Golden Retriever breed standard

The peculiarity of the Golden Retriever breed is noteworthy in that for a long time there was one theory of the origin of this species, but later another one appeared. These dogs have a good disposition and are great friends for people, which is why the breed is so popular today. To understand whether a Golden Retriever is suitable for companionship with humans, it is recommended to study the characteristics of the breed, its description, the life expectancy of the dogs and their character.

Golden retriever

History of the origin of the breed

For some time it was believed that the Golden Retriever was descended from the Russian circus dog. However, in 1952, a new version of the origin was published: according to it, this species was founded by Lord Tweedmouth from Great Britain, who kept the stud book. There he independently recorded each breed of his pets, taking into account the dates of birth and days of mating of individuals from the nursery. The first records dated back to 1835.

In the pedigree you can find the following species:

  • Irish Setter;
  • water spaniel;
  • black curly coated retriever;
  • Labrador.

Golden retriever

The story goes that while walking around Brighton, Lord Tweedmouth discovered a man repairing shoes with a yellow retriever sitting next to him. The Lord immediately purchased the puppy and a few years later bred him with a water spaniel: 3 puppies were born from this litter. They were bred with dogs of other breeds listed above and in 1889 the first representatives of this dog breed were born.

In 1911, the Golden Retriever breed was officially registered, and since 1930 the species has been officially recognized in America. In Russia, pedigree breeding began in 1989.

Training a 2 month old puppy

At this age, the baby does not yet go out for walks, since he is in quarantine after all the necessary vaccinations. Now is the perfect time to start practicing at home.

First of all, it is necessary to teach the puppy to relieve himself in a diaper. The learning process is always very difficult for everyone. Remember that if you see positive results, do not think that the puppy could understand everything the first time, continue training and reinforcement. When this becomes a habit for the baby, then we can already talk about something.

Another very important point is to teach your puppy to wear a collar and leash. This needs to be done when the golden retriever puppy is at home. This will be a preparatory stage for taking him outside. Moreover, wearing a collar is a must and it is better for the pet to get used to it immediately.

One of the main and most problematic questions in the training process is: “How to teach a dog to understand the boundaries of what is allowed to it?” It's quite simple - initially you have to show it. Here is a sample list of actions:

  • Teach your puppy to play with his toys rather than using your things;
  • Do not allow biting, even if it happens in a playful way;
  • Make an appropriate schedule in which the puppy will sleep in the morning and not wake you up;
  • Do not allow chewing on objects in the house, baseboards or clothes;
  • Teach him to independence and your absence at home, so that later the dog does not bark or howl.

Under no circumstances should you constantly and severely punish a puppy, because at such a tender age this will have an extremely negative impact on his psyche, and your baby will turn into a cowardly and embittered dog. Be very gentle and let him discover the world naturally.

At this age, you can start teaching your puppy some simple commands, but it is advisable to do this in a playful way. Don't forget to reward him for a job well done and don't be too strict with him. Get him interested in a toy or treat, then the puppy will be more willing to follow commands.

What does a Golden Retriever look like? Description of the breed with photos and videos

To better learn about the characteristics of this species, it is recommended to carefully study the description of the modern Golden Retriever breed. This includes adult size and weight, coat color and type, and possible varieties.

Size and weight

The height and weight of a representative is determined by genetic predisposition, so do not despair if, according to the parameters, the golden retriever “does not reach” the norm or, on the contrary, exceeds it. Some puppies grow quickly, others grow slowly, the main condition is the good physical condition of the dog and his health.

Experts advise not to overfeed your dog in order to achieve a normal weight, as this will greatly affect its health.

A Golden Retriever is born weighing up to 3 kg, its height at the withers is about 20 cm. In the first month, Golden Retriever puppies gain from 400 to 800 grams, and add about 3 cm in height. As they develop, by 6 months their weight individuals range from 24 to 26 kg, height at the withers - up to 55 cm; by 10 months, a golden retriever weighs 30–36 kg, its height is 55–61 cm. The size of an adult dog is characterized by the parameters from the table.

Golden retriever

Weight25–32 kg27–36 kg
Height50–56 cm56–60 cm

Experts note that pets intended for shows and exhibitions look more voluminous than those considered “working”. From this information we can conclude that female Golden Retrievers are smaller in height and weight than males. Compared to others, the Golden Retriever is considered a large breed.

Color and coat type

Externally, individuals stand out from other species: they are active, playful, and have gorgeous fur and color. Golden's fur

retriever up

It must be straight - pronounced curls are not allowed according to the standard, but slight waves may be present. The undercoat is dense, waterproof, and clearly expressed.

Shedding of the Golden Retriever breed occurs in the autumn and spring seasons.

Wool is considered hypoallergenic, so people with children in the house often get dogs.

Do not confuse the Golden Retriever with the Smooth-Coated Retriever - these are two different types.

differing in color. The color of the coat includes all shades: from golden to beige and cream.

There may be light hairs on the chest, but shades of red are not allowed - this breed is considered not purebred. The dark golden hue also confirms the standard.

Breed varieties

There are three varieties of the Golden Retriever breed:

  1. English type. Distributed throughout Australia and Great Britain, it is distinguished by a wide skull, powerful front legs, and the color of this golden retriever is lighter than that of the American type. The height of males is 56–61 cm, and that of females is 51–56 cm. They have a friendly facial expression, a quick-witted character, and a breed with pronounced working traits.
  2. American type . Characterized by elegance and less muscle development. The American type is easy to recognize - its color is slightly darker than that of the English Golden Retriever. The height of males is 58–61 cm, females – 55–57 cm. To improve the characteristics of the breed, American breeders bring the English type for mating.
  3. Canadian type. Belongs to a more modern generation of puppies, which is distinguished by a dark coat color. The Canadian variety is a breed combining the English and American types. Males reach a height of 58-63 cm, and females - 55-59 cm, which means that the Canadian Golden Retriever has the tallest height.

Main characteristics of the Golden Retriever: character, care, diseases and choice of puppies

Based on these indicators, the golden retriever breed standard is determined, so when purchasing a pet from a breeder, you should pay attention to the parameters so as not to encounter fraud.

Smart golden retriever dog

Golden retrievers are dogs that exude calmness and loyalty, kindness and devotion. This hunting breed is one of the four most popular in the world. She is ideal for a person who needs a pleasant companion or a nanny for children.

Origin of the breed

The name of the breed, Golden Retriever (retrieve), is translated as “a dog that serves game,” and the prefix “golden,” as you might guess, means a luxurious shade of coat.

Golden retrievers were bred in Great Britain, with most of them living in Scotland. In those days, special dogs were required to find shot game. There is a legend that Lord Tweedmouth was involved in breeding the breed.

For more than half a century, he carried out breeding work, selecting the best representatives of hunting breeds - setters, water spaniels, Labradors and retrievers themselves. This is how golden retrievers were born, replacing their smooth-haired relatives.

Later, the breed began to be crossed with the bloodhound, due to which the hunting qualities of golden retrievers improved, in particular, the sense of smell became more sensitive, and the body became voluminous and powerful. The dogs received official recognition in 1913. The first golden retriever was brought to the USSR from the USA in 1989.

Breed standard

A distinctive feature of the Golden Retriever's exterior is the magnificent shade of its coat. However, breeders claim that the word “golden” refers to the description of the dogs’ character.

There are three varieties of golden retrievers:

  1. American. Tall dogs with bright coat colors.
  2. European. Massive dogs with a wide chest and muscular shortened legs. The coat color is light, close to white.
  3. Canadian. Intermediate type between American and European.

Regardless of the variety, Golden Retrievers are powerful, large dogs weighing from 25 to 41.5 kilograms (females are smaller). Height at the withers for males is 56-61 cm, for females - 51-56 cm.

Breed characteristics:

  1. The head is moderately wide, wedge-shaped. The lines of the skull are clear.
  2. The nose is straight. Classic shaped lobe, black.
  3. The jaw is powerful, the teeth are even. Scissor bite.
  4. The eyes are medium in size, widely spaced. The iris is dark brown. The eyelids are dense and pigmented. The look is friendly and attentive.
  5. The ears are small, drooping, with rounded tips.
  6. The body is rectangular. The skin fits tightly to the body, without sagging.
  7. The muscles are developed, the bones are strong.
  8. The neck is of medium length.
  9. The back is straight, the lower back is wide.
  10. The chest is wide, the ribs are rounded.
  11. The limbs are strong and proportional. Joints with well-developed muscles. The paws are round, the pads are black, with thick skin.
  12. The tail is lowered down, long, even, and does not bend.

The animals' fur is thick, long, golden, with a pinkish tint. It can be either smooth or slightly wavy, but not curly. There is a waterproof undercoat that reliably protects the dog from the cold.

Health, typical diseases

The Golden Retriever is a healthy breed. The average lifespan is 10-12 years, but with good care and a balanced diet, dogs can safely live up to 16.

Among the common congenital and acquired diseases of retrievers are:

  • raw eczema;
  • volvulus;
  • diabetes;
  • dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • atopy;
  • granuloma;
  • mastocytoma;
  • aortic stenosis;
  • allergy;
  • lymphoma, lymphosarcoma;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • laryngeal paralysis;
  • dwarfism

Golden retrievers are diagnosed with ophthalmological pathologies, such as:

  • inversion and inversion of the eyelid;
  • corneal ulceration;
  • cataract;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • glaucoma.

To keep your pet happy for as long as possible, do not neglect routine examinations that allow you to identify pathology at the initial stage. A necessary condition for the health of a golden retriever is timely vaccinations and treatments against external and internal parasites.


Golden retrievers are highly intelligent dogs. Thus, scientists, having studied 133 breeds, identified them in fourth place in intelligence and intelligence. The character of representatives of this breed is loyal and devoted.

They easily adapt to the rhythm of life of their owners and do not bother them with their presence. The owner’s mood is understood without words, on an intuitive level, so there are no difficulties in the learning process

. Even an inexperienced dog breeder can train a Golden Retriever. A smart dog will master all the wisdom of upbringing and training by 12 months.

To prevent your pet from losing good physical shape and gaining excess weight, it needs to be trained. The dog will benefit from long walks, resting near a pond, and various exercises, such as overcoming obstacles and playing with a ball.

Golden Retrievers get along well with children, happily taking part in all childish activities. They are absolutely devoid of aggression and will never harm babies.

It is noteworthy that golden retrievers are often used in rehabilitation centers. The energy of a dog has a positive effect on people who are depressed, relieves stress, and reduces aggression. Representatives of this breed are also often used in rescue operations.

These brave dogs, sometimes risking their own lives, save drowning people and pull people out of burning houses. But it will not be possible to train them to be guards - they are too trusting.

How to choose a puppy

It is advisable to choose a golden retriever puppy from a kennel. When purchasing a baby on the market or through an advertisement on the Internet, you do not receive any guarantees regarding the health and purity of the breed of the future family member.

In the nursery, the breeder draws up a purchase and sale agreement with the buyer, presents the necessary documents confirming the purebred, introduces the puppy’s parents, and gives advice on feeding and maintenance issues.

Prices for pet-class golden retrievers start from 25 thousand rubles. Show class babies are much more expensive - 55-65 thousand rubles. These are future champions, impeccable producers. Their parents, as a rule, are winners of various exhibitions.

When buying a Golden Retriever, you need to pay attention to its behavior. The puppy should be inquisitive, sociable, and playfully wag its tail. Apathy, aggression, hyperactivity are unacceptable qualities for the breed.

Features of care

The Golden Retriever can be kept both indoors and outdoors. Many owners choose the second option, since the breed has a significant drawback - a strong dog smell. This defect is not cosmetic and cannot be eliminated by water procedures alone.

An unpleasant “aroma” is nothing more than a metabolic disorder, so a diet correction is required.

It is advisable to feed your pet with special foods of the holistic, premium, and super-premium classes. When choosing food, you should consult with a veterinarian, who, based on the pet’s age, health status, coat type, body weight, and activity level, will suggest the optimal solution.

If the owner prefers to feed his four-legged pet natural food, the use of vitamin and mineral complexes is a necessary element of keeping the dog.

If a dog lives outdoors, his luxurious golden coat may lose its splendor. To prevent this from happening, the fur coat should be combed daily, and during shedding - several times a day. Retrievers shed profusely, as the guard hair and undercoat are actively changing.

That is why combing is not only a necessary hygienic procedure, but also maintaining the skin and coat in a healthy condition, preventing dermatitis, which can be caused by dead hairs.

Golden retrievers love to swim and will never miss the opportunity to swim in a pond. There is no need to wash your dog often at home, since ordinary detergents can damage the protective natural lubricant. Because of this, the wool becomes more brittle and sensitive to aggressive environmental influences.

For bathing, you should choose special shampoos and balms that restore the protective coating of the hairs. You can purchase them at a veterinary pharmacy, after consulting with a specialist.

Other necessary hygiene procedures include washing the eyes. Golden retrievers are prone to eye diseases, including uveitis. Eyes can be washed with water, chamomile decoction, or a special pharmaceutical preparation.

If the nails do not wear down naturally, they should be trimmed as they grow.

Pros and cons of the breed

Dog breeders adore golden retrievers, assuring that this breed has no disadvantages. Indeed, these are brave animals, distinguished by their spectacular exterior and balanced temperament. Ideal for a family with small children, their appearance will create an atmosphere of kindness, warmth, and comfort.

They do not try to dominate and are distinguished by obedience and lack of aggression. However, they still have disadvantages, and they must be taken into account in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

The coat of the Golden Retriever is a strong allergen, so people suffering from allergies should not get this breed. In addition, retrievers have an inordinate appetite and are not suitable for home guarding.

Authors of the articles: Belanta Clinic team


Health and illness

Goldens are often in good health, but if your pet is sick, you should not self-medicate, but rather go to a veterinary clinic. Proper nutrition and good care guarantee a long and fulfilling life, but golden retrievers are not immune to disease. The most common among them are:

  • epilepsy;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • retinal dysplasia;
  • dermatitis.

Epilepsy in a Golden Retriever is difficult to diagnose; in the early stages there are practically no symptoms. As the disease develops, the pet may go into convulsions - such a dog should not be allowed to breed. Von Willebrand disease is a hemorrhagic disorder. It manifests itself as bleeding gums, nasal discharge, and

genital organs and requires a blood transfusion for the pet.

Hip dysplasia is one of the most common diseases in golden retrievers, so puppies are diagnosed in the first year of life when their skeleton is fully formed.

Retinal dysplasia is characterized by gradual loss of vision, but the disease is quickly curable. Dermatitis in Golden Retriever dogs appears after inflammation and with proper treatment does not cause relapses.


The average life expectancy is 10–12 years, sometimes there are centenarians who live up to 15 years. The lifespan of a Golden Retriever directly depends on its diet and physical health.


Caring for a Golden Retriever corresponds to the characteristics of caring for long-haired dogs; it is a regular set of measures aimed at:

• regular combing of the coat – 1–3 times a week, depending on the season and shedding periods;

• ear care;

• oral care, including brushing your teeth with special treats;

• nail trimming;

• washing – according to contamination, but you should try to avoid washing too often.

You can read more in the article “Caring for Large Breed Dogs.”

Close attention should be paid to the pet's exercise - the retriever needs active and sufficient walks. This breed of dog is prone to gaining excess weight, so walks are absolutely necessary.

Golden retrievers need a proper and balanced diet - the diet should contain enough protein and not too much fat - to maintain the muscle corset and take care of the dog’s joints. A good choice would be PRO PLAN® LARGE ROBUST food with the OPTIBALANCE® complex, aimed at caring for the joints and maintaining the overall health of the animal. The specially selected composition of the food allows you to combine high nutritional value with a low fat content, which has a positive effect on the pet’s health, reducing the risk of obesity, provided that it is fed according to the recommendations on the packaging.

Attitude towards children and others

Due to its character, the Golden Retriever will never offend a child, which cannot be said about other representatives of the species. Pets are distinguished by their good disposition, playfulness and joy for life. This is the attitude that is necessary for communicating with children of different ages. Regardless of the dog’s age, they are characterized by the following traits:

  • patience and tenderness towards children;
  • gets along well with other pets;
  • lack of aggression;
  • love for people;
  • the desire to spend as much time as possible with the owner;
  • the golden retriever is not inclined to defend or attack, but can bark at strangers;
  • the inexhaustible energy of this breed gives rise to a love for various games, especially on the water;
  • high level of intelligence.

It is rare to come across an aggressive Golden Retriever - often such a pet simply could not be controlled by the breeder.

Character and habits

The character of Golden Retrievers is truly English. These gentlemen and ladies are very kind, smart and playful dogs, they love water and are easy to train. Hunting habits manifest themselves in a love of active games, while retrievers get along well with other pets and get along well with children.

Retrievers are the heroes of many films and commercials, but recently these dogs are increasingly taking on the noble role of rehabilitation specialists and therapists. After appropriate training, goldens help children with various systemic disorders in boarding homes to socialize and interact with the environment.


One of the best qualities of a Golden Retriever is their understanding of their owner and their tendency to learn, which is why they are so trainable. Only a good-natured attitude on the part of the owner will facilitate learning, because Golden Retrievers are much more vulnerable than their fellow Labradors, which, according to the description of the breed, have many common characteristics.

You can begin your first attempts at training as early as a puppy. To stimulate the hunting instinct, you can tie a cloth in a knot and move it in front of your nose or along the ground - this will allow your pet to grab the object with its teeth. With age, instead of a rag, you can switch to toys. Puppies can also be trained using throws - this must be done slowly so that the dog can follow the movements of the hand.

By the age of 10 months, a Golden Retriever should learn to swim and dive. If it is not possible to train the animal on your own, it is better to send it to a trusted school, where in a short period of time the pet will learn the listed commands.

Golden retriever, or golden retriever: everything about the dog’s character, description of qualities, care

In terms of the number of enthusiastic reviews from owners, Golden Retrievers are almost ahead of all breeds. Indeed, only a convinced dog hater would be able to unearth the shortcomings in these good-natured intellectuals.

As for ordinary animal lovers, their goldens literally captivate with their softness and phenomenal memory for faces.

If one of your friends treated your pet to a tasty treat or entertained him with a simple game, you can be sure that the retriever will not forget to add a fat “plus” to this friend’s karma.

Personality of the Golden Retriever

Calm and balanced in everyday life, representatives of this breed try to keep their cool even in the most delicate situations.

They are completely non-confrontational and are ready to get along with any four-legged creature that does not show open aggression. Even in the most tense moments, goldens prefer to resolve matters peacefully.

A golden retriever growling and clinging to an opponent with a death grip is something out of the realm of fantasy.

The breed is often recommended in families with children, since in relation to the younger generation the animals are as correct and patient as possible. Of course, entrusting a dog to babies is not the wisest decision, but it is quite possible to leave playful three-year-olds to it. Golden Retrievers are primarily people-oriented.

It is with him that they want to go for walks, share their joys and sorrows. For this reason, goldens are often involved in active canistherapy.

Shaggy “antidepressants” are happy to contact patients who are in a state of prolonged depression, charging them with bright emotions and gradually returning to them the joy of existence.

Golden retrievers are typical sanguine people, who are not at all characterized by such character traits as suspicion and caution. Strangers arouse curiosity and burning interest in these simple-minded fellows, so if there is a golden in your house, accept the fact that he will not be a guardian of the territory and material assets.

Education and training

Nature has not deprived golden retrievers of intelligence and memory, so the dog grasps any lessons on the fly.

The first thing to start training a Golden Retriever puppy is obedience: the animal must understand what is allowed and what is not. Do not give in to the immediate desire to remove all restrictions and pamper your baby, so to speak, as an exception.

The pranks of a puppy will quickly cease to seem touchingly funny after a 40-kilogram dog begins to practice them.

In the first months of life, retriever babies try to taste the objects around them, so try to convey to your pet the meaning of the “Fu!” command as quickly as possible. Those who see a future hunter in a Golden Retriever will have to go outdoors more often.

A dog can learn to find and bring back a shot bird only when it sees it in person. At first, the skill is practiced on rags and dummies: a homemade stuffed animal is thrown at the puppy to make him want to grab an unfamiliar thing and show it to his owner.

Then they smoothly move on to fetching and participation in the hunt.

Six-month-old puppies can be taught swimming and obedience using a whistle, and it will be better if a professional does this.

12 months is the optimal age to start training a dog’s endurance, since when hunting she will often have to sit in ambush so as not to spook the game. The command “Lie down!” does not apply in such cases.

It is enough that the pet sits next to you. Memory training exercises are considered very valuable, since a golden retriever is not always able to find game by smell alone.

and care

Despite the fact that the main specialization of golden retrievers has always been hunting, it is completely unnecessary for today’s owners of these shaggy “servants” to take up a gun. Tiring runs through forests and swamps can be easily replaced with long walks through parks and meadows.

It's great if you take your dog to a country house, away from the highway, where he can run around to his heart's content.

Just don’t try to turn your pet into a mongrel and put him in a kennel: the retriever will not appreciate your impulse and will become despondent - so take the dog into the house and do not deprive him of his own company.

A Golden Retriever in an apartment is a kind of test of the owner’s responsibility and hard work, since the animal will have to compensate for the lack of free space, physical activity and impressions with regular promenades combined with physical activity. Due to their sociable nature, Golden Retrievers do not cope well with being alone.

Animals express their uncertainty and fear on surrounding objects: they chew furniture and wires, and damage shoes. The worst punishment an owner can come up with for a golden dog is to lock it up within four walls and quietly go to work.

For careerists, workaholics, travelers and other busy individuals, a golden retriever as a pet is not an acceptable option.

How much does a golden retriever cost?

Pet-class puppies remain the most attractive option in terms of price: from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles.

Almost invisible defects in appearance significantly reduce the cost of a golden retriever, which will especially appeal to those who do not dream of exhibitions and championship titles and are not averse to saving money. Prices for show class start from 35,000 rubles. and end around 50,000 rubles.

An option designed for the most generous buyers is offspring obtained from interbreeding, with the right to further breeding. The cost of such a puppy is 70,000 – 80,000 rubles.


Maintenance, care and nutrition

It is recommended to separate the puppy from its nursing mother no earlier than after 1.5-2 months. It is better to learn about dog care from the breeder - they know all the nuances of keeping and feeding rules for golden retrievers. Comprehensive care, as well as a properly formulated diet, will give the baby a happy and healthy life with a new owner:

  1. Grooming: You need to purchase a steel brush from a pet store and brush your pet every day. The coat is not too long, but during a walk ticks and parasites can cling to it, so when you return home, you need to examine your pet.
  2. Bathing is done at least once a month.
  3. Golden Retriever's nails need to be trimmed with a special tool to avoid growths.
  4. Every day the dog must feel physical activity to develop muscles.
  5. Outdoor games and walks in the air for 3 hours will be an excellent way out of the situation.
  6. A routine examination by a veterinarian occurs once a year: during the consultation, the doctor will talk about the rules of vaccination and also recommend preventive measures to prevent diseases.

It is recommended to feed puppies 4 times a day, gradually reducing the frequency to 2 times a day. Feeding occurs after a walk; babies’ diet includes porridge, soaked bread, and meat. An adult is fed a mixture of porridges cooked in meat broth, and is also given bones. It is not recommended to feed your pet freely, leaving full feeding - this risks overfeeding.


The Golden Retriever is a recognizable breed with distinct characteristics. Dog handlers distinguish three types of such dogs.

  1. American. It is distinguished by its rather bright color and greater height. There is no light or dark color.
  2. European. The coat color is light, sometimes close to white. They are distinguished by their massiveness - wide chest, muzzle, shortened, muscular legs.
  3. Canadian. They are an intermediate link between the two types described above.

All types have external differences, but have the same character. Golden retrievers are friendly, get along well with other pets, love children, and are devoted to their owner.

The Labrador is a separate breed, but it was used in the development of Golden Retrievers. Therefore, dogs are similar in a number of criteria. For example, they are hunting, intended for searching and bringing shot game to the owner. They are friendly, do not enter into conflicts, and are not prone to aggression. They have an excellent sense of smell and can be used as search dogs. The distinctive features of the two breeds are reflected in the table.

Table - Similarities and differences between the Labrador and Golden Retriever breeds

ParameterLabradorGolden Retriever
Wool- Short; - tough - Soft; - long; - golden
Character— Simple-minded; - tactless; - emotional - Aristocratic; - calm; - rational

Golden retrievers are kept in apartments and enclosures - they do not freeze in winter and tolerate frost well. They are not used as guard dogs; the retriever cannot be chained. Representatives of the breed cannot stand prolonged loneliness. You need to devote time to training and walks every day.

The responsibilities of the owners include carrying out five hygiene procedures.

  1. Eyes. Periodically wipe your eyes with a damp cotton pad. Their condition is assessed. The discharge of even a small amount of pus is a reason to take your pet to the veterinarian. Be sure to wash your eyes after walking in the forest.
  2. Teeth. Without care, yellow plaque and tartar form on the teeth. They try to teach puppies to care from an early age. Teeth are brushed regularly with a brush and pet toothpaste.
  3. Ears. Look into your ears once a week and wipe them with a damp cotton swab.
  4. Bathing. There is no need for frequent bathing. This is done several times a year and additionally as needed. Use special shampoos that do not cause dry skin.
  5. Combing. The coat is brushed daily. Show dogs are sometimes cut. It is difficult to do a natural haircut on your own; owners often turn to grooming specialists.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with: Floating aquarium plants

The Golden Retriever does not choose one owner. He is equally friendly towards all family members - adults and children.

Natural diet

Make up a balanced diet - include meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, cereals and vegetables. An approximate menu for a retriever of any age is given in the table.

Table - Retriever Menu

ProductsProhibitedShare in daily diet
Meat- Beef; - turkey; - chickens; - rabbit meat; - boiled offal - Pork; - mutton; - smoked meats; - sausages 50%
Cereals- Rice; - buckwheat; - millet — Barley; - corn; - semolina 25%
Vegetables- Carrot; - cabbage; - beet; - turnip; - pumpkin — Citruses; - grape; - rhubarb; - spinach; – exotic vegetables and fruits 25%
Dairy- Cottage cheese; - kefir; — ryazhenka — fermented baked milk — Whole milk; - cream; - yoghurts with flavors and fillings
FishLow-fat sea varietiesFatty sea and river

Many representatives of the breed have an excessive appetite. The daily food intake is strictly divided into several meals and given in small portions.

Dry food

Until four to five months, retrievers are fed specialized food for large breed puppies. Then they are gradually transferred to adult food. Natural food is not included in the diet. Choose premium or super-premium food for large breeds. They contain a sufficient amount of minerals that support healthy joints.

Retrievers are prone to allergies, including to low-quality, cheap food. An allergic reaction is manifested by changes in the color of fur and skin, itching. Feed is selected carefully, introducing it into the diet in small portions. Preference is given to types based on lamb meat.

Until the age of five months, puppies are fed four to six times a day. The daily amount of food is divided into small portions. Gradually reduce the frequency of feedings. By eight months of age, they are fed twice a day. Before the change of milk teeth, the puppy is given yogurt, cottage cheese, and kefir daily.

Pros and cons of the breed

The high popularity of Golden Retrievers is due to a large number of advantages:

  • obedient character;
  • the ability to be a guide, a water rescuer, a “therapist” for children with autism ;
  • high intelligence;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • an innate sense of optimism;
  • cleanliness;
  • good memory.

This breed has practically no disadvantages, but the downside is the tendency to infectious diseases. There is also another drawback - the high price of puppies. The average cost varies from 15 to 25 thousand rubles, and a show-class baby will cost from 60 thousand rubles.

How to choose a puppy video

There are several unspoken rules that are recommended to be followed when buying a pet:

  1. The place where the puppies are kept must be clean and well-groomed.
  2. Inform the seller about the purpose of the purchase - it is important to know whether the dog is being purchased for exhibitions or for home keeping.
  3. Appearance of the puppy: the eyes should be clear, the head should be wide and large. The mouth should have several incisors, fangs and side teeth. There are no unpleasant odors or discharge - the puppy is completely healthy.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the dog's pedigree, especially if the pet will participate in exhibitions. Pedigree affects the final cost of the puppy.

Golden Retriever puppies

General description of the breed

The popularity of dogs of this breed is growing noticeably. More than 70,000 dogs are registered annually with the American Retriever Club alone, with this statistic increasing every year.

The popularity of this breed is due to their character - they are kind, smart, playful - ideal friends for any family . The lifespan of golden retrievers is 10-12 years.


Golden retrievers are harmoniously built, symmetrical, active, strong, robust. Their head is always proportional to the body, the skull is slightly convex and wide. The muzzle is long and straight, the cheeks are flat. The nose, with open nostrils, is large and black. The dog's ears fit snugly to the cheeks, drooping, with rounded ends.

The neck is medium long, muscular and without folds. The chest is deep in the heart area, the back is short, straight, with strong muscles. The tail is located at the level of the back, the stomach is always tucked. The shoulders are strong, equal in length to the shoulder blades. Paws are medium-sized, rounded with thick pads.

Golden Retrievers are very smart dogs . These words are confirmed by the research of American psychology professor and neuropsychology researcher Stanley Coren, according to which this breed ranks 4th among 133 breeds in terms of intelligence. It should be noted that these dogs are excellent students who, throughout their lives, absorb information like a sponge.

Key character traits of a Golden Retriever:

  • sociability;
  • devotion;
  • love for children;
  • mental stability;
  • friendliness;
  • agreeableness.

Golden retrievers engage in fights with other dogs only in critical situations when there is a risk of harm to life and health. These are very powerful dogs, and therefore they emerge victorious from this kind of fight. The Golden Retriever is more likely to be an excellent companion than a guard dog . Because of his gullibility and kindness, it is quite easy to mislead him.

A dog of this breed should be purchased by people who already have other pets, including cats. They are not prone to dominance, and therefore treat all other animals favorably. Dogs of this breed are very playful and active.

Attitude towards children

Golden retrievers are very calm and devoid of aggression; these dogs love people and obey them in every possible way. They simply love to tinker with kids , and thanks to their stable psyche, they are able to withstand all the “bullying” of small children. According to dog experts, the pets of this breed are completely safe for children and will never harm them.


Golden Retrievers are highly trainable. Such dogs are very often used at customs, by the police, and also at airports to search for prohibited items .

You can start training puppies as early as 2 months through simple developmental exercises. At 6 months old, you can play seriously with young retrievers.


Even though Golden Retrievers were bred for hunting, they are very friendly dogs that have long been used for medicinal purposes. Canistherapy schools are opening all over the world, in which dogs help children with “special needs” adapt.

With their presence, retrievers calm, relieve stress, console, and eliminate aggressive behavior . A dog of this breed has a lot of positive energy, which is transferred to a person.

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