Everything you need to know about cat sterilization

Why sterilize your cat?

Sterilization helps reduce or eliminate an animal's sexual activity. After this procedure, cats are not subject to hormonal surges, behave calmer and do not rush outside in search of a partner.

Sterilization of cats
Sterilization will help avoid many health problems. IgorVetushko/depositphotos.com

This also brings certain benefits to the cat’s body. After all, if estrus passes without mating, diseases of the reproductive organs may develop, such as inflammation of the uterus (pyometra), or problems with the mammary glands and ovaries may begin. According to Banfield research: Spaying, neutering correlates with longer lives, animals that have been sterilized live longer.

This operation is also a reliable way to avoid the appearance of kittens, which are then not so easy to place. And for pets who spend time outside unattended, this is also protection from diseases that can be contracted from non-domestic animals.

General concept

Sterile - translated from Latin as “sterile.” This is sterility, the complete elimination of absolutely all microorganisms, their spores outside or inside objects, in liquids, in the air.

Sterilization is used in

  • food industry, canning;
  • medicine;
  • hairdresser;
  • for manicure;
  • microbiology;
  • pharmaceutical industry and other areas.

Why is sterilization necessary at all?


This is a guarantee of protection against common infections, and such dangerous ones as hepatitis C and HIV.

What are the types of cat sterilization?

Surgeries to terminate reproductive function and remove the organs responsible for it in cats are different.

  • Ovariectomy - removal of only the ovaries, leaving the uterus untouched. Suitable for young animals, as well as cats who have not yet had kittens.
  • Hysterectomy - removal of the uterus while preserving the ovaries. Applicable only in individual cases for medical reasons. After this operation, estrus and behavior corresponding to this period are maintained.
  • Ovariohysterectomy is the removal of all reproductive organs, that is, the ovaries and uterus. Suitable for adults and cats who have already given birth, as well as those with pathological changes in the uterus.

The surgical procedure is performed in several ways:

  • an incision along the white line, that is, on the belly;
  • side cut;
  • ultra-small incision using a surgical hook;
  • laparoscopy, that is, removal through small incisions (punctures) using endoscopic equipment.

The appropriate option is determined by the veterinarian based on the characteristics of the operation and the animal’s body.

Another method is tubal occlusion, that is, ligation of the fallopian tubes. The reproductive organs are not removed during this operation. Moreover, the cat completely retains its previous behavior and even goes into heat. But the pet cannot get pregnant. An additional risk associated with this operation is the formation of tumors and cysts in the ovaries and uterus.

Cats are also chemically sterilized, which is temporary. In this case, surgery is not necessary; the animal is simply injected with a drug that for a certain time reduces the production of hormones and suppresses sexual activity. This option is suitable if you need to get healthy offspring from your pet, but after some time.

Sterilization methods

There are several different ways to disinfect instruments and products. The main thing is to know about all the pros and cons of each of them.

  1. thermal methods (steam, ultrasonic, glasperlene and air sterilization). They are the most popular: they effectively disinfect tools and products. They involve exposure to high temperatures during processing.
  2. Steam sterilizers (autoclaves) are treated with humidified steam at high pressure.
    Autoclaves are large and expensive. This method is suitable for disinfecting linen, bandages, dressings, glassware and surgical instruments. The temperature in steam sterilizers is from 120-140 °C, the processing time is 20-60 minutes. This is the highest quality and fastest method, it is also safe for the environment and workers;
  3. air methods (dry heat ovens). Dry hot air acts as a disinfectant. Elimination of microbes occurs due to the oxidation and combustion of protein in cells. Drying ovens are small in size and cheaper than autoclaves, so they can be used in small spaces, such as beauty salons.
    The method is also safe for the environment and is suitable for disinfecting metal products, glass and rubber.

    Temperature regime - 150-180 °C, and processing time - 45-160 minutes;

  4. sterilization in chemical solutions. The essence of the method is the disinfection of instruments and products in solutions of chemicals. As soon as the sterilization process is completed, the instruments must be washed in distilled water.
    The method is suitable for objects made of glass, metal, rubber and plastic.

    Disinfection time can range from 60 to 600 minutes and varies depending on the chemicals in which the products are kept;

  5. gas method. This method is not the most popular, as it is very expensive, emits toxic gases and is fire and explosive. Disinfection takes place at a temperature of 80 °C and using gases; the treatment time ranges from 120-960 minutes. The duration varies depending on the gas used. Suitable for processing tools made of plastic and rubber.

What to do before sterilizing a cat

The operation can be performed in a veterinary clinic or at home. But in any case, some preparation will be required. First, your cat needs to be vaccinated against infectious diseases. It is placed no later than 4 weeks before the procedure. It is also advisable to deworm the animal in about a week or two.

Preparing a cat for sterilization
Do all the tests to make sure that the operation will not harm you. ilariya.95.mail.ru/depositphotos.com

Before sterilization, also be sure to consult with a veterinarian, go through all the tests that are prescribed, and get tested. This will help avoid complications, because surgery for problems with the lungs, heart or other organs can harm the body and lead to dire consequences. This is especially true for animals over 10 years old.

If all indicators are normal, the veterinarian will prescribe surgery. The pet should not be fed 12 hours before the procedure to avoid vomiting during and after anesthesia. It is better to stop giving water about 2 hours before anesthesia.

Sterilization of cats: blanket
A blanket will help keep the seams clean. Ukususha/depositphotos.com

You also need to buy a special blanket in advance that will fit the size of the animal. It is put on immediately after surgery and prevents the cat from licking the wound, and also protects from dirt and damage.

What care does a cat need after sterilization?

After surgery in the clinic, transport the animal in a carrier with a hard bottom, covered with a diaper or towel. During the cold season, take care that your pet does not freeze, because after anesthesia her body temperature is already lowered.

How to care for a cat in the first hours

When you bring your pet home, put it on a bed, towel or blanket and cover it if it’s cool. The same should be done if the operation took place at home.

Do not place the animal on a sofa or other elevated surfaces, because after waking up from sleep it will not immediately return to its normal state and may fall. It is advisable that there are no sharp corners or other surfaces nearby that could easily cause injury. If the room is cold, take care of additional heating. But do not place your pet directly next to a radiator or heater.

Cat after sterilization
Help your cat recover calmly after surgery./depositphotos.com

Do not allow small children near your pet at first, so that they do not accidentally harm her. If there are other animals in the house, it is also better to isolate them from the sterilized patient.

When the cat comes to, do not leave it unattended. While the anesthesia is in effect and the pet’s eyes are open (they do not close under the influence of the drugs), periodically instill saline or boiled water into them until the animal begins to blink on its own. This will prevent the cornea from drying out, and getting out of sleep will be more comfortable.

How to care for a cat when she's awake

Having returned to consciousness, the animal will move uncertainly, stagger, and perhaps even fall for several hours. The cat may also show aggression, bite and hiss, try to climb somewhere or hide in a secluded place. At this time, under no circumstances should she be left alone. After all, acting unconsciously, your pet can simply harm itself.

If your pet is too active and does not calm down, you can even close it in a carrier to keep it safe. After some time, the cat will fully come to its senses - when exactly depends on the characteristics of the body.

Legal regulation of sterilization and castration in Russia

The main regulatory document that determines the possibility of medical sterilization of a person is Federal Law No. 323 of November 21, 2011. Article 57 of this Federal Law is devoted to the issues of sterilization, as a final operation leading to the impossibility of leaving offspring for people. It provides for the right of a person to voluntarily undergo a sterilization procedure with a number of restrictions. In particular, the law allows independent voluntary sterilization only if one of the following conditions is met:

  • The presence of appropriate medical indications with the obligatory informing of the citizen about the voluntariness of such a procedure;
  • Upon reaching the age of 35;
  • If you have at least two children.

Sterilization in this case is considered, in particular, as one of the methods of contraception, which has almost absolute safety. Voluntary informed consent is legally understood as a citizen’s knowledge of the features of the procedure, its risks and consequences. At the same time, carrying out sterilization requires a citizen who wishes to subject himself to it to write a corresponding written statement.


In medical practice, the terms castration and sterilization differ. Sterilization implies restriction only of reproductive function while fully preserving other human sexual functions. At the same time, castration involves complete or partial removal of the genital organs by surgical or other means, or other intervention that completely limits the possibility of sexual activity.

Castration as a forced operation is prohibited in the Russian Federation. Possible exceptions may only be situations in which such operations are necessary to save a person’s life, for example, in the case of necrosis or other gangrenous lesions of the relevant organs or vital systems. Or voluntary chemical castration of persons under compulsory treatment due to sexual crimes against minors committed due to the presence of mental disorders.

Medical indications for sterilization mean a list of circumstances in which failure to carry out such a procedure may pose a danger to the life or health of a citizen. The main document, which contains a complete list of diseases and painful conditions that provide for the possibility of sterilization, is Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 121n dated March 18, 2009. First of all, such health conditions include diseases that exclude the possibility of conceiving a healthy child.

Important fact

Sterilization of a legally incompetent person recognized as such is permitted upon the application of his guardian, if such person has reached the age of majority, and only in a court hearing with the presence of the incompetent person himself.

Sterilization of animals in Russia is not regulated by law. Their legal owners have the right to sterilize animals. In addition, veterinary sterilization in the Russian Federation is considered one of the most humane and effective ways to combat homeless and neglected animals, as well as a method of birth control in nature reserves and national parks in the event of excessive population growth of certain species. Many pesticides also have a sterilizing effect to stop pests from multiplying.

What medications should I give my cat after sterilization?

Your veterinarian may recommend giving your animal antibiotics. But you shouldn’t do this without a doctor’s recommendations, much less use ordinary, “human” drugs, as this can harm your pet.

Caring for a cat after sterilization
If you doubt that your cat is feeling well, consult your doctor. Motortion Films / shutterstock.com

In some cases, additional processing of the seams may be necessary. The specialists who operated will explain how to do this correctly and whether it is necessary. If this is not required, simply inspect the seams every day to make sure they are dry and clean. In case of suppuration, it is better to immediately contact the clinic.

If you doubt that you will be able to provide the necessary care, or simply do not have time for this, after the operation the cat can be left in the hospital, where veterinarians will look after it.

Consequences of sterilization

Although such an operation is classified as complex, it is performed in almost any clinic. The animal recovers quite quickly; after two weeks only a small mark remains in the place where the seam was.

what to do after sterilizing a cat
After sterilization, cats become more attached to their home. The psycho-emotional sphere and hunting instincts do not suffer at all. The state of health after the operation is excellent, which allows the cat to live a full life without causing trouble to its owners.

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