
Height of an adult dog: 56-58 cm. Weight: male – 27-36 kg, female – 25-32 kg. Characteristic color: solid black. A white spot on the chest is acceptable. Wool length: up to 5 cm. Life expectancy: 10-13 years. Advantages of the breed: they do not show aggression, love to play outside, and can be trained quickly. Difficulties of the breed: A bored Labrador can damage property. They require attention and care. Average price of a black Labrador: $160-800. Classification: large, hunting, rescue.

What does a Golden Retriever look like? Description of the breed with photos and videos

To better learn about the characteristics of this species, it is recommended to carefully study the description of the modern Golden Retriever breed. This includes adult size and weight, coat color and type, and possible varieties.

Size and weight

The height and weight of a representative is determined by genetic predisposition, so do not despair if, according to the parameters, the golden retriever “does not reach” the norm or, on the contrary, exceeds it. Some puppies grow quickly, others grow slowly, the main condition is the good physical condition of the dog and his health.

Experts advise not to overfeed your dog in order to achieve a normal weight, as this will greatly affect its health.

A Golden Retriever is born weighing up to 3 kg, its height at the withers is about 20 cm. In the first month, Golden Retriever puppies gain from 400 to 800 grams, and add about 3 cm in height. As they develop, by 6 months their weight individuals range from 24 to 26 kg, height at the withers - up to 55 cm; by 10 months, a golden retriever weighs 30–36 kg, its height is 55–61 cm. The size of an adult dog is characterized by the parameters from the table.

Weight25–32 kg27–36 kg
Height50–56 cm56–60 cm

Experts note that pets intended for shows and exhibitions look more voluminous than those considered “working”. From this information we can conclude that female Golden Retrievers are smaller in height and weight than males. Compared to others, the Golden Retriever is considered a large breed.

Color and coat type

Externally, individuals stand out from other species: they are active, playful, and have gorgeous fur and color. Golden's fur

retriever up

It must be straight - pronounced curls are not allowed according to the standard, but slight waves may be present. The undercoat is dense, waterproof, and clearly expressed.

Shedding of the Golden Retriever breed occurs in the autumn and spring seasons.

Wool is considered hypoallergenic, so people with children in the house often get dogs.

Do not confuse the Golden Retriever with the Smooth-Coated Retriever - these are two different types.

differing in color. The color of the coat includes all shades: from golden to beige and cream.

There may be light hairs on the chest, but shades of red are not allowed - this breed is considered not purebred. The dark golden hue also confirms the standard.

Breed varieties

There are three varieties of the Golden Retriever breed:

  1. English type. Distributed throughout Australia and Great Britain, it is distinguished by a wide skull, powerful front legs, and the color of this golden retriever is lighter than that of the American type. The height of males is 56–61 cm, and that of females is 51–56 cm. They have a friendly facial expression, a quick-witted character, and a breed with pronounced working traits.
  2. American type . Characterized by elegance and less muscle development. The American type is easy to recognize - its color is slightly darker than that of the English Golden Retriever. The height of males is 58–61 cm, females – 55–57 cm. To improve the characteristics of the breed, American breeders bring the English type for mating.
  3. Canadian type. Belongs to a more modern generation of puppies, which is distinguished by a dark coat color. The Canadian variety is a breed combining the English and American types. Males reach a height of 58-63 cm, and females - 55-59 cm, which means that the Canadian Golden Retriever has the tallest height.

Based on these indicators, the golden retriever breed standard is determined, so when purchasing a pet from a breeder, you should pay attention to the parameters so as not to encounter fraud.

History of the origin of the breed

According to historical data, Labrador dogs appeared in the 19th century. The island of Newfoundland became their homeland. There are several versions of the origin of the name of this breed. Some believe that due to the black color, their ancestors are the Labradorite breed.

Other sources claim that the name comes from their homeland, the Labrador Peninsula. Still other sources believe that the name comes from the Portuguese “hard worker”, because the dogs are really very hard-working. In the late 60s, the breed appeared in the USSR and has since become quite popular.

100% imported blood - England

April 25, 2019

in our cattery YANKEE GOODWILL a long-awaited litter was born from our beautiful
and the irresistible blond
The father of these wonderful kids is Goodwin

is the first and only male in Russia from one of the oldest and most successful kennels in England, Carpenny.

Today Goodwin

has the titles Junior Champion of Russia, Champion of Russia, Champion of the National Club, Grand Champion of Russia, Champion of the RKF, Candidate for CACIB Interchampion.

And although Goodwin

he himself is still very young, his children live and successfully exhibit in different cities and countries - in the UK, Germany, Italy, Holland, Finland, Ukraine, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Irkutsk, Tver, Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Tyumen region - Langepas, Khabarovsk , Plisetsk, Novosibirsk, V. Novgorod, Moscow and the Moscow region, Cherepovets, Rybinsk, Obninsk, Arkhangelsk region - Nyandoma, Vyborg, Vsevolozhsk, Gatchina, Boksitogorsk, Karelia - Sortavala, Mge, Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Peterhof, St. Petersburg and Leningrad areas!


has proven himself to be an excellent producer and his children already have the titles of Junior Champion of Russia, Junior Champion of the National Club, Champion of Russia, Champion of the National Club, Grand Champion of Russia, Candidate for Interchampions - CACIB, RCACIB. Agree, not bad for a 3-year-old male!

Mommy Lola

– one of the most beautiful and successful bitches of our kennel, has collected the blood of the most influential nurseries in England -
Heatherbourne, Kimvalley
is the daughter of our incomparable
- Linjor Taio JW - the only Junior British Champion in Russia!
The granddaughter of our golden Churchill
- Ch Linjor Wish Master - the father of many Champions, the only son in Russia of Sh Ch Sandylands Gadabout, one of the best sires in the history of the Labrador Retriever breed.
And also the granddaughter of our charming Sochi
- Heatherbourne Willow - the only female in Russia from the famous English kennel
, daughter of Sh Ch Sandylands Wait and See.


a very successful show dog, has won more than once under breeds from England and has the titles Junior Champion of Russia, Junior Champion of NPK, Junior Champion of Latvia, Junior Champion of Estonia, Junior Champion of Belarus, Champion of Russia, Champion of NKP, Grand Champion of Russia, Champion of Belarus, Champion RKF, Candidate for CACIB International Champions.

We have high hopes for these children and hope that they will grow up to be as beautiful, healthy, smart, kind, and successful as their parents!


According to sources, dogs used to help fishermen get nets out of the water. They are really very strong and can swim. Now they are used to help disabled people as guide dogs. Labradors are excellent detectives and rescuers. Security qualities are weakly expressed, because the animals are very friendly. If a stranger wants to play with a pet, he will only be happy.


  • Black Labradors are very cheerful, playful, friendly dogs. In some countries, after the wedding, newlyweds get a Labrador as a symbol of love and family happiness.
  • They get along well with children and can act as a nanny. But you shouldn’t leave your dog alone with a tiny baby. During play, the animal may accidentally injure him.
  • They get along well with other pets; even a cat can become their best friend.
  • They require human attention, love to play and frolic.
  • Loneliness is hard to bear. They may chew clothes or furniture as a sign of protest.
  • They are partial to children's toys, so they will need to be stored away from the pet. Be sure to provide him with his own toys so that he has something to chew on while the owner is busy.
  • They are excellent companions and true friends. They will become a favorite not only of your family, but of everyone they meet.

How to choose a puppy

Before you get such a pet, think about whether you can provide it with proper care and training. After all, for the next at least 10 years you will have a four-legged friend with you who needs to be fed and walked. If the decision is made, find a quality nursery where you are guaranteed to be able to purchase a purebred black Labrador puppy with a good pedigree. There are many advertisements where puppies are offered at a very low price . But such a breeder will not give you a guarantee about his purebred breed or health.

When choosing, examine the baby. His fur will fit tightly to his body and shine. The paws are quite large, the baby is moderately well-fed and has a good appetite. He is not a coward, he will allow you to pick him up. Plays with other kids and is very active.

You will be offered his veterinary passport, which contains all the vaccinations and wormings he has received. Get a photocopy of the pedigree, recommendations for feeding and care. It is best to purchase a puppy that is 7 weeks old. From this age they can eat anything and are ready for socialization.

Care and maintenance

  • The best place to live would be a private house with a fenced area. But with regular walks, animals can live in an apartment.
  • Labradors do not require special care. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the ears. Due to the fact that they are hanging, dirt often accumulates inside and inflammation can occur. Wipe them inside weekly with a cotton swab soaked in oil.
  • Check your teeth every week. You can clean them with a special toothpaste or give them bones, which will help the dog get rid of tartar and plaque on its own.

  • If your dog lives in an apartment, bathe it when it gets dirty, but not more than once a month. Labradors love water very much; if possible, walk near bodies of water as often as possible, where they can swim to their heart's content.
  • Walk your dog for at least 1 hour every day, play, train. Labradors love to fetch various items. By the way, this is why hunters take them hunting. During the event, their main function is to bring killed prey.
  • Black Labradors are prone to obesity, so provide your pet with regular exercise. Feed strictly twice a day. Don't pay attention to your pet's hungry look.

Vaccination schedule for Labrador and Golden Retriever puppies

1. The first vaccination for a Labrador puppy or a Golden Retriever puppy is done at the age of approximately 2 months. 2. After this, vaccination (re-vaccination) after 3-4 weeks 3. Vaccination after changing teeth - approximately 6-7 months. 4. Vaccination per year.

The most popular vaccines are Nobivac and Eurican. These are complex drugs that protect dogs from distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, and rabies. The first rabies vaccination is given at 3-4 weeks of age, then once a year. You can start walking your puppy 7-10 days after the second vaccination (re-vaccination).


Black Labradors are very smart, love their owner, so they are easy to train. They will be able to carry out almost any command, the main thing is to please the owner. Training should begin immediately after purchase. Make them interesting, varied, short.

The Labrador is very inquisitive, so during training he is distracted by everything that interests him. Try to remove any distracting objects from your sight during this period. With proper upbringing, you will have a great friend, companion, helper and just a family favorite.

Training from 6 months

At this age, the puppy begins puberty and the real rebel awakens in him. He begins to re-test the boundaries of what is permitted and, sometimes, deliberately does not respond to your commands, only in order to look at your reaction. If she is not what the puppy expects to see, then he may decide that now he can no longer carry out your commands.

Remember that a puppy is still a child.

, and excessive harshness can forever undermine his trust in you.

At this stage of the golden retriever puppy’s growing up in training, all the shortcomings made at the previous stages, which were smoothed out by his young age, become clearly visible. And if they appear, it’s time to correct them.

In many training schools, there is an opinion that a puppy needs to be trained in two stages, the first at an early age, and the second at 8 - 10 months, in order to “consolidate” what has been learned. This is not an entirely correct position; this opinion appeared when newer operant training methods began to be added to the old “DOSAAF” rigid training methods, where they began to work with the puppy strictly after 6-7 months, including working with the method of pointing and following the “target”.

Their weakness was that they were two different techniques.

, which began to be used without adapting to each other, having a huge gap between their tools for developing training skills. The difference between them is like between choreography lessons in kindergarten and army drill training. Therefore, they required training in two stages, which were in no way connected with each other.

Modern methods based on zoopsychology make it possible to train a puppy in a single system , when no additional stages of training are required.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Ideal for a family that leads an active lifestyle and loves animals.
  • Gets along well with children and other pets. Does not show aggression, is friendly, loves to play, and feel the love of his owner.


  • If you want to make him a security guard, then you won’t succeed. For these purposes, it is better to get a dog of a different breed.
  • Requires the owner's attention and regular walks. Not suitable for constantly busy people.
  • If left alone for a long time, he may chew furniture and things.

Judging by the reviews of people who have a Labrador at home, this breed is the best for families and children. The dog is ready to play for a long time, loves to please the owner with his obedience. But if left alone for a long time, he will definitely gnaw furniture, clothes, or cause a pogrom at home. How does your pet react to loneliness? How much time do you spend together?

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