How dogs give birth: description of the process, assistance during childbirth, complications

A week ago we gave birth to a litter of Jack Russell Terriers - 3 boys and 2 girls .

The whole family was looking forward to the joyful event, so everyone prepared for the birth as best they could. The female part of the family read forums and watched a useful video “How to give birth to a dog , collected a first aid kit and even bought marker collars for newborn puppies . The male half was puzzled by the creation of a special place for the birth of a dog .

What does a dog's maternity box look like?

At first, we had the idea of ​​​​buying a ready-made nest (some people also call it a den) for dog births via the Internet. We even found a nice option that is made to order in 4-7 days and 3 thousand rubles:

place to give birth to a dog
However, then our men decided that the design of a maternity box for a dog is quite simple, just a box without a bottom with a small border around the perimeter from the inside. Therefore, having the necessary materials, it is quite easy to build it yourself!

Features of childbirth in different breeds and sizes

In small breeds of dogs (Dachshunds, Spitz, Yorkies), the first signs of early whelping can be noticed from the 50th day, in large breeds (Labradors, Shepherds) - from the 60th day. Various kinds of complications can result in the birth of a yard dog, husky and German shepherd. However, there are some breeds that are difficult to tolerate this process.

English bulldogs

English Bulldogs have a small lung capacity, which is why labor can cause oxygen deprivation. The lungs cannot cope with the load, so the animal has to choose between breathing and childbirth. Cesarean sections are required not only for bulldogs, but also for pugs and Pekingese.


A characteristic feature of Molossians is prolonged labor. The reason is large internal organs that cannot cope with the imposed load. At the same time, they are quite prolific and bear 10-15 puppies. After the birth of the first 3-5 puppies, the uterus loses tone, which is why a caesarean section has to be performed.


Small and toy breeds have a number of obstetric problems. First of all, the ratio of fetus to maternal body weight is approximately 1:10, and in large breeds it is 1:50. Exit even through the wide birth canal is difficult. If you allow a Spitz, Chihuahua, Yorkshire or French terrier to whelp on its own, it will take from 3 hours to a couple of days.

This period is too long, which may cause difficulties. In this case, you will have to urgently find out the number of the veterinarian and take the woman in labor to the clinic.

For reference! Responsibility for the life and upbringing of puppies often falls on the owner of the animals, since Yorkies have poorly developed maternal instincts.

Caesarean section in a dog

Do-it-yourself place for giving birth to a dog

As luck would have it, we found a few extra tiles of laminate, which were perfect for making a place for the dog to give birth, and several bars measuring 4*6 cm.

Laminate is an absolutely smooth material, so it is easy to clean - this is a definite plus. It is also moderately heavy, and it fits perfectly into our interior!

place to give birth to a dogAs you can see in the pictures, our dog birthing box has the following dimensions : the height of 2 laminate dies is 40 cm. The width of the place for giving birth to a dog is 55 cm, and the length is 85 cm. In my opinion, these dimensions are optimal for Jack Russell Terriers.

DIY dog birthing box

Unseen circumstances

As the birth of the puppies approaches, make sure you have everything covered, even with unforeseen circumstances.

  • Make sure your bitch's veterinarian knows she's about to give birth and you have his phone number handy (including a phone number for after-hours calls). Also make sure you have all veterinary records and paperwork available in case your regular veterinarian is not available.
  • Make sure you have a suitable vehicle available to take your dog to the veterinarian 24 hours a day if necessary.
  • Try to get at least one more phone number of an experienced dog owner who will be available “on call” to help you if necessary.
  • If you have children or any other pets, make sure you have someone to care for them if you need to take your dog to the vet.

Features of the design of a maternity box for a dog.

If you decide to make a maternity box for a dog with your own hands , do not forget about the mandatory design element - a limiting bar around the perimeter on the inside of the box.

It is attached approximately at a height of 10 cm from the floor and is designed to prevent the bitch from accidentally crushing the newborn puppy with her weight, pressing him against the wall of the box.

DIY dog birthing box
When we were making a place for the dog to give birth, we assumed that our mother would be located along the long side, but in the end it turned out that she is periodically happy to be placed across it as well!

do-it-yourself place for giving birth to a dog

Please note that the entrance to the maternity box should not be high, literally 10 cm. We came to this conclusion already during operation - the dog should be able to calmly enter, and not jump inside, so as not to accidentally fall on the puppy at this moment and not harm him!

Childbirth in dogsPuppiness in dogs lasts 63 days, deviations within the normal range are 4-5 days in one direction or another. By the time the puppies are born, that is, giving birth, you must completely arrange the place where the bitch will live with her offspring. Of course, it is best to place it in the same place that the dog is accustomed to, but some alterations will be required. It will be ideal if you can build some kind of roof and walls - dogs, and other animals, love to feel “in a hole”. Nowadays, pet stores sell various houses for animals, but if you have a large dog, it is not always possible to find the required size. Please also keep in mind that the dog will not be there alone, but with puppies. For a large dog, you can equip a “nest” under the desk if it has solid side walls. Of course, you won’t be able to use the table. The place for puppies must be fenced: for tall dogs the height of the fence is 20-30 cm, for small breeds - 10-15 cm. It is difficult to imagine how early the babies begin to crawl out of their place and into what kind of cracks they will not be able to crawl! Therefore, the longer the fence remains an insurmountable obstacle for them, the better for them and the calmer you will be. Of course, the entire structure must have a sufficient margin of strength to withstand the weight of the puppies storming it. At the same time, the walls - or at least one of the walls of the fence - should be easily removable so that, if necessary, to help during childbirth, you can remove the wall and sit next to the dog. Atlas of dog breeds Dogs for sale Dog kennels Dog food Dog training

The litter should occupy about half the area of ​​the fence, be rigid enough so as not to bunch up all the time, and be replaced regularly. There should not be any bowls with leftover food or water left in the enclosure: puppies are very delicate and can be injured by the seemingly plastic edges of the bowl or even choke in the water. There should be enough space in the enclosure so that 4-7 puppies can not only fit freely there, but also be able to play, since it is better to let them out into the room after three weeks. Naturally, when they grow up so much that no fence can hold them back, they will constantly crawl out of it, but it’s still better for them to sleep in place - this disciplines them, preparing them for adult life, and protects them from the unnecessary risk that someone someone will step on them. I think there is no need to explain that all valuable or dangerous things must be removed from the room where the puppies will be released: first of all, wires and rubber toys, erasers, balls, etc., books and newspapers, ironing boards, irons , long curtains, cords - in a word, everything on which you can hang, get tangled, tear off, chew, swallow, choke... The furniture in this room needs to be moved close to the wall or, conversely, placed at the maximum possible distance from the walls - so that you can’t touch it was to get hammered and stuck there. We had one puppy who loved to sleep with his head and chest between the wall and the closet and only his round butt exposed into the room. We were still inexperienced breeders and were moved by this spectacle until the baby got stuck. Fortunately, everything worked out: we were nearby and immediately pulled him out, but this story could have had a sad ending. The place should be equipped in advance, 3-4 weeks before the birth, so that the bitch has time to get used to it. Remember that a puppy has a heightened instinct of self-preservation, and a sudden change of environment may frighten her at first. By the way, do not undertake any major furniture moves, repairs, or moves when puppies are expected: firstly, the risk of injury increases sharply, which is also aggravated by the fact that the dog becomes less mobile and dexterous, and secondly, in nervous, choleric and easily excitable dogs, change can cause stress and cause miscarriage. I would like to give an example of how my dog, as a puppy, was walking along an absolutely familiar route at the dacha, did not have time to dodge an open hatch (any dog, of course, would have jumped away, but because of its puppyhood its reaction was slowed down) and fell into the basement. The height was small - about a meter, and the dog was large, however, 2 out of 7 puppies were born in the form of macerated, that is, dried, corpses. A smaller, lighter dog could have lost the entire litter or even died. Therefore, you should especially monitor your dog during the whelping period, walk it only along well-known routes, avoid noisy places and dog gatherings where it can be injured, try to take it away from sources of sharp loud sounds (for example, from highways where horns are constantly honking). cars, squealing brakes, etc.), especially in the last third of pregnancy. In a word, caring for a puppy dog ​​is in some ways similar to caring for a sick animal: everything, even familiar objects or animals, now pose some kind of danger to it, and no one except its owner will take care of it and protect it...

N. Sokolova


How to properly keep your dog

Childbirth in dogs, preparing a place for puppies

Posts 1 page 30 of 48

Share12010-11-10 20:37:48

Do you need a birth box? Dear breeders, please tell me how to make it? When to do it? When should I put my dog ​​there? What size should be for a bitch about 80 cm at the withers?

Share22010-11-11 19:22:18

Cover the bottom of the birthing box with straw and place bedding on top. If there is no straw, you can use hay. Both need to be changed from time to time. For small dogs, you can place a pillow loosely stuffed with straw at the bottom of the crate. Using a blanket stretched over the crate, you can regulate the temperature inside where the puppies need warmth. In addition, the blanket protects against unwanted drafts.

Share32010-11-11 19:57:23

Share42010-11-16 15:23:59

We allocated her a small room near the boiler room; a shower was planned there, but no one ever used it. Let's knock something together from the beams there. You need to collect rags and newspapers

Share52010-11-16 16:18:09

Mari , in your case, do not make the box far from your own room. I already wrote about this

Share62010-11-16 16:39:47

Why? Then I’ll have to move to live in the boiler room, basically just go down the stairs. no, well, it’s clear that as soon as the time comes to give birth, I’ll try to be around, well, after all, there are vets in the family, though they’re trained in ungulates

I’m afraid to sit with her all New Year’s Eve, usually all our relatives gather at our place, I don’t let anyone into the basement with the dog. let everyone sit there, no curiosity

Share72010-11-16 19:23:04

I already wrote when the issue of Zara giving birth was discussed. I don't remember what topic.

Then I'll have to move to live in the boiler room

I think it's worth it. After all, someone will have to have access to the puppies, since your dog is aggressive.

no, well, it’s clear that as soon as the time comes to give birth, I’ll try to be there

I apologize for being blunt, but when the time comes to give birth, it may already be too late. She might not let you in.

I’m afraid to sit with her all New Year’s Eve, usually all our relatives gather at our place, I don’t let anyone into the basement with the dog. let everyone sit there, no curiosity

Maybe this will be more correct

Share82010-11-16 20:10:31

Ga-Ga fig box. I was jealous. But I’m not capable of that.

Share92010-11-16 20:20:11

Mysterious , she is not a monster, even if I describe her that way, she lives with us, we go for walks regularly. She loves me and I love her, she won’t eat me, I was convinced

Share102012-01-04 18:54:41

Share112012-01-04 23:00:19

Mari wrote: Why? I already wrote when the issue of Zara giving birth was discussed. I don't remember what topic.

Mari wrote: Then I'll have to move to the boiler room. I think it's worth it. After all, someone will have to have access to the puppies,

Share122012-01-05 13:18:52

They live in a box for up to 30 days, and then I move them with their mother to a cage.

Don't let you out of the box or cage at all?

Share132012-01-05 17:09:21

Edited by Yuri Krivolapchuk (2012-01-05 17:46:47)

Share142012-01-05 17:39:19

Don't let you out of the box or cage at all?

So I wanted to ask about this.

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