English Cocker Spaniel With Docked Tail Can Participate in Shows

author Neroda Margarita
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Please tell me when it is necessary to cut the tails of English Cocker Spaniel puppies - at 2 weeks or at 1 month?


Good afternoon. The question of whether a spaniel's tail needs to be docked is decided individually by the puppy's owner. This is not to say that this is a strict necessity. This procedure will be beneficial for the hunting dog. When getting a companion puppy, it is recommended to leave the tail long. Planning to take your pet to exhibitions and shows since 2006, there is also no need to trim the tail. Now English Cocker Spaniels can be contenders and winners of dog shows with natural length tails! Take everything described into consideration before making such a drastic decision - the mobile appendage will not grow back.

Natural beauty

A dog breeder can leave an English Cocker Spaniel with a tail given by nature. Its length reaches 13 cm. In this case, it is important to properly care for the appendage:

  • the haircut is done in the shape of a wedge;
  • Under the tail, a hygienic haircut is required.

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Remember: it is better to preserve the appendage with which the puppy was born than to cut it incorrectly, crookedly, turning the tail into an ugly stump. The operation is entrusted to a professional veterinarian with experience in performing the procedure.

Please tell me when it is necessary to cut the tails of English Cocker Spaniel puppies - at 2 weeks or at 1 month?

Accepted Standards

  • The breed standard does not regulate the shape and length of the tail.
  • The appendage may be trimmed and long.
  • The shape can range from log-like to twisted into a ring.
  • In some Scandinavian countries, docking is prohibited by law.

The ideal time for tail docking for American Cocker Spaniels is up to 5 days after the puppies are born! Based on the question posed, we recommend keeping it within 2 weeks of your pet’s life.

Interestingly, there is a rule about the length of the tail that is left after the appendage is trimmed. The length is about 19 mm. This standard corresponds to puppies whose age is no more than 1 week. The rule applies to the American Cocker Spaniel breed. At an older age, circumcision occurs at ½ length.

English Cocker Spaniel care and maintenance of a beautiful breed. How to groom a dog before a show

You chose the English Cocker Spaniel for good reason. This is a magnificent breed. A playful and friendly English Cocker Spaniel will give you a lot of wonderful moments in life. Its care and maintenance cannot be called simple, but only for exhibition specimens. In general, dogs of this breed are quite unpretentious.

Of course, your pet’s thick coat will require some attention and time. Caring for long ears should be competent and regular, as well as trimming the claws, as well as brushing the teeth of the little hunter. Every spaniel owner should know his care responsibilities, because we are responsible for the one we have tamed.

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Tail docking

The decision made to circumcise the appendage must be correctly translated into reality:

  1. Cupping is carried out in the first days of the pet’s life (up to 5 days);
  2. Further pruning is carried out up to 2.5 months. In this case, the appendix is ​​anesthetized (local), sutures are applied;
  3. Adult dogs have their tail docked as needed. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia;
  4. The need is justified by a number of injuries - festering wounds, fractures, burns;
  5. Surgery is strictly contraindicated for sick puppies.

Why do they do docking for purebred dogs? What is this procedure?

Tail docking surgery for some dog breeds is done primarily for aesthetic purposes.

to preserve the dog's appearance, which is typical for a particular breed. But if we talk about hunting or service dogs, for which docking is mandatory, then in relation to dwarf dog breeds this is simply stupid.

Cocker Spaniel English Must Have Tail Cropped

It's too late to dock your tail

this is usually done in the first days of life. And by the way, this is not necessary, as far as I know. By the way, I haven’t heard of “Russian Cocker Spaniels”, maybe a Russian Hunting Spaniel?

yes, Russian hunter spaniel

I bought her when she was a month old. I called the veterinary clinic and they said that first vaccinations, and then the tail can be docked, but this is under anesthesia. Therefore, I wonder who docked the dog at 2-3 months, how they will cope with this operation.

Are you not happy with a dog with a tail?

You can leave it like that, they are beautiful with tails. and docking a tail for a dog of this age is stressful for a dog.”

You want to dock your baby's tail.

Do you really want to dock your ponytail? Just pay attention: now they try not to dock the tails of cocker spaniels. It just might affect his health because they will inject him with anesthesia.

Well, you can dock at any age, of course

But it will be hard for the dog to bear this. In addition to anesthesia, he will try to remove the bandage and tear out the threads. In general, of course, it is common for ROS to have their tail docked, but until recently this was mandatory for English cockers, but now look how many handsome tailed ones there are. so it seems to me that now it’s not worth raping a dog. IMHO.

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I think so too, BUT

ROSov are docked so that the tail does not rattle during the hunt when it goes after game. Over time, we will go hunting, so this question came up, and I also looked at photos on websites dedicated to ROS on the Internet, and everything is cropped there.

But it will be hard for the dog to bear this. In addition to anesthesia, he will try to remove the bandage and tear out the threads. In general, of course, it is common for ROS to have their tail docked, but until recently this was mandatory for English cockers, but now look how many handsome tailed ones there are. so it seems to me that now it’s not worth raping a dog. IMHO.

Briefly about the operation

According to archival data, tail docking in dogs is a long-standing practice.

. Ancient peasants always cut off part of the tail of their shepherd dogs. They believed that such manipulation would protect the animal from diseases, in particular from rabies.

Hunting dogs had their tails cut off so that they could not be injured during a conflict with a predatory animal. This measure also made it possible to avoid injury from the underbrush while tracking a prey while hunting. Dogs that are burrowers were amputated so that they would not interfere with the animal’s progress through the narrow burrow. Here the meaning of the intervention is clear and justified. But is this consideration the key motive for the operation?

In fact, the point of docking was not only to ensure the safety of the animal, but also financial issues

. In ancient England, a special tax was introduced on any dogs other than service dogs. Since it is mandatory for service dogs to have their tails docked, the owner who was exempt from taxation was immediately visible. In order to save money, operations began to be performed on other dogs.

In those ancient times, it was believed that an undocked tail could only belong to a hunting dog, so poachers, in order to avoid responsibility, also cut the tails of their pets and thereby “blurred their eyes.”

Owners of sheep flocks always docked the tails of their shepherd dogs to protect the animal from injury in the event of a fight with a wolf, and this also helped to avoid lengthy combing of the fur from grass and debris. Such owners of shepherd dogs also did not pay tax. In the 18th century, the dog tax law was repealed, but the tradition remained and the appearance of some dog breeds was fixed in this form - with a docked tail.

Today in Europe it is prohibited to perform this operation only for cosmetic purposes. Only service dogs are docked

who are in service in:

  • police;
  • state drug control;
  • armies;
  • rescue services;
  • deratization services.

In 2006, a law was passed stating that only a qualified specialist must dock a dog no later than five days after the puppy is born.

Why is the procedure performed?

Today docking is a tribute to the established breed standards. Owners and breeders do this for aesthetic reasons.

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Proponents of docking also note that the breed's selection did not take into account the configuration of the tail, which was amputated anyway. Therefore, the tail may look strange, inharmonious, and upset the balance.

Opponents of docking, on the contrary, note that the tail is a natural “rudder”, a way of balancing the dog’s balance, and also a means of communication. The procedure is prohibited as inhumane in Australia and most European countries. International exhibitions give preference to spaniels in their natural form. In the US and Canada, spaniels' tails are still more often cut. In Russia, this issue is decided by the owner.

If the dog is used for hunting, docking the spaniel's tail is often a justified measure. Spaniels are particularly susceptible to injury during hunting, according to a 2021 study in Scotland. During the hunting season, 56.6% of dogs of this breed received tail injuries.

At the same time, trimming does not provide any particular benefits to domestic dogs. A 2021 UK study found that there was no significant difference in injury rates between domestic dogs with docked and undocked tails.

The veterinarian may prescribe amputation of the tail if it is seriously damaged - frostbite, multiple fractures, burns, oncology.

Age for tail docking in dogs

The ideal age for a puppy to undergo surgery is considered to be from three to 10 days old.

. This is the recommendation of all veterinarians in the country. Since in these few days complete ossification of the tail has not yet occurred and the pain during the operation is much less than if this operation is performed on an adult dog.

For small newborn puppies, docking is performed without the use of anesthesia and without stitches. But after the operation, the puppy's owner must be very careful that the baby's mother does not lick the wound, as this will prolong the healing period. If this does happen, then the baby must be isolated from the mother and brought in only at the time of feeding.

If the operation is performed after 10 days of the puppy’s life, it will be done under general anesthesia

. The animal is placed on its stomach, its limbs are tied, and in this position it is very convenient for the doctor to perform any manipulations with the animal’s tail. The body is also secured with special straps, and a muzzle must be worn.

If the puppy is more than four weeks old, then during the operation a rubber tourniquet is applied to the tail, which prevents excessive bleeding.

Possible complications

Complications that may occur are bleeding, scarring of the cut, infection of the wound.

Bleeding and scarring are possible when the tail is cut on a dog that is too old. There are no such problems when docking blind puppies. To avoid them, contact a reputable veterinary clinic and a good surgeon. The older the dog, the higher the risks.

Infection is possible if sterile conditions were not observed during the operation. This often happens when owners cut their puppies' tails themselves. This will not happen if you go to a good clinic.

In case of complications, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

The price depends on the following factors:

  • the credibility of the clinic;
  • surgeon level;
  • age of the dog (the older, the more expensive).

On average, the procedure costs 300-1000 rubles.

Alexander, veterinarian

“If the cocker is used for its intended purpose, it is better to dock it. The dog actively works its tail, and the number of injuries during hunting is very high. If this is a family friend and pet, there is no need to expose him to unnecessary stress. A spaniel with a tail is quite harmonious. And at an age older than a few days, I would no longer recommend torturing an animal. There are specialized nurseries for hunters, where the procedure is carried out on time.”

  • surgical scissors, scalpel or blade;
  • antiseptic.

Description of methods for docking puppies

There is a claim that puppies do not feel pain due to their imperfect nervous system, but all kinds of studies refute this fact

. After surgery, the puppy whines for a long time and cannot calm down. And the older the individual, the more difficult it is for her to endure this operation. Breeders must make a responsible decision and understand whether it is really worth putting their beloved pet through suffering.

The postoperative wound takes a long time to heal

. And the entire period from the day of surgery until complete healing, the wound must be treated daily to prevent infection. When docking is performed in a specialized veterinary clinic, there are rarely cases of complications. Usually everything goes pretty smoothly.

Care after cupping

After circumcision, you need to follow a couple of rules for keeping a puppy. Monitor the wounded area, monitor possible bleeding, and worry less about the damage. If heavy bleeding occurs, you should consult a veterinarian. Redness and an increase in local temperature are a signal of the onset of inflammation; you also need to undergo an examination. Sometimes after circumcision, babies begin to feel unwell due to a drop in immunity. Mild immunostimulating drugs can be used. Monitor your diet more closely.

Effect of docking surgery on a dog

Opponents of tail amputation give many arguments against the docking process, but for many breeders the conformation of a purebred dog is very important and they still lead them to this procedure.

Whether the intensity of the dog’s pain somehow changes in the future has not been determined or proven by science. But there are a few “buts”:

There are no scientifically proven facts about these problems, but, be that as it may, amputation cannot pass without a trace for the dog

. Before performing this operation on a pet, the owner needs to think carefully about why this is necessary. If only for aesthetic reasons, then it’s probably not worth docking your beloved dog.

The first information about tail docking has reached us since the times of Ancient Rome. It was there that the legionnaires' dogs, in order to avoid rabies and to make the animal more invulnerable, underwent the docking procedure. More than 2 thousand years have passed since then, but the tradition of cutting off a dog’s tail, and sometimes ears, is still alive.

Docking today is, rather, a tribute to tradition, an attempt to give the animal a familiar appearance, fixed by the standard. This tendency is especially pronounced in dogs of small stature, the working purpose of which is highly questionable.

Today, there are a number of breeds of small dogs that undergo this operation. Some of them: Russian Toy Terrier, Small and Miniature Poodle, Schipperke, Griffon, King Charles Spaniel, Welsh Corgi-Pembroke and many others only have their tail docked. Those like the miniature schnauzer or miniature pinscher also have their ears trimmed.

Official requirements for the exterior of the English Cocker Spaniel

English cockers are sporting dogs, among which they are considered the smallest. Dogs of this breed have a compact and strong build. The appearance of an English spaniel conveys the energy of his character. In general, cockers are well balanced in all parts of the body.

The spaniel is an incredibly playful pet. A small tail, drooping ears and huge, cute eyes can create a special atmosphere of frantic happiness and joy around this dog. And the soft, pleasant to the touch, rich in shine wool just begs to be stroked.

How to dock correctly

Unlike ears, which are often cut after teeth have been changed, tail docking occurs already 3-5 days after birth. The breeder of the animal needs to carefully prepare for the action, because a correctly carried out procedure will not only give the silhouette an extraordinary charm of the breed, but will also save the animal from serious health problems in the future.

The most convenient way of pruning is classic cropping.

A small puppy, whose age does not exceed 5 days, massage the tail and, slightly pulling the skin on it back, with sharp scissors, quickly and accurately cut the soft tissues and the vertebra, which at this age has a cartilaginous structure. After this, the pulled skin returns to its place - it is from it that a pocket is formed that covers a neat stump.

Today, opponents and supporters of this procedure cannot decide whether the newborn puppy is experiencing severe suffering at this moment? On the one hand, an undeveloped nervous system to some extent protects the baby from painful shock. On the other hand, the animal’s behavior during the operation indicates that it still feels pain.

The most progressive breeders prefer to cut off the tails on days 9-14 of the puppy’s life, using local anesthesia. In addition, it is better if the procedure is performed by a qualified specialist with a veterinary diploma.

The second docking method is to simply pull the tail in the right place using an elastic band or thin twine. After a few days, blood circulation in the stretched area is disrupted, and the tip of the process falls off.

Most often, a similar procedure is used when circumcising decorative breeds of dogs whose tails are quite thin and small. Despite the complete absence of blood during the procedure, this method cannot be called painless and humane.

If you purchased an undocked puppy, you have a chance to fix it.

The procedure, performed under general anesthesia, will help give your pet's rear end the appearance you're used to. However, it should be remembered that the later the operation is performed, the more difficult it is for the animal to tolerate such an intervention. This can only be recommended for mature dogs for medical reasons.

How is the operation performed?

Some experienced breeders perform tail docking on spaniel puppies themselves. However, if there is no extensive experience, the participation of a veterinarian is necessary. Remember that we are talking about, albeit a small, but still a surgical operation. The veterinarian can come to your home or perform the procedure in the clinic.

During the operation the following are used:

  • surgical scissors, scalpel or blade;
  • antiseptic.

A five-day-old cocker spaniel is the size of your palm. He is placed on the table tummy down and pressed lightly. A tourniquet is applied to the base of the tail. The owner or clinic employee secures the animal. The doctor pulls the skin on the tail to the base, counts 4-5 vertebrae and trims it in one movement. This is done only with a sterile instrument.

Then the puppy is turned over on its back and the cut is treated with an antiseptic. After this, the puppy can be returned to its mother, she will lick the wound. The whole procedure takes no more than half an hour, including the preparation of instruments.

Older dogs are given anesthesia (local or general anesthesia, depending on age).

Stitches are placed on the wound. It is preferable if the seams are made with self-absorbing threads. The procedure takes longer because the anesthesia takes time to take effect.

Pros and cons of the operation

On the one hand, the motives that prompted conservationists to create such a convention are respectable. Any pain caused to a living being is unacceptable. But have our four-legged friends gained so much from the extra weight they were deprived of for several dozen, or even hundreds of years?

For a long time, the selection of breeds whose tails were docked left it without much attention. Why does anyone care what he is like if only a week after birth there will be a stump left of him? More attention was paid to the exterior and movements of the animals.

Today, when tails have appeared in their rightful place, their diversity within one breed terrifies not only breed breeders, but also experts.

Spaniels, Pinschers and Schipperkes look different now. First of all, the need to keep the tail in flight during a show trot spoils the animal’s movements and in the future can lead to a stretching of the group format. At the same time, many breeds, such as schnauzers, have developed a previously unusual looseness - now, when selecting pairs, breeders take into account the appearance of the rear part of the body, and a more beautiful and regular tail is observed in animals of a breed type that is not quite familiar.

Now that most dogs happily wave a long whip instead of a stump, this unusual appendage often gets pinched by a door or gets under the feet of its owners. Fractures and creases in the tail, which can only be corrected by surgery, or even amputation, are the order of the day.

Another property of a docked tail used in burrowing dogs is the convenience of pulling animals out of the hole by the stump, tightly grasping it with your hand. Although the natural tail is longer, it is extremely difficult to get the dog out of the hole by it. A natural fracture of the appendage, which is wrapped like a donut, interferes with the process.

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This often completely changes the appearance of the animal, causing enthusiasts to experience ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, with or without a tail, your beloved dog will remain that way forever. On the other hand, having gotten used to a certain silhouette, most owners subsequently refuse dogs. This is how the most devoted connoisseurs leave the breed, having given it many years of their lives.

Tail docking has been around since the time of the Roman Empire, when it was believed that this operation could prevent rabies. Later, hunting dogs began to have their tails cut off so that they would not be injured by bushes during the hunt. Representatives of service and fighting breeds had their tails shortened as the most vulnerable spots in the event of a fight with wolves. Indeed, for many breeds this operation has lost its meaning a long time ago, and it is often possible to see a spaniel or Rottweiler with a long tail; many breeders still choose to dock them.

You will need

  • - scissors,
  • - medical alcohol,
  • – potassium permanganate in crystals,
  • - thread,
  • - rubber,
  • – newspapers or clear-colored rags



The first and most commonly known method of tail docking is circumcision. This operation is performed when the puppies are an average of 5 days old, depending on the breed. For medium-sized breeds, say, a cocker spaniel, it is best to have their tail trimmed at 4-5 days; puppies of small breeds can wait a little longer - until they are 5-7 days old. But for representatives of huge breeds, such as the Rottweiler, docking must be carried out no later than 2-3 days, otherwise the risk of blood loss, even death, is enormous.


Anesthesia or anesthesia is not required; at the age of several days, puppies are not yet too emotional about pain. In addition, the vertebrae have dense cartilage and the cut heals very quickly. But if for some reason the puppy was not docked before 10 days of age, then this procedure can only be performed under anesthesia and with sutures. But you will have to wait, since the dog is allowed to be given anesthesia no earlier than 3-6 months.


It is safer for everyone to call a veterinarian or an experienced breeder of this breed for circumcision. However, if you are confident in your abilities and are not afraid of the sight of blood, try it. This skill will be extremely useful if you are going to breed dogs continuously. You can contact a veterinarian for the first time, observe carefully what and how he will do, and then repeat what you saw on your own.


Before docking, send the mother dog for a walk or lock it in another room, the babies will squeak tea, and she will worry and try to protect the offspring. Disinfect the scissors with alcohol, you can boil them in advance. Be sure to soak your hands and table in alcohol too. Take one puppy at a time from the “nest” (the place where the bitch is with the puppies). You cannot cope with docking alone - you need someone to hold the puppy.


The puppy must be placed on the table with its back up, with its tail pointing towards the one who trims the tail. It should be held between the palms so that the torso and all limbs are fixed. Measure the required length, stretch the skin to the base of the tail to the limit. Hold the tail firmly between your thumb and index finger. Cut in one swift motion. Now the puppy needs to be turned upside down quickly. Fill the wound with alcohol and sprinkle with potassium permanganate crystals. Watch the puppy on the table for about 5 minutes to see if its tail is bleeding.


If everything is in order, then you can put the baby in a separate box, lined with newspapers or clear rags - if there is bleeding, you will immediately notice it. If the bleeding does not stop, then you need to tightly pull the remaining part of the tail closer to the wound with a thread. In case of bandaging, do not forget to carefully cut the thread after 2-3 hours. For greater safety, wounds can be sutured immediately. After surgery, observe the puppies for 30 minutes, and then you can safely put them back to their mother.


There is also a method of cupping with an elastic band. The rubber band is wrapped around the tail in the right place. You can also wrap it around a pen cap, insert the tail into it and move the elastic band to the required distance. The puppy should walk with it for 2-3 days. The blood supply to the tail slows down and stops; after a few days, the dead tip falls off on its own. This method has been discontinued for those who are afraid of blood, and with this method there is virtually no chance of sepsis.


Before cutting, you should measure the required number of vertebrae - each breed has its own standard for the length of tail docking. True, veterinarians or inexperienced breeders often leave every 1-2 vertebrae. So a spaniel or a wire-haired pointer is left with a third of the tail length, a decorative poodle or a Kerry blue terrier is left with half, and a Rottweiler and Doberman pinscher only 1-2 vertebrae.

Ear and tail docking is a cosmetic surgery performed on certain breeds of dogs. The shape of the ear is determined by the standard established for the entire breed. Cupping, as usual, is carried out by veterinarians in veterinary clinics.

You will need

  • Special defensive collar, brilliant green, patch



If you do not have special veterinary training, then first of all, find an excellent expert in this field, one who will perform ear and tail docking on your pet. If you take a dog from a breeder, then agree on docking with him. Many breeders have veterinary skills and do the docking themselves. Or they can recommend an experienced and trusted veterinarian.


Traditionally, tails are docked for puppies between 3 and 10 days of age, when susceptibility is minimal and tissue healing occurs very quickly. As usual, breeders do this. It is allowed to dock even at older ages. But this is done under anesthesia and with sutures. Therefore, take care of docking the tail in advance.


With the ears the situation is more serious. It is difficult to trim the ears of puppies in the first days of life, because it is difficult to predict the ratio of the proportions of the dog’s body and muzzle in the future. Therefore, ears are cropped at 2–3 months, usually 14 days after the first vaccination. Find an experienced veterinarian and arrange for the operation to be performed. Do not feed your dog for 8 hours before docking. Select the ear shape using a special stencil. The doctor will give the dog general anesthesia and trim the edge of the ear according to the selected stencil. Later, he will put stitches and wrap it with a bandage so that there is no bleeding. After the operation, put on a special protective collar for the dog so that it does not scratch its ears and does not cause damage to them. It can be made from cardboard. The animal will have to wear a collar for 7-10 days before the stitches are removed. Treat the edges of your pet's ear with brilliant green. If necessary, start putting your dog's ears back on the second day after surgery. Pull out your ear and wrap it with a bandage. Before removing the stitches, lightly massage and stretch the edge of the ear to avoid wrinkles. If any difficulties arise, please contact your veterinarian for advice.

Video on the topic


If you crop a dog's ears after 3 months, scarring may occur and the edge of the ear will be uneven. Therefore, the operation must be done first.

Helpful advice

In the first days after relief, the dog may experience pain. As a result, emotional dogs are occasionally prescribed painkillers.

Tail docking is an aesthetic surgery designed to improve a dog's appearance. Despite the apparent simplicity of this procedure, you need to remember that any surgical procedure can lead to various kinds of complications. Therefore, it is recommended to entrust this operation to professional veterinarians.



Tail docking is done as usual, at the age of 1-7 days. During this period, the caudal vertebrae of babies have dense cartilage and, as a result, wound healing occurs very quickly. In addition, it is generally accepted that the susceptibility of puppies at this time is still minimal and it is virtually unthinkable to cause them pain. If for one reason or another it was not possible to perform docking at this age, it is possible to carry out this procedure at an older age. In this case, the cupping operation is performed under general anesthesia and with sutures.


It should be remembered that tail docking must be done strictly between the vertebrae. An abnormally docked tail will disturb the dog. In addition, a poorly trimmed ponytail can easily look ugly.


Tail docking with an elastic band. This docking method is considered the least traumatic. It is based on the disruption of blood circulation in the puppy’s tail. Take a tight elastic band. Pull the skin as far as possible towards the root of the tail. Wrap the elastic band tightly around the desired tail vertebra. Within 2-3 days, the tip of the tail, without receiving blood flow, will dry out and die.


Cupping using an emasculator. Disinfect the instrument thoroughly. Have a helper restrain the puppy. Pull the skin on the tail towards the root. Firmly pinch the designated area and cut off the tip of the tail using special scissors - an emasculator. Hold the cut area clamped for 1-2 minutes. Sprinkle the wound with antiseptic powder. If the blood continues to flow, apply cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide to the wound.


In order to minimize the risk of complications associated with docking, it is recommended that this operation be performed in a veterinary hospital.

Helpful advice

Before performing docking surgery, you need to make sure that your puppy is healthy. Any violations in the baby’s health are contraindications for this procedure.

Occasionally you can see a fascinating hairstyle, where the leading role is played by a luxurious ponytail, but there are no accessories like elastic bands or hairpins. In order to make such a design on the head, there are special secrets.

Basic facts about the breed

The progenitor of the English Cocker Spaniel, the dog Obo, came to our countries from Spain. Thick and black hair, extraordinary endurance and curiosity, developed hunting instincts - these are the wonderful qualities that the spaniel has inherited to this day. The breed was obtained by crossing 2 centuries ago, however, it received international recognition only in 1970.

Characteristic and distinctive features of the English cocker:

  1. The size is medium (at the withers up to 41 cm, weight up to 15 kg), the muscles and joint apparatus are well developed.
  2. The body is folded correctly, the back is flexible, the legs are strong and muscular.
  3. The head is set beautifully, the skull is smooth with an elongated muzzle. The neck is strong and of moderate length.
  4. The dog has a large nose, flat eyes with brown or hazel irises.
  5. The spaniel's ears are long and drooping, set below the level of the back of the head. The shape resembles blades.
  6. The tail is set below the level of the back and is well mobile.
  7. The dog's movements are correct, confident and slightly sweeping.

Special attention should be paid to the wool, thanks to which the breed is loved by many breeders around the world. Nature has endowed the English Cocker with soft and delicate wool, reminiscent of silk in tactile sensations. According to the standard, the coat is straight (sometimes a little curly) and has a good shine. Closer to the belly it forms a thick skirt, requiring careful care and grooming. The paws have dense feathering resembling a fringe.

Modern spaniels have received 2 purposes: a show dog (including for breeding) and a hunting dog, the requirements for which may differ slightly.

English Cocker Spaniel: how to care for its coat

Cockers owe their beauty and grace to their well-developed coat. High-quality wool requires no less high-quality care, the origins of which are regular combing and competent grooming of the English Cocker Spaniel. Unlike the American Cocker Spaniel, his coat is less rich, but also requires high-quality care.

So, the spaniel's coat is thick with a moderately developed undercoat, so shedding is the main problem of the breed. The cocker's hair sheds regularly, so trim it several times a week to remove dead hair. We recommend that you strictly follow all the rules for feeding your Cocker Spaniel, then his coat will be less susceptible to loss.

Comb 1-2 times a week to prevent the appearance of tangles and curls. Use a wide comb to separate tufts of fur, as well as a slicker brush to remove dead undercoat and gradually comb out the puppy's fur.

The colors of the English Cocker Spaniel can be different, but this does not affect the rules of coat care. Regular grooming is recommended for dogs of this breed. Grooming and trimming of the English Cocker Spaniel is performed once every 1-2 months, depending on the degree of overgrowth of the coat.

It is necessary to accustom a cocker to grooming during puppyhood. Carry out the entire range of procedures (even if caring for your English Cocker Spaniel initially takes you no more than 30 minutes), teach it to hygienic haircuts and bathing.

You should also teach your little spaniel to stand still for 2-3 hours (this is how long complex grooming takes on average).

And now about how to cut an English Cocker Spaniel. The cocker breed's haircut is done in a natural style, taking into account individual proportions and hygienic nuances. Haircut your head and body with a special clipper with good power. You will need nozzles of 10 (head) and 15 (torso) mm. Long hair on the ears, belly and limbs is trimmed with scissors to the required length (shorter for the summer), and milled if desired. The tail is cut in the shape of a wedge, and a kind of hygienic “diamond” is cut under it. It is recommended to profile the hair on the ischial tuberosities.

What tools and supplies do you need to purchase to care for your English Cocker Spaniel?

  1. Comb with short and frequent metal teeth (slicker).
  2. Comb with sparse and long teeth.
  3. Massage brush.
  4. Brush with soft natural bristles for grooming your puppy's coat.
  5. Professional scissors for haircuts (simple and thinning).
  6. Hair clipper with 4 attachments.
  7. Cosmetic products for hair care: shampoo (simple and medicinal for seborrhea), mask or conditioner, spray to facilitate combing.

Useful video

Watch interesting and very useful videos on caring for the English Cocker Spaniel:

Tail docking

In this section, it is important to highlight the eternal dilemma of owners: whether or not to dock the tail of an English Spaniel. Of course, responsibility for the decision and the procedure itself rests with the owner; we can only give some advice.

If you are raising a hunting spaniel, then docking can be considered a desirable procedure, since the dog often cuts its tail on sedge and thorny grasses.

If the spaniel was purchased as a show dog, then you need to take into account the fashion trends for tails and the opinion of dog handlers and judges in various countries. Tail docking is currently being cancelled.

Be sure to leave your favorite cocker his playful tail, which was given by nature for a reason. Sometimes docking the tail of an English Cocker Spaniel is dictated by necessity (rotting wounds, severe burns, fractures and other tail injuries).

Comprehensive spaniel care: ears, teeth, claws

If you often walk with your English Cocker Spaniel on asphalt, paving stones and rough ground, then the claws grind down on their own and do not cause any worries to the owner. But still, it is necessary to have a high-quality nail clipper in the house (selected taking into account the size of the dog and the strength of the claw). Sometimes your pet's claw may split or break. Or you will have to shorten it on the fifth finger, which does not reach the ground.

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Remove the length carefully so as not to damage the blood vessel in any way. Be sure to sand sharp edges with a nail file. Do not allow the nails to grow or curl, otherwise this may cause injury to the paws.

Dental care involves removing soft yellow plaque and hard tartar. Even if you feed your English Cocker Spaniel dry food and regularly buy treats (sinews, ears, dry-cured sausages, etc.), over time the stone will still grow and can lead to tooth decay and an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Teeth are cleaned using 2 types of brushes: a standard one with soft bristles (can be purchased as a finger attachment) and a massage brush with rubber bristles. Apply a special toothpaste for dogs to a regular brush and use a top-down motion to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth. It's okay if your pet licks the paste - that's what it's designed for. Use a massage brush to gently and slowly move along the gums - this will ensure good blood flow and nutrition to the teeth. Oral hygiene should be performed 2-3 times a week or as needed.

Unfortunately, a regular brush is not effective enough to care for teeth, so over the course of several months or years, a hard, dark tartar begins to form on the dog, which cannot be removed with home mechanical cleaning.

In this case, a modern procedure for stone cleansing using ultrasound will come in handy - painlessly, quickly (up to 20 minutes) and effectively.

Caring for the cute long ears of the English Cocker Spaniel must be carried out competently and in a timely manner, since inflammation of the middle ear is the second scourge of this breed. Due to the tight fit and thick coat, the ears are poorly ventilated and retain moisture well after bathing. All these factors create an ideal environment for the development of bacteria and fungi.

Before bathing procedures or swimming in ponds, close the ear canal with cotton swabs soaked in vegetable oil. If water does get into your ear, carefully dry it with a napkin wrapped around your little finger.

Inspect your ears regularly and identify wax plugs in a timely manner. It is also advisable to pluck out the hairs growing inside the ear with tweezers.

Be attentive to your spaniel's behavior. If your pet rubs its ears, scratches them with its paw, shakes its head, or a squelching sound is heard inside the ear, an unpleasant odor or dark plugs appear, immediately show it to the veterinarian.

Technology for making a ponytail without an elastic band

In reality, when creating a ponytail, it is very difficult to do without an elastic band, and the trick is that it is still present. It turns out that to create a hairstyle, first wash your hair and dry it thoroughly. After this, with the support of a comb, lift the entire hair upward: to the tier of the back of the head. Create a ponytail using a small elastic band. It must be truly tiny so that it can be easily disguised. You can use a thin elastic band for money. Now pull a strand from the ponytail and wrap it tightly around the ponytail. Tuck the end of your hair inside the elastic band or pin it with a bobby pin. Please note that you need to wrap your hair in such a way that it completely hides the elastic band. It is important to firmly fix the tip of the strand so that the hair does not unwind and expose the elastic. You can complicate the hairstyle a little if you braid a braid from the freed strand and wrap it around the ponytail. It is very important that the braid is straight and no hair sticks out of it. To do this, treat the strand with hair wax in advance. Or, when the braid is ready, spray it with hairspray. There is another special technology for making a hairstyle that is truly without an elastic band. In this case, gather your hair into a ponytail at the bottom, because a raised ponytail without an elastic band will simply not hold on. Separate a wide strand from your lower hair and wrap it around your entire hair. The main thing is to take the strand from below: under each head of hair. If you take a strand from the side and wrap it around your hair, it will distort your hairstyle. After wrapping, secure the end of the strand with a bobby pin under your hair. This will give you a ponytail without an elastic band. For comfort, spray hairspray with hairspray.

Where and how to wear this hairstyle?

A ponytail without an elastic band will be relevant both in the office and at a party. This hairstyle is especially suitable for creating a romantic look; it looks light, relaxed and extremely beautiful. It has glamor and rural appeal at the same time. Tea, when hair comes out of the ponytail, the hairstyle takes on a careless character. If you straighten your hair with an iron in advance, the tail will be quite severe and distinct: no unnecessary lines. You can pre-curl your hair with curlers, then the hairstyle will be truly chic due to its pomp and volume. Choose what you like best. Hollywood actresses choose this hairstyle for everyday life. Among them are Cher, Madonna, Brigitte Bardot. They may appear in public with a loose ponytail tied with a hair braid. A primitive tail looks beautiful and stylish, but does not require a lot of time to create. Wear a ponytail without an elastic band in combination with long, romantic floor-length dresses. So, you will look like a fairy sorceress or a girl from a fairy tale. Often by doing such a hairstyle, you will master its creation perfectly and, perhaps, add a couple of designer details. Rest assured that a hairstyle that you use your personal hair to secure will be a constant source of compliments.

Ear and tail docking in some dog breeds is performed for various purposes. For hunting dogs, say, a shaggy tail is a noticeable hindrance. The same applies to dogs of fighting and guard breeds, which are hampered by ears that are sensitive to pain and a long tail. Boxers belong to the guard breeds and, according to the standard, their tail and ears must be docked.

When do boxers' ears get cropped?

A Boxer's ears should be cropped as a puppy. The best option is a period from 7 to 13 weeks. If you crop earlier, when the proportions of the muzzle have not yet changed, you can make a mistake with the length and shape of the ears. After 7 weeks, the shape of the Boxer's skull and muzzle is more closely formed, and the blood vessels are not yet as developed as in an adult dog, and the cartilage is more soft. If docking is done after 13 weeks, a noticeable scar may form or even scarring of the ear, deforming its shape. It is believed that before this age, surgery for a puppy is less traumatic and, in addition, it will not disrupt the schedule of mandatory vaccinations. But, if tail docking can still be done on your own at home, ear docking, even if you are a surgeon, is best done in a specialized veterinary hospital . Before surgery, deworm your puppy and do not feed him 12 hours before surgery. Be diligent so that he is not extremely excited, do not bother your pet when going to the hospital.

Advantages of the breed

Since the Russian Spaniel is tall on its legs, hunters note that it works well in hummocks and swamps. The longer lumbar region makes it easier to move on difficult terrain. Hunting with a dog of this breed is characterized by excitement, speed, and emotionality. During duck hunting, the spaniel is able to retrieve prey from dense thickets of reeds and lift game from swampy swampy areas. The dog's excitement and passion for hunting makes it fight its way through dense reeds and swim in search of a downed bird in cold water.

The spaniel has many qualities that allow it to be valued not only as an excellent assistant during spring and autumn hunting, but also as a friendly, cheerful member of the family. He is devoted to the owner, tries to take part in all events taking place in the house. The dog is ready to freeze in an uncomfortable position just to be close to its beloved owner.

Those hunters who prefer calm dogs have a negative attitude towards the spaniel’s desire to please its owner and call representatives of this breed clingy and annoying dogs.

Spaniels are natural hunters, so they happily trade their sofas for hours of running through the forest in search of game that their owner has shot.

Russian spaniels have proven themselves excellent in rescue and customs service. They are searching for drugs and explosives.

How is the Russian Spaniel different? How to train this breed of dog to hunt? Its representatives have proven themselves well in Russian conditions. In our country, the breed appeared at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

Docking refers to the surgical removal of part of an animal's tail.

The procedure is carried out solely for aesthetic purposes. With its help, it is possible to create a certain appearance for the animal and maintain breed standards.

Brief historical background

The first mentions of tail cutting can be traced back to Ancient Rome. Then the shepherds were convinced that if the last of the tail vertebrae was docked in puppies, the dog would be protected from rabies for life.

Such manipulations were carried out strictly on the fortieth day from the moment the babies were born.

After a while, they began to resort to this procedure for other reasons. It was performed on guard and hunting dogs to prevent injury. The tail was considered only an appendage. They could have stepped on him and grabbed him. In this way they tried to protect the pet from damage from thorns and foxtail.

A more banal reason was not about caring for dogs, but about money: in the 18th century, a tax was introduced on all dogs in England. The only exceptions were service breeds, for which it was customary to have their tails docked.

Dog breeders who performed this procedure on their animals were exempt from this tax.

The tax law was soon repealed, but tail docking was still practiced for a long time: the procedure was carried out only for the purpose of winning at the exhibition. Only at the end of the 19th century in Great Britain they began to allow dogs to participate in the form in which nature created them.

Prohibition on the procedure

In the 90s of the 20th century, the European organization of dog handlers decided to abandon this operation. She was considered inhumane and useless.

Now it is banned in many countries. Among them:


  • Australia;
  • Iceland;
  • Switzerland;
  • Norway;
  • Israel.
  • In the UK, docking is also prohibited. But in special situations the procedure is acceptable.

    When is the procedure allowed?

    Docking is carried out if the dog is in service or performs the following functions:

  • in the armed forces;
  • in law enforcement agencies;
  • destroys rodents;
  • in the emergency rescue service.

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Boxer ear cropping surgery

In itself, such an operation, if you have a special tool, is not very difficult. But it often happens that a dog’s ears have different thickness and density, and there are differences in set-up and turn-out. Therefore, it is important to find an experienced veterinarian so that he can correct the truly beautiful shape of the ears. In boxers, according to the standard, the cropped ear should have a sharp shape, and it should not be too short or wide. Don’t worry, the operation is painless and takes place under anesthesia, so there will be no special stress for the puppy. Having decided to dock, you must know that for several months the dog’s ears will have to be continuously treated, treated and glued, forming a positive ear position. Prepare any medicines and supplies you may need in advance. Buy solcoseryl jelly, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, antibacterial powder, and an alcohol solution of chloramphenicol at the pharmacy. You will also need analgin, diphenhydramine, voloserdin and dressings: sterile wipes, cotton-based adhesive plaster. Buy a post-operative collar for your dog that protects the ears. Immediately after the operation and for several days afterwards, give the dog a few drops of voloserdin and diphenhydramine with analgin in order to calm it down and relieve pain. The more she sleeps these days, the better. The sutures will need to be removed on the 10th day, during which time the dog must wear a post-operative collar. Regular treatment of stitches is a guarantee that they will heal quickly and there will be no adhesions.

Doberman Pinscher is one of the most graceful dog breeds. Long paws, a toned body, sharp ears and a perfectly brave look - all these features do not leave anyone indifferent who has ever seen him. A distinctive feature of the Doberman throughout virtually every period of the breed's existence is the docked tail and ears. However, recently this procedure has caused a lot of controversy, both among specialists and among the breeders themselves.

How is the operation performed?

The procedure for removing part of the tail is performed on many breeds. Both large and small. Among them: Pit Bull Terriers, Rottweilers and Dobermans, Fox Terriers, Russian Toys, Miniature Poodles and many others.

First of all, it is worth knowing that tail trimming is carried out at a certain length. Each breed has a set standard, which determines at which vertebra a part of the body is cut off. Of course, it is quite difficult to palpate the vertebra on which the cutting will be carried out in a small puppy. That is why only an experienced veterinarian or a breeder with a veterinary diploma should carry out the procedure.

The most common option is in which the cutting is carried out with special surgical scissors. To do this, the skin on the tail is slightly pulled towards the base (so that later it is possible to close the defect), and then it is cut off, as well as the vertebra at the required length. It is advisable to shave the docking area first, or at least trim the fur a little with scissors. At the end of the operation, the tail must be lubricated with iodine and 1-2 sutures placed on the stump. If necessary, the cupping site is slightly anesthetized with novocaine.

At such a young age, the tail bones still have a cartilaginous structure, and therefore can be easily trimmed. The slightly retracted skin returns to its place, forming a pocket covering the stump, which is quickly sutured. After 5-7 days, the sutures are removed.

Watch the video from the Aliewww TV channel, where the breeder will show how part of the tail is removed from American Cocker Spaniel puppies.

This operation is usually performed later than the 5th day from birth. However, many breeders prefer to trim the tail for 9-14 days using local anesthesia.

One can only guess about the pain of the procedure. Some argue that babies still have no sensitivity to pain at all. Others are confident that behavior during surgery clearly shows that there are unpleasant sensations. However, in any case, it is worth knowing that the later the docking procedure is carried out, the more difficult it is for the pet.

A little history

Docking tails and ears on dogs was common back in Ancient Rome. At that time, dog fighting was especially popular. The main purpose of docking was to give the animal additional invulnerability. Dogs with long ears and tails were more often injured and lost the fight. Some territorial exhibitions allow Dobermanns with undocked ears to participate. However, at the international level, the rule of the main standard prevails. The Doberman is a breed that was bred in the 1860s not so much for fighting fights, but to provide faithful protection to the owner. The creator of the warrior was the German policeman and tax collector Friedrich Louis Dobermann. The civil servant constantly carried huge sums of money with him, and his main passion was dogs. For his own safety, he decides to make a new breed that could provide security for its owner at the highest level. For several years, Friedrich crossed various breeds of dogs. The Doberman's blood contains genes from Beaucerons, Pinschers, Rottweilers, Mastiffs and English Greyhounds. From every variety of dog, this breed has taken the best features - endurance, aggression, strong character, short hair, long legs and ideal physique. Looking at the first results of the crossing, Friedrich decided to transform the new breed and from the very beginning of its existence introduced the rule - mandatory docking of the ears and tail.

Origin of the breed

The English cocker spaniel did not immediately acquire its modern appearance, although the dog has been known to mankind for a very long time. The ancestors of today's pets were hunting spaniels, which were used to catch birds with nets back in Ancient Greece. These were short, long-haired dogs of variegated colors that were well tamed and faithfully served their masters. And in the 19th century, it was suggested that Espanolas (the common name for cocker spaniels at the time) were descended from lop-eared hounds that were bred in Ireland eight centuries BC.

The first detailed description of the breed dates back to the 14th century. The image of dogs appears in engravings and paintings by artists in France and Great Britain. At that time, two branches of the breed were distinguished, each of which had its own standard:

  • The prairie dog (land dog) worked well in bushes and tall grass, finding hidden game. The spaniel pointed at the bird with its stance or lifted it into the air, where the falcons took over;
  • the water dog (swamp dog) was used for hunting in lowlands. These dogs knew how to work with the network.

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At the same time, fold-eared hunters began to have their tails docked - the pets scratched them on the bushes until they bled.

The English Cocker Spaniel was identified as an independent breed and received its standard only in 1901, when the weight limit for an adult individual to participate in exhibitions was lifted. In 1902, the first club for breeders of English Cocker Spaniels appeared in Great Britain.

Doberman breed standard

It is absolutely necessary to crop your Doberman's ears only if you want to participate with your pet in international exhibitions. A dog with a long tail and floppy ears will not be allowed past the first stage of the competition, even if it has perfect parameters. Please note that the Doberman's undocked ears are quite large in size. Dogs with cropped ears are less susceptible to cartilage fractures, ear diseases and require the slightest care. If you do not plan to make your pet a champion of the breed, then cropping is not considered an indispensable element. Moreover, in some countries this procedure is officially prohibited by law. Animal defenders are also energetic opponents of docking, considering it an abuse of pets.

Features of ear cropping

Please note that after docking, the shape of the Doberman's ears may differ from your expectations. Each dog's ears are individual due to their different structure. It is quite difficult to put ears on a Doberman. The process itself consists of the fact that first the expert cuts off part of the cartilage along the ear, and after that, using a special glue, a special elastic bandage is applied to the cut site. Cupping should be done at an early age. After the operation, the puppy will need much more attention. The fact is that dogs’ ears during the healing process can cause them some discomfort. If the puppy removes the bandage, the wound will heal much longer. Moreover, the ear may become abnormal after untimely removal of the bandage or as a result of improper care. This factor can be decisive when assessing a dog at an exhibition.

Exhibition grooming

Preparing for a show requires many hours of skillful work by the groomer, since show cockers need to be both cut and trimmed, while the abundant hair on the back and legs varies in structure. Thanks to a wide range of cosmetics for animals, groomers always have a choice of products to achieve the best effect.

Proper grooming is a necessary element when preparing a pet for a show, but should not be decisive when evaluating dogs. It happens that in the pursuit of obtaining specimens with excellent wool, breeders forget about the need to monitor their physique and structure. Because of this, show dogs often enter the ring, perfectly trained, but with a huge number of anatomical deficiencies. And, unfortunately, they often win against less prepared, but balanced and correctly built participants.

The American standard was amended in 1992 regarding the quality and abundance of wool, requiring that the volume and density of the coat not hide the outline of the animal or distort the appearance.


At the moment, individuals with an exhibition rating of “very good” and “excellent” are allowed to produce offspring; health tests are not required. A number of cocker players believe that the selection of manufacturers should be stricter, including proposing to make it mandatory for the cocker to have good test results for hip dysplasia, cataracts, and progressive retinal atrophy.

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Genetics of color

Inheritance of colors in cocker spaniels is a complex issue; not all breeders are competent enough in it, which makes it difficult to obtain offspring of the desired color.

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