Choosing effective flea drops for puppies and dogs

Fleas cause severe discomfort to your dog and can cause harm to his body. To destroy them, special preparations are used that must be used correctly. Otherwise, you may harm the animal. There are a large number of flea treatments for dogs available in various forms.

There are many flea treatments for dogs.


  • When to start using anti-tick drops for dogs
  • Mechanism of action
  • Tick ​​drops for dogs - TOP 15 best
  • How to use anti-tick drops for dogs
  • Restrictions when applying anti-tick drops to the withers
  • Safety when using drops against ticks and fleas
  • As recommendations

All pet owners in the spring are faced with the problem of choosing means to protect their pets from ticks. This is especially true for dog owners, because ticks carry very common and dangerous diseases, such as babesiosis (also known as piroplasmosis), borreliosis (the so-called Lyme disease, which can also affect people) and some others.

These diseases are much easier to prevent than to treat, so it is easier and cheaper to buy special acaricides at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. Today, a huge number of drugs have been developed, varying in price and effectiveness, in the form of drops, collars, sprays and even tablets for systemic action against ticks. The validity period can vary from 1 week to 3 or more months.

Learn more about the habitats, external signs, developmental and behavioral characteristics of the tick, and how the infection process occurs.

In this material we will look at drops on the withers against ticks for dogs:

  • when to start dripping drops;
  • how these drugs work;
  • composition, characteristic features and duration of protective action (briefly);
  • restrictions and security issues, etc.

Protective armor

To protect against ticks, repellents that repel these arthropods and acaricidal preparations

, killing them. It must be remembered that ticks are not insects, and many means of protection against mosquitoes and midges do not work in this case.

To protect against ticks, repellents based on DEET, a broad-spectrum drug that can be applied to the skin, are effective. The effectiveness of the repellent will depend on the concentration of the active principle, air temperature and wind strength, as well as the level of sweating.

To estimate the number of ixodid ticks, researchers collect them on standard “flags” - pieces of white waffle fabric measuring 60 by 100 cm. The environs of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. Photo by V. Panov
To avoid being attacked by ixodid ticks, you need to dress properly. It is better to wear plain and light-colored clothing, which makes it easier to spot ticks. The jacket should have cuffs and a hood that fit tightly to the wrists; the shirt must be tucked into the trousers, and the trousers into the socks; Do not wear open-toed shoes or sandals. The “correct” clothing is needed not only for walking in the forest, but also for working in yards and gardens, where there is a high risk of encountering ticks. For hunters and fishermen, special anti-tick suits are produced, impregnated with acaricides and equipped with trap folds that prevent ticks from moving upward

Recent studies have shown that DEET, like a number of other repellents, disrupts the functions of the above-mentioned Haller's organ in ticks. Thus, ticks are able to determine the location of a person at a distance of several meters by his infrared radiation using a special spherical formation with a hole in the front. Repellents like DEET disrupt this “infrared sight” (Carr & Salgado, 2019).

Acaricidal drugs include pyrethrins

– ​natural insecticides contained in the flowers of some perennials from the Asteraceae family, such as the once famous Persian (Dalmatian) chamomile.
Natural pyrethrins are unstable in light, and although they can quickly paralyze arthropods, many of the affected individuals can cope with the toxin and survive. Therefore, pyrethrins are often used in combination with substances such as piperonyl butoxide
, which inhibit the enzymes that break them down.

Today, synthetic, chemically modified analogues of pyrethrins - pyrethroids -

. Such compounds, especially the second and third generation, are less volatile and more stable in the light than natural ones, and also have higher anti-mite activity.

During the transmission of a nerve impulse between two neurons, sodium ions must be transferred across the postsynaptic membrane. Synthetic pyrethroids, permethrin in particular, are neurotropic poisons. When they enter the body of arthropods, they selectively bind to the lipophilic environment of the membrane on the side of the inner leaflet of the sodium channel of nerve cells (Tkachev, 2004). As a result, depolarization of the membrane occurs and a significant slowdown in the opening or closing of the sodium channel, which leads to a change in the rate of flow of sodium ions. The transmission of the nerve impulse is disrupted, paralysis of the body occurs, which ends in its death The most effective way to kill ticks is with pesticides.
They provide reliable control, are easy to use and inexpensive. For anti-tick treatment, a small amount of the drug used at the right time of year is sufficient. Their main disadvantage is their high toxicity towards non-target organisms: pesticides kill not only ticks, but also many beneficial insects (bees, ants, ladybugs), and can also harm the health of wild and domestic animals and humans themselves. Pesticide spraying is usually done in early spring. As a rule, the territories of holiday homes, children's camps, parks, forest areas in cities and cemeteries are processed. Most often, drugs based on synthetic pyrethroids, such as Tsifoksa, Taran, and Baytex, are used to combat ixodid ticks. And “Super Sipaz” can be used to destroy not only adult ixodid ticks, but also their larvae. Like pyrethrins, all pyrethroids are very toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms, but, as a rule, are not so harmful to mammals and birds. Pyrethroids, effective against ticks, have a paralyzing effect on them: ticks fall off clothing treated with the drug and die.

Preparations based on pyrethroids are usually produced in the form of aerosols, which are not applied directly to the skin, but are used only for treating clothing, and in the open air. It is recommended to carry out the treatment in advance: lightly moisten the clothes with an aerosol and air dry them before putting them on. The drug lasts a long time, so treatment should be repeated no more than once every two weeks.

The complex oral apparatus of a sucking ixodid tick (left) works like a pump, performing 2–60 acts of suction per minute, separated by acts of injecting saliva. © CC BY 2.0, photo Pw95. The photo on the right is a microscopic image of a tick's mouth with teeth attached, having penetrated the dermis, the lower layer of skin of the host animal. © CC BY 2.0, photo by LozeauMD

In Russia, aerosols of various brands are produced as personal protective equipment against ticks based on pyrethroids, such as “Picnic”, “Tornado”, “Gardex”, “Permanon”, “Fumitoks”, “Breeze”, “Komaroff”, etc.; “Reftamid taiga”, as well as “Pretix” (in the form of a chalk bar). There are also preparations containing two different active ingredients at once, including DEET - these are “Kra-Rep” and “Moskitol-anti-mite” aerosols. When used correctly, their effectiveness will be maximum.

There are also various anti-tick products on the market with unproven effectiveness. For example, preparations based on essential oils do provide short-term protection against mosquitoes and midges, but there is no data on their anti-tick activity. Widely advertised ultrasonic devices also do not repel ticks. Even bracelets soaked in DEET can only prevent a tick from crawling up an arm or leg, and only if they fit tightly to the limb.

There are also more anecdotal recommendations. For example, that eating garlic and other odorous foods, including whiskey and moonshine, protects against ticks. But such beliefs have not been scientifically tested. The same area includes advice to place outer clothing on a forest anthill for a few minutes or cover it with ashes from a fire. It is possible that if all clothing is sprayed with a caustic, pungent-smelling liquid, such as formic or acetic acid, then ticks will really not like it, just like people themselves. But the protective effect in this case is unlikely to be effective and long-lasting.

Due to the special, “toothed design” of their mouthparts, attached mites are generally difficult to remove. Public domain

However, even the best anti-tick agents will not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against ticks. If only because it is almost impossible to cover the entire surface of the body with them, and ticks are extremely skillful in overcoming obstacles. Practice shows that you can find a tick on your body completely unexpectedly and anywhere. And since tick bites are usually painless (together with saliva, the tick injects anesthetic substances under the skin), a thorough check of the entire body is required to detect an attached tick.

Mechanism of action

After applying drops to the dog’s skin, the active components are quickly distributed over the surface of the body, retained in the lipid layer on the animal’s skin and fur. The active substance is distributed throughout the dog’s body, protecting the entire surface of the animal’s body, including the most vulnerable places (the inner surface of the ears, armpits, between the paw pads, abdomen, groin area). After application, the active substances are distributed over the surface of the body within 24 hours, are not absorbed into the bloodstream, accumulate in the epidermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and have a long-term contact effect.

Tick ​​drops for dogs also have a repellent effect on parasites and prevent the bite itself. The parasite gets on the dog's fur, but cannot gain a foothold. After such an interaction, the parasite falls from the animal and dies in the environment before it has time to bite the pet.

How to apply anti-tick drops for dogs
How to Apply Flea and Tick Drops for Dogs

Side effects and causes

Although drugs from reliable manufacturers are non-toxic to people and animals, they must be used strictly according to the instructions. Failure to comply with the dosage may result in the following side effects:

  1. Allergies. It may occur in individuals who are sensitive to one of the components of the flea and tick formulation or who are prone to allergic reactions.
  2. Hair loss. Such cases are rare, but they still happen when you make the wrong choice.
  3. Watery eyes, increased production of saliva, and the appearance of foam if the pet manages to lick the substance. Hypersalivation goes away without the use of drugs, but at this time the animal needs to drink plenty of fluids.
  4. Muscle tremors - occurs with an overdose.

Tick ​​drops for dogs - TOP 15 best

In 2021 The following drops – preparations – are registered and used in Russia:

  1. "Frontline" (2 drugs - "Frontline Combo" and "Frontline Spot On" ), France
  2. Bravecto Spot On , USA
  3. "Dana-Ultra" , Russia
  4. Advantix , Germany
  5. "Lawyer" , Germany
  6. Hartz Ultra Guard , USA
  7. "Inspector" , Germany
  8. Biospotix Spot On , Germany
  9. "Prac-tik" / "Prac-tik" , Germany
  10. Rolf Club 3D , Germany
  11. "Insectal" , Germany
  12. "BEAPHAR - IMMO Shield Line-on" , Netherlands
  13. BEAPHAR - VETO pure , Netherlands
  14. " Bars " (2 drugs "Bars" and " Bars Forte" ), Russia
  15. Dironet Spot-on , Russia
  16. "Deltsit" , Russia.

'Tick drops for dogs

1. “Frontline” (“Merial”, France) Active ingredients: a) “Frontline Combo” - 2-component ( fipronil 9.8%, S- methoprene 8.8% and excipients polyvidone and polysorbate). b) “Frontline Spot On” - d/v fipronil . The period of protection is from ticks – up to 4 weeks, from fleas and immature stages of fleas – up to 12 weeks, from the preimaginal phases of insect development – ​​up to 8 months.

Bravecto - drops against ticks for dogs

2. “Bravecto Spot On” (“Merck Animal Health” / “MSD Animal Health”, USA) The active ingredient is fluralaner . The period of preventive protection is up to 12 weeks. The speed of initial action is after 8 hours for fleas, after 12 hours for ticks.

Dana-Ultra, drops against ticks and fleas for dogs

3. “ Dana-Ultra” (Apicenna / Apicenna, Russia) Active ingredients - fipronil, thiamethoxam, pyriproxyfen. Destruction of external parasites, including fleas, lice and lice, within 24 hours after application of the drug. Protection against ixodid ticks for a month, against fleas, lice, lice for up to 8 weeks. Lack of resistance of parasites to the drug. Interruption of the development cycle of insects at the larval stage.

Advantix anti-tick drops for dogs

4. “Advantix” (“BAYER”, Germany) Active ingredients - imidacloprid 10% and permethrin 50%. The protection period is up to 28 days after a single application, if necessary, the frequency of treatments is no more than 1 time per week. Initial exposure time: 12 hours for fleas, 24 hours for ticks.

Advocate, anti-tick drops for dogs

5. “Advocate” (“Bauer HealthCare AG”, Germany) Active ingredients - imidacloprid 10% (from external parasites - lice, adult fleas, flea larvae) and moxidectin 2.5% (from scabies mites - subcutaneous and ear mites, as well as for internal parasites – for roundworms). The validity period is up to 28 days after a single use.

'Tick drops for dogs

6. “Hartz Ultra Guard” (“Hartz”, USA) Active ingredient – ​​phenothrin 85.7% Protection period – up to 30 days after a single use, mandatory number of treatments – 3 times (once a month). The speed of initial action is from 15 minutes against mosquitoes, the full protective effect develops 2-3 days after application.

Inspector, anti-tick drops for dogs

7. “ Inspector” (“Neoterica GmbH, Germany) Active ingredients – fipronil – 10% and moxidectin – 2.5%. Duration of protective action: against ticks 1 month, against insects 1.5 months, helminths 1 month.

Anti-tick drops and spray for dogs BIOSPOTIX

8. “Biospotix Spot On” (Germany) Active ingredient – ​​geraniol 0.75%, a herbal preparation. The period of action is up to 4 weeks after a single use.

Prak-tik, anti-tick drops for dogs

9. “Prac-tik”/ “Prac-tik” (“Klocke Verpackungs-Service GmbH”, Germany) Active ingredient – ​​pyriprole 125 mg/ml. The protective effect is 4 weeks, the speed of the initial effect is 24 hours.

Rolf, anti-tick drops for dogs

10. "Rolf Club 3D" (Neoterica GmbH, Germany) Active ingredients - fipronil 9.8%, D- cyphenothrin 5.2%, pyriproxyfen 2%. Duration of protective action: up to 1 month - against ixodid ticks, 2 months - against fleas, lice, lice, 7 days - against mosquitoes, mosquitoes, midges. If there are attached ticks and parasitic insects, their detachment and death occurs within 1-2 hours after treatment.

Insectal, anti-tick drops for dogs

11. “Insectal” (“Neoterica GmbH”, Germany) Active ingredients - fipronil 10% (from fleas and ticks) and pyriproxyfen 2% (from flea larvae and other parasites, reduces the risk of re-infection). Duration of protective action: up to 30 days against ticks, up to 2 months against fleas.

BEAPHAR IMMO anti-tick drops for dogs

12. “BEAPHAR - IMMO Shield Line-on”, (“BEAPHAR BV”, Netherlands) Active ingredient – ​​dimethicone , 474 g/l. The period of protective action is up to 4 weeks, the period of initial exposure is 24 hours

BEAPHAR VETO anti-tick drops for dogs

13. “BEAPHAR - VETO pure” (“BEAPHAR BV”, Netherlands) Margosa extract 50 g/l, pyrethrins and pyrethroids 5 g/l Protective effect period - up to 4 weeks, initial exposure period - 24 hours

Leopard, drops against fleas and ticks for dogs

14. “Bars” (LLC “AVZ S-P”, Russia) - TWO drugs “Bars” and “Bars Forte” ). The active ingredients are fipronil 50 mg/ml, diflubenzuron 1 mg/ml and dicarboximide (MGK-264) 5 mg/ml. Protective effect - 1-2 months with a single treatment.

Deltsit - anti-tick drops for dogs

15. “Deltsit” (LLC “AVZ S-P”, Russia) Active ingredient: deltamethrin 4.0%. It is used not only to combat ectoparasites of animals, but also for disinfestation and decontamination of premises.

How to Apply Insectoacaricidal Flea and Tick Spray for Dogs
How to Apply Insectoacaricidal Flea and Tick Spray for Dogs

Imported means of production


Advocate photo

Veterinary drug used for the treatment and prevention of nematodosis, demodicosis, entomosis and sarcoptoidosis, intended for external use. The product is characterized by a very wide range of effects against parasites - it allows you to effectively fight fleas, ticks, lice, lice, and even helps cope with worms and intestinal nematodes living inside the animal. The drug belongs to the group of moderately hazardous substances. If the dosage is observed, dogs and cats tolerate its effects well. These are products of the German company Bayer, which has been producing medicines for people and animals for many years. The solution is packaged in pipettes, the volume of which can vary from 0.4 to 4 ml. The main active ingredients here are moxidexin and imidacloprid; additional components are also present - propylene carbonate, benzyl alcohol and butylated hydroxytoluene. After application to the skin, the drug actively spreads throughout the animal’s body within a couple of hours without being absorbed.

The product is securely attached to the wool, which ensures a long exposure time. Moxidectin is absorbed into the skin, penetrating into tissues and the circulatory system. Its highest concentration in the animal’s body is reached on days 5-6 and is completely eliminated within a month. If you need to rid your pet of parasites living in the fur, then a single treatment will be enough; when you have to fight internal parasites, you will have to re-apply the drug - this is done after about 3-4 weeks. If the product is used for preventive purposes, the animal must be treated after bathing without shampoo.

Also: How to choose food for a cat, and what to pay attention to after a week of feeding?


  • Very effective;
  • Has water-resistant characteristics;
  • Extended spectrum of action.


  • Not all animals tolerate it well;
  • High price.


Frontline Combo

Frontline Combo photo

Very effective drops, which are easy to use, can quickly get rid of blood-sucking insects. This product is produced by the French company Merial, which is known throughout the world for its discoveries in the field of veterinary medicine. The drug has unique properties; it penetrates under the chitinous cover of insects, acts at the cellular level, which initially leads to paralysis of the nervous system of fleas, and subsequently causes their death. In some cases, the larvae and eggs of bloodsuckers remain intact, which is why the animal's fur will need to be re-treated, which is carried out after eight weeks. It is not recommended to apply to the skin of a pet if its age does not exceed 2 months. The drops penetrate deep into the epidermis, making it possible to provide complete protection. The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the animal. After the treatment has been carried out, you should limit the pet’s contact with children, minimize exposure to the open air, and you should also not bathe it.

The drug also has a calming effect - it helps get rid of itching after bites, prevents flea dermatitis, and prevents infection of the apartment. The product copes with all types of ticks. It must be kept on the animal’s skin for about two days, after which the dog or cat is allowed to be bathed. Fipronil is used as the main active agent. The animal will be completely protected from fleas for the next three months.


  • Widely used drug;
  • Actively fights fleas and ticks, as well as the consequences of their bites;
  • Long lasting.


  • Cannot be used if the animal is under at least two months old.

Frontline Combo

Stronghold Pfizer

Stronghold Pfizer photo

American-made products are based on selamectin, a chemical compound that not only kills adult fleas and ticks, but also blocks the incubation of their eggs. It is also suitable for combating ear and scabies mites, helps cope with heartworm, which can affect a pet’s heart, and can be used when treating an animal for roundworms and hookworms. The product dries very quickly, has no foreign odor, and is highly moisture resistant. Safe for pets if they are over 6 weeks old. Tests of its action were carried out even on the most sensitive breeds of dogs and cats - no allergic reaction was detected, although cases of individual intolerance to the drug were encountered.

The drug has an inhibitory effect on chlorine channel receptors. As a result, the normal transmission of nerve impulses in the synapses of the muscle tissue of the parasites is disrupted. Selamectin is absolutely safe for animals - after application, it is almost instantly absorbed into the skin and enters the circulatory system, without causing any harmful effects on the pet’s body. The maximum concentration is achieved one day after treating the cat and three days if the drug was applied to the dog's fur. The therapeutic concentration of the substance is maintained for a whole month. This product is also absolutely safe for people, so immediately after the drug is absorbed, the animal can be petted, picked up, bathed and played with.


  • Absorbed into the blood very quickly;
  • An expanded list of parasites that this drug can fight;
  • The required concentration is quickly achieved.


  • Not a very convenient form of release.

Stronghold Pfizer

Bravecto Spot On

Bravecto Spot He photo

It begins to act very quickly - after treating the skin, the product begins to rid the animal of fleas in just 4 hours, and after another 4 hours, about 98% of the insects living in the pet’s fur die. After about a day, the pet has a death rate of fleas and ticks that is close to 100%. This drug is a fairly effective solution in the fight against flea dermatitis. During the development of the drug, studies were carried out on all varieties of ixodid ticks, both on adults and on eggs and larvae. Ticks will die regardless of which part of the animal’s body they are attached to. This drug was developed specifically for cats and dogs, and its degree of toxicity is so low that it is allowed to be used if the animal is pregnant or nursing offspring. Adaptability in fleas to this drug is not observed.

The principle of action is as follows: the active substance penetrates under the chitinous cover of the animal, blocks the work of nerve impulses and the digestive system. The insects stop feeding, so literally immediately after application the animal’s level of discomfort decreases - it begins to itch less and hardly licks itself. The key ingredient here is fluralaner, which is a mammal-safe insecticide. It penetrates into the circulatory system, maximum concentration is achieved just a day after use.


  • Easy to use;
  • Begins to act almost immediately after application;
  • Suitable for lactating and pregnant individuals;
  • Actively fights fleas and ticks;
  • Safe for animals and people.


  • It's very expensive.

Bravecto Spot On

UltraGuard Plus Drops

UltraGuard Plus Drops photo

The leader in this section of our review of the best drops for fleas and ticks is the product developed by a well-known American company that specializes in the production of various veterinary drugs. The composition can be used if the animal is at least 12 weeks old. It will have to be applied to dry and intact skin; it is advisable to cover the area from the withers to the root of the tail. Due to the fact that the animal can reach out and lick the product off, it is advisable to put a muzzle or a special collar on it. The composition should not be applied to the skin of sick or convalescent animals. If your pet is bearing or feeding offspring, you should definitely consult a veterinarian before use. If all these points are observed, there are no contraindications or side effects, however, there are cases of individual intolerance.

More: How to properly add treats to your domestic cat's diet?

The drops are absorbed quite quickly - it takes about two hours, after which the body of the dog or cat becomes completely invulnerable to parasites. As soon as a tick or flea tries to bite a pet, the insect immediately dies. In addition, the drug has a preventive effect, preventing pests from re-entering the wool over the next 30 days, after which the skin will need to be re-treated.


  • One package is enough for three treatments, that is, for most of the summer season;
  • Protects against ticks, mosquitoes and fleas;
  • Penetrates deep into the skin and begins to act almost immediately after application to the animal.


  • The need to use a muzzle or collar to prevent the pet from licking it off.

UltraGuard Plus Drops

How to use anti-tick drops for dogs

1.If desired, you can wash your dog 2-3 days before using the drops. Cosmetics partially wash out the lipid layer, which is necessary for distributing droplets over the surface of the dog’s skin and coat. Therefore, if you washed your animal with shampoo, it is better to wait 2-3 days and treat the dog with drops.

2. The drug is applied to places inaccessible to licking by animals: on the skin at several points in the back, between the shoulder blades or in the neck at the base of the skull in doses specified in the instructions for each specific drug.

* A wet-oil stain may appear on the fur within 24 hours after application.

** At the site of application of the drug, hair may stick together, itching and slight redness may occur, sometimes hair loss, and if ingested, increased salivation.

3. For the first 2-3 days after treatment, it is recommended not to bathe the dog and not allow it into natural bodies of water.

4. Do not forget to treat the dog monthly during the entire period of parasite activity. Before walking, for additional preventive protection, it is recommended to use an insectoacaricidal spray against ticks.

Restrictions when applying anti-tick drops to the withers

  1. The drugs are contraindicated for use in case of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug (consult a veterinarian)
  2. If it is necessary to use the drug for Collie, Bobtail and Sheltie puppies, due to the increased sensitivity of dogs of these breeds to drugs, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  3. It is prohibited for use by patients with infectious diseases, weakened animals and puppies younger than N weeks of age (see drug) and/or weighing less than 1-2 kg.
  4. It is not recommended to take the drugs together with other insectoacaricidal agents.

Safety when using drops against ticks and fleas

All drugs considered are certified and registered in the Russian Federation. According to the degree of impact on the body, they are classified as moderately dangerous substances (hazard class 3 or 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses they do not have skin-irritating and resorptive-toxic, embryotoxic and teratogenic effects. If it gets into the gala, mild irritation is possible. The drugs are toxic to rabbits, bees, fish and other aquatic organisms.

In case of overdose, excessive salivation, muscle tremors, and vomiting are possible. In this case, the drug is washed off with water and detergent, and the animal is prescribed antihistamines and symptomatic therapy.

As recommendations

  • The animal should not be petted for 24 hours and should not be allowed near small children.
  • Do not wash or bathe the animal for 3 days before and after treatment, and do not apply the drug to wet or damaged skin.
  • In order to prevent re-infestation with fleas, the animals' bedding is replaced or the floors of the premises are treated with any insecticidal agent.
  • Repeated treatments are carried out according to indications, but not more than once every 3-4 weeks.
  • It is advisable to treat all animals living together.
  • Clearly calculate the dosage based not only on the weight of the animal, but also on the age and state of health.
  • If you have any doubts regarding use, you should consult a veterinarian. doctor.
  • Pay special attention to treatments in the warm season.

When choosing protection for your pet, you must take into account that ticks, typical for Russia, are often resistant to antiparasitic drugs developed and produced in Europe. In addition, European drugs are developed with an eye on the composition of parasites living in Europe, without taking into account the characteristics of the Russian parasitic flora. Owners of pets living in Russia are recommended to use modern domestically produced parasite remedies for their pets - for example, products from the Dana Ultra line: anti-parasitic collars, drops on the withers and sprays for treating fur from the leading Russian manufacturer Apicenna.

Video about the mechanism of action of drops against pests using the example of the active ingredients imidacloprid and moxidectin from the company Bauer, Germany (not an advertisement)

Domestic products

Insectal drops against fleas and ticks

Insectal photo

A fairly effective remedy that can be used as a medicinal or prophylactic drug to combat various external parasites. It is produced in several forms, so you can choose the most convenient option for your pet. If you follow the manufacturer's recommendations, you can protect your animal from harmful parasites for quite a long time. The composition effectively fights all types of ticks, fleas and lice-eaters. It copes with insects regardless of what level of development they are at. Such a high level of usefulness is achieved largely due to the fact that the composition contains two active substances - fipronil and pyriproxyfen. If we talked about the first at the very beginning of the article, then the second has a completely different operating principle. It suppresses the hormonal system of parasites, which leads to impaired ability to reproduce.

The drug performs well in the warm season, when harmful insects are most active. Application to the skin of animals is not allowed if they are recovering from severe pathologies, are sick with various infectious diseases, as well as during feeding and pregnancy. Drops can be used if the puppy is at least 2 months old. They are a clear liquid with a slightly yellowish tint - the dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the pet. To combat ticks, this product must be applied two to three times every 10-12 days.


  • In terms of efficiency they are in no way inferior to foreign analogues, but the cost is several times lower;
  • Easy to apply;
  • Universal products for all pets;
  • Long shelf life.


  • Quite a strong smell, and not very pleasant.

Insectal drops against fleas and ticks

Ms. Kiss

Ms. Kiss photo

Just like the other composition, they contain two active substances - fipronil and pyriproxyfen, and there are also a number of auxiliary components - isopropyl alcohol, agidol, dipropylene glycol butyl ether and dipropylene glycol methyl ether. The format is a transparent oily liquid with a sharp characteristic odor. This drug not only has a detrimental effect on lice, lice, lice and ticks, but also on flying insects, which can also cause a lot of inconvenience to your pet. After a single treatment, the pet will be reliably protected from pests for about a month and a half. This drug belongs to the group of moderately hazardous substances, therefore, if the dosage is observed, it does not cause irritation, rashes, and so on. Suitable for animals from two months of age.

Areas that the pet cannot reach with its tongue should be treated. An adult animal is treated in several places - on the scruff of the neck, on the head and between the shoulder blades. To prevent the reappearance of parasites, it is advisable to treat habitats, crevices and household items with a special product. The drug can also be used to treat ear scabies. To do this, thoroughly clean the ears and instill a couple of drops of the substance into each of them. If you plan to use drops as a prophylactic agent, then the animal is treated with them in the spring, when flea activity is zero.


  • Perfectly protects against flying parasites and those living in fur;
  • Reasonable cost;
  • Long period of animal protection;
  • Harmless to pets.


  • Individual intolerance to components in animals occurs with enviable regularity.

Ms. Kiss

Dana Ultra

Dana Ultra photo

Third place among the popular drops for fleas of domestic production was taken by an insecticidal acaricidal agent, produced in the form of a solution intended for external use. Fipronil is used as the active ingredient. It is a clear, slightly oily liquid with a fairly faint odor. The composition ideally copes with harmful insects that are at the sexually mature stage of development. Its action leads to disruption of nerve impulses, resulting in rapid paralysis and death of the parasites. It has no inhibitory effect on mammalian receptors. When applied to the skin, it is practically not absorbed, but during the day it is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the body. It accumulates in the upper layers of the epidermis, penetrates the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. This allows for a long-lasting effect of the drug.

More: Top 10 best dog repellers, how to choose a repeller

In terms of the degree of impact on the animal itself, the composition belongs to mildly dangerous substances, which, even with a severe overdose, cause practically no harm. The duration of exposure is approximately 4-6 weeks. You should not bathe the animal three days before and three days after treatment. In order to significantly extend the life of the drug, it is necessary to treat the skin two or three times every 5-7 days. It is not advisable to use it if the animal is feeding or bearing offspring.


  • Inexpensive products;
  • Good quality;
  • Can be processed several times in a short period of time;
  • Almost safe product.


  • Swimming restrictions;
  • In some cases, an allergic reaction occurs.

Dana Ultra

Inspector Total K

Inspector Total K photo

Fipronil and moxidectin are used as key substances; there are also a number of auxiliary compounds - polyethylene glycol, butylated hydroxyanisole, butylated hydroxytoluene, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether. Drops are produced in the form of a transparent liquid, slightly oily in nature, and may have a light yellow color. It is a veterinary drug of combined action, with the help of which you can cope not only with a standard set of parasites such as fleas, ticks, lice eaters, but also with nematodes, which also parasitize on the surface of the animal’s skin, worsening the condition of its fur. Moxidectin is a semi-synthetic substance, its action is aimed at the active production of gamma-aminobutyric acid. The latter binds to postsynaptic receptors and disrupts the functioning of the muscular system, interrupts the interaction between nerve impulses - this leads to paralysis and death of insects.

This substance actively penetrates the pores of the animal’s skin and is absorbed into the circulatory system, tissues and organs, and accumulates there, due to which the beneficial effect is significantly prolonged - the insecticidal effect lasts about 6-8 weeks. Can also be used as a prophylactic agent. The drug is not suitable for animals under 7 weeks of age, as well as for those suffering from chronic diseases. If the animal's weight is less than 1 kg, then the treatment should be carried out under the close supervision of a specialist.


  • Fleas disappear completely for a long time;
  • The animal is not harmed in the slightest;
  • There are practically no side reactions;
  • Acceptable cost of the drug.


  • The stated validity period is somewhat exaggerated - it actually does not exceed 7 weeks.

Inspector Total K

Flea and tick drops Bars

Leopard photo

The best product for combating ticks and fleas, produced by the well-known domestic enterprise NEC "Agrovetzashchita". Pet owners note that the drug is very effective and easy to use. Available in bottles with a volume of 1 or 1.4 ml, they are also equipped with an easy-to-apply pipette. The function of the active substance here is performed by the pyrethroid permethrin. This component is regularly found in many household chemicals. This is a very effective remedy that allows you to quickly deal with ticks, fleas, lice, bedbugs, lice, the drug can be used even in summer cottages if there is a need to get rid of ants. Permethrin has a long period of action - it can rid your pet of pests that bother him for about two months. The substance belongs to the group of nerve poisons. These drops are well tolerated by animals.

The active compound does not enter the pet's circulatory system. The drug is suitable for treating kittens and puppies if they are at least 6 weeks old, but it should be used with caution, preferably under the supervision of a veterinarian. The method of application is standard; large animals are given two or even three treatments every three to four weeks. The manufacturer does not recommend treating dogs if their weight is less than 2 kg; it is also prohibited for pregnant and lactating pets.


  • Almost all parasites die within the first day after application;
  • Compared to foreign analogues, it is very cheap;
  • Long-lasting protective effect;
  • Convenient dosage with precise calculation based on the weight of the animal.


  • Apart from individual intolerance, no symptoms were found.

Flea and tick drops Bars

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