Which dog breed is better, Doberman or Rottweiler?

Among the huge variety of dogs, only 12 breeds are recognized as the best in guarding. Some of the most popular from this list are Dobermans and Rottweilers. When the question arises of choosing between them, many potential owners are simply lost; they don’t know who to give preference to - a Doberman or a Rottweiler.

The following article will help you make your choice.

Doberman: pros and cons

He is friendly and not very wary of strangers. This is a very smart dog, it will become not only a protector for its owner, but also a friend. Requires mandatory training for a clear understanding of the owner-dog relationship.

With a medium build, he has a proud posture and a muscular body.


  • High intelligence.
  • Friendliness.
  • Restraint.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Easy to care for.


  • Capable of aggression if it senses a potential danger to its own territory.
  • Dominant, careful training is required.
  • Shows willfulness.
  • Easy to provoke.

Description of Doberman

A relatively young breed that appeared in Germany at the end of the 19th century. Tax collector and policeman Friedrich Louis Dobermann from Thuringia decided to breed a guard dog with a formidable appearance for work needs. At first the breed was called the Thuringian Pinscher, after the death of the founder it was renamed the Doberman Pinscher. Later, the prefix “pinscher” was removed, and the dogs began to bear the sonorous name of their “parent”.

The basis of the breed was the Old German Pinschers. Dog handlers have identified several more progenitors, including black and tan butcher dogs. The latter also appear in the pedigree of Rottweilers. As a result of selection, a dog was obtained with the following characteristics:

  • Hardy;
  • Vicious;
  • Smart;
  • Fighting character;
  • Good instinct.

Modern Dobermans are somewhat different from their ancestors. Dobermann's successor, Otto Geller, worked on the dog's friendliness. Thanks to this, it has become popular not only as a police dog, but also as a family pet and companion. The descendants of the Thuringian Pinscher have an aristocratic appearance, proud posture and graceful gait. The photo of a Doberman and a Rottweiler shows that the second does not have such an intelligent appearance, but compensates for this with other qualities.

Rottweiler: pros and cons

Always confident, he is a devoted and reliable defender. Like all watchdogs, he needs training. Proper upbringing creates an obedient and balanced protector.

He has a strong physique, which speaks of strength and endurance.


  • Enduring and balanced.
  • Has excellent thinking abilities.
  • Reliable and faithful.
  • The short coat makes grooming minimal.


  • Heavy and clumsy.
  • Dominant, needs training.
  • Prone to obesity.
  • Profuse salivation.
  • He is picky about food.
  • Jealous.
  • Snores.

This dog is suitable for an owner with a strong character who can earn trust and loyalty.

Description of the Rottweiler

Rottweilers are one of the oldest breeds, descended from Molossian herding dogs. They entered German territory together with Roman legionnaires in 74 AD. e. In the Middle Ages it was used to protect livestock and property, and transport heavy loads. They became popular as “butcher dogs.” Rottweilers were valued for their qualities:

  • Hardy;
  • Trainable;
  • Balanced;
  • Good security guard;
  • Smart.

Peasants were more interested in working ability than exterior beauty. All that was required from the dog’s appearance was a ferocious look. Therefore, the first representatives of the breed were overweight and awkward in appearance. To popularize Rottweilers, breeders worked on the dog's temperament and appearance. Modern descendant of Molossian dogs:

  • Proportionally and harmoniously complex;
  • Has excellent security qualities;
  • Friendly and trainable.

Breed differences

The differences begin with appearance and end with the manifestation of character:

  • The Rottweiler has a compact, squat build and is more reserved and cautious. Even in critical situations, he does not rush instantly, but assesses the situation.
  • The Doberman is distinguished by grace and elegance, clearly showing friendliness and rash aggression when a threat arises.

Comparison of breeds

Taste is a subjective and personal matter, and therefore it is impossible to say who is better - a Doberman or a Rottweiler . The choice depends on several factors:

  • For what purposes is a dog needed?
  • Living conditions of the animal;
  • The character of the future owner;
  • Personal preferences.

Both breeds are quite large. They are united by their color - black (Dobermans have brown) with red tan in certain places. When choosing guard dogs, many often hesitate: who to choose - Doberman or Rottweiler . Sometimes a German Shepherd is added to this list. Dogs that are similar in appearance and functionality still have differences.

Height: 70 cm (males), 65 cm (females)65 cm (males), 60 cm (females)
Weight: 46 kg (males), 36 kg (females)58 kg (males), 52 kg (females)
Large, slender, athletic, with a long muzzleMassive and squat, with a wide muzzle and large jaw
Smooth coat without undercoat (keep outside impossible)Smooth coat with undercoat (can live in an aviary)
Color black or brown with tanColor black and tan
Choleric (temperamental, easily excited)Phlegmatic (slow, serious, reserved)
Mobile nervous systemCalm and cool
Doesn't get along easily with other animalsGets along well with other animals
DominantAssertive, fearless
Good learning abilityEasy to train
Regular training requiredEducation from an early age

Who is stronger: Doberman or Rottweiler?

When considering these representatives, it is necessary to take into account physical characteristics and temperament.

  • Rottweilers are slightly smaller than Dobermans, but significantly heavier.
  • Dobermans have a quick reaction, they are nimble and agile.
  • Rottweilers have powerful jaws that provide a death grip.

Each looks intimidating; with such characteristics, both breeds have the same chance. Where one dog takes with force, another with dexterity.

Features of Dobermans

This breed was bred specifically so that its representatives could protect and protect. Thanks to the efforts of the creator, the German Karl Dobermann and the people who continued his work, modern Doberman Pinschers cope well with any official task and are considered one of the most intellectually developed dogs.

Important! In addition to the fact that these dogs are very smart, they can also boast of physical fitness. Tall and muscular, they can be very strong and resilient if handled and trained.

Dobermans are very unique in character. Despite boundless devotion and love for the owner, they are not averse to taking leadership in a couple, periodically “probing” a person’s weak points. If a German Pinscher is not raised and socialized, it may very well turn out to be an antisocial, aggressive animal that poses a danger to everyone around it, be it a person, a dog or a cat.

Important! A properly trained Pinscher who has completed OKD and ZKS courses can become not only a home security guard, but also an assistant for rescuers, police officers and the military.


The advantages of the breed include:

  • intelligence;
  • restraint;
  • external data;
  • friendliness;
  • ease of care and maintenance.

Among the existing disadvantages it is worth noting:

  • tendency to aggression;
  • desire to dominate the owner;
  • waywardness.

Important! Dobermans' character flaws can be easily corrected through training and socialization. A well-mannered dog will be able to become a member of the family, make friends with small children and find a common language with other pets.

Comparison of Doberman and Rottweiler: origin and historical facts of both breeds

In memory of the creator of Dobermans, Friedrich Louis Dobermann, in 1899 the dogs received their current name. Until this time they were called Thuringian Pinschers.

In order to develop this breed, the Germans carried out many crossings. Most of their members were not purebred animals. But the result was a guard dog that often expressed aggression and had a rather menacing appearance.

As for Rottweilers, this is one of the most ancient dog breeds on Earth. Its origin today is surrounded by gossip and speculation, but it remains a mystery.

It is believed that the dogs were also bred in Germany, since the name of the breed is similar to the German city of Rottweil. At the beginning of the twentieth century, these dogs practically disappeared, but by the middle they were revived in a new capacity - an assistant and guard for police officers. And a little later, they began to be exhibited in fighting rings.

Education and training

German service dogs are easy to train and, subject to professional social adaptation and upbringing, coexist well with other pets and family members.

It is necessary to remember the main thing: hatred of the stranger is driven into German service breeds by selection. Pursuing and defeating the aggressor, protecting the property and life of the owner are natural behavioral reactions of both Dobermans and Rottweilers. Teaching a dog to properly realize its aggressive talents is the duty and responsibility of the owner.

What does a Rottweiler look like?

This dog is very harmoniously built: strength and power are concentrated in powerful short legs, a wide head gives the animal either aggressiveness or cheerfulness - it depends on the situation. The dog's body is massive, its wide muzzle is distinguished by a large jaw. The chest is well developed. It descends to the beginning of the elbow joints.

Compact paws have a rounded shape. The coat, like that of the Doberman, is shiny, short and smooth. The main color is black with red markings. The standard height of a male is 69 cm, and females are slightly lower - 58 cm. The weight of an adult animal usually does not exceed 60 kg. In recent years (especially in poultry markets), a mixed breed of Rottweiler and Doberman has become increasingly common. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase animals of these breeds from specialized nurseries. Although mestizos can also be excellent companions and guards, an exhibition career is not available to them.

mixed breed of Rottweiler and Doberman

Who is stronger?

If we evaluate representatives of both breeds in terms of physical capabilities, then Rottweilers are slightly stronger than Dobermans:

  1. Doberman is lighter in weight (maximum 45 kg). He is agile, nimble, and has excellent quick reactions.
  2. Rottweilers are shorter than Dobermans, but much heavier (minimum 50 kg). They have strong jaws and are tougher but slower than Dobermans.

Rottweilers and Doberman

Each potential owner decides which one to choose. Both breeds are strong, resilient and attractive to look at. Character traits should be taken as the main selection criterion. Dobermans are more suitable for active people who are constantly on the move. Rottweilers, in turn, are more suitable for those who like to spend quiet and relaxing evenings near the TV or fireplace.

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Examples of fighting breeds

There is no strict classification of which breed is considered a fighting breed. This definition can be assigned to any dog ​​suitable for protective, guard, or guard duty. However, all dogs must have common parameters:

  • massive head;
  • muscular neck;
  • strong physique;
  • outer coverings that can withstand bites from other animals;
  • small muscular paws, thanks to which the dog can run quickly and for a long time;
  • powerful jaws;
  • courage;
  • devotion;
  • obedience;
  • endurance.

Rottweiler, Alabai, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Pit Bull (American Pit Bull Terrier), Staff (American Staffordshire Terrier), American Bulldog and other breeds fit this description.

Interestingly, the Labrador Retriever also meets the above parameters. But this breed cannot be classified as a fighting breed. It's all about the character of the dog. He is very kind and friendly. It can be used in hunting, rescue or detective services, and in sports. He can even become a guide, but not a security guard or bodyguard.

If you pit a Rottweiler against a Labrador, then, of course, the Rottweiler will be stronger, even a poorly trained one. After all, dogs of this breed have aggression. The Labrador has no anger at all. And the grip of the powerful jaws is so “soft” that the Rottweiler may not feel anything.


If you are deciding whether a Doberman or a Rottweiler is more suitable for you, you need to know about some of the character traits of these animals. Based on the type of nervous system, the Doberman is considered a pronounced choleric: a dog that is stubborn and difficult to train. But this opinion is held only by those people who are new to this breed. In reality, the Doberman is a vigilant protector and guardian, as well as an excellent companion that adapts well to the family.

The Doberman is able to very subtly sense the mood of the owner. He becomes a devoted friend, but only for a kind and intelligent owner. Communication with other pets, if there are any in your home, is not easy. Dobermans are dogs with a sensitive nervous system, especially when the situation changes dramatically. Therefore, if you have an aggressive cat or dog that can provoke a showdown, then most likely a quarrel cannot be avoided.

Provided that the pets living in the house are adequate, Dobermans become their protectors and even accomplices: for example, they can distract the owner when the cat steals various treats from the table.

Care and feeding

Both breeds are smooth-haired, so caring for them is easy. These dogs shed lightly, but once every two weeks they should be brushed with a special brush, unless, of course, you are eager to clean up hair all over the house.

The owner must decide whether to use ready-made food or natural food; their choice is often influenced by the recommendations of the breeder from whom the animal is purchased. Experts believe that natural nutrition can significantly extend the life of pets. Ready-made feeds also have an advantage - they contain all the vitamins that are necessary for the development of the animal.

doberman or rottweiler

What's good about a Rottweiler?

This is a dog with a very high intelligence and at the same time very cunning - this should not be underestimated. If you notice that your beloved dog has stopped following your command and at the same time looks at you with clear, honest and uncomprehending eyes, rest assured that he is simply deceiving you.

The Rottweiler is not just a reliable guard - it is a full-fledged member of the family who equally loves its owners and their children, although it unquestioningly obeys only one person. In the family he behaves surprisingly affectionately, like a cat, however, if there are very young children, problems may arise. A Rottweiler will never, under any circumstances, offend the owner’s child, even if it causes significant inconvenience. But due to its large dimensions and body weight, the dog can hit a small child, who will fall and get hurt.

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