Armenian Wolfhound - Aboriginal dog (Gampr)

Gampr is a real savage, a highlander among other dogs, whose homeland is the Armenian Highlands. This breed was formed by nature itself, without any human intervention, but it was in serving its owner that the Armenian Wolfhound recognized its destiny.

Armenian Gampr: description of the breed

On man, in turn, this beast made an indelible impression. Legends were made about the Armenian wolfhound; he was an integral part of the pantheon of Armenian gods - the winged Aralez, who licked the wounds of warriors. A quiet shepherd, a fierce warrior, a selfless defender of the weak - all these roles coexist perfectly in the wolfhound. He was destined to become not a domesticated animal, but a full member of the family, which the dog faithfully served.

Gampras have proven their loyalty to humans for thousands of years.

Gampras have proven their loyalty to humans for thousands of years.

The title “wolfhound” is not an empty phrase for this breed. On the one hand, gamprs are connected with wolves by family ties (the remains found indicate that gampr is a variant of a domesticated wolf), on the other hand, only gampr is capable of starting a fight with a wolf and emerging victorious.

Origin story

There are many material traces of the antiquity of the breed in Armenia. These are well-preserved petroglyphs depicting scenes of hunting with dogs, dating back to the 1st century. BC. and historical documents relating to this period, testifying to the participation in the military campaigns of King Tigran II of dogs similar to modern Gampras.

Centuries of military and political upheavals in the history of Armenia were reflected in the number and purity of the Armenian wolfhound breed. The war with the Ottoman Empire led not only to the loss of most of the population and significant territory, but also to the annexation of Gampra.

Several breeds of Turkish dogs were developed on its basis, which led to a decrease in the number of Gampras. Despite the fact that most of northeastern Turkey formerly belonged to Armenia, the Turks are trying to classify the Armenian Wolfhound as a variety of Turkish breeds and have even registered it under the name “Anatolian Karabash”.

The Armenian Wolfhound is not recognized by the FCI. However, in 2011, the Gampr was registered in the “working dog” section of the International Canine Union (IKU) register. Today, about 2,000 Gampras are registered in Armenia.

The largest population of Armenian wolfhounds is in America (California). There, through the efforts of immigrants from Armenia and R. Mayer, the “Armenian Gumpra Club in America” (AGCA) was created, which fights to preserve the naturalness of the breed.

How is it different from alabai

Spitz fox (red orange): comparison with a bear cub

Gampras are larger than Alabais. They are very similar in appearance, but the Armenian breed can be distinguished by its characteristic almond-shaped eyes and intelligent, serious look. Alabais behave calmer and generally look more melancholy.

Disqualification and disadvantages of the breed

The Armenian Aboriginal Shepherd must meet the standards listed above. The disadvantage is, for example, the discrepancy with the specified dimensions, both in height and in weight. A long loin, light eyes, a sagging belly - all this is also considered a disadvantage, and the owner of such an animal must understand this.

But disqualification requires more serious things, such as blindness or deafness, as well as the absence of a double undercoat.

Description of the breed

Gampr (Armenian Wolfhound) is a very large dog. Its appearance immediately indicates how powerful this dog is. Experts note that this dog breed has many similarities with the Caucasian Shepherd.

These dogs usually reach a height of 63–67 cm. There are larger options when the dogs are up to 90 cm tall. Naturally, males are taller. Weight ranges from 48 to 65 kilograms. Quite a large part of the weight is formed due to thick wool.

The dog's physique is massive, very developed, with excellent muscles and a wide chest. The neck is medium in size, which creates the feeling of a smooth transition from head to body.

The dog's face has dark eyes. In combination with sloping brow ridges, such oval eyes create a feeling of benevolence. The ears of the Gampra hang down on either side of the head, giving the appearance that they are glued to it.

Color and coat

The color of a dog of this breed can vary. Most often, sandy dogs are found in combination with a black “mask” on the face or gray in color. Undesirable color colors are brown and liver.

The dog's fur is long, with the exception of the muzzle. The tail is set high. If the gampr is in a state of excitement, the tail rises, but does not lie on the back. In a calm state, it is always below.

If you want to start breeding this breed, then you need to know that the first litter usually produces 5–6 puppies, and then an adult Armenian Gampr is capable of producing 8–10 strong puppies.

The average lifespan of these powerful dogs is 13–15 years. Very often there are individuals that live up to 20 years, like the highlanders who bred this breed.

Choosing a Gampr puppy

Small gampras are very different from adult dogs. They are soft in every way, they have a large head, short hair and very powerful paws. Sometimes the nose, pads and eyelids of newborns are pink. Over time, they gradually turn black and should acquire full pigmentation by four months. During the first 9 months, the Gampr may have a slight undershoot, which either corrects or remains with age. It is worth remembering that the standard bite should be a scissor bite. When puppies are born, breeders pay attention to the babies’ ability to lift their bellies off the ground at the age of 2 weeks. The inability to do this may indicate genetic pathologies in the development of bones and joints.

For a layman, a Gampra puppy is practically no different from a Caucasian puppy, SAO and other similar breeds. And some people won’t even be able to distinguish a purebred puppy from a mongrel of a similar type and color. Therefore, it is advisable to buy a small wolfhound only in a certified nursery.

The breed is very rare outside of Armenia. There are single nurseries in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. Today, several nurseries in the USA are engaged in breeding Gampras, which work closely with their Armenian colleagues.

Taking puppies from unknown parents is a big lottery. In this breed, it is important that in several generations the dogs have typical character traits, a calm, balanced temperament and those working qualities thanks to which the Gampr has gained recognition.


The price of a Gampra puppy varies over a very wide range. In Russia, the average cost is 50,000 rubles. Babies of elite lines from well-known manufacturers can cost much more. You can often find Armenian Wolfhound puppies in markets at a price of around 20,000 rubles. Usually these are dogs of breeders who do not bother much with the issues of preserving the character and working qualities of the native breed.

Character and habits of the Gampr

The Caucasian Shepherd of the Armenian type is a multifunctional dog. She can act as a shepherd, hunter, rescuer, watchman, protector. At the same time, Gampra is distinguished by an independent mind and character. He will perform certain functions if he independently decides that there is a need for this. The character of the Armenian wolfhound is distinguished by its balance and stability.
The dog will never show inappropriate aggressiveness. In a calm environment, he prefers to remain unnoticed. The dog easily recognizes the emotions of people and animals: fear, love, joy, recognition and respect.

Relationships with people and animals

  • Gampr and the owner . The Shepherd feels a close connection with its owners and becomes very attached to them. But a trusting relationship must come, first of all, from the person. If the owner ignores the Armenian Gampr, then he will not recognize the owner. He will feel like a member of the family if he is treated in a friendly manner. At the same time, the owner must show willpower and spirit, otherwise the gampr will consider himself a leader and act at his own discretion.
  • Gampr and other family members . The Armenian Gampr shows special affection for children. He is very careful with children and will never allow himself to scare or offend a child. The same attitude applies to women. The dog also acts as a protector for domestic animals. At the same time, first of all, the gampr selects young animals as wards, and then adult individuals.
  • Gampr and the Aliens . The dog will behave indifferently towards unfamiliar people or animals until the owners are in real danger. A wolfhound can assess the degree of danger on its own and attack without a command. This situation is possible, for example, when meeting with wolves.


Since ancient times, Armenian wolfhounds have been used as shepherds' assistants, but not for grazing livestock, but to protect the herd from wolves. The Gampr breed is an excellent protector and guard. He always tries to choose elevated places and monitor the territory, and in case of danger he fiercely and fearlessly protects his owners. Armenian wolfhounds are also used by search and rescue teams during landslides or avalanches. But now Armenian wolfhounds are full-fledged family members and reliable companions.

armenian wolfhound gampr photo

Pros and cons of the breed

Despite its massive and formidable appearance, the Armenian wolfhound is distinguished by its noble calmness, kindness and balanced character. But the dog does not intend to perceive strangers as friends. If he feels threatened, then at any cost he is ready to defend himself from strangers. However, these dogs will not bark in vain. Some owners believe that their four-legged friends do not know how to voice at all.

Since these dogs like to keep everything under constant control, the most comfortable place for them is a good observation platform, from where they can be observers of what is happening and begin to act if necessary. It is important to install an enclosure with a good viewing angle and lock the dog in it only in case of urgent need.

The insight and intelligence of the Armenian wolfhound allows him to be independent and make independent decisions. Due to their heightened sense of independence, such dogs are very difficult to train, and for inexperienced dog breeders this process is completely impossible. However, there is no need to worry, gampras themselves know how to act, without training.

The advantages of a bear dog include:

  • devotion;
  • calm;
  • absence of unjustified aggression;
  • bravery;
  • excellent guard and shepherd skills;
  • caution and attentiveness;
  • intelligence, tendency to make decisions independently.

The disadvantages include: the presence of a wayward character, upbringing requires a firm hand, cannot bear to “bend under” a person.

Gampras, having unpretentious eating habits, are resistant to many diseases, which makes the life of the owner much easier. Also, these dogs can rightfully be called long-livers. There have been cases when dogs of this breed lived up to 20 years. With proper feeding and care, the dog will live a long and happy life, remaining a loyal friend and guard until old age.


Only a person with a strong will and strong character can raise a gampra. The dog can think and make decisions independently. Before dedicating his life to a person, a wolfhound will think. Therefore, it is important to establish partnerships with him.

The four-legged guard needs constant communication with humans. It is important for him to realize that he is useful and needed. Without physical and intellectual stress, the pet begins to get bored and willful, refusing to obey the owner.

Diseases of the breed

Gampr is distinguished by very good health, in which the blood of wolves and ideal adaptation to local conditions played an important role. Dogs are not susceptible to allergic reactions, have strong immunity and good resistance to local parasites.

One of the disadvantages is the tendency to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Gampr grows rapidly and gains weight, which negatively affects the condition of the bone joints.

Dogs of this breed have:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • dislocations and subluxations of the elbow joints.

Good health does not protect gampra from viral and infectious diseases inherent in carnivores - distemper, rabies. Therefore, they need vaccination against these deadly diseases.

Since the dog is outdoors most of the time, it needs to be treated for fleas and ticks, and its fur and ears must be periodically inspected. Gampras sometimes have ear diseases, but these are not shortcomings of the breed, but the negligence of the owner.


The Armenian Gampr can hardly be called a long-liver. The average duration is 10 years. Cases have been recorded of wolfhounds living up to 15 and even 20 years. It is possible that short life is associated with heavy loads on the musculoskeletal system.

Health and diseases of the Armenian gampr

The Armenian wolfhound has a strong immune system and is completely free of genetic diseases. Dogs spend most of their time outdoors and require regular treatment for parasites. It is also necessary to get vaccinations on time. If care is regular and appropriate, then life expectancy reaches 20 years. Common diseases include otitis media, mechanical damage, and joint dysplasia.

Important! All health problems arise due to improper care.

Maintenance and care

The Armenian Wolfhound is a working dog, accustomed to working. There is no place for him in a city apartment, even with a lot of physical activity. The minimum conditions are private house with a spacious local area and an aviary.

It is important for Gampr to feel that he is needed. The ideal life for him is in the vastness of fields and mountains, when he, together with the owner-farmer, grazes and protects livestock from attacks by wild animals.

It tolerates both heat and cold well. But short-haired dogs living on the street need an insulated kennel, and long-haired dogs in extreme heat should be able to hide from the scorching sun under a canopy and have access to water.

The Armenian Wolfhound feels good living in an enclosure, but it is important for him to walk a lot, 2-3 hours a day in any weather. Walks for an adult Gampr should be organized so that the pet moves and plays a lot. But while the puppy is growing, do not overwork the dog’s joints - avoid jumping, and increase the level of physical activity gradually.

The gampr is unpretentious in food and is far from a glutton. An adult dog should be fed 2 times a day; puppies are fed 3-6 times depending on their age. While the puppy is growing, it is important to create the right diet to avoid joint problems: rapid weight gain puts a lot of strain on the dog’s joints.

Grooming is minimal - the coat should be brushed once a week and bathed only as needed. During shedding, the fur will need to be brushed more often. Teeth are brushed once a week, and ears - when dirty. The claws are trimmed only on those individuals whose claws do not grind down naturally.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Devotees.
  • They have a calm and balanced character.
  • Non-aggressive.
  • Excellent guard characteristics.
  • Be careful and attentive.
  • Tend to make decisions on their own.


  • Not suitable for keeping in a city apartment.
  • Not suitable for novice dog owners.
  • Not suitable for an elderly owner.

It is known that the Gampr is an independent dog breed that is difficult to train. Tell us what parenting techniques you used with your pet.

More about nutrition

Armenian wolfhounds are completely unpretentious in food . Puppies up to six months are fed up to six times a day, adult dogs twice. A proper diet is very important, since the dog gains weight quickly and it is important that there is not a lot of stress on the joints.

Gampra can be fed premium dry food with the addition of chondoprotectors.

However, it is preferable if the dog eats natural products:

  1. Lean meat.
  2. Cartilage.
  3. Porridge (barley, oatmeal, wheat).
  4. Vegetables.
  5. Eggs.
  6. Fermented milk products.

It is better to exclude tubular bones, any seasonings and spices, sweets, and smoked products from the diet.

Gampr training

It is believed that the Armenian Gampr does not need training at all, since all the necessary qualities and skills are already inherent in it by nature. To some extent this is true. This dog proves to be an excellent worker in various fields without special training.

A strong psyche, as well as a clear mind, simply will not allow the puppy to grow up to be just a pitiful semblance of an Armenian wolfhound. However, education is just as important for a dog as it is for a child. If you are unsure of your abilities, contact the breeder or the kennel club, where they will give you all the necessary advice and also help with training.

In some areas of Armenia, this method of determining the best wolfhound is still used: a wolf skin is thrown to two-month-old puppies and their reaction is monitored. Of course, such an exam at such a tender age cannot prove anything. Still, some owners claim that already at 2 months some puppies have a real gampr reaction.

In general, wolfhound puppies take quite a long time to mature. They remain small until about 2 years of age. During this period, it is very important to establish relationships between the puppy and the owner, as well as other family members. In general, it is recommended to introduce the puppy to people and animals so that in the future he does not treat everyone with unnecessary suspicion. Despite such upbringing, an adult dog will clearly identify its family and also protect it when a threat arises.

Character of Armenian wolfhounds

Gampr is a dog for whom it is important to be in the company of people. Representatives of this breed easily make contact with both people and animals. They are non-aggressive and balanced. Gampr is independent and prefers to make decisions based on himself. For example, before executing a command, the wolfhound must make sure that it is reasonable.

An emotional connection with the owner is necessary for a wolfhound

An emotional connection with the owner is necessary for a wolfhound

For thousands of years, Gampras have protected both herds and entire settlements, and therefore the ability to quickly assess a situation and develop a plan of action is deeply imprinted in this breed. The Gampra's loyalty to the decisions it makes calls into question the possibility of training representatives of the breed. During training, you need to be careful not to violate the dog’s personal boundaries by forcing him to perform some action. Otherwise, the wolfhound will become embittered.

Gampras are always attentive to members of their pack, especially those who are weaker

Gampras are always attentive to members of their pack, especially those who are weaker

By the way! It is important to constantly motivate Gampr throughout the training, both with emotional reinforcements in the form of praise and culinary reinforcements in the form of treats.

A special genetically inherent skill of Armenian wolfhounds is the ability to balance between sensitivity and belligerence. In other words, they perfectly combine the qualities of a defender and a warrior, without overlapping each other. The caution of gampres can be illustrated by their friendly relationship with children - wolfhounds feel when their barking scares a child, so they never bark for no reason. Gampras also see no point in growling at strangers for no reason until they pose a direct threat. These dogs tend to stay in the shadows and keep the situation under control, being invisible.

However, as soon as the gampr recognizes a threat from the outside, it attacks immediately, without waiting for anyone’s commands, therefore, when walking in crowded places, it is advisable to put a deaf collar on the wolfhound.

Long-haired wolfhound

Long-haired wolfhound

Gampry recognizes the emotions of its owners well and needs a constant emotional response. The wolfhound wants to be, first of all, a friend to its owner, a member of his family. Any attempts to train the dog will not lead to anything good. For the same reason, you should never hit a gampr during training - a proud dog will not forgive the owner for such treatment and will become his enemy. The most painful thing for a gampra is loneliness: falling out of the living area, he loses the opportunity to use his instincts, becomes nervous, and literally loses the meaning of life.

When communicating with its owner, the Gampr never allows itself to be aggressive.

When communicating with its owner, the Gampr never allows itself to be aggressive.

Since the Armenian Wolfhound is a dominant breed, puppies should be introduced to the owner early and socialized. The relationship between the gampra and its owner is a separate issue. A leader by vocation, a gampr must see in its owner a leader similar to itself. If this does not happen, the wolfhound himself will want to take the vacant place of leader and will do what he sees fit. Thus, special attention should be paid to raising the puppy so that it grows into a loyal and unflappable protector.

Video - History of the Armenian Wolfhound breed and character traits

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