Lhasa Apso - a talisman from Tibet

Characteristics and description of the breed

Height at withers: 25-28 cm,

Weight: 4-7 kg.

Acceptable color:

  • sand;
  • honey;
  • gold;
  • smoky;
  • dark gray with gray streaks;
  • black;
  • party color;
  • white;
  • brown.

Additional characteristics: a small dog with long and thick hair that flows smoothly from the body to the surface of the floor.

The Apso has a well-balanced, strong body. The head is covered with voluminous hair that covers the eyes. The muzzle is straight, about 4 cm long, decorated with a rich mustache and beard. The ears droop and have long, thick hair, reminiscent of a woman's hairstyle with straight hair.

The eyes of the Lhasa Apso are dark in color, expressive, with long eyelashes. Please note that the white of the eye should not be visible from either the top or bottom of the eyeball.

The paws are straight, parallel to each other, overgrown, and the high-set tail looks like a “plume” due to the long hair hanging from it. The dog's movements are light and free.

Keeping Lhasa Apso at home

The Lhasa Apso is a dog ideal for keeping at home. Despite its long and thick coat, this dog practically does not shed, so even people with allergies to wool buy this breed for their home.


Lhasa Apsos are very inquisitive, but at the same time very calm - you will not hear barking at every rustle and rustle outside the door. Cheerful, but not hyperactive, this dog does not require long walks; it can spend its energy in indoor games.

Apso is not picky about food - it can eat both ready-made food and homemade human food. Eat small portions, but fresh water should always be freely available.


The Lhasa Apso is a very hardy and healthy dog, but it does not tolerate sudden temperature changes and strong winds, so it is better to refrain from walking in bad weather. To maintain health, you need to regularly take your dog for examination to a veterinarian. Pay special attention to the eyes and kidneys - these organs are the most vulnerable in the Lhasa Apso.

With proper care and a balanced diet, the Lhasa Apso can live up to 20 years. The longest living apso was Tim, who lived for 29 years.

History of the Lhasa Apso breed

Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of modern Lhasa Apsos appeared in distant Tibet. The breed was developed by Tibetan monks , who believed that the small apso was a talisman warning owners of impending danger. They lived in temples, where only sacred animals . Tibetans believed that dogs were sometimes possessed by the souls of dead people.

Puppies of this dog breed were not previously sold; they could only be received as a gift from Tibetan monks, as a sign of extreme respect and good attitude towards humans.

The breed first crossed the borders of European countries at the end of the 19th century. Opinions differ about who first brought Lhasa to Europe. According to one version, the dog came to the British Isles thanks to the Baileys.

The first description was made by Lionel Jacobs in 1901. And the Lhasa Apso came to an exhibition in London in 1929

Only a few representatives of the breed came to Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, but almost no breeding was done.

Note that the standard of the Lhasa Apso has remained virtually unchanged throughout the entire existence of the breed, which is more than one thousand years, since the first mentions of these dogs date back to the 1st-2nd centuries BC. e .

How to choose a puppy and its price

If you are planning to buy a puppy for show or breeding use, contact certified kennels or shows. There they will find you a healthy, good dog with a pedigree and other documents. Choose a kennel marked by the Russian Cynological Organization - this is a guarantee of the breed of dogs. If you want to have a pet that you will not breed with anyone and take to shows, you can buy a puppy from a private breeder or just second-hand.

When buying a Tibetan Terrier, first of all pay attention to its temperament and character - how well they correspond to the description of the breed. A hyperactive dog will destroy your home, and a cowardly one will not be able to protect you. Always look at the puppy in the room in which he grew up - these conditions are familiar to him.

How to choose a puppy and its price
Take a closer look at those who go to hand. Ask the owner of the kennel about each specific dog, he will tell you whether they have congenital defects, recommend the one that is right for you, and advise you on prices. To make your choice, examine as many dogs as possible - the wider the search range, the higher the likelihood of choosing the best dog.

Did you know? Dogs were first domesticated approximately 16,000 years ago in what is now China. Genetic analyzes have shown that the pedigree of any dog ​​can be traced back to the first wild wolves, which gave rise to all breeds bred by humans.

The average cost of a purebred Tsang Apso puppy with all documents is $600. If you buy a puppy secondhand or online, the price drops to $300-$400. Males are valued higher than females - they often win at shows and litters. Bitches are less trainable, but are able to bear offspring. Males are more conflicting - if you take a male, get ready to train him and show him which of the two of you is more authoritative.

Focus on the puppy's appearance. Puppies in the litter should be fat, well-fed, clean, with shiny fur and not scared. Be sure to feel the puppy’s skin; there should be no ulcers or dry flaky areas under the fur. The Tsang Apso's eyes should be clean, the nose black, wet, without mucous discharge. The puppy's bite will still change, look how healthy his dentition is. A healthy, balanced terrier will calmly endure the entire test and will not want to get away with it.

How to choose a puppy

Character and temperament

Apso is a unique and contradictory dog. According to the breeders, despite its small size, it has the soul and heart of a large dog. They are cheerful and funny, independent friends, but at the same time they require increased attention, special patience, and they need strict discipline.


  • patience;
  • friendliness towards owners and family members;
  • vigilance and caution;
  • playfulness and energy;
  • self confidence;
  • fearlessness;
  • attachment to people.

But representatives of this breed also have disadvantages :

  • Lhasa are wayward;
  • the dog requires attention and a subtle understanding of its nature;
  • don't like to be alone.

Pros and cons of the breed

Tibetan terriers have been bred in Russia for just over 10 years, but owners who are prone to allergies have already managed to appreciate the merits of the breed. The dog's hair does not cause irritation, does not have a specific odor, and does not shed. The advantages of owning a Tibetan Terrier include:

  1. Attractive appearance.
  2. Long lifespan.
  3. No problems during training.

A cheerful and active dog does not let its owner get bored, does not show aggressiveness, and with proper upbringing it becomes both a friend and a companion.

The terrier's long and beautiful coat requires regular and thorough combing and the purchase of expensive vitamins. The pet loses teeth early and is exposed to viral diseases.

Tibetan Terrier

Man and dog

Apso gets along well with children and tolerates their mischief and tricks for the time being. Feels great in a crowded company.

Despite its “decorative” appearance, it easily guides its owners on hikes and travels and tolerates the road well. Apso is energetic , so lying on his knees endlessly is not suitable for him. This is an excellent companion dog.

Due to its stubborn and capricious nature, the Apso does not get along with other dogs and cats - it is better to take the Lhasa to a family where there are no other pets.

Interesting facts about the breed

The traditional Chinese dog has long been taboo. A lot of interesting things are connected with its name, history and origin:

Shih Tzu sitting on the floor

  • the name of the breed is translated from Chinese as “lion cub”;
  • dogs are called “chrysanthemum” because of the hair growing in all directions on the face;
  • according to legend, the Shih Tzu is the Buddha’s dog, which always accompanied him and, if necessary, turned into a lion;
  • until the middle of the 20th century. the breed was considered forbidden and could only belong to members of the imperial family;
  • For illegally keeping a Shih Tzu, a person could be executed.

Despite its very attractive and bright appearance, the dog is not considered decorative. She is a wonderful companion: intelligent, loyal, courageous, active and vigilant.

Maintenance and care

Place the bed in the apartment in a calm and cozy place, protected from strong drafts. Lhasa love to sleep on soft surfaces , so it is quite possible to buy a dog sofa or lay out a large pillow for them. Apsos should only be kept indoors - their beautiful fur will deteriorate outside.

You need to walk at least 2-3 times a day, and one walk should be long and include active games.

This dog eats little; the diet should include all the basic components necessary for any breed. Avoid fatty and spicy foods, as well as any food from your table. It is best to accustom your pet to premium dry food. But do not overfeed your dog - Lhasa dogs are prone to excess weight.

The pride of this small breed is its luxurious flowing coat, which requires daily care .

The dog is combed with a special brush and comb for 30-40 minutes , unraveling tangles and straightening the fur. By the way, it practically does not get wet and does not get dirty in wet weather.

After eating, you should wash the dog's face, and after walks, the paws and genital area. As the dog grows, the hair between its toes is trimmed.

Teeth are brushed weekly with a small brush, ears are also cleaned once a week.

The eyes are a vulnerable part of the body; they must be wiped daily with a damp swab.

Training and education

A terrier will grow up obedient if, from the age of three months, he is taught to respond to his name and follow simple commands. So that the child does not get tired and can concentrate, it is recommended to alternate the lesson, which should not last more than half an hour, with games and encouragement. You cannot raise your voice or punish the puppy, otherwise the owner will lose the dog’s trust, which is difficult to restore.

Raising a small terrier is aimed at addiction:

  • to the leash and collar;
  • to street sounds;
  • to transport
  • to other animals;

The puppy should be prohibited from picking up foreign objects; it is better to engage in dog sports with the pet. The Tibetan Terrier should be taken for walks at least 3 times a day. During training, which lasts about six months, the owner needs to be patient with the pet, even when it shows character.


The Lhasa Apso is a dog breed that requires strict, step-by-step training. They are smart, but obstinate , and the pet always needs to be explained “what is good and what is bad.” Avoid harsh methods and shouting at the animal.

A dog can be stubborn, but if the owner builds a harmonious relationship with it, it will obey the owner unquestioningly.

Apso is not suitable for inexperienced dog breeders and beginners in the field of cynology.

Description of the character of the Tibetan spaniel breed

  • The Tibetan Spaniel has a rather calm disposition, he is brave, devoted to his owner, and is able to adapt to any living conditions. Nowadays it is most often bought by families to live in a cozy house or apartment; it is everyone’s favorite.
  • The baby is quite active, friendly, and ready to play all day long. Loves all family members, incapable of betrayal.
  • He can treat strangers patiently, but with caution.
  • The spaniel has a personal opinion and loves to express his temper. He needs to be provided with personal space, given time to be alone with himself. If you limit his personal territory, it will bring him mental anguish, he will look sick.
  • Despite the fact that the dog is small, it is quite brave and always stands up for itself and for its family. But he treats other people's dogs quite reservedly and will not bark unnecessarily.
  • She is active, cheerful, and requires constant attention. Her trust will be earned by those who play with her often.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of dogs with luxurious hair.

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Similar breeds

There are two breeds similar to the Tibetan Mastiff, but they have breed characteristics.

The first dog that comes to mind is the Banhar or Mongolian Shepherd. Unlike the Tibetan Mastiff, the Banhar is smaller and less shaggy, and its character is a little more aggressive, but they are similar and belong to the same guard dog group.

Another example would be a dog of the Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound breed. Like the Tibetan Mastiff, this breed comes from the mountains of Tibet.

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