Who is the Jack Russell Terrier suitable for?

Small, active dogs have long been popular in the West. Small pets are becoming more common in Russia. People become more and more interested when they mention the Jack Russell breed. It was this representative of the dog family who got the role in the famous American comedy with Jim Carrey. The dog from the film The Mask is a Jack Russell Terrier; the description of the breed reveals mischief, tireless character, and excellent socialization of the animal. Unlike the Fox Terrier, the Jack Russell Terrier has a special shape of the head, ears, and eyes. And even the gait of these two dogs is different. In addition, Foxes are calmer than Russells. The latter are ready to jump, run and have fun all day long.

Origin of the breed

The Jack Russell Terrier is a relatively young variety of terrier. The history of the breed goes back only a couple of hundred years. This type of dog was bred in England. This type of terrier received its name in honor of the name of its breeder, Pastor Jack Russell. The goal that he pursued when breeding the breed was to obtain a dog with excellent hounds and hunting characteristics. The new version of the dogs was planned to be used for hunting foxes, hares, and other small wild animals. Also, the new variety of terriers was faced with the task of penetrating into animal burrows and driving them out, or pulling them out by force - with their teeth.

Dogs are quite successful in hunting game birds and wild boars. They show abilities in tracking, catching, and extracting shot ducks from the water. Also, the Jack Russell Terrier skillfully catches different types of rodents, not inferior in dexterity even to cats. The pastor who bred the new type tried to achieve skills like fox terriers. He succeeded. Thanks to the combination of hunting and wrestling qualities in the breed, the blood of the dog of the newly obtained breed boils, boils, and is overflowing with activity.

The Jack Russell Terrier first appeared in Russia and neighboring countries at the end of the 20th century. The first specialized kennel training and breeding this type of terrier was registered in 2003. Fans, breeders and owners of Jack Russell dogs united here. Currently, the number of officially registered nurseries has increased significantly. Due to its great popularity, kennel clubs are massively dispersed in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

The dog has unique parameters and a special exterior. The breeder did not care too much about the future appearance of the dog, because he mainly needed the animal’s excellent hunting qualities. Therefore, the appearance of the Jack Russell Terrier was formed on its own. Despite this willfulness of appearance, the dog turned out to be very cute and quite interesting.

Each dog has a nickname. What works for one breed of dog may not work for another. So there are special, suitable names for Jack Russell Terriers. Nicknames for boys: Charlie, Ricky, Jerry, Bruce, Roy, Barney, Chris. Nicknames for girls: Betsy, Irma, Darcy, Cherie, Lucy, Nessie, Dora.

Jack Russell Terrier: history of the breed

This dog breed is considered relatively young.
She is only 200 years old. This type of terrier was bred in Great Britain. The Jack Russell Terrier breed received the name of its breeder. The purpose of creating this dog was quite pragmatic - hunting. The new type of terrier was planned as an ideal option for hunting foxes, hare, raccoons and other small animals, as well as for entering their burrows. His task is to drive out the beast or drag it in with a strong grip. These dogs are also effective in tracking down prey, even wild boar, they show their abilities in hunting feathered game, they can get shot ducks out of the water, and they are also recognized masters in catching rodents, capable of competing even with cats. And all this is in the animal’s blood, which constantly boils and seethes, so the dog has to be taught to control its instincts, directing them in a different direction. Fox Terriers have similar skills, but Pastor John Russell enhanced his dog's hunting qualities by mixing the terrier with fighting breeds.

The Jack Russell Terrier appeared in the CIS quite recently, around the late 1990s. The first national-scale kennel club specializing in this breed was registered in 2003. It united fans of Jack Russell Terriers, their breeders and owners. Today, with the growing popularity and spread of the breed, the number of nurseries and clubs has also expanded significantly. The largest part of them is concentrated in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

What is remarkable about the Jack Russell Terrier breed? Photos of different dogs that can be seen on the Internet have common specific external features. Having paid the greatest attention to the development of the necessary qualities, the breeder did not pay any attention to the exterior of the new hunter. His appearance seemed to have formed on its own, but it looks especially interesting and charming.


The size of an adult male dog reaches only 30 cm at the withers. The female's height from the floor is no higher than 27 cm. If the individual is larger in size, then this is no longer the breed standard. The difference between the related breed Parson Terrier is in its large dimensions: male Parsons reach 35.5 cm, females - 33 cm. Russell's paws are short, so the elongated body looks slightly disproportionate. The weight of an adult dog is about 5-6 kg.

Puppy weight by month, table:

2 months2.5 months3 months3.5 months4 months4.5 months5 months
1.8-2 kg2.3-2.5 kg2.8-3 kg3.5-3.7 kg4-4.2 kg4.4-4.6 kg4.8-5 kg

After six months of age, the dog’s weight stabilizes.

The body of the Russell Terrier is rather rectangular in shape. However, it is very flexible and strong. The deep chest and fleshy neck complement the dog's appearance. The circumference of the chest in the area of ​​the ribs is 40-43 cm. The lower back is short, slightly tense. The head is wide in the area of ​​the temporal part, tapers toward the nose, and looks moderately flat. There is a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle. Medium-sized eyes look at those around them with interest and mischief. The color of the iris is black.

The dog's eyelids and nose are painted black. The ears are small and erect. Ears need to be glued if the puppy has problems developing them. By standard, the tips of the Jack Russell's ears droop slightly, almost blocking the ear canal.

Jack Russell Terrier puppies are born with long tails. And not all owners know whether the tail needs to be docked. At the request of the breeder, the length of the tail is reduced, although this is an optional procedure. The location of the caudal process is vertically upward, parallel to the trajectory of the ears.

Differences in coat type and color

Types of Jack Russell Terrier dogs:

  • smooth-haired;
  • long-haired – constant haircut and grooming is required;
  • Wire-haired, hairs of medium length with breaks. Such an individual will need trimming.

A dog's coat type can only be determined when the puppy reaches 2 months of age. It is impossible to know in advance what length of hair a dog will have. One litter can have puppies with different types and lengths of hair, this is not a violation or deviation.

The main color is white. However, the presence of spots of black, red or light brown is allowed on the dog’s body. Dogs with black spots are slightly less common than similar individuals with brownish markings. The shape of additional colors, which may be in addition to the white background, should be round. Moreover, the total volume of marks should not exceed 30% of the body surface area. A dog sheds twice a year for a month - this is how nature intended. And there is absolutely no difference whether the pet is smooth-haired, woolly or brocken.

Before you get a dog, you should know that a dog’s fur is allergenic and can cause a reaction in a predisposed person.

If a person is prone to allergies, a Jack Russell Terrier with a hard long or medium coat type will suit him. But in this situation, do not forget that the dog requires periodic trimming procedures. Constant coat care will eliminate allergies in your household. If a person is not allergic to animals, he can easily get smooth-haired Russells. In this case, you will not need to spend extra time grooming the coat.

Jack Russell Terrier - description of the breed

This is a small dog, its height is only 25-30 cm at the withers.
The physique stands out for its slight disproportion due to its short legs. The weight of an adult standard individual reaches a maximum of 5-6 kg. The coat color is predominantly white, but there may also be spots of black, red and brown. The Jack Russell Terrier breed includes three varieties that differ in coat structure. So, representatives of this breed can be smooth-haired, wire-haired or have a broken coat. The dog's body is rectangular in shape, it is strong and flexible, has a deep chest and a fleshy, strong neck. The head is moderately flat, wide at the temples, narrowed towards the jaws. The muzzle has a clear transition from the forehead. The eyes are small, dark, with an attentive expression and a mischievous sparkle. The standard Jack Russell Terrier breed has black pigmentation on the eyelids and nose, small erect ears with the tips slightly lowered onto the ear canal. Jack Russell Terrier puppies are born with tails, but docking is recommended, although this is not essential, solely at the request of the owner.

The character of these dogs can also be considered their feature. They are reliable companions, get along well with children, become attached to their owner for life, and are also distinguished by their mobility and playfulness. Most likely, it is the cheerful disposition that is so attractive about this breed.

Character and education

The Jack Russell Terrier has its pros and cons, just like any other dog breed. The main positive characteristics of the breed:

  • good nature;
  • devotion;
  • intelligence;
  • bravery;
  • love for small children;
  • mobility;
  • playfulness.

Dogs are considered reliable companions who form lifelong bonds with their family. The love of life and mischievous nature attract people to this breed. Indeed, the characteristics of the breed - hunting instincts and dexterity, cheerful disposition and courage, excellent thinking abilities and complete spiritual harmony with the owner - cannot be taken away. The dog is also distinguished by its harmlessness and great love for the people around it.

The dog, despite its hunting abilities, is not at all aggressive. The Russell Terrier and children get along well, so dogs of this breed can be fearlessly owned in large families. Not only is it safe to have such a pet, but it will also make an excellent company for children in active games or on walks in the fresh air. The Jack Russell can be trusted to guard your home. The absence of a frightening appearance on a dog does not at all mean that it is irresponsible and hopeless in guarding matters. The pet will stand watch around the clock to protect the entrusted territory.

However, there are also disadvantages of the breed:

  1. Terriers love to be the center of attention, so they attract the public's attention in all sorts of ways.
  2. If the dog starts playing, it will be very difficult to calm it down. Even after a while, when it’s time to get tired, the dog will run, jump, bark and wag its tail.
  3. The breed is quite cunning and resourceful. The breeder will have to understand this and study the character of his pet well in order to be one step ahead.
  4. The hunting instinct can manifest itself when other animals come into the terrier's field of vision. The dog's reaction can be anything. Only proper training will help you avoid constantly running after cats.

It is necessary to raise a dog from an early age. From the first days a puppy appears in the house, it is necessary to control and prevent the manifestation of bad habits, it is important to instill good skills. If you do not devote enough time to training, there is a risk of getting an independent and uncontrolled animal. Beginning breeders are advised to seek advice from experts in this matter – dog handlers. A pet with the right skills will be able to be friends not only with people, but also with domestic cats.

Before bringing a puppy to a new home, future owners should determine in advance where it will live. The dog must have its own place, and the pet should be introduced to it immediately upon arrival. A new resident needs to buy special toys and bones. A growing body needs training; it would be better if it tears and gnaws things specially purchased for this purpose with its teeth than furniture, appliances, floors or wallpaper.

Some owners do not know how to stop an adult from biting. There is a rule for this. You should not play with your dog with your hands or let it bite you. After all, from such games in the future the habit of involuntary biting may become entrenched. When the dog grows up, milk teeth will be replaced by sharp fangs, this can have unpleasant consequences not only for the dog owner, but also for all the people around him. In general, the desire to bite a person must be suppressed from the very beginning. The animal must clearly understand that the use of teeth is unacceptable when communicating with people.

Even if the owners treat the Jack Russell like a young, playful child, they should not forgive him all his pranks. By showing weakness and condescension, there is a danger of raising a capricious and harmful pet. The skills acquired in puppyhood will remain with the animal for the rest of its life. And it is almost impossible to re-educate an adult. The dog must clearly understand who is in charge in the family. A terrier will never dare to pretend to change power in the house and dominate if it is raised correctly.

Advantages of the breed

Undoubtedly, these small dogs have many advantages that make them worth owning. Firstly, these are very loyal dogs. They will love their owner and his family until the end of their days, and at every opportunity, “Jack” shows his love in every possible way.

Of course, this may cause a little jealousy, but if you pay due attention to raising your dog, there will be no problems with this at all. Secondly, these cute dogs are very smart and easy to train. Although here it is also worth considering that you need to do this while the dog is still a puppy - you are unlikely to get along with an adult quickly and effectively. Because of this, on some forums there are reviews that “Jack” is very difficult to teach anything. However, it all depends on the owner - a person who loves animals and knows how to handle them will quickly find a common language with the pet.

Thirdly, “Jack” gets along well with children and does not behave aggressively towards them. Of course, if a child allows himself too much, the dog may bite slightly. Therefore, before getting such a dog, have an explanatory conversation with your child and explain to him in detail how not to behave with animals. If the attitude towards the dog is appropriate, then there will be absolutely no problems. A loving Jack Russell Terrier will be an excellent “nanny” for your child.

Similar article: What is tasty and healthy to feed your Jack Russell Terrier

Again, there may be opposite reviews, but here, as in all other cases, everything depends solely on upbringing. Fourthly, caring for a representative of this breed is not particularly difficult: it does not need frequent haircuts and is not picky about food. However, you don’t need to skimp on their food so that you don’t have to visit the vet later. Thanks to its small size, the dog is perfectly adapted to apartment life. In addition, you can take such a pet with you on a trip (provided you have a passport and vaccinations, of course). And the last thing is the touching appearance of the animals. The Jack Russell Terrier is a very beautiful dog, and this is what primarily attracts dog lovers.

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These babies will help their owner overcome any depression - just one look at their cheerful face is enough.

Care and maintenance

Short-haired individuals are not adapted to permanent living on the street. The dog is defenseless against changing climatic conditions. Therefore, if you leave your Jack Russell outside during the cold season, he will simply freeze and die.

To walk in frosty weather, your dog needs clothing. Items can be purchased in special departments for animals. It should be noted that wardrobe items should be selected according to the weather. In the rain, a Bolognese windbreaker is suitable; in winter, a warm jacket and hat with fur.

In addition, the dog will need a collar and muzzle for walks. Therefore, it is worth taking care of such things in advance. Due to its restless temperament, the dog needs constant physical activity. The pet needs to be walked daily and given the opportunity to run around as much as possible. A cage for this type of animal is not suitable at all.

The dog should splash out its energy over several walks. Therefore, for people who prefer to lead a calm, measured life or who have too little free time, a Jack Russell dog is definitely not suitable. You need to live on the same wavelength with your pet. Keeping a mini dog in an apartment does not cause problems. The Jack Russell Terrier is very clean. Breeders have virtually no problems with their pet’s fur, which is quite easy to care for:

  • It is enough to comb the dog once a week using a furminator;
  • wash the dog after heavy contamination, for example, after rain. At other times, bathing can be limited to 2-3 per year (the dog does not emit a specific odor);
  • For bath procedures, use warm water and dog shampoo.

If the owner cares about the health and well-being of his pet, he should spend a few minutes a week cleaning the terrier’s ears and teeth. The ears should be examined after walks and cleaned with cotton swabs 1-2 times a week. It is worth purchasing a special brush for your teeth. Some owners give their dogs special bone sticks to chew on to clean their teeth.


Jack Russell is unpretentious in food. However, dogs of this breed have a tendency to be overweight. You need to pay attention to your dog’s menu and avoid overeating. Feeding an adult pet twice a day. It is advisable to prefer natural products, which should be supplemented with a complex of vitamins and microelements. However, you can also feed the terrier with dry mixtures, which are rich in useful components and minerals:

  • Orijen - 80% meat, the rest - vegetables and fruits;
  • Acana – contains fish, meat, eggs and plant elements;
  • Artemis Maximal Dogs - made from poultry meat, with the addition of calcium, iron and other minerals and vitamins.

Don't forget about clean water. The dog must have free access to drink around the clock.

Feeding the puppy

It is better to feed the puppy twice. In the first half of the day you can give dry food, in the evening - home-cooked food. Young animals need to buy specialized food for puppies. No matter how rich the food is, under no circumstances should you give your dog:

  • canned food;
  • sweets;
  • baked goods;
  • fried, salted, smoked dishes.

All this can cause irreparable harm to a growing organism. Caring for a small pet should fully comply with the recommendations of specialists. The baby’s diet must include: meat, sea fish, offal, cereals, and dairy products. Boiled eggs should be given a couple of times a week. It is recommended to chop raw vegetables and fruits before serving.

Mating and birth

Breeding purebred Jack Russell Terriers can bring good profits to breeders. There is a clear description of what parameters an individual of this breed should have. However, it is worth remembering that mating should be carried out between pets that have all the necessary documents, good pedigree and compliance with standards.

If a Jack Russell Terrier girl appears in the house, you will have to adapt to the constant physiological processes and find out:

  1. When is the first heat expected? This period is different for each dog, it marks puberty. But on average, the first cycle begins immediately after the change of baby teeth - at 6-16 months. Before the first heat, the bitch begins to shed heavily.
  2. How long does heat last? Duration is 10-28 days. In the period from 11 to 13 days from the beginning of swelling of the gonads is the best period for mating dogs. The frequency of estrus is approximately 2 times a year. Owners should note when the dog's next cycle begins, regardless of whether mating has taken place.
  3. How long does pregnancy last and how does childbirth go? To find out if you are pregnant, you can take a progesterone test. The wait for puppies lasts around 9 weeks. The approaching birth can be determined by the characteristic symptoms - the dog's contractions last from 12 to 24 hours, at which time she begins to breathe heavily and quickly. Over time, they become more intense, and the periods between them become shorter and shorter - the birth of babies is approaching.

During periods of hormonal changes, bitches become unpredictable. Even from a polite and well-mannered dog, you can expect surprises during the period of heat.

Diseases and life expectancy

When breeding the dog, there was no interference with its healthy physiology. Therefore, Jack Russell Terriers live 12-16 years. Maximum life expectancy can be achieved thanks to comfortable living conditions for your pet, a properly formulated diet and quality care. Diseases of the breed are few. If your dog receives insufficient or improper nutrition, your dog may be susceptible to heart failure. Therefore, Jack Russell Terrier breeders are advised to closely monitor the condition of the pet’s cardiovascular system.

Puppies often suffer from neuroses. The dog's behavior can be compared to the state of a hyperactive child. It can be on the move both day and night, and can easily tear shoes, upholstered furniture or other interior items to shreds. Correcting behavior to a large extent depends on correct upbringing.

Anxiety from loneliness

One explanation for unwanted behavior in the Jack Russell Terrier is separation anxiety. This happens to both adult terriers and puppies. When you bring a puppy into your home, you separate him from his brothers and sisters. He is not used to being alone, without the company of his littermates and his mother. It's natural to expect him to cry and whine from loneliness, especially when you leave home. In order to distract himself with something, in this state Jack can chew furniture, baseboards, shoes, dig up the upholstery, leave puddles and piles, whine and howl. He behaves this way not because he specifically wants to misbehave or punish you. It's just his way of expressing his fear that you might not return to him. Likewise, an adult Jack may suffer from loneliness if this phobia has been ingrained since puppyhood. His destructive behavior can cause even more damage to the apartment, given the strength of his paws and adult teeth. And his loud barking or howling will cause a lot of trouble for the neighbors. Why? Yes, because Jack is trying to get out of the house and find you. He takes active steps to achieve his goal. When you get home and see a mess made, your first impulse is to punish your pet. But this is the most wrong thing you can do. Because in this case, your Jack will wait with horror for your return, but at the same time he will not stop worrying about your departure and making a mess - so you are in a vicious circle.

Here are some tips to help reduce your pet's fear of loneliness:

  • Before you leave, take your Jack for a long walk.
  • Provide him with a comfortable place where he can wait for you.
  • Leave him a new squeaky toy and some tasty bones to chew on. When you return, put the toy away and only give it to him when you leave.
  • Leave the radio or CD on
  • When you leave, do not attach any importance to it in the eyes of your terrier - do not kiss him for forgiveness, and generally leave unnoticed.
  • Some people solve this problem by making a friend for their Jack.
  • It could be another dog. And it's best if you can afford to keep two Jacks at once.


Breeders describe the Jack Russell Terrier as an intelligent, obedient and trainable dog. After all, for individuals of this breed, running, jumping, carrying sticks and objects, digging in the ground or sand is pure pleasure and the meaning of life. However, sometimes the owner should be persistent and strict in the process of education and training. These concepts should not be confused with cruelty - you should never beat a dog. The Jack Russell loves praise very much, so training at home should include a moderate amount of affection - this can achieve a lot.

Some dogs may begin to cheat, wanting to get treats faster and easier, avoiding tasks and commands. The breeder must be persistent. Only patience and confidence will help the owner achieve the dog's goal.

Training a puppy, just like an adult, should be carried out constantly. If the dog does not have the opportunity to spend time usefully, it will begin to cause mischief in the house.

Cost and nurseries

Of course, only a specialized nursery can offer the best puppies (for example, Chelsea John in Moscow, Lucky Hunter in Samara, Kindred Soul in St. Petersburg). The price of a puppy will depend on many factors:

  • availability of documents, pedigree;
  • availability of vaccinations;
  • compliance with parameters and standards;
  • pedigree;
  • title of parents, their participation in various exhibitions.

In general, prices for Jack Russell Terriers start at $700. A mixed breed or an individual rejected for some reason can be offered for $100.

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