How old do mini Chihuahuas grow?

What proportions should a dog have?

The Chihuahua is a very small dog. Its purity is evidenced by its appearance conforming to the following parameters:

  • the body is compact, miniature and even lean. The muscles are clearly visible, the back is straight, the buttocks are rounded. The height of a male at the withers is 23 cm, that of a female is 18 cm;
  • the head is shaped like an uneven circle, sometimes resembling an apple. There is a fontanel on the skull - a molera;
  • the nose is slightly turned up;
  • round, large eyes, often dark, but sometimes there are dogs with light eyes;

Long-haired and short-haired dogs

  • the tail is curved in a semicircle and elongated. The tip of the tail always points towards the lower back if the dog is calm and not irritated by anything. In dogs when excited, the tail curls into a ring;
  • limbs are strong, sinewy;
  • The ears are large, elongated, always erect. The tips of the ears are rounded;
  • There are long-haired and short-haired dogs. The short-haired representatives of the breed have a soft, shiny coat. Long-haired dogs have a beautiful collar on the chest and bloomers on the paws. The tip of the tail is fluffy. The fur is straight;
  • The most common dogs are speckled, chocolate, red or spotted. The coat color does not affect the purity of the breed; it can be anything.

Note! Chihuahuas are playful, very active, and it is not easy to keep up with them, so the dog should not be let off the leash if the owner does not have the proper degree of mobility. As an option, you can teach the dog special commands, that it needs to constantly return to the person. They learn quickly. It's easy for a small dog to get lost in a crowd.

Different coat colors

To what age do representatives of the breed grow?

Kitten weight by month: correct ratio table

The puppy's weight and height change rapidly during the first month of life. Every day the weight doubles. But you can understand what size a dog will be only after it is 1 year old. By this time, most puppies reach the weight and height of an adult dog. But they don't stop growing. A dog's body stops changing by the age of 1.5 years.

Important! A dog is considered an adult when it reaches 1 year of age. But even after that it grows for another six months, most often in width.

Gradually, the formed fat layer will disappear, and the dog will become lean. Naturally, if the owner takes care that he eats properly. If your dog eats well, exercises a lot, but is still too fat, you should contact your veterinarian.

What determines the size and weight of a Chihuahua?

Alabai: weight of an adult dog and puppy by month

The size and weight of the dog depend on the following factors:

  • the puppy belongs to one of 3 varieties - lines found in the breed. It is genetic characteristics that determine the size of a dog. So, some puppies grow up to be massive, while others, even by the standards of their breed, remain miniature. Height and weight are affected by various genetic diseases. If the puppy is not growing, you need to show it to the veterinarian;
  • time of mating and estrus. If a dog takes a walk ahead of schedule, it may stop growing and not reach the standard height and weight requirements for the breed;
  • the quality of life. The puppy must be fed in accordance with the requirements of its age and breed. It is impossible to underfeed or overfeed a dog in order to obtain an ideal-sized pet. Puppies that are underfed at an early age, upon reaching adulthood, indeed remain very small, but they often develop vitamin deficiency and chronic diseases of internal organs and limbs;
  • physical activity. The dog is very active, but there are puppies that are not prone to long runs. They often get fat and are usually lower at the withers than other representatives of the breed.

Note! A dog’s weight is also related to the parameters that were inherent to him from birth. If a newborn puppy weighed no more than 80 g, then there is a high probability that an adult will weigh very little - 1.5-2 kg. A puppy born weighing 150-170 g can weigh up to 3 kg when it reaches one year. A special table helps determine the exact weight of the puppy.

Mini and standard sizes

Growth rate

Newborn Chihuahuas usually weigh only about 100 grams (maximum range from 75 to 200 grams). Chihuahua puppies experience their fastest growth during the first month after birth, doubling their size in just a few days.

Chihuahuas reach their full adult size in about one year. However, during this time they may have several periods of rapid growth and weight gain. If your Chihuahua does not grow in height or weight within 4 weeks, it should be taken to a veterinarian for a checkup. Based on this, the most appropriate frequency for weighing chi is once a month, or once every 4 weeks.

Although a one-year-old Chihuahua is already considered an adult, the dog may become fully developed a little later, between 12 and 18 months of age. During the last months, the Chihuahua's chest often enlarges and develops muscles. The weight of the breed according to the standard is from 1.5 to 3 kg, height - from 15 to 23 cm.

Probable weight of an adult Chihuahua based on weight at 8 weeks:

Weight at 8 weeks (2 months)Final weight of an adult dog
0.31 kg0.91 kg
0.36 kg1.13 kg
0.45 kg1.36 kg
0.53 kg1.58 kg
0.60 kg1.81 kg
0.68 kg2.04 kg
0.76 kg2.26 kg
0.93 kg2.72 kg
1.10 kg3.18 kg

What is the table for?

Pregnancy of a Chihuahua by day and childbirth in a dog

A puppy height and weight gain chart is essential for all owners of small Chihuahuas. It helps to find out about existing problems in a timely manner, understand whether the dog is developing correctly, and, if necessary, contact a veterinarian.

The table contains important data about the weight and height of the pet in each month of its life. If your dog quickly gained weight and then suddenly lost weight, do not panic; you can always compare real data and information from the table. Sometimes losing weight or gaining weight at certain times in a puppy's life is normal. A small dog doesn't move much, so it gains weight better. Having learned to stand on his feet normally, and then to run, the puppy quickly gets rid of extra pounds.

Official data helps the breeder decide which category the puppy belongs to, whether it belongs to:

  • standard line (adults weigh from 2.3 to 3 kg);
  • small standard (1.8-2.3 kg);
  • mini dogs (1.5-1.8 kg);
  • super miri line (0.5-1.5 kg).

If there is a need, then, based on the data obtained, they try to correct the puppy’s weight (feed more or less, walk more often).

The puppy’s weight needs to be monitored using a special table.

Animal sizes

Chihuahua has small parameters. This is the smallest breed in the world, so the owner must forget about his health. The puppy has an average weight of approximately 100 grams. If the female gave birth to many cubs, then the weight may be less, so there is no need to worry too much. Even the smallest puppies can manage to gain all the necessary kilograms in a short period of time.

An adult dog is 15-23 cm tall and should weigh no more than 3 kg. The weight standard varies depending on the age of the pet. Generally, a boy is taller and heavier than a girl. If a person is going to take their dog to an exhibition, then they can be disqualified if the weight is more than 3 kg or less than 500 g.

Table of dog weight and height at the withers

Chihuahua dog weight chart by month is an important tool that all Chihuahua breeders use.

Age, monthWeight according to line, g
Super miniHeight, cmMiniHeight, cmSmall standardHeight, cmStandardHeight, cm

For your information! To determine the weight of a dog, a three-month-old puppy can be weighed and the result obtained multiplied by 2. These will be the parameters of an adult.

How to use the table

Every 30 days the puppy is weighed and measured at the withers. If its parameters fall significantly short of the specified standard, contact a specialist. There is no reason to appeal if the parameters deviate by a few grams down or up.

Mini individuals

The weight of a mini Chihuahua is approximately 1.5 kg. The height at the withers is about 14-16 cm. At the same time, the breed standard does not indicate the varieties, they simply do not exist; the parameter for classifying dogs by height and weight was introduced by breeders for convenience.

Minis have the same playful character as most larger representatives of the breed. They are affectionate and sociable, but need firm guidance from their owner. Otherwise, dogs grow up to be aggressive, cowardly and hysterical.

Minis are not included in the standard

How puppies grow

From birth to 10 months, a Chihuahua gains 30-60 g of weight every week. Closer to a year, the puppy begins to grow more actively, he eats more, so he can gain 120-150 g weekly. Sometimes dramatic changes in weight are observed already in six-month-old individuals.

Important! The puppy's weight and body size increase sharply. Up to 1.5 years this is not a deviation. The dog is still growing. If after the specified time the dog continues to change, becoming higher at the withers, then most likely he is not a purebred Chihuahua.

The weight of the Chihuahua is determined after weighing, be sure to compare the data obtained with a table of basic parameters. If the puppy was born very small, but is viable, eats well and is growing in size, there is no cause for concern. In the first four weeks of life, a Chihuahua weighs from 200 to 450 g, this difference is considered normal.

When determining the weight of six-month and one-year-old dogs, the availability of nutritious food and an active lifestyle are taken into account. If your dog eats frequently and doesn't look thin, but is very small, smaller than other toy breeds, you can take him to the vet. But there are dogs that weigh no more than 1 kg per year, while the weight of adult Chihuahuas of the same breed reaches 2.5 and 3 kg.

Photos of what newborn puppies look like

Newborn Chihuahua puppies are born absolutely helpless: they take their first breath only after their mother has nursed them and freed them from mucus.

Their eyes and ears are tightly closed, and due to their extremely low weight, they are unable to maintain the desired body temperature on their own . It is vital for them to huddle close to their mother and littermates.

Newborn puppies have a reflex to turn towards a heat source, so for the first days they lie with their muzzle buried in their mother’s belly.

When do they open their eyes?

Two weeks after birth, puppies begin to open their eyes . At this time, they and their mother can be moved from the box bed to a more spacious playpen with a dedicated sleeping area.

Dimensions and weight

A newborn Chihuahua puppy easily fits in the palm of your hand and weighs from 70 to 160 grams . It is very rare, but it happens that there may be a “super-large” puppy in the litter, whose weight reaches up to 200 grams.

Chihuahua clothing size

Before buying clothes for a dog, measure:

  • length of the back from the base of the tail to the withers;
  • neck girth;
  • chest girth.

Most often, Chihuahuas choose clothes in the following sizes:

  • XS. This is the smallest size, suitable for dogs with a back length of 15 to 20 cm, a chest girth of up to 28 cm, and a neck girth of 12 to 20 cm. Clothes of this size are sewn for puppies and mini Chihuahuas that weigh up to 1.2 kg;
  • S. If a dog has a back length of 21-24 cm, a chest of no more than 35 cm in girth, and a neck of no more than 23 cm, then clothes marked S are suitable for it. Various overalls and blouses of this size are sewn on mini Chihuahuas weighing on average up to 2.3 kg;
  • M. Clothes of this size are worn by standard individuals with a back length of up to 28 cm, chest girth of up to 46 cm and neck girth of up to 31 cm.

Note! Some dogs buy clothes in size L. This is necessary if the dog weighs more than 3 kg and has a back length of up to 33 cm. To determine the size, use the Chihuahua growth chart.

Puppy weight by month

Chihuahuas are born weighing 75-170 g. The ideal weight is about 100 g. During the first 3 weeks, the owner must record the dynamics of weight every day, then once a week, and after 6 months, once a month.

Each period has its own norms for height and weight gain. On the 2-3rd day after birth, the puppy may lose 5-10 g. But after that, he begins to actively recover. And by week 2, its weight can double.

On average, Chihuahuas should reach their final height and weight by 8-10 months, after changing teeth. During this time, they experience several sharp growth spurts, as well as periods of growth cessation. Within six months, the dog becomes 3 times heavier than at birth, and 2 times larger. By 9-10 months, the final formation of the inert system occurs. During this period, the head and chest become stronger, the body expands. You can accurately determine how tall a Chihuahua will grow in about six months.

How to stop a dog from stealing food from the table? Look at the permitted and prohibited methods of correcting your pet's behavior.

The first signs, symptoms and effective methods of treating tick-borne anaplasmosis in dogs are written on this page.

Weight norm for a Chihuahua:

Chihuahua weight by month table

Important! If within 4 weeks the puppy does not gain weight or grow, it must be shown to a specialist.

Deviations from the norm

Deviations from the breed norm are common. But all of them are mostly associated with the genetic characteristics of a particular puppy or with improper care for it by the owners. So, if a dog is underfed, starting from birth, then it grows even smaller than it should be. You shouldn't overfeed your Chihuahua either; they love to eat and never refuse extra food in their bowl. If the dog does not move enough, there is a risk of developing obesity, which will have to be combated using medical methods.

A deviation is considered to be too much growth of the dog. 24-25 cm at the withers is almost the limit for a male. Females are even smaller. Chihuahuas, whose growth was small from birth, usually do not reach the standard parameters, always maintaining a minimum body weight.

Comparison of Chihuahua sizes with other dwarf breeds

The Chihuahua is truly the smallest dog in the world. For comparison, other dwarf breeds both in weight and size greatly exceed this small, almost pocket dog.

Yorkies are the second most popular after Chihuahuas.

  • Yorkshire Terrier. Weighs up to 3 kg, at the withers reaches a height of 23 cm. This almost corresponds to the standard size of a Chihuahua.
  • Pomeranian Spitz. An adult weighs up to 3.2 kg with a height of 18 to 30 cm at the withers.
  • Maltese. A dwarf dog of this breed can weigh 3-4 kg with a height of no more than 25 cm.
  • Brussels Griffon. Weighs up to 6 kg with a height of only 25-30 cm.
  • King Charles Spaniel. Weighs more than 6 kg with a height of just over 30 cm at the withers.
  • Pug. A small dog that sometimes weighs over 8 kg. Her height is 25-35 cm.

Chihuahuas are closest in parameters to the Yorkshire Terrier and Pomeranian Spitz.

Dog breeders all over the world happily breed Chihuahuas. This small dog thrives in limited living space, weighs and takes up very little space, is cheerful and friendly. When choosing a pet, pay special attention to the weight and size of the puppy. If the future owner does not know what parameters a purebred dog must meet, it is better to check the weight and size table, and also make a deal to purchase a puppy after examining it by a veterinarian. The specialist will tell you how much a Chihuahua weighs at a certain age, what to feed and how to care for the dog.

General form

The Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. This mini breed has an elegant appearance and a compact body structure: the height at the withers is proportional to the weight of the animal. She always proudly and high holds her medium-length tail, curled into a half ring. The tail should always be directed towards the straight line of the lower back.

The structure of the mini dog’s skull has a striking distinctive feature that is not inherent in other breeds: a small gap is formed between its bones, called a fontanel, which almost never closes.

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