Linex: first aid for dogs with dysbiosis

Composition and release form

Linex is a drug intended for treating people, but it is also quite suitable for pets. The drug contains lebenin - a complex of active lactic acid bacteria that normalizes the digestion process.

Linex is produced in capsules, which are sealed in plastic blisters.

Available in the form of transparent gelatin capsules containing odorless white powder. Packaged in plastic blisters of 8 capsules each.

Release form

Reference. Bifidumbacterin is a human preparation containing bifidobacteria. It is dosed taking into account the parameters of the human body.

The described medicinal product has two forms of release: powder in bottles and capsules. One capsule, like one bottle, contains five doses of the product. Since dogs come in completely different sizes with completely different body weights, the dosage for each dog is selected strictly individually.

In veterinary medicine, it is customary to calculate each medicine per 1 kilogram of the animal’s body weight. The situation is the same with bifidobacterin. Since it is not possible to divide the capsules into parts of a certain size, it is best for the dog to use the drug in powder form.

It is easy to dose and is easily diluted with ordinary clean water. In addition, it does not have a completely disgusting taste. Some owners note that their charges themselves could lick the solution from the spoon.


Bifidumbacterin is only a human drug, distributed only by ordinary pharmacy chains in each city. There is no special veterinary uniform for dogs.

In this regard, the question arises: is it possible to give human bifidumbacterin to pets? The answer is yes, this drug in a correctly calculated dosage will not cause any harm to the pet, but will only be useful.

Linux: when you need it

The drug is prescribed to dogs with severe gastrointestinal problems associated with a lack of lactic acid bacteria.

The main symptoms of this condition:

If digestion is difficult, the animal may refuse food, experience loss of strength and apathy. Linex can be given to a dog for diarrhea or vomiting; it is designed to normalize the bacterial environment of the stomach and intestines, and increase the number of lactic acid bacteria that effectively resist infections.

Linex is given to dogs for digestive disorders: diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, etc.

The drug is prescribed to dogs:

  • who have been treated with potent drugs: antibiotics, anticancer drugs;
  • survivors of poisoning;
  • elderly and weakened;
  • having hereditary problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Instructions for use

The exact dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor, focusing on the condition of the animal and the medications used in treatment. Usually the calculation is based on weight.

Puppies and small dogs (weight up to 10 kg) are given 1 capsule per day. For dogs weighing up to 30 kg, the dose is increased to 2 capsules, one of them is given in the morning and the other in the evening. Very large animals weighing over 30 kg are given 3 capsules, which are given along with meals.

Important. Depending on the pet’s well-being, the dose may be increased or decreased.

The owner himself must decide how to give Linex to the dog. The capsule can be placed on the root of the tongue and ensure that the animal swallows it; you can mix the medicine with a small amount of thick food and feed the pet by hand. It is not recommended to break capsules or dissolve them.

The dosage is calculated by weight: dogs up to 10 kg - 1 capsule, up to 30 kg - 2 capsules, over 30 kg - 3 capsules per day.

Treatment lasts until the negative symptoms stop: diarrhea, vomiting, depression, lack of appetite. Usually positive changes occur on the 2nd day of administration; if this does not happen, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

Contraindications and side effects

The medicine is prescribed without restrictions to elderly and convalescent dogs, pets who have suffered severe cancer or infectious diseases, or operations. Linex is also suitable for the prevention of pregnant and lactating females, as well as puppies from the first days of life.

The only contraindication is an individual allergic reaction, which is quite rare.

No side effects were recorded. In case of overdose, diarrhea may increase; if a symptom is detected, the drug should be stopped.

Important. The drug is non-toxic and safe for the health of weakened animals.

Reviews from dog breeders

Konstantin, Moscow. My English Setter got poisoned and was barely saved. But after all the drugs, the dog completely lost interest in life, he refused to eat, stopped playing, and even went outside without desire.

The drug Linex has helped many dogs cope with poisoning and dysbacteriosis.

Apparently, the poison had a serious effect on his stomach. The doctor recommended these capsules. I doubted whether a dog could use Linex, after all, it’s a human medicine. But he took a risk. After 3 days, the dog became more cheerful and slowly began to eat on his own. We took the course and everything seemed to be fine.

Marina, Ekaterinburg. The dog was diagnosed with colitis, and chronic one at that. They put me on a diet and did not prescribe any strong medications, only maintenance medications, including Linex. A day later the vomiting stopped and the dog clearly began to feel better. I bought a pack as a reserve, I will give it if the attack starts again. The doctor said that the product is harmless, the dog tolerates it well, so why not give the body additional support?

Natalya, Novosibirsk. I have a St. Bernard, he eats everything, even inedible things. And here's another problem - the dog ate the soap, almost a whole piece. Naturally, nausea, vomiting and all that. I decided to give Linex (I was at home). In general, I was not sure about the result, the dog is large, so I gave him 3 capsules. On the first day I didn’t notice any significant changes, but the next day he clearly felt better! So to the question - will Linex help a dog that has eaten soap, my answer is yes! A good medicine, and most importantly, safe. Well, it’s inexpensive, which is also important.

Linex for dogs helps return the balance of microorganisms in the animal’s intestines to normal. From time to time, dogs experience problems related to the digestive system. In the following cases, your veterinarian may prescribe a course of this drug:

  • general indigestion;
  • prolonged constipation, difficulties with bowel movements;
  • flatulence and abdominal pain;
  • persistent diarrhea;
  • repeated vomiting;

Can a dog be given Linex when vomiting?

Linex for dogs is a combination medicine that belongs to the group of dietary supplements.
The composition includes 3 components that prevent and treat dysbiosis. The drug is prescribed after antibiotic therapy; it restores the activity of the stomach and intestines, strengthens the immune system and prevents possible complications. Linex is a drug intended for treating people, but it is also quite suitable for pets. The drug contains lebenin - a complex of active lactic acid bacteria that normalizes the digestion process.

Linex is produced in capsules, which are sealed in plastic blisters.

Available in the form of transparent gelatin capsules containing odorless white powder. Packaged in plastic blisters of 8 capsules each.

The drug is prescribed to dogs with severe gastrointestinal problems associated with a lack of lactic acid bacteria.

The main symptoms of this condition:

If digestion is difficult, the animal may refuse food, experience loss of strength and apathy. Linex can be given to a dog for diarrhea or vomiting; it is designed to normalize the bacterial environment of the stomach and intestines, and increase the number of lactic acid bacteria that effectively resist infections.

Linex is given to dogs for digestive disorders: diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, etc.

The drug is prescribed to dogs:

  • who have been treated with potent drugs: antibiotics, anticancer drugs;
  • survivors of poisoning;
  • elderly and weakened;
  • having hereditary problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The exact dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor, focusing on the condition of the animal and the medications used in treatment. Usually the calculation is based on weight.

Puppies and small dogs (weight up to 10 kg) are given 1 capsule per day. For dogs weighing up to 30 kg, the dose is increased to 2 capsules, one of them is given in the morning and the other in the evening. Very large animals weighing over 30 kg are given 3 capsules, which are given along with meals.

Important. Depending on the pet’s well-being, the dose may be increased or decreased.

The owner himself must decide how to give Linex to the dog. The capsule can be placed on the root of the tongue and ensure that the animal swallows it; you can mix the medicine with a small amount of thick food and feed the pet by hand. It is not recommended to break capsules or dissolve them.

The dosage is calculated by weight: dogs up to 10 kg - 1 capsule, up to 30 kg - 2 capsules, over 30 kg - 3 capsules per day.

Treatment lasts until the negative symptoms stop: diarrhea, vomiting, depression, lack of appetite. Usually positive changes occur on the 2nd day of administration; if this does not happen, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

The medicine is prescribed without restrictions to elderly and convalescent dogs, pets who have suffered severe cancer or infectious diseases, or operations. Linex is also suitable for the prevention of pregnant and lactating females, as well as puppies from the first days of life.

The only contraindication is an individual allergic reaction, which is quite rare.

No side effects were recorded. In case of overdose, diarrhea may increase; if a symptom is detected, the drug should be stopped.

Important. The drug is non-toxic and safe for the health of weakened animals.

Konstantin, Moscow. My English Setter got poisoned and was barely saved. But after all the drugs, the dog completely lost interest in life, he refused to eat, stopped playing, and even went outside without desire.

The drug Linex has helped many dogs cope with poisoning and dysbacteriosis.

Apparently, the poison had a serious effect on his stomach. The doctor recommended these capsules. I doubted whether a dog could use Linex, after all, it’s a human medicine. But he took a risk. After 3 days, the dog became more cheerful and slowly began to eat on his own. We took the course and everything seemed to be fine.

Marina, Ekaterinburg. The dog was diagnosed with colitis, and chronic one at that. They put me on a diet and did not prescribe any strong medications, only maintenance medications, including Linex.

A day later the vomiting stopped and the dog clearly began to feel better. I bought a pack as a reserve, I will give it if the attack starts again.

The doctor said that the product is harmless, the dog tolerates it well, so why not give the body additional support?

Natalya, Novosibirsk. I have a St. Bernard, he eats everything, even inedible things. And here's another problem - the dog ate the soap, almost a whole piece. Naturally, nausea, vomiting and all that. I decided to give Linex (I was at home).

In general, I was not sure about the result, the dog is large, so I gave him 3 capsules.

On the first day I didn’t notice any significant changes, but the next day he clearly felt better!
So to the question - will Linex help a dog that has eaten soap, my answer is yes!
A good medicine, and most importantly, safe. Well, it’s inexpensive, which is also important. source

The use of Linex capsules restores the disturbed balance of microorganisms in the intestines and helps maintain it if, for example, treatment with antibiotics continues. The drug is completely safe and does not cause any side effects. Although it is produced for people, this is the case when the drug can be called universal. It's great for dogs too.

For a puppy, like a dog weighing up to 10 kg, 1 capsule once a day is enough. An animal weighing from 10 to 30 kg can be given one capsule twice a day - morning and evening. A dog whose weight exceeds 30 kg is given 2 capsules 3 times a day.

The drug is given until the animal’s condition improves, so the duration of treatment depends on the initial cause of the disease. If, despite taking Linex, diarrhea does not go away within two days, you should consult a veterinarian.

Linex simply saved us when a dog was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on his paw. She was operated on and then given chemotherapy. Anyone who has experienced this knows how weak the animal becomes and how difficult it is to feed it. All body systems give up, she cannot eat, she is constantly vomiting.

It’s good that Linex can be given during chemical treatment. It helped the dog tolerate all this better, eat and digest more normally. She began to get stronger and recovered faster.

Personally, I always have Linux at home. These are dried bacteria in capsules that will not cause any harm to the dog, but will be of great benefit when it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora. I just pour the powder into the water and give it to the dog. Or you can simply push the capsule down your throat.

Normal digestion is the key to good health and longevity. This thesis concerns not only you and me, but also our pets. Any case of diarrhea or constipation can significantly weaken their health. This is why probiotics for dogs have been increasingly used in veterinary practice over the past few years. Unfortunately, this was not always the case.

For a very long time, the use of probiotics was simply ignored by leading small animal health professionals.

Veterinarians argued that such products were “ineffective,” that they were a “waste of money,” and that “they don’t even pass through the gastric juices in your pet’s stomach.” Unfortunately, this point of view is still found in some places today.

All this happened against the background of the fact that probiotics have been used to treat cattle since the beginning of the century, and the effectiveness of such treatment methods was very high. By the way, what kind of remedy is this?

The term "probiotics" comes from a Greek expression meaning "for life."

When these drugs are taken orally, a complex of microorganisms, which are the main components of these drugs, restores the normal balance of microflora in your pet’s body.

By the way, how often can they be used? In principle, daily intake is recommended. If antibacterial agents are used, it is advisable to use probiotics with every feeding.


Intestinal problems in dogs

Intestinal problems usually occur in the following cases:

  • severe intolerance to certain types of foods;
  • allergies to toxins;
  • eating stale food;
  • infection with worms;
  • a sharp change in the usual diet;
  • the results of ongoing stress caused by a variety of reasons;
  • cancer formation;
  • bacterial infection due to ingestion of poor-quality water and food;
  • ingestion of foreign objects;
  • insufficient supply of nutrients to the body;
  • damage by viruses and fungi;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • problems with the liver and kidneys, which leads to acute symptoms of intoxication;
  • other reasons.

Usually the dog owner is able to quickly determine what exactly caused the animal's troubles. In order to alleviate the dog’s suffering, it is enough to eliminate the causes of the disease. If you can’t figure out what exactly caused the trouble, you should definitely seek help from a veterinarian, who in a short period of time will be able to figure out what’s what and prescribe the correct treatment.

What to do if your dog is constipated

When faced with the above-mentioned symptoms, you need to know in which case you can cope with the disease on your own, and when you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

This will be discussed in the following sections of the article.

What you can do at home: 4 simple tips for constipation

If you have difficulty defecating, the feces become thickened and dry, try to provide independent assistance to your pet, which consists of the following actions:

  1. Review your diet. If you feed your dog natural food, exclude treats with bones, as well as foods not typical for dogs - chocolate, sausage, etc. Stop feeding meat and offal. Switch your pet to yogurt and vegetable stew. Feed plums, pumpkin, carrots, bran. If your dog eats pellets, soak them and switch to canned food temporarily.
  2. If your pet's health is satisfactory, give him Vaseline oil or a prebiotic containing the synthetic polysaccharide Lactulose. Apply an infusion of pumpkin seeds. Pour 2 tablespoons of boiling water and leave for 60 minutes. The portion is intended for a medium-sized dog.
  3. Traditional medicine recommends preparing infusions of flax or oat grains . Pour one tablespoon of seeds into 100 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Give it to your dog twice a day before each feeding.
  4. Dog breeders advise pouring Vaseline oil inside the dog or giving an enema . I tried both. It didn't work the first time. If mineral oil gets into the respiratory tract, the dog will have to be rescued. And the contents of the enema can cause irritation. Or too rough penetration injures the anus, and the dog’s teeth injure your hand. If you have no experience, wait for a veterinarian.

You should not mindlessly give your dog laxatives intended for humans. If the dog’s health is unsatisfactory or there are additional symptoms, do not take risks, take the patient to the clinic or invite a veterinarian to your home.

When do you need veterinary help?

Veterinary help is sought in the following cases:

  • the dog has no stool for more than two days;
  • defecation is painful, streaks of blood and pieces of undigested food are found in the contents;
  • feces have a putrid odor;
  • the dog is depressed;
  • the stomach is tense, the touch is painful;
  • the dog does not eat, it is vomiting;
  • the pet has repeated bouts of vomiting;
  • heat;

Provide your veterinarian with the following information:

  • dog's age;
  • lifestyle: apartment, kennel;
  • when did stool retention begin, how does it manifest itself;
  • diet, number of feedings;
  • what the dog consumed in the last day;
  • is there vomiting, what does the expelled mass look like;
  • how your pet’s behavior changed after signs of stool retention appeared;
  • dates of last vaccinations and dewormings;
  • presence of spinal injuries;
  • if your dog was operated on, when and for what purpose;
  • what diseases the pet suffered;
  • does the dog have chronic diseases, if so, what medications were used and when;
  • Does your pet often have stool retention?
  • what remedies did you use to relieve constipation?

What is the drug Linex

When asked whether a dog can use Linex, experts answer in the affirmative, since the operating principles of the digestive system of a pet and a human largely coincide. The instructions for Linex indicate that this drug is a capsulated mixture of three different dried lactic acid bacteria. Regular use of Linex helps prevent and eliminate symptoms of dysbiosis.

The bacteria included in Linex capsules perform many different functions, the main ones being:

  1. maintaining the animal’s immunity at the proper level;
  2. production of vitamins, hormones, unique nutrients;
  3. assistance in the proper production of bile (pigments and acids);
  4. ensuring proper and uninterrupted digestion in the intestines;
  5. preventing the proliferation of harmful microflora.

Doctors say that Linex bacterial cultures successfully overcome the gastric and pancreatic barrier, enter the intestines, where the capsule dissolves, and begin to actively multiply there and have a beneficial effect on the host’s body. Typically, the need to take Linex arises when a four-legged pet had to undergo a harsh course of antibiotics, or forced treatment of tumors (chemo- and radiotherapy). In milder cases, it can also be of great benefit.

How to use Linex capsules for a dog

When feeding Linex to a dog, there is an important thing to remember: there is no need to open the capsule and pour its contents into water, milk or food. The capsule is designed to ensure that bacteria successfully survive in the acidic environment of the stomach and the alkaline environment after the release of enzymes by the pancreas. Without the capsule, the bacteria will quickly die. Therefore, it is very advisable to push them into the dog’s mouth and make sure that he swallows them.

The dose will depend on the weight of the animal: up to 10 kg - 1 capsule per day, up to 30 kg - one capsule in the morning and evening, over 30 kg - 2 capsules three times a day. Typically, a course of taking Linex in dogs lasts no more than two weeks, often several days, until the animal’s condition generally improves.

Features of receiving Linex

If the animal is mildly ill, a course of this drug during feeding is sufficient. But if your dog has constant vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, signs of intoxication and dehydration, Linex will not help. First, you need to eliminate the cause of the disease by prescribing the correct treatment, which can only be determined by a veterinarian. It could be:

  • a course of antibiotics for infectious or fungal infections of the animal;
  • taking special medications to stop diarrhea, vomiting, and the development of intoxication (usually the same medications are prescribed as for humans, for example, metoclopramide).
  • When the furry patient’s condition has stabilized, a diet is prescribed for the recovery period while taking probiotics, in particular Linex.

Yes, it is possible, but as stated above, first you need to eliminate the vomiting itself, and give Linex only when the condition has stabilized. If vomiting continues, the capsules will simply come out through the mouth without having any effect. It turns out that efforts and financial costs will be wasted without a hint of improvement.

Dogs have natural and intoxicating vomiting. In the first case, the dog can eat grass on its own, after which it will vomit. This usually occurs when the animal experiences periodic minor deteriorations in its health. On an instinctive level, the pet tries to help itself by inducing vomiting.

People also do this if they suspect poisoning, taking large amounts of liquid with potassium permanganate or activated carbon. Natural vomiting occurs once and should not cause concern to the owner, since the dog will continue to lead an active lifestyle as if nothing had happened.

In the second case, when the urge to vomit is repeated, exhausting, accompanied by a sharp loss of weight, interest in life, chills, diarrhea, it is worth seeking help from a specialist who will determine the cause of the phenomenon and prescribe treatment. Intoxication vomiting is caused by major problems in the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas. Linex will only play a supporting role here as a supporting drug against the background of the prescribed treatment.

Linex can be prescribed to dogs for any form of digestive system disorder. It definitely won't get any worse. In mild cases, it can be used as a preventive remedy for stomach problems. In severe complicated cases, taking Linex alone will not provide relief; its use must be accompanied by high-quality treatment of the underlying disease. If Linex does not help for several days, you need to consult a doctor for specialized help.

Linex helps dogs restore the balance of live bacteria in their intestines. From time to time, animals suffer from gastrointestinal disorders for various reasons: overeating, poisoning, etc. The drug is prescribed for the treatment or prevention of dysbiosis. The length of time you take the medicine will depend on the severity of the disease.

Can Linex help a dog with vomiting or shedding?

Linex for dogs helps return the balance of microorganisms in the animal’s intestines to normal. From time to time, dogs experience problems related to the digestive system. In the following cases, your veterinarian may prescribe a course of this drug:

  • general indigestion;
  • prolonged constipation, difficulties with bowel movements;
  • flatulence and abdominal pain;
  • persistent diarrhea;
  • repeated vomiting;

Intestinal problems usually occur in the following cases:

  • severe intolerance to certain types of foods;
  • allergies to toxins;
  • eating stale food;
  • infection with worms;
  • a sharp change in the usual diet;
  • the results of ongoing stress caused by a variety of reasons;
  • cancer formation;
  • bacterial infection due to ingestion of poor-quality water and food;
  • ingestion of foreign objects;
  • insufficient supply of nutrients to the body;
  • damage by viruses and fungi;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • problems with the liver and kidneys, which leads to acute symptoms of intoxication;
  • other reasons.

Usually the dog owner is able to quickly determine what exactly caused the animal's troubles. In order to alleviate the dog’s suffering, it is enough to eliminate the causes of the disease.

If you can’t figure out what exactly caused the trouble, you should definitely seek help from a veterinarian, who in a short period of time will be able to figure out what’s what and prescribe the correct treatment.

What is the drug Linex

When asked whether a dog can use Linex, experts answer in the affirmative, since the operating principles of the digestive system of a pet and a human largely coincide.

The instructions for Linex indicate that this drug is a capsulated mixture of three different dried lactic acid bacteria.

Regular use of Linex helps prevent and eliminate symptoms of dysbiosis.

The bacteria included in Linex capsules perform many different functions, the main ones being:

  1. maintaining the animal’s immunity at the proper level;
  2. production of vitamins, hormones, unique nutrients;
  3. assistance in the proper production of bile (pigments and acids);
  4. ensuring proper and uninterrupted digestion in the intestines;
  5. preventing the proliferation of harmful microflora.

Doctors say that Linex bacterial cultures successfully overcome the gastric and pancreatic barrier, enter the intestines, where the capsule dissolves, and begin to actively multiply there and have a beneficial effect on the host’s body.

Typically, the need to take Linex arises when a four-legged pet had to undergo a harsh course of antibiotics, or forced treatment of tumors (chemo- and radiotherapy).

In milder cases, it can also be of great benefit.

How to use Linex capsules for a dog

When feeding Linex to a dog, there is an important thing to remember: there is no need to open the capsule and pour its contents into water, milk or food.

The capsule is designed to ensure that bacteria successfully survive in the acidic environment of the stomach and the alkaline environment after the release of enzymes by the pancreas. Without the capsule, the bacteria will quickly die.

Therefore, it is very advisable to push them into the dog’s mouth and make sure that he swallows them.

The dose will depend on the weight of the animal: up to 10 kg - 1 capsule per day, up to 30 kg - one capsule in the morning and evening, over 30 kg - 2 capsules three times a day. Typically, a course of taking Linex in dogs lasts no more than two weeks, often several days, until the animal’s condition generally improves.

Features of receiving Linex

If the animal is mildly ill, a course of this drug during feeding is sufficient. But if your dog has constant vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, signs of intoxication and dehydration, Linex will not help. First, you need to eliminate the cause of the disease by prescribing the correct treatment, which can only be determined by a veterinarian.

It could be:

  • a course of antibiotics for infectious or fungal infections of the animal;
  • taking special medications to stop diarrhea, vomiting, and the development of intoxication (usually the same medications are prescribed as for humans, for example, metoclopramide).
  • When the furry patient’s condition has stabilized, a diet is prescribed for the recovery period while taking probiotics, in particular Linex.

Is it possible to give Linex for vomiting in dogs?

Yes, it is possible, but as stated above, first you need to eliminate the vomiting itself, and give Linex only when the condition has stabilized. If vomiting continues, the capsules will simply come out through the mouth without having any effect. It turns out that efforts and financial costs will be wasted without a hint of improvement.

Dogs have natural and intoxicating vomiting. In the first case, the dog can eat grass on its own, after which it will vomit. This usually occurs when the animal experiences periodic minor deteriorations in its health. On an instinctive level, the pet tries to help itself by inducing vomiting.

People also do this if they suspect poisoning, taking large amounts of liquid with potassium permanganate or activated carbon. Natural vomiting occurs once and should not cause concern to the owner, since the dog will continue to lead an active lifestyle as if nothing had happened.

In the second case, when the urge to vomit is repeated, exhausting, accompanied by a sharp loss of weight, interest in life, chills, diarrhea, it is worth seeking help from a specialist who will determine the cause of the phenomenon and prescribe treatment. Intoxication vomiting is caused by major problems in the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas. Linex will only play a supporting role here as a supporting drug against the background of the prescribed treatment.

Summing up

Linex can be prescribed to dogs for any form of digestive system disorder. It definitely won't get any worse. In mild cases, it can be used as a preventive remedy for stomach problems.

In severe complicated cases, taking Linex alone will not provide relief; its use must be accompanied by high-quality treatment of the underlying disease.

If Linex does not help for several days, you need to consult a doctor for specialized help.


Is it possible?

Animals are prescribed the drug not so much to treat diarrhea, but to restore the microflora that has suffered from diarrhea.

Bacteria that are part of the drug perform the following functions:

  • immune support;
  • Helps produce hormones and essential nutrients;
  • assistance in the production of bile;
  • restoration of digestion in the intestines;
  • stops the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

The drug is taken until the signs of the disease disappear.

Linex is prescribed by a veterinarian in the following cases:

  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • difficulty with bowel movements;
  • stomach pain;
  • flatulence;
  • repeated diarrhea;
  • frequent vomiting or the urge to vomit.

After examining the animal, the doctor prescribes treatment. It will depend on the degree of the disease. If the dog feels relatively well, then it is prescribed a course of the drug.

It should be given with food. If the dog is clearly dehydrated, then Linex will not help. When the animal's condition stabilizes, then probiotics are prescribed.

The use of the drug helps the intestines recover after taking antibacterial agents. It is a combined mixture of several dried lactic acid bacteria. If you regularly take a probiotic, it will relieve the symptoms of dysbiosis and help prevent this disease.

Linex Forte can be prescribed to pets, but not independently. The veterinarian prescribes treatment based on the animal’s well-being. The exception is individual intolerance to the drug.

Details on how to use Linex for dogs

Linex helps dogs restore the balance of live bacteria in their intestines. From time to time, animals suffer from gastrointestinal disorders for various reasons: overeating, poisoning, etc. The drug is prescribed for the treatment or prevention of dysbiosis. The length of time you take the medicine will depend on the severity of the disease.

For diarrhea

Animals are prescribed the drug not so much to treat diarrhea, but to restore the microflora that has suffered from diarrhea.

Bacteria that are part of the drug perform the following functions:

  • immune support;
  • Helps produce hormones and essential nutrients;
  • assistance in the production of bile;
  • restoration of digestion in the intestines;
  • stops the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

The drug is taken until the signs of the disease disappear.

Other indications

Linex is prescribed by a veterinarian in the following cases:

  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • difficulty with bowel movements;
  • stomach pain;
  • flatulence;
  • repeated diarrhea;
  • frequent vomiting or the urge to vomit.

After examining the animal, the doctor prescribes treatment. It will depend on the degree of the disease. If the dog feels relatively well, then it is prescribed a course of the drug.

It should be given with food. If the dog is clearly dehydrated, then Linex will not help. When the animal's condition stabilizes, then probiotics are prescribed.

Human or special?

Experts say that Linex is universal. The functioning of the digestive system of humans and dogs is similar in many ways, so it can be taken by animals. It has no side effects and does not harm the dog's health.

The use of the drug helps the intestines recover after taking antibacterial agents. It is a combined mixture of several dried lactic acid bacteria.

If you regularly take a probiotic, it will relieve the symptoms of dysbiosis and help prevent this disease.


Linex Forte can be prescribed to pets, but not independently. The veterinarian prescribes treatment based on the animal’s well-being. The exception is individual intolerance to the drug.

Dosage of the drug

The medicine is dosed by weight:

  • puppies and dogs up to 10 kg – 1 capsule per day;
  • from 10-30 kg – 1 capsule twice a day;
  • from 30 kg – 2 capsules three times a day.

Treatment with the drug lasts 14 days. Usually the symptoms of the disease disappear earlier and the course can be completed. If diarrhea does not stop after two days of using Linex, you should reconsider your doctor's prescriptions.

How to give?

Opening the capsule is strictly prohibited! You should not mix the powder into food, milk or water. The capsule protects the milk bacteria so that they survive in the alkaline environment of the stomach and reach the intestines.

How to give: place the capsule on the root of the dog’s tongue, close the mouth and stroke the larynx. The animal's swallowing reflex will work, and the capsule will enter the stomach.

If it gets bad

A dog can become ill for two reasons:

  1. Individual intolerance. The drug should be discontinued immediately.
  2. Overdose. Symptoms will include increased diarrhea. The use of Linux is immediately stopped.

Usually dogs easily tolerate the medicine without side effects or harm to health.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

The medicine has no restrictions on age, health, or breed. It is prescribed to puppies from the first days of life. It may be indicated for breastfeeding and pregnant women for health prevention.

The only reason to stop taking the drug is individual intolerance. But this is a very rare case.

Breed characteristics

There are no restrictions on the adoption of different dog breeds. The drug can be prescribed from birth.


“Our dog was diagnosed with a malignant tumor. She underwent many operations and chemotherapy. She was so weak that feeding her was a problem. Every meal caused me to vomit. Linex helped the dog with digestion.”

“I always keep Linex in my first aid kit. These are dried bacteria that definitely won’t cause harm. Many people pour the powder into their food and feed it to their pet. This is strictly prohibited. The bacteria die before reaching the intestines. This kind of treatment is of no use.”

“My pet was diagnosed with colitis. The veterinarian said that perhaps this is already a chronic form. Treatment with Linex was prescribed in combination with others. Already on the second day the dog felt better. The doctor warned that if the pain starts again, the course can be repeated, so I always keep a spare package in the first aid kit.”


“I always prescribe Linex to my furry clients for indigestion. The drug works well, despite the fact that it is intended for people.

If the animal has vomiting, pain and other problems, then Linex is used in combination with other drugs. Within a couple of days, the diarrhea stops; we usually continue the course for up to two weeks.”

“The advantage of Linex is that it can be prescribed to puppies from birth. There are no side effects, and allergies to the medicine are very rare. The most important thing is that the medicine is safe. For prevention, it can be used in courses, after consultation with a veterinarian.”

What to replace it with?

You can replace the drug with analogues created for dogs:

  • Lactobifid;
  • Bifitrilak;
  • Enterofuril.

These funds have a lower cost.


Linex is prescribed to animals with any form of digestive system disorder. It can also be used for preventive purposes if your dog has rare stomach problems. In severe cases, Linex is prescribed only in combination with other drugs; on its own, it will not cope with the disease.


Instructions for use

The medicine is dosed by weight:

  • puppies and dogs up to 10 kg – 1 capsule per day;
  • from 10-30 kg – 1 capsule twice a day;
  • from 30 kg – 2 capsules three times a day.

Treatment with the drug lasts 14 days. Usually the symptoms of the disease disappear earlier and the course can be completed. If diarrhea does not stop after two days of using Linex, you should reconsider your doctor's prescriptions.

How to give: place the capsule on the root of the dog’s tongue, close the mouth and stroke the larynx. The animal's swallowing reflex will work, and the capsule will enter the stomach.

Instructions for using Linex for dogs

For a puppy, like a dog weighing up to 10 kg, 1 capsule once a day is enough. An animal weighing from 10 to 30 kg can be given one capsule twice a day - morning and evening. A dog whose weight exceeds 30 kg is given 2 capsules 3 times a day.

The drug is given until the animal’s condition improves, so the duration of treatment depends on the initial cause of the disease. If, despite taking Linex, diarrhea does not go away within two days, you should consult a veterinarian.

Reviews for Linux for dogs

Review #1

Linex simply saved us when a dog was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on his paw. She was operated on and then given chemotherapy. Anyone who has experienced this knows how weak the animal becomes and how difficult it is to feed it. All body systems give up, she cannot eat, she is constantly vomiting.

It’s good that Linex can be given during chemical treatment. It helped the dog tolerate all this better, eat and digest more normally. She began to get stronger and recovered faster.

Igor, St. Petersburg

Review #2

Personally, I always have Linux at home. These are dried bacteria in capsules that will not cause any harm to the dog, but will be of great benefit when it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora. I just pour the powder into the water and give it to the dog. Or you can simply push the capsule down your throat.

Marina, Samara

What to give for diarrhea: universal treatment regimen

Diarrhea often occurs due to a common stomach upset: when changing food, introducing a new product into the natural diet or treats. Situations are not excluded when the dog simply picked up some nasty stuff on the street or took treats from the hands of compassionate passers-by.

In such situations, the owner can easily cope alone. Need to:

  1. Eliminate any food and treats. Puppies are not fed until 12 hours; adult dogs can easily withstand a hunger strike for 1-3 days. The exception is obese pets. In them, complete starvation disrupts liver function.
  2. Give your dog a sorbent for diarrhea. Enterosgel, Atoxil, activated carbon.
  3. Drink plenty of water. Frequent bowel movements lead to dehydration and disrupt electrolyte balance.
  4. Drink herbal decoctions. Blueberries will do; sage; St. John's wort; cinquefoil, oak bark, pomegranate peel. They strengthen, soothe the intestines, and reduce fermentation.
  5. Prepare rice or flaxseed broth. They have a fixative effect, envelop the walls of the stomach and intestines and, thereby, protect their mucous membrane.

But sometimes diarrhea is caused by chronic or acute pathologies. You cannot act independently when:

  • there is blood in the stool: scarlet color indicates bleeding in the rectum, black indicates hemorrhage in the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT);
  • vomiting occurred;
  • the temperature has risen or dropped;
  • a depressed state is noted: the dog hides in a corner, whines, and does not allow itself to be petted;
  • There was discharge from the eyes and nose.

If you notice one of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately. A delay of even a couple of hours can result in the death of your pet. These signs indicate:

  • intoxication with poisons;
  • entry of a foreign object into the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • acute infectious conditions - infection with distemper, rotavirus, parvovirus;
  • cancer.

Also, veterinary intervention is necessary if you have not vaccinated your dog within the last year or you have a puppy under 6 months of age - dehydration and death quickly occur in kittens.

Regardless of the causes of diarrhea, you absolutely cannot:

  1. Use medications for people that slow down intestinal motility. They retain toxic substances inside the body, which increases intoxication.
  2. Use antibiotics. Yes, they help with diarrhea, especially if it is caused by a bacterial infection. But the prescription of antibacterial agents is the prerogative of the doctor. Only he will select a safe drug and dosage.
  3. Force feed. The food still won't be digested. But it will increase diarrhea, vomiting, intestinal fermentation, and gas formation.
  4. Feed with vegetable oils. Sunflower, olive, and flaxseed oils increase diarrhea.

After the condition improves, the animal is kept on a diet for a couple more days. On the first day they give empty rice, on the second - fermented milk products. From the third day, lean boiled meat, eggs, and sea fish are allowed. Only by the end of the 1st week do they return to their normal diet.

Review of medications and drugs for diarrhea

Drugs for veterinary use are usually prescribed and administered only by a doctor. But some of them can be bought at pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. I advise you to look for such medications and replenish your emergency first aid kit for animals with them.

EnteroZoo is an excellent cheap product. It is safe, costs up to 250 rubles and helps with a lot of diseases:

  • poisoning, including severe poisoning: exposure to pesticides, heavy metal salts, pesticides, viral, bacterial and fungal infections;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • allergies.

EnteroZoo is also used as a preventive measure. The product increases local immunity, removes toxins and does not affect the absorption of vitamins.

  • sulfaginidine is an antibacterial substance that helps in the fight against salmonella, E. coli and similar pathogens;
  • benzonaphthol is also an antibacterial component;
  • Ratania extract – envelops the intestinal walls, thereby preventing the absorption of toxins and restoring the water-salt balance.

Diarcan is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, severe liver and kidney diseases.

They sell Diarkan for 430-470 rubles.

  • transition from one diet to another as a preventive complex;
  • indigestion, flatulence, fermentation and other minor intestinal disorders;
  • poisoning;
  • viral and bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intoxication with poisons, heavy metals, drugs;
  • treatment of allergies;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys in combination with the main therapy.
  • green clay – a natural adsorbent and electrolyte;
  • crushed pomegranate – a tanning ingredient, enriches the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • Blueberry powder is an anti-inflammatory and astringent component.

Costs 220-260 rubles per package of 60 tablets.

Antitox is produced in the form of a solution for injection - subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous. It is safe, does not cause side effects, and is hypoallergenic.

A 100 ml bottle costs about 600 rubles.

It is better to give dogs veterinary medications - they are designed specifically for animals, and they indicate clear dosages based on the dog’s weight. But not every owner has them on hand. And stomach upsets also happen late at night, when pet stores, veterinary clinics and pharmacies are closed.

In this case, feel free to use one of the remedies below. It is easier to find and buy them, especially since there are 24-hour pharmacies for people.

Use at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg. Give three times a day at regular intervals.

Activated charcoal can be given to puppies for diarrhea from 4 months of age, pregnant bitches and older dogs.

On average it costs 30 rubles. Its analogue with enhanced effect - White Coal - is sold for 220 rubles.

Polysorb binds and removes toxins from the body. Indicated for food poisoning, intoxication caused by salts of heavy metals, poisons, bacterial and viral infections.

Give 0.1-0.2 g of the drug per 1 kg of animal weight per day. The powder is diluted in 50-100 ml of clean water.

  • gel for preparing a solution, odorless and tasteless;
  • ready-to-eat paste, contains sweeteners.

Enterosgel eliminates toxins, normalizes the functioning of the intestines, liver and kidneys. It envelops the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, which helps restore the lining, increase local immunity and, as a result, rapid recovery.

  • puppies;
  • pregnant and lactating dogs;
  • animals with liver and kidney failure;
  • in case of poisoning with acids, alkalis, cyanides, methanol, ethylene glycol.

Sells from 400 rub.

Smecta powder is flavored with orange or vanilla flavor, which dogs do not like.

Used for adult dogs and puppies from 4 weeks. One sachet (3 g) is diluted in 100 ml of warm water and given in small sips.

A package of 10 sachets costs 150 rubles.

  • accelerates epithelization of mucous membranes;
  • relieves detoxification symptoms;
  • eliminates allergy symptoms;
  • destroys germs and bacteria.

12 g of Atoxil are diluted in 250 ml of water. Drink from a syringe within 24 hours.

Sold for 150-170 rubles. per package of 20 sachets. One sachet contains 2 g of medication.

  • adsorbs toxins;
  • relieves signs of toxicity;
  • accelerates the healing of the intestinal and gastric mucosa;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Powder or granules are given along with water at the rate of 0.5-1 g/kg per day. Anti-diarrhea tablets are fed 3-4 tablets 2-3 times a day.

Do not be afraid of an overdose: Polyphepan is not absorbed into the bloodstream or intestinal walls, and is excreted unchanged with feces.

Powder costs an average of 80 rubles, tablets – 170 rubles.

  • adsorbs toxic substances;
  • envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines with a protective coating;
  • eliminates excess hydrochloric acid;
  • accelerates regeneration;
  • reduces fermentation and gas formation;
  • normalizes peristalsis;
  • maintains electrolyte balance.

1 sachet is diluted in 100 ml of water. The dog is given 1-2 sachets 2-3 times a day.

The average price is 25 rubles per 1 sachet.

Nifuroxazide acts only locally and is not absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, it is well tolerated and does not cause side effects.

Give at the rate of 1 ml per 2.5 kg of weight. The maximum daily dose is 3 ml.

Costs from 220 rub. for capsules and from 300 rub. for the suspension. Its analogues - Stopdiar, Ersefuril, Ecofuril - are sold for 180-300 rubles.

Phthalazole is well tolerated by most pets. But allergic reactions are not excluded. The drug is prohibited for dogs with liver and kidney failure.

The dosage is calculated by weight: for small breeds - 0.3-0.5 g, for medium breeds - 0.5-1 g, for large breeds - 2 g. Give 2-3 times a day.

During diarrhea and 1-2 weeks after it, it is advisable to give funds to maintain electrolyte balance and microflora, strengthening local immunity. Such medications will eliminate dehydration and exhaustion, restore normal bowel function and prevent relapses.

In addition to the main active ingredients, Diagel is enriched with B vitamins, nicotinic and pantothenic acid. This is a safe remedy; individual intolerance is only occasionally possible.

Average price - 250-270 rubles.

But I recommend this drug:

  • during recovery from diarrhea or constipation;
  • during treatment with antibiotics;
  • as an aid for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • to strengthen the immune system.

Lactoferon will restore the intestinal microflora, strengthen defense mechanisms, and prevent repeated intestinal breakdowns. Don't be lazy to use this drug. Moreover, it is safe and costs a penny - 70-90 rubles.

  • saprophytes – suppress pathogenic microbes;
  • fructooligosaccharides – stimulate the colonization of beneficial bacteria;
  • nicotinic acid – relieves inflammation, normalizes the functioning of the intestines, liver and pancreas;
  • vitamin B complex – regulates metabolism, increases local immunity.

Florentin is prescribed to restore the digestive system after poisoning, taking antibiotics, and gastrointestinal diseases.

The medicine is produced in the form of tablets and gel, packaged in dispensing syringes. Costs 800-900 rubles.

Vetom is prescribed for:

  • poisoning;
  • intestinal disorders caused by diseases or medications;
  • changing your diet.

Vetom 1.1 is available in powder form. It is mixed into the food or water of animals. Can be fed to puppies from the first day of life.

A 50 g package costs 150 rubles.

Available in powder form. 2.4 g of the product is diluted in 100 ml of clean water and given in small sips at the rate of 50 ml per kg.

Costs about 400 rubles. per package of 20 sachets.

Available in the form of tablets and powder, packaged in sachets. Can be mixed with food, but it is better to give half an hour before feeding.

I recommend using Narine before antibiotic therapy, after diarrhea and as a preventative measure.

Not all anti-diarrhea medications for people are suitable for dogs. These are antibiotics and drugs that slow down peristalsis and delay the release of toxins. In addition, such medications are harmful to the liver, pancreas, and kidneys.

Drugs that should not be given to animals:

  • Loperamide;
  • Linux;
  • Furazalidone;
  • Imodium;
  • Trichopolum;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Furazalidone;
  • Levomycetin.

Medicines and dosage for diarrhea in dogs

The medications that a person takes for diarrhea are in most cases suitable for a four-legged family friend, even a puppy. For complete treatment, you need to consult a veterinarian.


Loperamide and its analogues, which are offered by different manufacturers, come first. It is unlikely that a dog will happily eat such a bitter drug, so it needs to be crushed into powder, diluted with water and given to the animal.

A sick animal may resist such a tasteless method of treatment, so first we learn how to give the pill to a dog.

Dosage 0.05-0.1 mg per 0.5 kg of dog’s body weight. Give the medicine three times a day at intervals of 8 hours. Do not give loperamide for more than two days; this will lead to poisoning. This medication cannot be combined with other drugs of similar effect! This road leads to damage to the central nervous system.

An overdose will result in very persistent constipation, an apathetic or overexcited state, severe flatulence and even inflammation of the pancreas.


Smecta is also one of the most common remedies for digestive disorders. Purified clay medicine safely and effectively absorbs toxins. The powder is mixed with water at a ratio of 1 to 3.

The dosage is simple: a sachet per animal three times a day. You can inject the suspension with a syringe without a needle, pouring a thin stream into the mouth. At the same time, you need to lightly massage your throat, causing swallowing movements.

This method of massaging the throat is suitable for all medicines that have an unpleasant taste.


A product with an antibacterial effect helps in the fight against gram-positive and negative bacteria that cause digestive system disorders. The medication should not be given on an empty stomach; the dog needs to be fed a little before taking it.

The dosage is calculated at 2.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight. The medicine is taken calmly due to its sweet and mild taste.

Activated carbon

The most famous remedy for eating disorders in humans is just as effective in dogs. A tablet obtained through special processing of certain types of wood is an excellent therapeutic agent for diarrhea.

The dosage is simple: only 1 tablet per 1 kg of weight. The drug is diluted with water to a semi-liquid pulp and given with a syringe without a needle. You can give the medicine up to 4 times a day, but not after other medications. In this case, the effect of treatment may be reduced.


In addition to classic chloramphenicol, there is also chloramphenicol stearate, which is convenient in veterinary medicine for intestinal disorders due to the action of bacteria. The tablet is crushed to a powder state, mixed with 15 ml of water and poured into the pet’s throat. Can be given using a syringe.


It's better to choose another

medication, if there is such an option, since the effect of this particular medication is poorly tolerated by pets. Possible side effects include jaundice, renal failure, lethargy and central nervous system depression.

Dosage: 1 tablet per day once during the treatment period. The next day they switch to more gentle means.


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Enterosgel sorbent was developed by Soviet pharmacists, who created a product that does not react with digestive juices and other medications. Enterosgel does not provide ideal protection of mucous membranes in case of severe poisoning.

The dosage depends on the size of the animal’s body and its weight. For a small dog weighing up to 5 kg per day, it is enough to give a teaspoon of medicine; a large dog should receive up to 3 teaspoons.

A severe overdose will lead to severe constipation. Enterosgel is diluted with boiled water at room temperature in a 1:1 ratio.


Linux doesn't cure

diarrhea in dogs, but prevents it. It contains lactic acid bacteria, which give a symbiotic effect and do not conflict with the natural microflora of the animal’s intestines.

Linex is prescribed after completing a course of antibiotics, after severe poisoning, and also after any severe diarrhea. This is due to the fact that dogs have weak intestinal microflora, and diarrhea washes away beneficial microorganisms. As a result, dysbiosis develops, further worsening the situation.

Dosage is calculated depending on weight. If the dog weighs up to 10 kg, 1 capsule is needed, if more, up to 2-3 capsules twice a day. Treatment lasts 2 weeks. The drug can be taken for a long period.

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