How does a Chihuahua go into heat?

Signs of the onset of estrus

At what age does estrus begin?

The estrous cycle in Chihuahuas begins between six months and two years of age. The norm is 6-7 months, but there are often cases when the process is delayed in a dog. If your girl is not yet one and a half to two years old, don’t panic! If in doubt, take your dog to the vet.

Chihuahuas start estrus at 6-7 months

Signs of the first heat

Have you noticed any strange behavior in your pet? It is likely that she is beginning to have “critical” days. First signs of estrus:

  1. A sharp change in character. During a difficult period for her, a Chihuahua girl can become either lethargic or overly irritable and aggressive. Especially towards other people and animals.
  2. The dog begins to mark its territory. On walks, he breaks off the leash in attempts to escape.
  3. Pale pink discharge from the loop. They may not exist, since Chihuahuas tend to lick themselves frequently.
  4. Swelling of the vulva. In the very first days, the loop increases slightly in size. Around the middle of estrus, it becomes approximately 2-3 times larger.

A certain smell is released to which male dogs react. If your dog has become popular with the opposite sex, you should know that estrus is close.

How often does a Chihuahua go into heat?

As a rule, Chihuahuas come into heat twice a year, i.e. at intervals of once every 6-7 months. There are bitches that bleed no more than once a year, which is not a pathology. Moreover, domestic dogs do not have a set breeding season, so the onset of estrus is not related to the time of year.

Create and regularly maintain a calendar of your estrous cycle. The graph will allow you to calculate the frequency of the sexual cycle in a Chihuahua. A significant delay may indicate diseases of the genitourinary system and hormonal disorders.

Unlike humans, dogs do not experience menopause, so the female dog remains fertile for the rest of her life. However, from the age of 6 years, the time interval between estrus (anestrus stage) will begin to increase, and estrus will begin to decrease.

Hidden heat

Hidden estrus is an estrus that occurs without discharge, but during it the process in the ovaries still occurs. Hidden estrus is rare, but generally does not threaten the animal in any way. Bitches in latent estrus successfully mate and give birth to healthy offspring.

How to detect hidden heat

Bitches tend to curl their tails and move them to the side during heat. This makes it easier for animals to mate. This action is called “flagging”. Lightly scratch your dog's lower back. If she flags, she is likely to have started her estrous cycle.

Alternatively, you can take your dog to the vet. He will take blood for a progesterone test. If a bitch has a low level of the hormone, there is no cycle; medium indicates estrus; high indicates the dog is pregnant.

During heat, a dog curls its tail in preparation for mating.

First signs

Estrus in Chihuahua dogs, how it goes, duration, care, when it starts.
Well, congratulations on this event, your baby has grown up. During this period, the young madam will try to escape, flirt with all the males in the circle, even those she did not like. Oh, how many nerves you will lose while walking during this period. Guard your dog, not the other way around.

Estrus in Chihuahua dogs, how it goes, duration, care, when it starts.
It happens that bitches feel bad during heat, which will affect their mood and behavior. The loop begins to swell, the nipples increase in size, and soon you will notice a dark discharge. A smell appears to which males actively react.

How does your pet go into heat?

Veterinarians distinguish 4 stages of estrus:

  1. Proestrus is the preparatory phase. Duration – 7-10 days. The dog's loop swells, the female actively marks her territory. On the 4th day, bleeding appears. At this time, the Chihuahua is aggressive towards males, because it is not yet ready to mate.
  2. Estrus is the most important phase during which ovulation occurs. Lasts from a week to 9-14 days. Lubricant is released abundantly, the dog is ready to become a mother. She stops reacting aggressively to males and allows them to approach her.
  3. Metestrus is the final phase. Lasts a couple of days. The discharge disappears, the Chihuahua loses interest in male dogs. Progesterone levels gradually decrease.
  4. Anestrus is the period between cycles. If fertilization does not occur, the dog gradually returns to normal life until the next cycle.

How it goes

Estrus is conventionally divided into several periods.

Proestrus (precursor)

Lasts 6-9 days. At this time, the dog becomes nervous and shows aggression not only towards people, but also towards males. After 7-10 days from the beginning, the loop (vulva) becomes soft and increases in volume, the discharge is pale and scanty. It’s too early to do the mating.

Estrus (rutting)

Ovulation period. The bitch is ready to let the dog approach her. The discharge changes color and becomes more intense. The best time to breed is when they are pale pink and the vulva is as swollen as possible. The dog will begin to characteristically raise its pelvis, exposing the noose, fall on its front paws, move its tail to the side and freeze. This period lasts until the thirteenth day from the start of estrus.

Metestrus (luteal phase of the reproductive cycle)

Within about eight days, estrus ends. The swelling of the loop subsides, and it gradually returns to normal. At this stage, the Chihuahua's progesterone levels increase. If mating has taken place, you will soon get offspring. If not, a false pregnancy may occur, which will go away on its own.

How long does a Chihuahua's heat last and how to monitor your dog during this period?


A period of rest begins, which lasts 100-150 days.

Care during heat

During the cycle, the Chihuahua needs increased attention and care. The matter concerns not only her health: bloody discharge can stain the furniture in the house if it is not noticed in time. Knowing how to properly care for a girl during her estrous cycle will help you avoid many problems.

Hygienic panties

Special panties are a useful acquisition that will protect your belongings from unwanted marks. These panties are sold in every veterinary store. As a rule, separate hygiene panties for Chihuahuas are not produced. Please inquire about product availability for miniature breeds.

There are no problems with accessibility. Another thing is that the dog tries to pull off an incomprehensible accessory. It is important to ensure that this does not happen.

Also, for security, attach a feminine sanitary pad to the inside of your panties. This will reduce the risk of infection and leakage.

Chihuahua hygiene during heat

How to keep your dog clean during her cycle:

  1. Allow the animal to run around without sanitary underpants for several hours a day. There is no need to wear them outside either.
  2. When walking, it is especially important to keep an eye on your Chihuahua. Choose places where there are fewer dogs. If you see suspicious male dogs, take the girl in your arms. Do not let her off the leash under any circumstances.
  3. Do not allow the animal to remain on cold surfaces for a long time. During heat, the dog is most vulnerable to disease.
  4. If possible, avoid walking during cold weather. Do not allow your dog to lie in puddles or sit in the snow.
  5. Keep your genitals clean. But don't put foreign objects in there. If your Chihuahua has long hair, carefully trim the hair in the genital area.

Keeping your dog clean during this time is very important; the animal is especially prone to infections during this period.

What signs indicate the onset of heat?

Against the background of hormonal changes, the onset of estrus in a Chihuahua is indicated by the following psychological and physiological signs:

  • nervous and capricious behavior;
  • excessive vigilance;
  • impaired concentration;
  • frequent urination;
  • swollen, enlarged nipples and loop;
  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • regular care of the external genitalia;
  • increased sexual desire for male dogs.

When a male dog approaches or touches the rump with his hand, the bitch, who is in the estrus stage, moves her tail to the side in anticipation of mating. Behavior indicates the female’s receptivity to males and physiological readiness for reproduction.

At the same time, the amount of vaginal discharge is reduced, and its color becomes light pink. Cloudy discharge with a pungent odor indicates inflammatory processes in the reproductive system.

The greatest discomfort for the owner of a Chihuahua is caused by bloody marks left by a bitch in heat on bedding, clothing, furniture and the floor. During estrus, specialized hygiene panties for dogs will help solve the problem. You can make it yourself or order it online. Price: from 450 rubles.

Owners notice that during estrus, Chihuahuas urinate more often than usual, and the urine emits a specific odor. This is due to the high concentration of pheromones in the urine, which serve as a signal for male dogs. They are able to smell a female in heat at a distance of several kilometers.

Some owners resort to hormonal agents such as Covinan to suppress sexual desire in Chihuahuas. This should not be done without first consulting a veterinarian. If breeding is not included in the owner's plans, then sterilization would be a humane solution. Hormonal drugs cause a serious blow to the endocrine system, increasing the risk of truly terrible side complications. Also, "Covinan" is used for manifestations of false pregnancy in Chihuahuas according to the testimony of a specialist.

Problems during estrus

What possible problems should you pay attention to:

  • absence of the estrous cycle in Chihuahuas older than 2 years;
  • unnatural color of discharge (the norm is from pink to dark red);
  • copious discharge;
  • foul odor from the genitals;
  • complete absence of cycles, including in older dogs;
  • the cycle lasts longer than a month, and the frequency is more than 2 times a year.

Gynecological problems can arise from both improper care and other diseases.

All of the above may indicate the presence of serious health problems with the animal. If you notice some symptoms, do not self-diagnose. Show your pet to a specialist as soon as possible.

Diseases associated with the reproductive system of the Chihuahua:

  • endometritis;
  • pyometra;
  • breast neoplasms.

When to breed?

Mating is carried out at stage 2 of the cycle called “estrus”, i.e. on days 9-14. By this point, the male has already been chosen, everything should be perfectly planned. Don't chance a girl with males from the street. It is better to negotiate with familiar dog breeders. If your Chihuahua is well-born, mating is carried out only with the same registered male.

The bitch must be kind to the dog. This means she is ready. But after successful mating, it doesn’t hurt to carry out a control mating after a couple of days.

Chihuahuas can begin breeding when they reach puberty.

At what age should you breed a Chihuahua?

Theoretically, Chihuahuas can be crossed once they reach sexual maturity. It occurs with the appearance of the first heat. However, early and late mating are undesirable for the dog. However, it is much worse when the dog is not ripe for childbirth. Early mating is fraught with problems with pregnancy: the inability to carry a fetus to term, problems during childbirth. Early mating also has a bad effect on the dog’s sexual development. The optimal age for mating is 2 years. Upon reaching 2 years of age, the Chihuahua becomes a sexually mature individual, pregnancy and childbirth occur under the most favorable conditions.

For the first mating, the weight of the Chihuahua must be at least 2 kg

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