normal body temperature in large breed dogs
What to do if your dog has a high fever?
Normal indicators Normally, a dog’s body temperature should be from 37.3 ° C to 39.3
Acute renal failure in dogs
Acute renal failure Chronic renal failure Pyelonephritis Glomerulonephritis Renal amyloidosis Nephrotic syndrome Hydronephrosis Nephrolithiasis
Taka - caring for a pregnant dog
How long does a Dachshund's heat last?
Published: 4 months ago ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A dachshund’s heat lasts for 26-28 days. Having decided
Cherry eye syndrome in spaniels
How would you react if you woke up in the morning and your dog had a cherry eye? For the responsible one
shortness of breath and lethargy with laryngitis in a dog
What is laryngeal paralysis in dogs?
General information Many owners mistakenly think that any dog, long-haired or short-haired, has no problems.
Dog skeleton
Diseases of the testes in male dogs
Skeleton, or skeletal system The skeleton is a set of solid formations in the body that gives
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Ingrown toenail in a dog: solution to the problem
Many dog ​​owners sooner or later face such a problem as cracked or torn
Dachshund ears are 5. Red ears on a dog
What is fever in dogs? The pet is hot to the touch. The normal body temperature for dogs is
Causes of peripheral polyradiculoneuritis in dogs
Polyneuropathy is a nerve disorder that affects multiple nerves in the peripheral nervous system. Unlike
Urolithiasis in dogs: symptoms, causes, treatment
How did my dog ​​get these stones? Normal dog urine is slightly acidic and contains foods
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