My Labrador is vomiting and having diarrhea, what should I do?

It happens that a beloved pet suddenly changes mood, and soon it turns out that the dog has diarrhea. This condition may be considered a minor problem, but in fact, sometimes it is an indicator of some deviations in the health of the shaggy friend. Below you will learn in detail about the symptoms of diarrhea in a dog and learn how to treat it at home.

Symptoms of diarrhea in a dog

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Diarrhea in a dog is considered to be liquid stool; feces may simply be watery. What exactly is defined as diarrhea?

  • Liquid stool;
  • Frequent bowel movements in small volumes (up to 4 times a day);
  • The stomach is “seething”;
  • It is painful for the animal to defecate, it begins to whine or moan;
  • Behavior becomes agitated or apathetic and lethargic.

Sometimes other symptoms of diarrhea in a dog are added to the above:

  • The color of the stool may change;
  • There is blood and mucus in the feces;
  • Repeated foamy or regular vomiting is added;
  • Temperature readings are either high or, conversely, very low;
  • The excrement smells very bad;
  • The dog refuses to drink or, on the contrary, experiences frequent excessive thirst.

Symptoms of poisoning

Severe vomiting in a Spitz puppy is always observed when poisoned by any toxic substances or poor-quality food. In addition to gagging, the following signs indicate intoxication:

  • lethargy and weakness of the animal;
  • the puppy is vomiting and does not eat anything;
  • increased body temperature;
  • painful condition in the abdominal area;
  • limb spasms;
  • discharge of blood from the anus, eyes or nose;
  • the dog is diarrhea.

Bloody diarrhea and vomiting observed in a puppy may be symptoms of acute intoxication. But some types of poisoning are difficult to distinguish from infectious processes, so veterinary diagnosis will be required to prescribe the correct treatment.

The main causes of loose stools

Every problem has a root cause. If your dog has diarrhea, there may be several reasons:

  1. The food chosen is of poor quality or completely unsuitable for the pet.
  2. The usual type of food has changed dramatically due to the fault of the owner. Different breeds have their own types of nutrition.
  3. Helminthic infestations.
  4. The dog is sick with parvovirus enteritis, adenovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus, an atypical form of rabies, and fungal diseases.
  5. The walls of the stomach and intestines can be damaged if the animal swallows a foreign object or bone.
  6. The body reacted in this way to antibiotics.
  7. The animal has dysbiosis or neoplasms.
  8. Diarrhea in a dog can be caused by chemical poisoning or an allergic reaction to foods or medications.
  9. Stress is also a significant factor in the occurrence of diarrhea.

general information

Vomiting is understood as a natural reaction of the body to the action of irritating factors. Various poisons, toxins or foreign objects entering the body can cause vomiting in the puppy, which causes the food in the stomach to be ejected through the mouth. In this way, the pet’s body tries to cleanse itself of harmful substances.

Vomiting, which occurs in rare cases, does not pose a threat to the baby’s life, but if gag reflexes occur more often and are accompanied by additional symptoms (impurities of blood, bile, etc.), the dog is immediately shown to a doctor. The puppy’s body is not yet strong enough, and frequent vomiting will quickly lead to dehydration and then the death of the baby.

The dog has a bloated belly and diarrhea

There is simply bloating with diarrhea. The reasons are trivial, a healthy animal defecates up to 4 times a day with moderately moist and soft feces. When feces lose their shape and become watery, this is diarrhea, which could be caused by poor nutrition, switching to a different type of food, changing the brand of food, or an allergic reaction. The dog could also have swallowed an object or have worms.

What to do

First you need to do a nutritional analysis. If a suspicious eaten product is discovered: raw meat, sour milk, low-quality or unsuitable product, then it is removed from the menu.

If the dog has overeaten, this is a signal to reduce the portion or increase the interval between meals. In this case, diarrhea will not bother the dog much.

When, despite the measures taken, the stool remains watery, a number of therapeutic measures are required.

  1. The dog should not eat anything for 24 hours, but it should be given something to drink very often. Loss of fluid in the body is a very serious matter.
  2. If the dog refuses to drink, we take him to the veterinarian to administer intravenous infusion solutions. At home, in case of diarrhea, you need to give adsorbents that will help collect and remove toxic substances and poisons.
  3. Prolonged loose stools are treated with antibiotics.

Causes of vomiting in puppies

The occurrence of nausea is influenced by many factors. The most common reasons why a puppy vomits are:

  • overfeeding the dog;
  • long stay of the animal in a stuffy room or in the sun;
  • diseases of an infectious nature, accompanied by high body temperature and general intoxication of the body;
  • the presence of helminths in the body;
  • stress associated with the transition to another type of food, weaning the puppy from its mother;
  • poisoning with spoiled food, medications, chemicals;
  • allergy;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • entry of foreign objects into the body.

The dog has diarrhea with blood and/or mucus

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A scary situation is when a dog has bloody diarrhea and/or mucus in the stool. We don’t wait, but take the pet to the veterinary clinic for examination. Immediate assistance will be provided there.

The probable cause may be mechanical damage to the intestinal walls or tumor. Only surgery will help here.

A blood test will show whether there is anemia and what could be the beginning of the inflammatory process. There they will take stool for analysis and take an x-ray of the abdominal cavity.

The cause can also be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, parasites, an atypical form of rabies, poisoning, bleeding in the large intestine, and distemper. To identify the true cause and eliminate it, you need to conduct an examination.

What to do if you have bloody diarrhea

The alarming symptom of blood in liquid stool may disappear on its own, for example, if the process is caused by scratches on the inner walls of the intestines. And it can lead to disastrous results.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe a number of therapeutic measures. If surgery is not required, the dog will be prescribed wound healing agents.

Poisoning is treated by gastric lavage right in the clinic, taking adsorbents, and antibiotic injections.

Dysbacteriosis is eliminated by adding fiber to the diet, for example, bran. The introduction of probiotics will be required, antiseptics and immunomodulators will help.

Helminthic infestations of any nature are treated with antiparasitic agents, such as milbemax, makmiror, albendozole.

Diarrhea with vomiting

If the dog begins to vomit in addition to liquid feces, then the matter takes a more complex turn. Along with liquid masses, digested and undigested food, mucus from the pharynx and stomach leave the body.

If the vomiting is one-time, then there is no need to worry for now. But if it’s repeated, then we watch the pet very carefully.

When a pet vomits several times, it becomes depressed, may refuse to eat, the temperature rises - we immediately go to the veterinarian.

Diarrhea with vomiting in a dog is often a symptom of a dangerous illness or poisoning. Especially if the mass contains foam, particles of blood, and mucus. This indicates that there may be a foreign object in the intestines.

If vomiting occurs once during diarrhea, overeating or excessively fatty, stale food may be to blame.

When there is chemical poisoning, shortness of breath is added to the vomit and loose stools, drooling profusely, and the stomach will be hard to the touch.

A symptom of poisoning with toxic poisons due to helminthiasis will be a sharp loss of weight and nausea immediately after eating.

Diarrhea with vomiting is observed with parvovirus enteritis, or otherwise canine distemper. In this case, discharge from the nose and eyes, heart rhythm disturbances, and fading of the animal will be observed.

It has been noted that the symptoms of rotavirus and coronavirus are similar, but recovery usually occurs a week after the onset of the disease. With adenovirus, in addition to diarrhea and vomit, the temperature will fluctuate from normal to high degrees, and inflammation will be noticeable in the mucous membranes of the eyes. The animal is sick for up to two weeks, the liver enlarges.

What to do if your dog has loose stools and vomiting

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Treatment is prescribed depending on the disease and its symptoms.

If vomiting occurs once or even three times, you can take measures as with typical diarrhea without complications. That is, the dog is not fed for a day, given clean fresh water, but in small doses, and adsorbents (activated carbon, smecta). If the dog is in pain, no-shpu, papaverine or their analogues are administered.

The diet is required for three to five days.

Diarrhea with vomiting may recur; in this case, a water-salt solution is administered, and fermented milk is added to the menu to support the intestinal microflora. It is advisable to give probiotics.

If the cause of loose stools and vomiting is unknown, especially if it occurs multiple times, an urgent examination and blood test are required. The veterinarian will provide all the necessary assistance, establish a diagnosis, perform surgery if necessary, and flush the stomach. You cannot help a dog at home without medical experience, instruments and medications.

Dog vomiting yellow foam: causes, treatment, prevention

Poor health of a pet always causes concern for its owner. A cause for concern is the dog's lethargy and loss of appetite. But if a dog vomits yellow foam, it especially frightens the owner and makes him wonder how dangerous it is.

Vomiting is not an independent disease. This is a symptom of a digestive disorder due to any infection, inflammation of internal organs, infection with parasites, or a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

Why does vomiting occur?

The formation of foam in the stomach of an animal is a natural process. The inner surface of the stomach is protected by mucus. There are also remains of digestive juice there. By interacting with the oxygen ingested by the dog, they form foam. It is given a slightly yellowish tint by gastric juice.

Sometimes the foam has a more pronounced bright yellow color due to bile entering the stomach. Regurgitation of yellow foam is caused by various reasons - both natural physiological and dangerous diseases.

The dog cannot tell about its health, so the owner knows that the dog is vomiting by external signs:

  • the dog licks his lips frequently;
  • refuses not only food, but also water;
  • profuse drooling;
  • rumbling in the stomach and loud belching;
  • chaotic movements, restlessness;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

Vomiting that does not require veterinary attention:

  1. Hungry vomiting.
  2. Foreign object in the stomach.

In the first case, the dog quite often burps yellow foam in the morning. This type of vomiting occurs after a long break between feedings.

In this way, the pet gets rid of excess gastric juice that has accumulated while waiting for food. If the dog burps no more than once a month and feels good after that, then there is no particular reason for concern.

The owner just needs to feed the pet more often or review its diet.

In the second case, the cause may be a pebble, a ball of hair, a piece of bone or a toy that was accidentally swallowed the day before. The owners notice that the dog eats grass while walking, thereby causing itself to vomit. Animals should not be driven away from plants. After vomiting, a foreign object is discovered in a small puddle of foam - the dog’s body itself got rid of the trouble.

If yellow foam vomits, the owner needs to monitor the condition of the animal. If after a single attack the dog is still cheerful and full of energy, enjoyed lunch and went for a walk, there is no need to worry. It is better for the dog to go on a fasting diet lasting 10-12 hours.

During this period, the animal must have sufficient fluid. Instead of water, you can give your pet pieces of ice to lick. Then the dog is offered a piece of sugar to see if the food will stay in his body. If vomiting does not resume, then you can return to your normal diet.

If one-time attacks of vomiting are observed, which are repeated once every 2-3 weeks, this indicates an incorrectly formulated diet. Changing the food and adding fermented milk products will benefit your pet's stomach and relieve it from vomiting attacks.

When vomiting is a warning sign

  1. Hepatitis is a viral infection of the liver and other internal organs. Yellow vomiting occurs repeatedly. It is accompanied by yellow-green diarrhea and fever. The dog sits with its front legs spread wide apart, which indicates pain in the abdomen. The pet should be shown to a veterinarian and given the prescribed course of treatment.
  2. Chronic gastritis is inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach. Vomiting mixed with mucus and bile usually occurs on an empty stomach, but, unlike “hungry vomiting,” the dog does not feel well: it loses appetite, loses weight, and the coat becomes dull.
  3. Stomach or intestinal ulcers, tumors of the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract lead to frequent vomiting of yellow foam along with undigested food, regardless of feeding time. Due to food retention in the stomach, the dog burps with an unpleasant odor. In these cases, a thorough diagnosis of the animal’s condition plays a primary role.
  4. Worms are parasites that live in the stomach or intestines of an animal. Worm infestation leads to constant nausea and general intoxication. A large number of helminths in the body of a dog, especially a puppy, can lead to the death of the animal.
  5. Piroplasmosis is a bite from an infected forest tick. The disease is dangerous because it develops unnoticed. The first symptoms - apathy and lethargy - appear after a few days. Vomiting and diarrhea appear later. Without treatment, 90% of bitten animals die. About half of dogs die from intoxication if the disease is diagnosed in the later stages.
  6. Infectious jaundice is caused by Leptospira bacilli. The disease affects the circulatory system and internal organs of the dog. Due to internal hemorrhages, the animal vomits blood and has diarrhea interspersed with bloody mucus. Without the help of a veterinarian, the dog dies within a few days.
  7. Cholecystitis is an inflammatory process in the gallbladder. Pathological reflux of bile into the stomach irritates the mucous membrane. This causes an attack of nausea, the dog’s body tries to get rid of the caustic contents. Belching and vomiting with yellow foam often occurs after eating. The dog's stomach growls and swells, and diarrhea or constipation appears.
  8. Sometimes puppies vomit yellow foam from upper respiratory tract diseases. The reason in this case is a “kennel infection”, which affects unvaccinated young animals under the age of 3 weeks. From a constant painful dry cough, the mucous membranes become thinner, damaged, and then droplets of blood are visible in the foam.


Treating a dog for diarrhea at home

At home, general therapy is recommended, suitable for all types of diarrhea. But if the diagnosis is accurately established, then precise treatment with the use of medications will be prescribed.

In general, the above-described recommendations on diet, identifying the cause, drinking regularly, and taking probiotics remain relevant.

It’s important to remember ways to help prevent diarrhea in your dog:

  1. You should not offer your pet bones or small objects to play with. They are easy to swallow. If the dog does not choke, the object may injure the intestinal walls.
  2. There should be no sudden changes to the menu. If for some reason it is decided to switch to a new diet, then this transition should be gradual.
  3. Leftovers from the master's table belong in the trash can, not in the dog's plate!
  4. A sure way to intestinal upset is walking near garbage containers, as well as drinking dirty, stale water.
  5. While on a walk, a family friend should not help himself to dog or other feces.
  6. Skipping vaccinations and neglecting deworming does not lead to intestinal health, but brings with it a number of very serious problems.
  7. Stress is also a source of intestinal upset, so remember that we got a dog to take care of it!

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It is impossible to completely avoid the occurrence of nausea, but by following simple rules you can reduce the risk of its occurrence. First of all, you need to pay attention to feeding your pet. The puppy should be fed only high-quality and balanced food, avoid spicy, sweet and smoked foods. In addition, it is recommended to minimize the occurrence of stressful situations.

To prevent infection with infectious diseases and helminthic infestations, the animal must be regularly vaccinated and dewormed. To avoid poisoning by toxic substances, try to closely monitor your pet (do not allow him to pick up food on the street, hide medications and household chemicals).

Sudden onset of vomiting does not always indicate pathological processes in the pet’s body. But if the urge continues for a long time and is accompanied by additional symptoms, the animal in most cases requires the help of a veterinarian.

Medicines and dosage for diarrhea in dogs

The medications that a person takes for diarrhea are in most cases suitable for a four-legged family friend, even a puppy. For complete treatment, you need to consult a veterinarian.


Loperamide and its analogues, which are offered by different manufacturers, come first. It is unlikely that a dog will happily eat such a bitter drug, so it needs to be crushed into powder, diluted with water and given to the animal.

A sick animal may resist such a tasteless method of treatment, so first we learn how to give the pill to a dog.

Dosage 0.05-0.1 mg per 0.5 kg of dog’s body weight. Give the medicine three times a day at intervals of 8 hours. Do not give loperamide for more than two days; this will lead to poisoning. This medication cannot be combined with other drugs of similar effect! This road leads to damage to the central nervous system.

An overdose will result in very persistent constipation, an apathetic or overexcited state, severe flatulence and even inflammation of the pancreas.


Smecta is also one of the most common remedies for digestive disorders. Purified clay medicine safely and effectively absorbs toxins. The powder is mixed with water at a ratio of 1 to 3.

The dosage is simple: a sachet per animal three times a day. You can inject the suspension with a syringe without a needle, pouring a thin stream into the mouth. At the same time, you need to lightly massage your throat, causing swallowing movements.

This method of massaging the throat is suitable for all medicines that have an unpleasant taste.


A product with an antibacterial effect helps in the fight against gram-positive and negative bacteria that cause digestive system disorders. The medication should not be given on an empty stomach; the dog needs to be fed a little before taking it.

The dosage is calculated at 2.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight. The medicine is taken calmly due to its sweet and mild taste.

Activated carbon

The most famous remedy for eating disorders in humans is just as effective in dogs. A tablet obtained through special processing of certain types of wood is an excellent therapeutic agent for diarrhea.

The dosage is simple: only 1 tablet per 1 kg of weight. The drug is diluted with water to a semi-liquid pulp and given with a syringe without a needle. You can give the medicine up to 4 times a day, but not after other medications. In this case, the effect of treatment may be reduced.


In addition to classic chloramphenicol, there is also chloramphenicol stearate, which is convenient in veterinary medicine for intestinal disorders due to the action of bacteria. The tablet is crushed to a powder state, mixed with 15 ml of water and poured into the pet’s throat. Can be given using a syringe.


It's better to choose another

medication, if there is such an option, since the effect of this particular medication is poorly tolerated by pets. Possible side effects include jaundice, renal failure, lethargy and central nervous system depression.

Dosage: 1 tablet per day once during the treatment period. The next day they switch to more gentle means.


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Enterosgel sorbent was developed by Soviet pharmacists, who created a product that does not react with digestive juices and other medications. Enterosgel does not provide ideal protection of mucous membranes in case of severe poisoning.

The dosage depends on the size of the animal’s body and its weight. For a small dog weighing up to 5 kg per day, it is enough to give a teaspoon of medicine; a large dog should receive up to 3 teaspoons.

A severe overdose will lead to severe constipation. Enterosgel is diluted with boiled water at room temperature in a 1:1 ratio.


Linux doesn't cure

diarrhea in dogs, but prevents it. It contains lactic acid bacteria, which give a symbiotic effect and do not conflict with the natural microflora of the animal’s intestines.

Linex is prescribed after completing a course of antibiotics, after severe poisoning, and also after any severe diarrhea. This is due to the fact that dogs have weak intestinal microflora, and diarrhea washes away beneficial microorganisms. As a result, dysbiosis develops, further worsening the situation.

Dosage is calculated depending on weight. If the dog weighs up to 10 kg, 1 capsule is needed, if more, up to 2-3 capsules twice a day. Treatment lasts 2 weeks. The drug can be taken for a long period.


Only a veterinarian should prescribe treatment for vomiting in a puppy. Based on the reason, the doctor selects the following drugs:

  • No-shpa - to relieve pain and cramps in the stomach;
  • Smecta – removes poisons and toxins from the baby’s body;
  • Metoclopramide - affects the vomiting center of the brain;
  • Omez – reduces the production of hydrochloric acid.

Intravenous drips (glucose 40%, sodium chloride, ringer lock) help restore fluid loss in cases of severe dehydration.

It is unacceptable to treat with alternative medicine recipes, as well as to prescribe medications yourself and calculate the dosage; this will lead to severe complications and even the death of your four-legged friend.

What to feed your pet with diarrhea

After the first day of therapeutic fasting, you need to wonder what to feed your suffering pet. On the first day, your pet is fed with clean water, and on the second day you can add an infusion of medicinal plants and rice water.

It is advisable to include rice boiled in water in the menu of the second and third days. As soon as the loose stool stops bothering the dog, he is treated to rice cooked in chicken or beef broth. This will help you quickly restore lost strength.

You cannot feed a lot at once, no matter how great the temptation, especially for puppies. Portions are increased gradually, as is the frequency of feeding. Feed the dog little by little, up to 6 times a day. On the second day or the day after the diarrhea has ended, you can include fermented milk products in the menu. Such food is more likely to restore the intestinal microflora.

As soon as your health improves, low-fat cottage cheese is added to your diet. On the third day, if the dog feels definitely better, he is treated to a couple of boiled eggs. White chicken meat, cooked, helps restore strength

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