Causes of balanoposthitis in dogs Physical trauma and damage. Bacterial infections. Phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin,
History of the origin of the breed The Shar Pei dog is a native Chinese: the birthplace of the breed is the city of Daylak. Figurines
What is trichophytosis? Trichophytosis in dogs is an infectious disease caused by a fungus. among the people
When can you breed a dog? A female French bulldog is ready for the first mating when the 3rd one occurs.
No-spa for dogs is used for spasm and pain due to inflammation, for stones in
Preparing a dog for vaccination Since vaccination is the introduction into the body of living, but
Ectoparasites cause serious discomfort to pets. However, severe itching is not the only trouble that
The owner of the animal needs to know everything about what volvulus in dogs is: symptoms,
General information on pain medications There are several types of medications that have analgesic properties. Each of
The cornea of the eye is a transparent structure that is normally devoid of blood vessels. The cornea is unique in that