turn into tangles, and they must be trimmed regularly, about twice a year, leaving 20-25 centimeters.

It is difficult to answer the question unequivocally: why did Mother Nature reward the Hungarian Shepherd with such luxurious, fashionable wool? Most likely, such a fur covering promotes good heat exchange, because these dogs had to herd herds for weeks in high-mountain meadows, where the temperature difference between day and night could reach tens of degrees Celsius.

Interestingly, the Komondor's coat does not have the characteristic dog smell at all, even when wet. Most likely, this is in order not to irritate their charges - the sheep.

It's time for business

We have already mentioned the excellent working qualities of the Komondor. Let's talk about them in more detail. This dog is capable of guarding completely independently, without human help and support, primarily herding huge flocks of sheep.

Moreover, no tricks will help predators: it is impossible to lead the dog away from the flock, it will not be possible to provoke him and force him to chase someone while another is in charge of the herd. Komondor males, while in service, do not react to beautiful “ladies,” even if they belong to their breed and are in their prime. Business comes first.

The most interesting thing about this dog is that it does not need to be raised or trained to change its character. On the contrary, the main thing here is not to touch anything and give them the opportunity to do their job, that is, guard. After all, this breed is one of the few that were born without human intervention, that is, created by nature itself. It is unlikely that we will be able to improve anything in it; rather, we will spoil it.

Konstantin FEDOROV


The Komondor is an intelligent and quick-witted dog, thanks to this the Hungarian Shepherd grasps everything “on the fly” and easily learns commands. But this also creates difficulties. If the tasks are repeated, the puppy will quickly get bored and stop obeying. Therefore, learning should be varied, interesting and playful. “Boys” are especially stubborn, while “girls” are more flexible and easier to train.

If you have never trained a dog before, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic principles of training.

The Hungarian Shepherd is distinguished not only by its interesting appearance, but also by its interesting character, like a person’s. You need to find an individual approach to each dog; She, like a child, needs to be given a lot of time. But if you manage to make friends with a Komondor, he will become a devoted comrade and a reliable protector for a person.

History of the breed

It is difficult to say for sure where this breed came from, but scientists agree that these dogs existed more than a thousand years ago near the Black Sea along with the Magyars, whose sheep they protected from wolves. Most likely, the ancestors of these dogs were ancient breeds of shepherd dogs and wolves, and in Hungary itself there has long been a legend that the Komondor is the son of a sheep and a wolf.

After the arrival of the Mongol-Tatars, these dogs were driven out to the territory of modern Hungary. Already in the 16th and 17th centuries they were mentioned in the books of medieval authors as dogs used to fight wolves.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, these shepherd dogs were practically unknown outside of Hungary, and only in the 30s. they first appeared in the USA. Thirty years later, the first Komondor club appeared in America; it was American dogs that saved the breed, since almost all the dogs were killed by Hungary in World War II, in the 50s. in Hungary there were only a thousand individuals, currently there are about seven thousand dogs in their homeland, and about three thousand in the USA. Since the 80s these dogs were recognized as a separate breed, although this did not bring them much popularity.

Pros and cons of the breed

High level of intelligence, good memoryStubborn, suspicious and touchy
Excellent security and guard potentialAggression with low socialization
Original, inviting exteriorDifficulty in grooming
High activity and constant readiness to playDestructive tendencies in the absence of proper attention

It is important not only to give your pet enough attention, but to gain her respect. Only in this case can you get not just a devoted friend, but also a reliable guard who can be entrusted with the protection of any object

The Komondor has the appearance of a good-natured and submissive sheep. But if you don’t train your Hungarian Shepherd, it will become paranoid and prone to destruction.


The breed belongs to the large category. It grows up to 80 cm in height, but can be larger. At the same time, they weigh relatively little, maximum 60 kg.

The muzzle is shortened, the jaw is strong. The head is completely covered with wool, it is curled into plaits. The eyes are hidden under the fur, small in size, dark brown or almond in color. The dog looks warily and attentively. The ears are medium in size and hang down.

The coat should be predominantly white and the skin should be grey-blue. On the back, neck and fashion the strands of hair are shorter. Harnesses are formed from a very young age of the puppy. There is no undercoat. The strands gradually intertwine and become thicker. Their average length is about 25 cm. Formation ends at 2 years, and reaches its maximum length by 5 years. To properly form the strands and evenly cover the body with them, they need to be woven into braids. Otherwise, the hair falls off and looks untidy.

The tail is hidden under strands of fur and never rises up.

History of the Hungarian Shepherd breed

Due to the fact that the dog looks like a sheep from afar, many legends have arisen about its origin. One even claims that the Komondor is the result of a cross between a sheep and a wolf. The most reliable version is that the Hungarian Shepherd appeared as a result of mixing the blood of a wolf and herding dogs.

White dogs with long hair have been known in Hungary for over a thousand years. The origin of the name Komondor is believed to be due to the dogs' majestic appearance and size. For this she was nicknamed cane commodore, that is, “dog-king.”

The main purpose of these dogs was to help shepherds with their flocks of sheep. Being tough, strong, courageous and fearless, the Komondor was perfectly suited to the job. And his appearance allowed him to hide unnoticed among a flock of sheep. The surprise of her appearance in front of the wolf, who considered the sheep defenseless, also helped the shepherd dog in the fight against predators.

Nowadays, this good-natured dog, but capable of being an excellent guard and protector, has become a companion and watchman, but is quite rare.

Breeds with dreadlocks

Most dogs with this type of coat were originally bred as herding dogs, for herding and guarding livestock. Their unique coat protected them from bad weather conditions and even from attacks by some predators. These breeds are the well-known Puli, Komondor, Bergamasco Shepherd, Spanish Water Dog and the curly-coated Havanese. The poodle's coat can also naturally weave into "cords."


All of these breeds have curly, curly fur, similar in texture to woolen fabric, which over time is woven into separate long “tangles”. These "cords", or dreadlocks, usually begin to form in puppies at 9 months of age or after the seasonal shedding.

Education and training

Highly intelligent animals instantly absorb information regardless of age. The main thing is the timely start of socialization. As soon as the puppy gets to a new home, you need to learn to negotiate with him. The Komondor does not accept brute force; he understands better the friendly attitude of the leader of the house - the leader of the pack from the point of view of the dog. This is the only way to achieve command execution.

Until the age of six months, you will have to train the puppy yourself. But Komondors are quite obedient and perceive visiting dog playgrounds as an integral part of the game. This process is mandatory, as well as walking in crowded places - parks and squares. If you deprive a dog of communication, the Komondor may grow into an unbalanced and aggressive individual, which will be extremely difficult to rehabilitate.

While the puppy is small and everything is new to him - people, cars, animals, you need to show him as much as possible. But even in the future, dogs need long-term exercise in order to maximally use up the accumulated energy. It is enough to explain to the dog where he needs to relieve himself, and literally on the second, maximum the third day, the puppy will ask to go outside to the toilet.

Well, then - like clockwork. Walks should be filled not only with strict walking on a leash among the crowd, but also with a variety of games and jogging with similar creatures. In the summer, you need to let your dog swim in a pond, if there is one nearby.

Care and education

The Hungarian dog is not for everyone, these dogs have very strong personalities and communicate with their owner as equals. Training should begin from early childhood and be carried out only in a playful way. If the dog is raised incorrectly, he will become very obstinate. The dog loves to dominate, so training the dog will continue throughout his life. These dogs need strong physical activity, they are very resilient, so if they get bored, they can start to behave very badly - ruining things in the house. During training, you cannot use rudeness and violence - the main thing is to earn the dog’s authority.

Keeping a Komondor requires careful care of its coat, which requires a lot of time. If the owner wants to make this care easier, then he can be trimmed several times throughout the year, thus the fur will be shorter and cords will not form; if this is not done, then for the dog’s convenience, the cords must be separated a couple of times a year. This is not a complicated procedure, but it is very long and tedious.

Since this unusual wool gets dirty easily, it is very important to keep the cords clean. The bathing procedure is quite complicated, since the wool takes a very long time to get wet, about an hour, and dries even longer - more than a day, even when using a hair dryer

The dog's fur does not have an unpleasant odor, and after getting wet, and during shedding, it does not fall out, but remains in the Komondor's plaits for life.

It is very important to ensure that the animal’s fur does not infest insects; it is imperative to regularly inspect it for the presence of fleas and ticks. You should also not forget about the ears - dirt is almost invisible under the fur, so they need to be washed regularly

The Komondor's eyes should be washed with clean water from time to time.

Necessary care

Nutrition: what to feed

You can feed Bergamo cats both natural products and ready-made food. Natural nutrition should be based on a combination of fats, proteins and carbohydrates; the dog’s diet should include:

  • lean meats - veal, lamb, beef, chicken, turkey;
  • offal;
  • rice, buckwheat, barley or pearl barley;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables.

The daily diet should consist of 60-70% meat, and an additional vitamin complex should be given.

Do not give to dogs:

  • potato;
  • pasta;
  • semi-finished products;
  • salo;
  • fat meat.

You can save time on preparing food for your dog if you feed it with ready-made industrial food, which already contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements. The food must be premium or super premium - Royal Canin, Brit, Hill's, ProPlan, Monge, Acana, Eukanuba, Bosch.

Important ! The dog should always have access to clean water.


Dog with dreadlocks: Bergamasco Shepherd
Rare representatives of the breed without their crown dreadlocks

Dog with dreadlocks: Bergamasco Shepherd

Before the dog turns 1 year old, the coat needs to be combed regularly, and after reaching 1.5-2 years, when the hair begins to fall off, the curls can only be carefully untangled with your hands to promote the formation of dreadlocks. Bergamascoes do not need combing or trimming; their mats protect them from bad weather.

Reference ! The coat can only be trimmed if surgical intervention is necessary, as it may not grow to the required length.

Dogs of this breed should be bathed no more than 3-4 times a year.

Ears, teeth, claws and eyes

Nails need to be trimmed periodically if they do not have time to grind down on their own. The eyes do not require special care, and the ears and teeth should be examined and cleaned regularly; to clean the teeth, dogs can be given bones, dried tracheas, tails or ears to chew on.

A little about the “beauty of nails” or how to trim a dog’s nails? Step-by-step master class: how to brush a dog’s teeth Without pain and whims: detailed instructions on how to clean a dog’s ears

History of the origin of the species

According to the official version, the breed appeared in the 19th century as a result of the reduction of pastures and the number of herding dogs. Active industrialization was underway in Germany, the country needed a new service dog. The first to work on the breed were cynologists Sparwasser and Wachsmuth, who crossed the Thuringian and Wütenberg shepherd dogs. The dog's character fully satisfied the wishes of the scientists, but physical fitness and performance qualities required adjustments.

The next scientist working on the development of the breed was Max Emil Von Stefanitz. He acquired one of the new puppies, which became the first dog entered into the stud book. There is no exact information with whom exactly the dog handler took the dog. What is known is that these were German herding dogs. The official date of appearance of the breed is considered to be 1889, when the puppy was entered into the book.

Just 20 years later the first breed club was registered. The standard was developed by Stefanitz himself together with his friend Mayer. In 1923, dogs were recognized in the world.

Dogs played a special role in World War II. They were used both in the USSR and German armies. The dogs rescued the wounded, looked for mines and dead soldiers, and helped the orderlies. Many individuals died from stray bullets or starvation. The restoration of the breed began immediately after the end of the war. Many works of sculpture and fiction are dedicated to shepherd dogs.

Features of character and behavior

Shepherds are truly excellent working dogs because they are obedient and able to obey several people when other breeds choose a single owner. Their intellectual abilities allow them to carry out commands of varying levels of complexity. Such animals are multifunctional and, in addition to their security and protective functions, can be nannies, guides and simply companions.


  1. Each individual belonging to the breed has its own individual temperament and character. Therefore, you can buy the puppy that is closer to your liking. You can find out which type (sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic or melancholic) the dog belongs to from the breeder.
  2. All shepherd dogs have a strong build and good physical shape. They are fast and strong. In addition, they have high intelligence, which allows them to raise and train the dog the way the owner needs. Very hardworking.
  3. Properly raised shepherd dogs are calm and balanced. They treat their family well, love children, and do not terrorize other animals.
  4. Sociable and easy to socialize. They tolerate changes of environment well.
  5. Noble, not vindictive and generous.


  • The disadvantages of the breed include high aggressiveness. Without proper training, a dog will bite and attack without a reason. Therefore, mandatory long-term training is the most important point in keeping shepherd dogs.
  • Very active. Such dogs love to run and cannot sit idle. It is impossible to lock such a pet in an apartment and make it a sofa pet. In the case of such content, “Germans” need regular active walking and training.
  • They do not like loneliness and are not suitable for busy and sedentary people. Shepherd dogs require constant movement, they are perfect for travel and sports.

Purpose of the breed

Working qualities are inherited by the headers. Dogs of this breed were never bred for commercial purposes, so the exterior of the city shepherd is somewhat simple, but they are without a doubt considered the best shepherds among similar breeds.

Dutch Herders are also incredibly intelligent, learning canine science quickly and efficiently. Dogs make excellent guards and rescuers, shepherds and guides, athletes and companions. Dogs of this breed can be kept by large families and elderly people, since Dutch dogs tend to instantly adapt to the rhythm of life of the owner.

Breed dossier

Country of origin: Italy

Classification: Group 1: Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (excluding Swiss Cattle Dogs) Section 1: Shepherd Dogs

Training: Independent, intelligent, and independent-minded, the Bergamasco is anything but a submissive dog. This breed was bred so that it could solve problems without human intervention and, of all teams, they especially knew only “why” and “why”. A Bergamasco will never obey out of obedience, but he may obey to show his affection for you. No harsh or heavy-handed methods will succeed in training this dog; training must be carried out on the basis of unconditional respect, firmness, fairness and consistency. It is recommended that your Bergamasco undergo general training and basic socialization. If you train a dog from an early puppyhood, you can overcome its stubbornness and end up with an obedient and well-mannered pet.

Colour: Various shades of dark grey, including salt and pepper.

Dimensions. Height at withers: male: 58 - 62 cm, female: 54 - 58 cm. Weight: male: 32 - 38 kg, female: 26 - 32 kg.

General impression: A distinctive feature of the breed is the wool, which is matted strands. The thickness of each strand can reach 2 cm.

Usage. Bergamascos are herding dogs. They work with the herd with pleasure and are not afraid of frost, rain or heat. These dogs have excellent hearing and sense of smell. Some flock owners claim that dogs know every sheep in the flock by smell and can always distinguish their own from strangers. They herd and move herds with virtually no instructions from the shepherd. Bergamascos can also guard objects. By the way, the unique sense of smell and the ability to pass through the most difficult places make it possible to use the dog as a rescuer in case of fires and earthquakes.

Exercise: These dogs need space! If they are not engaged in shepherding, for a full-fledged lifestyle they need regular walks with active physical activity.

Character: The Bergamasco Shepherd is a dog with a wonderful character. She is smart, courageous, friendly, obedient, loves to work, and has an excellent memory.

: This dog is intended for keeping in a private house; the Bergamasco is not suitable for living in an apartment. Bergamascos are not recommended for keeping by an inexperienced or novice dog breeder.

Grooming: The Bergamasco's coat requires grooming. Bergamasco should only be cleaned periodically, as needed. The “cords” are separated by hand and each one is cleaned individually. You can bathe your dog only if absolutely necessary, since the Bergamasco will take an extremely long time to dry. You need to wash it carefully so as not to unravel the cords that give these dogs their special appearance and recognition. There is no need to untangle or comb these strands; only the hair on the neck requires regular combing.

Accommodation: The Bergamasco is a loyal, calm dog that is always ready to defend the home, family and territory. They quickly get along with other dogs that do not pose a threat to them, as well as with other pets, especially if they grew up with them. Bergamasco shows great patience in dealing with children. She will play wonderfully with children in the yard

At the same time, dogs of this breed treat strangers with suspicion, caution and even hostility. Diseases: Since this breed is quite rare, there is no accurate data yet on the most typical diseases for it.

Diet: Very unpretentious in the choice of food.

Life expectancy: 12-15 years.

Cool interview about the Komondor dog. Meet dear Bow!

If in a casual conversation someone starts talking about a shepherd, you will probably imagine a German or Caucasian breed. Indeed, these dogs are incredibly popular, widespread and well-known due to a whole range of useful qualities. But the main thing is an image that has been firmly entrenched in history, art and the media. However, in fact, there are much more varieties of herding breeds belonging to the shepherd dogs, and the appearance of some of them bears little resemblance to the classic “Mukhtar”. We’ll talk about one of these dogs today. Let me introduce you... Komondor!

Komondor breed dog

Photo: @ oxana.remizova

We immediately ask grammarians to calm down - there is no mistake in the name of the dog breed. It comes from the Hungarian word komondor , and this is also a simplification of the more unusual for foreign ears komondorok (komondorok). Hungary is considered the homeland of this shepherd. In these places, the Komondor dog has been known since time immemorial. Some historians suggest that her ancestors came here along with the Hungarian conquerors back in the Early Middle Ages. For centuries, Komondors were used for their intended purpose - they helped their owners herd sheep. Unlike other herding dogs, this shepherd dog has a unique feature - it can camouflage itself in a sheep flock. Let's take a closer look at this amazing dog. @ oxana.remizova, will tell us about her

Puppy and adult Komondor dog

Photo: @ oxana.remizova

- Hi Oksana! Introduce us your companion!

- Hello! Meet Zdebor Lepko from the Shores of Baikal... just a Bow for friends. Bantik is almost two and a half years old and he is a Komondor.

“I understand people who don’t immediately recognize him as a shepherd.” This dog really looks more like a sheep. The question of the method of disguise is removed :)) Let's move on to the story of your acquaintance.

“The first time I saw a live Komondor was a long time ago—I think I was in sixth grade then.” This dog made a lasting impression on me, but before the advent of the Internet, collecting information about the breed was not easy. Years passed, my family had many pets, but the memories of the charming, shaggy giant never left me. And so, on one of my birthdays, my dream finally came true. In 2021, Komondor arrived to us in a baggage car from Irkutsk. We met on May 1st right on the platform. Bantik was only a puppy then, but his size already inspired respect. The road home was not easy for the baby - he grumbled, whined and sniffled, getting used to the unfamiliar surroundings. However, he immediately indicated who was the boss here - he took a proud pose, looking down at me. I still remember this huge black nose against the background of a white woolen mop.

Combed Bow

Photo: @ oxana.remizova

— Bantik has been living next to you for two years now. Can you tell us in more detail what kind of dog this is?

— Animals that prefer the company of people are usually called companions. But Bow is more than a companion. This is my shadow. It feels like he has adapted to my daily routine - we wake up and fall asleep together. And the rest of the time he is constantly nearby. Even in a private house with a large adjacent territory and a forest next door, Bantik follows me everywhere. In addition, he has the full range of traits of a guardian dog. This is an incredibly affectionate and cheerful dog - every morning begins with obligatory hugs. Bantik adores children, although we don’t have our own. But even unfamiliar kids cause a storm of emotions in him! Cleaning - he is nearby, shopping - he is the first. If passers-by show interest in him and show affection, then this guy splashes out all his friendliness on them. Bantik loves people. He can communicate with us, using not only his voice and facial expressions, but also his own paws. He has them like real human hands—he hugs them, waves them away, shows something with them. Sorry that I often switch from one to another - I want to mention all his advantages, not to forget anything... This dog has a golden character.

Bathing a Komondor dog

Photo: @ oxana.remizova

“When an owner talks about a pet with such love and reverence, it speaks volumes. But let's get back to more material things - how do you take care of Bantik? Obviously, this kind of fur is not easy to deal with.

- Indeed, this breed is quite difficult to care for. On the one hand, the Komondor is a real find. Despite its frightening volumes, its fur is odorless and practically does not shed. Instead of shedding, the falling out undercoat conveniently rolls into dreadlocks, called “cords” in professional slang. This is such a lush living rug, but it also requires appropriate care. The absence of a “dog” smell also has a downside - Bantik’s fur perfectly absorbs surrounding odors. Therefore, bathing your pet should be regular, because it is much more pleasant to smell the shampoo from him! However, bathing the commander should be approached very responsibly. The main thing is to thoroughly dry his skin from moisture, which in excess can harm the coat. If a dog runs through a puddle, there is nothing wrong with that, but if it lies there and turns sour, it will not be easy to clean it of dirt. Alas, this is the price for the commander’s beautiful fluffy “fur coat.” However, I very quickly got used to caring for his fur. This takes some time, but does not cause any particular difficulties. The main thing is to wash your dog regularly, without putting it off until later. Later it will be much more difficult to cope with this task.

Short-haired Bow with owner Oksana

Photo: @ oxana.remizova

“I can’t imagine how you can comb so much wool so that everything fits into a beautiful “hairstyle.”

- Indeed, you have to work hard. Komondors are not brushed! Their fur is sorted out with your fingers. The owner of the Komondor is forced to do what nature did not finish - I make dreadlock cords with my own hands. And not only for beauty - the dog’s skin must breathe well. It is important to inspect and treat every part of the body - the Komondor’s cords roll up even in the ears, from where they need to be pulled. When washing, the cords are separated from each other and then dried so that they have a pleasant smell. So, gradually, through my efforts, the pet acquires a photogenic appearance. To participate in exhibitions, Komondors are not cut, the longer the cords, the more spectacular the dog, but if the dog does not participate in exhibitions, I recommend doing this for ease of care. Komondor fur grows throughout its life, so any haircut is temporary. Sometimes people ask me how I keep Bantik's fur so clean? Some owners use special cosmetics for white dogs for this, but my secret is even simpler - we bathe often. And when it’s dirty outside, Bantik puts on clothes. Everything that is not covered with clothes is braided - almost like a human being.

Mercy and Bantik swimming

Photo: @ oxana.remizova

- Thank you for such details! If any of the readers decides to own a Komondor, then he should take into account such difficulties in advance and make an informed choice. Let's now move on to his diet.

— In addition to Bantik, his sister Lyalya also lives in my family; I feed both dogs exclusively “natural.” In the morning it’s porridge with vegetables, in the evening it’s always meat (beef or turkey), for the sake of variety I can treat you to liver (liver, kidneys, lungs). Bantik eats approximately 2-2.5 kilograms of food per day. Komondors, by the way, can independently diversify their diet - if you let Bantik out into the garden, he may well feast on local vegetables and fruits. The only point is that the amount of meat must be limited so that the pet does not overeat. And, of course, take into account the possibility of an allergic reaction - at least while the diet is being compiled. Otherwise, Komondors have a fairly strong immune system; this breed does not have any “occupational” diseases.

Komondor dog at an exhibition

Photo: @ oxana.remizova

- The difficulty in care is compensated by a strong immune system - this is great. Well, based on your recommendations, we can compile a real guide for Komondor owners. But let's get back to Bantik, tell us more about your life.

— Life with Bantik is so meaningful that you can talk about it endlessly.

Somehow we were declared an extinct breed! At the exhibition, a lady approached her husband and asked if he was a Komondor in front of her. The husband confirmed that he was a Komondor. The lady was incredibly surprised, because she was convinced that the Komondors had completely died out. What can you do, there is a reason for such doubts - during the Second World War, this breed was really on the verge of extinction.

— The case when the mistake turned out to be pleasant.

- Exactly. Another case. We approached our first exhibition with all responsibility. The bow was washed and fluffy! We thought that he simply could not have any rivals. Imagine our surprise when, just before entering the ring, the chairman of the club approached us in amazement: “What have you done?! Why did you comb it? Quickly roll the skin into laces!” Who knew that the Komondor's seemingly unkempt dreadlocks were the breed standard? Of course, we didn’t have time to fulfill the chairman’s requirements - at most, we were able to make a Pomeranian out of Bantik... But, after this, we know exactly what a real Komondor should look like!

- “The first pancake is lumpy,” but for you it turned out exactly the opposite.

- Do not say. Once I was leaving for Moscow for the whole day, but Bantik needed to be taken for a walk! At five in the morning it is damp and cold outside. “Come out! - I say, “let’s go for a walk!” Bantik carefully stuck his nose out, assessed the situation, and then carefully went down to the nearest flowerbed, went about his business there, and returned home. I could imagine what he was thinking about me at that moment.

The bow ruined the wallpaper

Photo: @ oxana.remizova

- The main thing is not to get confused.

— As a child, Bantik was a very obedient puppy - he never bit or scratched furniture. Therefore, when, at the age of six months, I suddenly heard a piece of wallpaper being torn off the wall with a slurping sound, I immediately realized that a dog had appeared in the house...

- Doros...

- And how. Bow and other animals are a different story. He has a friend, a Petit Brabançon Mercie, a small brown creature. We also have a black cat named Simone, a lady who deserves a separate article. She has a special relationship with Mercy—if the dog is in the mood, he can quite easily smack him in the ass with his paw. Somehow Bantik and Mercy are freaking out, and Simone is watching them, lying on the sofa. At some point, she raises her paw for a life-giving slap, but Mercy suddenly changes trajectory and her clawed paw pierces Bantik’s ass... The cat was the first to react to what happened, quickly flying from the sofa to the ledge. And behind her was already flying the distressed Bantik, who, under his own weight, easily demolished the cornice and fell between the sofa and the window, into a narrow gap. The frightened dog became hysterical, he squealed shrilly, trying to get out of the trap. It's good that the flight was not high.

- The main thing is that everyone is safe. Only the cornice was damaged.

- It's not scary. One day we were walking down the street with Bantik, he was still a puppy. I hear chuckles from behind: “Look, the way you walk when you drink, and the pants...” On his hind legs, Bantik actually had the semblance of pants made of wool laces. Here a young couple overtakes us - a slender, tall girl, and next to her is a stocky guy in shorts almost to his knees. Indeed, there are similarities. Only Bantik, fortunately, does not drink.

— ))

- Well, “for a snack.” One day I drove up to a gas station, paid at the cash register, went out onto the site and watched the picture. Bow and the gas station attendant look at each other carefully through the glass. Bow sticks his nose into the window and the gas station attendant also sticks his nose into the window of my car! I silently approach and begin to watch them. “You have a strange dog,” the gas station attendant finally said and went about his immediate duties.

Simone and Bow

Photo: @ oxana.remizova

“Perhaps he managed to establish mental contact with the dog, gas station workers are like that.” So, we found out that you have a lot of pets. Let's list it again: Bantik, his sister Lyalya, cat Simona...

- Yes, for now this is our entire animal family. Bantik and Lyalya have complete mutual understanding. And Simone, even despite her character, seems to have resigned herself to the inevitable, and now she doesn’t even try to run away from the furry couple - it’s useless. She just presses herself to the floor and freezes. This is enough - dogs immediately lose interest in such “real estate”. Having mastered the defensive technique, Simone can even tease the Komondors by running away from them down the stairs. After all, dogs have not yet learned to walk up steep stairs!

—Are you planning to have anyone else?

- Of course, and it will certainly be another Komondor!

Bantik Awards

Photo: @ oxana.remizova

— Oksana, thank you for the informative and interesting conversation! Obviously, caring for pets takes up a significant part of your life. They were lucky to fall into the hands of such a mistress. And now you can directly address our readers.

- What to say? We need the most important things.

If you don't want to waste time on cuddles in the morning, don't get a Komondor.

If you don’t want to waste time picking your dog’s fur and listening to him snoring sweetly, don’t get a Komondor.

If you don't want to be stared at when you walk your dog, don't get a Komondor.

If you don’t want to drag your dog away from the playground because he crawls there just to sniff these little people, don’t get a Komondor.

If you are offended when they talk not about you, but about your dog, do not get a Komondor.

But, if all these “ifs” are not an obstacle for you, then your reward will be endless and sincere joy every day, as soon as you open your eyes and see near you a white, shaggy, smiling alien Miracle with a huge black nose, a hanging pink tongue and an unusual beautiful eyes.

Komondors are very grateful creatures. But, at the same time, they do not tolerate insulting and humiliating treatment of themselves. If you decide to get such a dog, just love it. The Komondor is a mirror of you and your environment. Like his fur, which absorbs the smell of the environment.

- Great words!

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Posted by Oxana Remizova (@oxana.remizova) Dec 21, 2021 at 11:26 PST

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Alexey Egorov

Author, employee of “My good one”. Having an attachment to things with history, he constantly strives to learn new things and discover something unusual, something that has not yet been tried. Loves the vastness of the oceans, mountains, fields and the feeling of unity with nature.

Features of character and behavior

Despite the fairly balanced type of higher nervous activity, the South Russian Shepherd is not recommended for people with a soft, compliant character. Strong animals, capable of making independent decisions, these dogs must feel the unconditional leadership of the owner.

Considering the presence of an innate defensive reaction in an active form, as well as pronounced protective and watchdog qualities, a South Russian Shepherd puppy must be taught obedience from the first moments of its appearance in the house. Otherwise, by the time of puberty, the dog, especially the male, may become uncontrollable.

Some owners note that the genetic predisposition to protect their puppies in this breed sometimes transforms into a desire to protect small members of the human family. At the same time, security measures can be accompanied by aggressive actions and cross the boundaries of ordinary affection and care.

Contact of an animal that has not completed the OKD course with small children in the absence of the owner is excluded.


“Southerners” have a lot of advantages. The main advantages of this breed over other species are the following characteristics:

  • Exceptional security and protective working qualities, lightning-fast reaction, very sensitive hearing.
  • High intelligence, ability to quickly and accurately follow human commands.
  • Capable of performing guard duty.
  • They are easy to train and smart.
  • They have an innate desire for discipline.
  • They are unpretentious, do not require special conditions, are able to survive for a long time without food and water, and are not influenced by the climatic environment.
  • A pronounced protective instinct that must be controlled with the help of OKD and the strong, calm character of the owner. In the absence of these conditions, it turns into a strong disadvantage that poses a threat to the property and lives of others.


The main disadvantages should be noted:

  1. Wayward character;
  2. Malice, aggressiveness, extreme distrust of strangers, can attack without warning;
  3. Possible manifestations of aggression towards other animals;
  4. with an insufficient level of control, aggressive reactions towards family members and others are likely;
  5. Excessive excitability;
  6. Not suitable for people with a soft character, impatient and unbalanced;
  7. Not suitable for owners who have no experience interacting with service dogs; for families with small children; elderly people;
  8. Cannot be kept in an apartment;
  9. Requires significant daily physical activity of a high intensity aerobic nature; free range is preferred;
  10. Regular OKD training is required; in the absence of regular training, the animal’s reaction to an unexpected, loud and suspicious sound is unpredictable and can pose a danger to those nearby;
  11. Careful grooming is required.

Character and appearance

Hungarian Shepherds have a balanced temperament and get along with children of different ages. Even an inexperienced breeder can train them. The animals are diligent, intelligent, and quickly remember commands.

Developed intelligence is a feature of the breed. Komondors independently and correctly analyze the situation and make a decision. The shepherd instincts inherent in the dog historically are still reflected in its character.

A powerful, hardy shepherd dog is a companion, guard and shepherd. Outwardly angry and formidable, after many years of living with a person, the dog became obedient and kind. She cannot be kept on a leash. A spacious outdoor enclosure would be an ideal place to live.

The Komondor does not tolerate prolonged childish pranks, but is always ready to rush to protect its loved ones from danger. Treats strangers calmly, but carefully. When you see large predators or large dogs, do not make a mistake. Dense coat protects the animal from injury during a fight.

Externally the individual is large and strong. Despite his height, he has a fairly light frame. The hanging dense strands of Komondor hair give the dog a menacing, impressive look. “Fur coat” is traditionally white. Other colors are a deviation from the stated requirements for the breed. The tail hangs down to the ground, but does not drag along it.

Education and training

Mudi are very smart dogs. Even as a puppy, they are so human-oriented and love to learn that training takes a minimum of time and effort. Even a beginner can handle raising a puppy. Dogs quickly understand the rules of behavior in the house and readily follow them. In rare cases, they show stubbornness and independence.

Growing up, they adapt to the rhythm of family life and learn to understand the owner without words.

Moody is almost universal in terms of application.

Of course, first of all, this is a shepherd who successfully copes with herds of sheep and goats, and can work with poultry, pigs and even cattle. The dog is also suitable for various outdoor sports: agility, freestyle, obedience and the like. Many owners build a show career with their pets with pride and enthusiasm, but this is not the limit.

A Mudi dog named Darcy has been certified by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. All victims in the man-made and natural environment were found and identified during testing. The dog is actively working in the field.


Representatives of the Hungarian breed are calm and obedient. Among their characteristic features are:

Playfulness and trustfulness

Pets survive puppyhood for a long time and mature only by the 3rd year of life.

High intelligence

Animals quickly learn new information and try to make independent decisions.

Crazy Devotion

Dogs become very attached to humans and love to spend time with them.

Komondors are distinguished by their friendliness and special love for children.


Komondors get along well with children, act as their protectors and forgive all pranks. Warm relationships with other four-legged animals extend only to family members. There is indifference towards other animals.

Distrust of strangers

In the presence of the owners, the pet will be calm, but anyone who tries to enter without permission in their absence will provoke an attack. Swift attacks make Komondors good guard dogs.

Diet and feeding

Hungarian Shepherds are unpretentious and economical in food. The daily requirement of high-quality dry food for an adult dog is 1-1.5 kg. Nutrition plan: natural food or commercial feed, depends on the owner’s wishes.

The daily intake of industrial food (dry, spider, canned) depends on the intensity of physical activity, type of maintenance, age and individual characteristics of the dog. Affects ration calculation and feed class. Premium and super premium feeds have a higher energy value and require less of them than economy class feeds.

Sweet foods and baked goods are not suitable for feeding your Komondor.

The natural menu includes:

  • oatmeal, rolled oats, buckwheat, wheat, millet, semolina or mixtures of different types of cereals, cooked in meat, chicken, fish, vegetable broth, milk;
  • lean meats (beef, veal, lamb, horse meat, nutria, rabbit, poultry);
  • offal (heart, stomach, esophagus, kidneys, liver, brains);
  • frozen or boiled boneless fish;
  • one boiled egg two days before;
  • vegetables, fruits (carrots, green onions, lettuce, zucchini, cauliflower, apples);
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, soft unsalted cheese, sour milk);
  • as a delicacy in small quantities, unleavened cookies, boiled sausage, hard cheese, honey;
  • mineral and vitamin supplements.

It is forbidden to feed:

  • sweets;
  • smoked products;
  • tubular bones;
  • highly salty, sour, spicy foods.

Traditional feeding regimen:

  • puppies up to six months are fed 4-5 times a day;
  • teenagers are transferred to 3 meals a day;
  • After reaching one year of age, the dog is fed 2 times a day.

Adult Komondors are fed twice a day: morning and evening.

Maintenance and care of the Hungarian Shepherd

When getting a Hungarian Shepherd, you need to clearly know how to properly care for it and what conditions to provide for the new family member.

Place of residence and walking

For the Hungarian Cattle Dog, activity is of great importance; if the dog does not spend its time expending energy, then its behavior may well become destructive. You can keep a small dog both in a city apartment and in a private house, the main thing is to devote time to training and games. When living in a house, you definitely need to let your pet go outside; the ideal option would be a large local area where you can “roam around.” In the city, a great activity for a muddy would be agility, a dog sport where the animal needs to overcome an obstacle course.

Moody performs well in the sport of agility with overcoming obstacles

Walks in the air should be accompanied by running and games, and their duration should be at least 2 hours a day. Mudi needs to be taken out every day; representatives of this breed will not be able to sit at home for weeks. The breed is not suitable for aviary keeping, nor is it suitable for chains.

Hygiene procedures

The Mudi breed is very simple from the point of view of necessary care; representatives do not require any special procedures. The owner only needs to implement the following basic activities:

  • comb the wool 2-3 times a week - this will be enough, since the Mudi coat is not prone to forming tangles;
  • bathe as needed, no more than 2-3 times a year;
  • clean the ears as they become dirty;
  • Brush your teeth once a week with special toothpastes for dogs.


The food management of the Mudi Shepherd is no different from most other breeds. There are two possible ways:

  • Industrial feed. Dry formulations provide the animal with all the necessary substances and useful components; the main requirement for them is high quality. For Hungarian Cattle Dogs, it is recommended to choose super-premium or holistic food designed for active breeds (for example, Nutram Total GF Lamb & Lentils, Acana Sport & Agility).
  • Natural nutrition. A dog's diet should be prepared by a professional after assessing the animal's activity level and health. The owner needs to offer the dog only high-quality products: lean meat (beef, turkey, chicken), vegetables, unsweetened fruits, cereals (buckwheat, rice), herbs and fermented milk. Sweet, spicy, smoked, salty, floury - taboo for mudi.

Choosing a puppy

Since the Hungarian Shepherd breed is very rare, in order to purchase it, you need to go to a kennel or a breeder. After a thorough check by a dog handler, the breed is put up for sale.

Many owners wait until their puppies are well grown so they can travel on the road. But these fears are completely unfounded and, on the contrary, they need to be sold as early as possible. The younger the puppy, the easier it will get used to its new family and will be amenable to training.

All vaccinations should be done before three months, and by purchasing a puppy at this age, the new owner can avoid headaches about this.

Education and training

The Hungarian Kuvasz begins to be trained as soon as the puppy crosses the threshold of a new home. A dog that spends most of its time outside the walls of the house does not need to be trained to use a diaper in a litter tray. This can only be a rare exception, and even then for a short period.

Based on the nature of the Kuvasz, you should spend all your free time raising a puppy, systematically working with the dog every day. Oddly enough, dogs have no problem toilet training outside.

Kuvasz is a breed for an experienced dog lover who has an understanding of animal psychology and distinguishes the independent behavior of a dog from obstinacy, which is absolutely not inherent in Kuvasz.

Socialization of the Hungarian Kuvasz is a process that lasts the entire life of the dog. It takes a long time to accustom a dog to people. Despite their sociability, which is clearly expressed within the family circle, Kuvasz are intolerant of strangers. An ill-mannered dog not only shows his teeth, but can also chase a stranger, chasing the stranger for a long time. Kuvasz have a very low threshold for irritation, since they were bred to protect the property and life of the owner. They simply tend to subtly sense danger at the level of instinct.

When raising a puppy, much attention is paid to reconciliation between representatives of other breeds and other animals, first independently, and from the age of six months with the assistance of an experienced trainer

Training and socialization

Due to its willful and independent nature, it is necessary to take the education and training of the Komondor seriously. A dog needs a firm hand, a calm and confident owner, who will be perceived as a leader. It is necessary to constantly maintain the status of the main one in order to achieve the obedience of the shepherd.

If raised incorrectly, the Komondor grows up obstinate. Poor behavior can also be caused by insufficient physical activity. It is better to keep the dog in a rural area where it will be constantly moving. In an apartment, it will be much more difficult to ensure optimal physical activity.

Throughout his life, the owner must constantly prove his superiority. You should not be allowed to break even minor rules, otherwise the dog will perceive such behavior as the norm.

Training must begin at an early age of the puppy and continue throughout the life of the shepherd dog. Don't overwork your dog with too much training, be patient and reward him with treats. Having learned a lesson, a Komondor will never forget it.

Although training a Hungarian Shepherd is not the most difficult task, it is preferable to contact a specialist. Then the classes will bring not only benefits, but also real pleasure to both the dog and the owner.

The Hungarian Shepherd is very smart, so it immediately understands commands. But because of her independence, she considers whether a particular command is appropriate. Therefore, it is necessary to give the dog time to think, but demand obedience.

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