Diarrhea is a very common disorder that occurs among our four-legged friends. And most often, loose stools bother puppies - their digestive system is much more sensitive than that of adult pets. Unfortunately, it is extremely rare that the problem can be solved without medication; in most cases, the veterinarian still prescribes an antimicrobial drug. Often, experts prefer the drug Furazolidone - it helps a puppy with diarrhea, and has a gentle effect on a fragile body and does not “hit” the animal’s immune system.
Application procedure
The instructions for use contain all the necessary information on how to take the medication correctly and in what cases it is actually necessary.
Furazolidone is not an easy anti-diarrhea pill. This is a broader action product. To understand this, it is important to understand what the mechanism of operation of this medicine is after penetration into the human body.
Furazolidone is an antibacterial drug from the nitrofuran group. The medicine has a pronounced effect against microbes, gram-negative anaerobic microorganisms. Although Furazolidone affects gram-positive bacteria and some fungi, this effect is less active.
When a medicine penetrates inside the human body, it affects the processes of cellular respiration in pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, most aspects of life become impossible and infections die out. First, the cell membranes are destroyed, causing the microorganisms to become unviable.
Due to the rapid reduction of the infection population, the level of intoxication is reduced. Even a clinical analysis will still show the same level of pathogenic microorganisms, but the patient’s well-being will already improve. Furazolidone derivatives are capable of stimulating the activation of phagocytic cells that participate in immune defense processes.
The drug is effective in cases where problems with the gastrointestinal tract were caused by the following infections:
- streptococci;
- staphylococci;
- shigella;
- salmonella;
- Eshecheria;
- proteas;
- Klebsiella;
- Trichomonas;
- Giardia;
- mushrooms of the genus Candida.
The advantage of the drug over other medications is that pathogenic microorganisms very slowly become resistant to this drug and this increases its effectiveness.
Treatment of diarrhea with the help should be carried out as prescribed by a doctor. Without adequate medical diagnosis, it is impossible to accurately determine the cause of the disorder, and using such a drug unnecessarily can harm the body.
The dosage of the drug must strictly correspond to that indicated in the instructions, unless the doctor has issued a different prescription. Yellow Furazolidone tablets must be swallowed whole with water, without chewing or dissolving. The drug is taken only after meals. The duration of treatment is purely individual, depending on the patient’s condition, diagnosis and age.
For adults
The use of the drug "Furazolidone" should be carried out only according to the instructions:
- for paratyphoid fever, dysentery and food infections, take 2-3 tablets 4 times a day for 4-10 days;
- if infected with Giardia, take the drug 2 tablets four times a day;
- if Trichomonas penetrates, treatment is carried out by using Furazolidone 4 times a day, 2 tablets for 3 days.
Depending on the diagnosis, along with Furazolidone, suppositories with the same active ingredient may be prescribed. The maximum permissible dosage per day that can be taken by adults is 16 tablets.
Furazolidone is also successfully used in the treatment of children. The maximum duration of treatment for this category of patients is 10 days. When determining the normal dosage, it is important to consider body weight.
First, you need to calculate the maximum daily amount of the drug, and then divide it into 3-4 doses. For every kilogram of weight there should be 10 mg of the drug. So, with a total body weight of 25 kg per day, children can take 250 mg, that is, the dosage in this case will be 5 tablets.
During pregnancy
Pregnancy is a special period when most medications are contraindicated. Furazolidone can be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor. This drug is prescribed during pregnancy only when the potential benefit to the mother is greater than the risk to the fetus.
Since this drug is not allowed for infants, it is not recommended to be treated with Furazolidone during lactation. If this treatment is carried out while breastfeeding, breastfeeding should be stopped. The active substance penetrates into milk and can cause severe pathologies in the child, including hemolytic anemia and methemoglobinemia.
Despite the urgent need to quickly get rid of diarrhea, existing contraindications cannot be neglected:
- individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
- chronic renal failure;
- lactase deficiency.
Furazolidone is not prescribed to a child under 1 year of age. With particular caution, this drug is used to treat patients with disorders of the central nervous system, liver dysfunction, and when working with dangerous mechanisms that require increased concentration.
Like any drug, furazolidone should be taken based on calculations of the animal’s weight and its condition. Every day your four-legged pet can be given 10 mg per 1 kilogram of weight. This dose is divided into 3-4 servings and fed to the dog every 5-6 hours. The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 14 days.
How to give?
Furazolidone is very easy to use. It is not recommended to give the medicine on an empty stomach. You can crush the tablet into powder and mix it into food, or dilute it with water and pour it into the animal’s mouth immediately after eating. To do this, it is better to use a regular syringe without a needle, placed deep to the root of the tongue.
If it gets bad
Furazolidone has side effects such as decreased appetite, vomiting, rash, swelling, itching, and other skin reactions. In case of overdose, diffuse inflammation of the nerves is possible. In this case, you should stop taking the medicine and show the animal to a specialist.
Typically, your veterinarian will prescribe plenty of water and B vitamins. He may also prescribe absorbents.
Important! Furazolidone is contraindicated in dogs with problems with the liver, kidneys and nervous system.
Furazolidone for diarrhea (for large breed dogs) is recommended to take 1 tablet 3 times a day for 4-6 days, depending on the condition of the dog.
Furazolidone for puppies (as well as for kittens) for a single dose is calculated at 3-5 mg/1 kg of animal weight.
Sometimes a longer duration of treatment is required, up to 10 days, but this is not recommended. Also, an overdose should not be used, since the bacterioscopic effect of furazolidone is effective in small doses, and its excess will be unproductively deposited in the body tissues in the form of metabolites (decomposition products) that cause side effects.
- pregnancy;
- lactation period;
- hypersensitivity to the drug.
- with caution, list B;
- temperature from 5 to 25 o C;
- in a dry place;
- without access to light;
- Shelf life is 5 years from the date of manufacture (indicated on the packaging) if all storage rules are observed.
Furazolidone for dogs dosage for diarrhea
Any more or less experienced breeder has encountered diarrhea in their pets. It is not surprising that professionals (and just dog lovers) always have in stock at least the simplest remedies that are effective against diarrhea. This includes the simplest activated carbon and Regidron. This also includes Smecta. But they prefer to give furazolidone to a dog for diarrhea.
Let us immediately note one important circumstance. This drug belongs to the group of nitrofurans. These are antimicrobial drugs first synthesized at the beginning of the last century.
Before the advent of antibiotics, they were widely used in both human and veterinary medicine. After antibiotics became widespread, they were usually used by veterinarians.
And the point here is not only the obsolescence of this type of drugs and their low activity against most “modern” microorganisms (although this circumstance also plays a role).
The most unpleasant thing about these drugs is their side effects.
As a rule, dogs experience vomiting, increased thirst, and other signs of intoxication are possible . In addition, there is evidence that these drugs have a bad effect on the liver and kidneys of animals. Finally, when using furazolidone, there is a considerable risk of developing various allergic reactions : from simple urticaria to deadly Quincke's edema.
However, in some cases there is not much choice left. Firstly, nitrofurans have a completely destructive effect on many pathogenic microbes.
Secondly, due to their chemical structure and a number of other features, resistance to these drugs (in microorganisms) develops very slowly.
In addition, sometimes veterinarians and animal owners simply do not have other potent antimicrobial agents at hand, and treatment must be started urgently.
We emphasize that you should not prescribe or give this medicine to your pet yourself, even with severe diarrhea. First, it would not hurt to find out what exactly causes diarrhea. And for this you definitely need to seek help from a veterinarian.
The list of such cases is given below:
- Furazolidone should never be prescribed to animals with chronic renal failure, as well as to pets with acute and chronic liver and kidney diseases in the stage of decompensation.
- During pregnancy and lactation, the drug should be prescribed with extreme caution, and it is better to avoid such “experiments” altogether.
- It is strictly prohibited to give it to puppies under three months of age (in extreme cases, the animal must be at least a month old).
There is also information about individual intolerance to nitrofurans, but they are quite rare. Whether an animal belongs to the “lucky” group can be determined exclusively experimentally.
The medicine is currently available exclusively in tablet form. Each contains 50 mg of active ingredient. The pills are packaged in blisters made of food-grade plastic and aluminum foil.
Interestingly, after oral administration, the medicine is practically not absorbed from the intestines. It is believed that no more than 5% of its total volume is excreted from the animal’s body in urine.
The rest leaves it with feces.
The drug is widely used in the treatment of giardiasis , as well as many foodborne toxic infections. Because under “field” conditions it is almost impossible to more or less accurately determine the type of pathogen, it is precisely these features of the drug that make it a good choice for a preventive strike against pathogenic microflora.
Using the medicine is very simple. The tablet is given orally. For one medium-sized dog – one pill.
As a rule, this is done once, but in some cases the drug is used for three days.
However, a therapeutic course of at least ten days is considered optimal, but in practice such long-term use of medication is extremely rare.
If any side effects occur, its prescription is stopped , choosing a more “gentle” antimicrobial drug. For dogs in a “pocket” format, use ½ tablet maximum. Note that the dosage can vary greatly depending on the weight, physiological condition and age of the animal, so it should only be prescribed by a sufficiently experienced veterinarian.
Remember! The medicine is given either during or after meals. You should not “pump” the product on an empty stomach. It is fraught with various unpleasant consequences.
Experienced dog breeders know that dogs have a very specific digestive system: it is very short and the main burden falls on the stomach. All these nuances lead to the fact that even relatively healthy pets develop diarrhea from time to time. True, in most cases it passes quickly, and does not always require medical attention.
But in the case of puppies, everything is different. If children are not treated promptly, they may die. The trouble is that sometimes there are no really high-quality and modern drugs at hand, which is why you have to use “ersatz”.
In desperate situations, for example, when a puppy has diarrhea, some veterinarians use Furazolidone.
But why only in the “desperate”? After all, this drug has long been used in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract infections in humans?! Unfortunately, it's not that simple.
This medicine is a classic representative of nitrofurans, that is, antimicrobial agents that have been actively used almost since the middle of the last century.
They have a rich and glorious history, since before the advent of antibiotics, doctors and veterinarians simply had no other options.
Today, furazolidone is used, as a rule, in veterinary medicine.
This is largely due to their amazing low cost, which is greatly appreciated by many breeders who cannot afford modern antibiotics. In addition, in many cases, Furazolidone is very effective.
It would seem, what more could you ask for: a drug that combines cheapness and effectiveness - isn’t this a veterinarian’s dream?! But not everything is so good.
Doctors have noticed that this medicine has a huge number of contraindications and side effects. Most often, patients complained of discomfort in the stomach and other digestive organs; often people vomited uncontrollably after taking nitrofurans. It's even worse with animals.
Drugs from this group “hit” the liver and kidneys of dogs like a hammer.
And that is not all! When using them, pets who have even the slightest tendency to allergic reactions even risk dying from this very allergy, since nitrofurans contribute to its development.
There are several reasons for this. But the most important thing is that some specific types of microorganisms are sensitive only to nitrofurans. Many modern antibiotics do not “impress” them.
The “miracle” is explained simply: if microbes adapt to antibiotics, albeit slowly, then the “clumsy” effect of old nitrofurans still remains a problem for the causative agents of many infections.
Even if not everything is so good (in particular, they only have a bacteriostatic effect on many microbes), but still sometimes specialists do not have much choice.
Thus, the drug is very specific. On the one hand, it can be useful due to its fairly high efficiency. On the other hand, the presence of a generous list of side effects prevents it from being considered irreplaceable (rather, on the contrary).
So, using this medication on your own to treat diarrhea in puppies is a very bad idea . First, it doesn’t hurt to find out what exactly causes the diarrhea.
It is possible that a gentle diet will be enough to eliminate it and there is no need to use “heavy artillery.”
So can this drug be given to puppies at all? It's not easy to answer. Veterinarians are inclined to believe that this should not be done. But if such a need arises, make sure that the pet is at least three months old. If he is younger, he should not be treated with furazolidone: the likelihood of developing severe side effects is too high.
The dosage, as well as the method of application, are very simple. No more than ¼ tablet is used per puppy. Regardless of the cause of diarrhea, it is highly advisable to give the medicine once . Only in extreme cases, when it is impossible to obtain other medications, is a therapeutic course lasting up to three days allowed.
All this time, the puppy needs to take blood tests: they will help to notice problems with the liver and kidneys in time. However, the final decision should always be made by the veterinarian. So, sometimes it is allowed to give the animal half a tablet at once, but the reasons for such a decision must be very significant.
Probably every dog owner has at least once encountered digestive problems in their pets. Dogs suffer from diarrhea just like humans.
Every first aid kit, whether it is intended for people or animals, contains the simplest and most effective remedies for diarrhea. For example, smecta, rehydron, activated carbon. But furazolidone is especially popular.
This drug belongs to the group of nitrofurans. In other words, furazolidone is related to antimicrobial drugs that began to be used in the last century. Veterinarians have recommended this drug for the treatment of diarrhea for many years.
The antimicrobial effect destroys many bacteria and reduces the proliferation of staphylococci. Furazolidone is also used for various gastrointestinal infections. For example, enteritis, giardiasis or paratyphoid fever.
Like any drug, furazolidone should be taken based on calculations of the animal’s weight and its condition. Every day your four-legged pet can be given 10 mg per 1 kilogram of weight. This dose is divided into 3-4 servings and fed to the dog every 5-6 hours. The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 14 days.
Furazolidone is very easy to use. It is not recommended to give the medicine on an empty stomach. You can crush the tablet into powder and mix it into food, or dilute it with water and pour it into the animal’s mouth immediately after eating. To do this, it is better to use a regular syringe without a needle, placed deep to the root of the tongue.
Furazolidone has side effects such as decreased appetite, vomiting, rash, swelling, itching, and other skin reactions. In case of overdose, diffuse inflammation of the nerves is possible. In this case, you should stop taking the medicine and show the animal to a specialist.
Typically, your veterinarian will prescribe plenty of water and B vitamins. He may also prescribe absorbents.
Important! Furazolidone is contraindicated in dogs with problems with the liver, kidneys and nervous system.
During pregnancy and lactation, the use of furazolidone is prohibited.
Furazolidone is contraindicated for puppies under 3 months of age. In this case, there is a risk of side effects affecting the liver and kidneys. Also, dogs often develop individual intolerance to the drug at a young age.
The use of the drug furazolidone is the same for dogs of different breeds.
Many veterinarians note that the drug increases the level of hemoglobin, creatinine and protein content in the body. Experts prefer this drug because of its low toxicity, rapid penetration to the source of infection and long-term effects on various microorganisms.
Furazolidone can be used in conjunction with many drugs, which is also its advantage.
Dog breeders often use furazolidone for their four-legged friends. The medicine helps very well with gastrointestinal disorders. The cost of the drug is also very attractive to dog breeders.
The pharmaceutical sector and science do not stand still, and today many drugs are being developed with “high precision of hitting” the lesions. It is worth considering that microorganisms tend to mutate, which means there are always treatment options.
Source: https://aozlmk.ru/ponos/furazolidon-dlya-sobak-dozirovka-pri-ponose/
Forms of diarrhea in dogs
Furazolidone for diarrhea is not a well-known drug. Each tablet contains 50 mg of the active substance - furazolidone. It is noteworthy that this medicine is used to treat problems in adults, children and even animals.
The drug is available in the form of tablets, granules for the preparation of suspensions and powder. The properties of the drug are the same, regardless of the form of release of the drug.
In addition to the main active ingredient, each tablet contains auxiliary compounds, including lactose, which should be taken into account by those who are intolerant to this substance. Dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription in packages of 10 or 20 tablets.
Furazolidone is a drug containing biologically active substances that can slow down the reactions of the enzyme monoamine oxidase in nerve endings, which increases the blood levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine and other monoamines, which leads to a number of positive effects. But the most important effect is that Furazolidone exhibits antimicrobial properties.
The starting material for creating the drug is artificially derived nitrofurans. Pharmacological group: antimicrobial and disinfectants. The drug is prescribed to animals of any age with symptoms of infectious infection of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary organs, as well as for parasitic and microbial skin diseases. Often acts as an addition to already prescribed therapy.
Available in tablet form, each containing 50 milligrams of pure Furazolidone. Tablets are available in 10 pieces in a blister. It is also available in pill form, but it is not convenient for animals to take. You can find Furazolidone in powder form in plastic jars of various sizes. The latter form is preferable for animals, but it is difficult to obtain (rarely sold in pharmacies).
There are a number of varieties of the disorder, thanks to which it is possible to determine why a dog has diarrhea.
- Acute diarrhea is characterized by the duration of loose stools (2 weeks). If additional symptoms did not appear (lethargy, temperature), the disorder could be caused by the consumption of dairy and fatty products, poor quality food, perhaps not suitable for the breed. This disorder can be easily corrected on your own, but if the result is negative (diarrhea has not gone away or worsened on the 3rd day of treatment), a visit to the veterinarian is required. Small decorative breeds such as Chihuahuas have sensitive stomachs and are often susceptible to this disorder.
- The second form of acute diarrhea is typical for unvaccinated puppies. It is caused by the presence of various diseases in the body - from enteritis to plague. The cause is poisoning with various poisons and chemicals. An urgent visit to the veterinarian is necessary.
- Chronic diarrhea is characterized by loose stools lasting more than 2 weeks. This form manifests itself as a result of the appearance and development of chronic diseases in the dog (pancreatitis, gastritis, salmonellosis, dysbacteriosis, the appearance of helminths, etc.).
Digestive disorders in four-legged pets can occur in the following forms:
- Acute diarrhea - characterized by regular release of liquid feces for 10-14 days. Often the cause of the development of the pathological condition is the wrong choice of food for the daily diet. Some dog breeds do not accept food that is too fatty, sweet, spicy or dairy, which causes diarrhea.
- Chronic diarrhea - a negative condition is maintained for more than 2 weeks. The manifestation occurs against the background of the lack of adequate treatment for outdated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To determine the recurrence of a specific disease, it is important to conduct laboratory tests.
Diarrhea in a pet can occur in the following forms:
- Spicy. Accompanied by prolonged stomach upset (for 10-14 days). In the absence of other symptoms (apathy, refusal to eat), diarrhea most likely occurred due to the consumption of inappropriate food, dairy or too fatty products. In this case, diarrhea can be cured on your own at home. If the problem has not disappeared on the 3rd day after the start of treatment, you cannot do without qualified help. Representatives of decorative breeds with sensitive digestion are most often susceptible to acute forms of diarrhea.
- Second. Most often diagnosed in unvaccinated animals. Diarrhea can occur against the background of enteritis, plague, or intoxication of the body with chemicals. In this situation, a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory.
- Chronic. Accompanied by stomach upset lasting more than 2 weeks. It is a consequence of prolonged neglect of the symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
When the medicine should not be used
The list of such cases is given below:
- Furazolidone should never be prescribed to animals with chronic renal failure, as well as to pets with acute and chronic liver and kidney diseases in the stage of decompensation.
- During pregnancy and lactation, the drug should be prescribed with extreme caution, and it is better to avoid such “experiments” altogether.
- It is strictly prohibited to give it to puppies under three months of age (in extreme cases, the animal must be at least a month old).
There is also information about individual intolerance to nitrofurans, but they are quite rare. Whether an animal belongs to the “lucky” group can be determined exclusively experimentally.
The drug is available in tablet and powder form. It is very convenient to give furazolidone to a dog with diarrhea; just mix the powder with your favorite food. Sometimes the tablets are crushed and added to water. The taste of the product is not very pleasant, so the pet does not always agree to drink from the bowl. In such situations, you can take the diluted drug with water into a syringe without a needle and inject it into the dog’s mouth.
For dogs, the dosage of Furazolidone for diarrhea is chosen by the doctor; as a rule, he prescribes 1 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is 7 days. This time is enough to kill bacteria in the intestines and restore normal stool. Furazolidone is given to a puppy in the form of a powder for diarrhea. The dosage is calculated at 3-5 mg per 1 kg of weight of the sick puppy, the maximum dose is ½ tablet per dose.
In rare cases, the drug may cause allergic reactions. To avoid such situations and find out whether Furazolidone can be given to a dog with diarrhea, you should initially drop a small amount of a solution of powder with water on the dog’s nose. If his condition does not worsen within an hour, the medication can be used. It is important to note that this medicine is prohibited for pregnant pets and small puppies under 4 months of age.
When taken for a long time, more than 14 days, the drug tends to reduce its effect on the animal’s body. If within 3 days of therapy you do not notice any improvement in your pet’s well-being, be sure to contact your veterinarian.
Diarrhea is a very serious symptom, which, if not treated in a timely manner, can cause intoxication and dehydration of the pet’s body, which can lead to its death. When giving Furazolidone to a dog with diarrhea, be sure to follow the dosage, this will help prevent side effects and properly treat your pet.
However, it is best to prevent intestinal diseases. If you take care of your animal, undergo preventive examinations from a veterinarian, and also constantly monitor its diet, you will avoid a huge number of diseases, and your four-legged friend will thank you in full. A healthy dog will bring joy to your family, and your children will grow up with a reliable friend. They will learn to care and love someone, and these qualities will help them become kind people in the future.
What to do if your puppy has diarrhea?
What to do if your puppy has diarrhea? This problem is not uncommon in dogs at an early age. The increase in the urge to defecate is explained by the fact that in puppies, due to the incomplete functioning of the digestive organs, any errors in nutrition are immediately reflected in the process of defecation.
First aid for a puppy in this situation is to take the following measures:
- do not feed for a certain time, but no longer than 12 hours;
- give a crushed tablet of activated carbon;
- Give 1 cube of Enterofuril 3 times a day.
After providing first aid to the baby, you need to show him to the veterinarian, since due to the imperfect functioning of the internal organs, diarrhea poses a much greater danger for puppies than for adults. A visit to the veterinary clinic will help prevent possible negative consequences of loose stools.
During pregnancy and lactation, the use of furazolidone is prohibited.
Furazolidone is contraindicated for puppies under 3 months of age. In this case, there is a risk of side effects affecting the liver and kidneys. Also, dogs often develop individual intolerance to the drug at a young age.
The use of the drug furazolidone is the same for dogs of different breeds.
Many novice dog breeders do not know what to feed their pet if diarrhea occurs. At the first manifestations of diarrhea with an attack of vomiting, you need to consult a veterinarian and transfer the animal to a dietary diet. The first day you need to completely stop giving food to the dog, leaving access to water. If the cause of diarrhea is poisoning, on the second day you can make a diet of boiled meat, cottage cheese, boiled rice or potatoes.
If diarrhea is caused by infection, the diet should be administered by a veterinarian. Your dog's diet should not include pork, spices or salt. The menu should consist of dairy products, cereals and meat.
Furazolidone has been used in dogs for a long time in the treatment of all kinds of gastrointestinal disorders associated with infections and poisoning. With the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry in recent decades, many new drugs have appeared, but the relevance of furazolidone remains at a high level even now, especially in veterinary medicine.
Signs of the disease:
- gastrointestinal disorder;
- diarrhea or diarrhea;
- nausea, vomiting;
- lethargy, weakness;
- refusal to eat.
Furazolidone belongs to the group of nitrofurans that have a strong bactericidal effect. This effect is achieved due to the acceptor properties in relation to oxygen, while in microbial cells under conditions of lack of oxygen, the processes of oxidation-reduction and synthesis of nucleic acids stop, as a result of which the cells die.
Causes and symptoms of diarrhea in dogs
A dog's feces normally have a formed shape, are slightly soft and moist. If bowel movements occur more than 4 times a day and the stool is watery, then the animal has diarrhea. Moreover, its color may be different.
The causes of diarrhea can be varied:
- consumption of low-quality or unsuitable products;
- intoxication with toxic substances;
- sudden change in the power supply system;
- foreign objects in the gastrointestinal tract;
- helminthic infestations;
- vitamin deficiencies;
- gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers);
- allergy;
- infections (distemper, parvovirus, rotavirosis);
- pancreatic diseases (pancreatitis, diabetes);
- tumor diseases.
What is a patella in dogs and how to treat a displaced patella? Read useful information.
Consumer opinions and veterinarian reviews about Eukanuba ready-made food for small breed dogs can be seen in this article.
Most often, diarrhea is associated with disruption of the digestive system. Diarrhea may be accompanied by other symptoms:
- refusal to eat;
- lethargy;
- weight loss;
- heat;
- nausea, vomiting;
- cough;
- abdominal pain;
- flatulence.
Many veterinarians note that the drug increases the level of hemoglobin, creatinine and protein content in the body. Experts prefer this drug because of its low toxicity, rapid penetration to the source of infection and long-term effects on various microorganisms.
Furazolidone can be used in conjunction with many drugs, which is also its advantage.
Dog breeders
Dog breeders often use furazolidone for their four-legged friends. The medicine helps very well with gastrointestinal disorders. The cost of the drug is also very attractive to dog breeders.
The pharmaceutical sector and science do not stand still, and today many drugs are being developed with “high precision of hitting” the lesions. It is worth considering that microorganisms tend to mutate, which means there are always treatment options.
Irina, 32 years old. The doctor prescribed this drug for an intestinal infection. I feel bad, constantly nauseous and dizzy. Diarrhea gradually decreases.
Maxim, 41 years old. I suffer from chronic diarrhea. Food poisoning and infectious diseases often occur. The doctor recommended taking a course of Furazolidone. It has become much better, the disorder practically does not bother me.
Inna, 28 years old. I had to give a 5-year-old child a pill because he had caught some kind of infection, he felt bad, his stomach hurt a lot. Fortunately, he felt better and the pain went away. After consultation with the pediatrician, therapy was continued.
Instructions for use
If it gets bad
Like any medicinal drug, Furazolidone has clearly defined storage conditions and the period during which the tablets are suitable for use.
The medicine must be stored under suitable conditions:
- at a temperature of 15–25 degrees;
- in places where the sun's rays do not penetrate;
- without high humidity.
The shelf life from the date of manufacture should not exceed 3 years. At the end of this period, the medication must be disposed of and its use is prohibited.
During pregnancy
What to replace it with?
There are many analogues of this drug. All have their own characteristics and conditions of use.
Phthalazol. Antibacterial agent. It is used more often to treat intestinal infections. Available in tablets that can be given to dogs from three months.
Stopdiar. Intestinal antiseptic. Available in tablets, capsules and suspensions. This drug is prescribed for cases of intestinal infections. Suitable for use on pregnant and lactating animals.
Enterofuril. It comes in capsules and suspensions. Antimicrobial agent for intestinal infections. For a short time, the medicine can be used by pregnant animals and puppies from one month.
McMiror. Tablet antibacterial agent used for infections of the urinary and reproductive systems, as well as the digestive tract. The dosage is about 10-15 mg per kg of animal weight. Acceptable during lactation and pregnancy.
Useful tips
Sometimes it is better to prevent a disease than to intensively treat it, wasting your energy, nerves and resources. While one-off episodes of diarrhea don't cause much concern for dog owners, long-term stomach upset in a pet may mean that the situation is much more serious than it seems at first glance.
To solve this problem, you should contact an experienced specialist and under no circumstances self-medicate. It is better to diagnose the whole body and identify a small problem than to treat an already advanced disease in the final stages.
Moreover, diagnosis will not take much time. There are simple rules that dog owners can follow to help their pets avoid health problems.
- You cannot overfeed your dog.
- The food must be of high quality.
- Do not feed the animal from your table.
- Carry out deworming and visit a veterinarian in a timely manner.
- Do not allow picking up food or questionable objects while walking.
- Teach your dog not to accept food from someone else's hands.
- Pay attention to those ingredients in food that your dog is intolerant to.
- Do not feed potential allergens.
Is Furazolidone given to a dog and what is the best way to do it? Read it carefully!
Probably every dog owner has at least once encountered digestive problems in their pets. Dogs suffer from diarrhea just like humans.
Every first aid kit, whether it is intended for people or animals, contains the simplest and most effective remedies for diarrhea. For example, smecta, rehydron, activated carbon. But furazolidone is especially popular.
Is it possible with diarrhea?
This drug belongs to the group of nitrofurans. In other words, furazolidone is related to antimicrobial drugs that began to be used in the last century. Veterinarians have recommended this drug for the treatment of diarrhea for many years.
The antimicrobial effect destroys many bacteria and reduces the proliferation of staphylococci. Furazolidone is also used for various gastrointestinal infections. For example, enteritis, giardiasis or paratyphoid fever.
Like any drug, furazolidone should be taken based on calculations of the animal’s weight and its condition. Every day your four-legged pet can be given 10 mg per 1 kilogram of weight. This dose is divided into 3-4 servings and fed to the dog every 5-6 hours. The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 14 days.
Important! Using the drug for more than 14 days can cause addiction to the body!
How to give?
Furazolidone is very easy to use. It is not recommended to give the medicine on an empty stomach. You can crush the tablet into powder and mix it into food, or dilute it with water and pour it into the animal’s mouth immediately after eating. To do this, it is better to use a regular syringe without a needle, placed deep to the root of the tongue.
If it gets bad
Furazolidone has side effects such as decreased appetite, vomiting, rash, swelling, itching, and other skin reactions. In case of overdose, diffuse inflammation of the nerves is possible. In this case, you should stop taking the medicine and show the animal to a specialist.
Typically, your veterinarian will prescribe plenty of water and B vitamins. He may also prescribe absorbents.
Important! Furazolidone is contraindicated in dogs with problems with the liver, kidneys and nervous system.
Pregnant, lactating and puppies
During pregnancy and lactation, the use of furazolidone is prohibited.
Furazolidone is contraindicated for puppies under 3 months of age. In this case, there is a risk of side effects affecting the liver and kidneys. Also, dogs often develop individual intolerance to the drug at a young age.
The use of the drug furazolidone is the same for dogs of different breeds.
What to replace it with?
There are many analogues of this drug. All have their own characteristics and conditions of use.
Phthalazol. Antibacterial agent. It is used more often to treat intestinal infections. Available in tablets that can be given to dogs from three months.
Stopdiar. Intestinal antiseptic. Available in tablets, capsules and suspensions. This drug is prescribed for cases of intestinal infections. Suitable for use on pregnant and lactating animals.
Enterofuril. It comes in capsules and suspensions. Antimicrobial agent for intestinal infections. For a short time, the medicine can be used by pregnant animals and puppies from one month.
McMiror. Tablet antibacterial agent used for infections of the urinary and reproductive systems, as well as the digestive tract. The dosage is about 10-15 mg per kg of animal weight. Acceptable during lactation and pregnancy.
Useful tips
Sometimes it is better to prevent a disease than to intensively treat it, wasting your energy, nerves and resources. While one-off episodes of diarrhea don't cause much concern for dog owners, long-term stomach upset in a pet may mean that the situation is much more serious than it seems at first glance.
To solve this problem, you should contact an experienced specialist and under no circumstances self-medicate. It is better to diagnose the whole body and identify a small problem than to treat an already advanced disease in the final stages.
Moreover, diagnosis will not take much time. There are simple rules that dog owners can follow to help their pets avoid health problems.
- You cannot overfeed your dog.
- The food must be of high quality.
- Do not feed the animal from your table.
- Carry out deworming and visit a veterinarian in a timely manner.
- Do not allow picking up food or questionable objects while walking.
- Teach your dog not to accept food from someone else's hands.
- Pay attention to those ingredients in food that your dog is intolerant to.
- Do not feed potential allergens.
Enterofuril for diarrhea
The product is made on the basis of nifuroxazide and is a good anti-diarrhea drug. Many dog owners successfully use Enterofuril when it is necessary to urgently treat their pet. It is available in two versions - capsules or suspension. If you purchased capsules, it is recommended not to exceed the recommended dose of 100 mg (2 capsules) three times a day. When treating with a suspension, you need to take 1 cube of liquid and give it to the dog to drink. It will take three days to completely get rid of diarrhea.
What to give your dog for diarrhea using human medicine?
The simultaneous use of Furazolidone with certain other drugs may change the properties and degree of effect of the drugs.
The simultaneous use of Furazolidone and drugs that change the pH level of urine affects the effectiveness of the drug. When using drugs that oxidize the environment, the rate of elimination of the drug decreases and, as a result, its effectiveness increases. When the environment changes to a more alkaline side, the rate of elimination increases and, as a result, the effectiveness of the drug decreases.
The simultaneous use of aminoglycosides and tetracycline enhances the properties of all drugs. The combination of Furazolidone with chloramphenicol leads to a decrease in hematopoietic function. A similar effect occurs when the drug is combined with ristomycin.
It is prohibited to combine the drug "Furazolidone" with alcohol and medications containing ethyl alcohol. In this case, the following side effects may develop:
- feeling of heat;
- facial skin hyperemia;
- difficulty breathing;
- decreased blood pressure;
- nausea;
- vomit;
- tachycardia.
All these are disulfiram-like reactions that occur in response to the combination of the drug with alcohol.
Drugs for veterinary use are usually prescribed and administered only by a doctor. But some of them can be bought at pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. I advise you to look for such medications and replenish your emergency first aid kit for animals with them.
Some pharmacological agents intended to eliminate disorders of the digestive system in humans can be given to animals. Naturally, before resorting to such actions, it is better to consult a veterinarian.
Is it possible to give activated charcoal to a dog with diarrhea? The presented product belongs to the category of the most harmless, time-tested drugs. It should be offered if it is necessary to quickly eliminate all kinds of toxic manifestations, including signs of diarrhea. To determine the dosage, you need to focus on the weight of the animal.
What to give your dog for diarrhea? “Smecta” will help eliminate the manifestations of diarrhea in your pet. Medicine is prescribed for mild indigestion and food poisoning. The active ingredients in the drug effectively remove toxins from the body. with diarrhea? You need to offer the medicine to your pet by injecting it into the oral cavity from a syringe.
Dogs like the sweetish taste of the drug “Enterofuril”. The drug effectively eliminates the consequences of damage to the body by intestinal infections. The medicine makes it possible to quickly alleviate the general condition of diarrhea. However, it is recommended to use it only after consulting a veterinarian.
If your dog has diarrhea, you can give it Loperamide. The drug is one of the most accessible and effective for diarrhea. How to give your dog Loperamide for diarrhea? If the animal has a severe disorder of the digestive organs, you can use several tablets of the pharmacological agent, dissolved in water in advance.
What else can you give your dog for diarrhea? The popular synthetic antibiotic “Levomycetin” can help eliminate the problem. The active ingredients of the drug have a negative effect on a number of pathogenic microorganisms. It is recommended to use the medicine if diarrhea in a dog is infectious. You can give your animal no more than one tablet per day.
Effect of the drug
Furazolidone is an antibiotic that is active against bacteria that attack the intestinal microflora. The drug is able to prevent digestive disorders caused by these bacteria. Many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, Candida fungi, Giardia, and Trichomonas are sensitive to this antibiotic.
The principle of action of the drug is its effect on reproducing bacteria. Antibiotics of this group are called oxygen scavengers or “snatchers”. In other words, they enter into a chemical reaction with the cells of pathogenic bacteria and, through amino acid bases, “steal” oxygen, blocking its access to these cells. Without oxygen, cells die.
However, the drug has such an effect only on those bacteria that participate in the division process. In addition to them, in the body affected by the infection there are also “dormant” bacteria (in an anaerobic state), which the antibiotic does not see until they wake up and begin to multiply.
You should not expect a quick effect - the first results usually appear no earlier than after 4 hours, the patient’s condition becomes more stable on the second day. However, improving your health is not a reason to stop taking the drug. It is necessary to act according to the prescribed scheme, otherwise the “awakened” bacteria, which have not encountered resistance to the antibiotic, will quickly return the state to the previous phase - and you will have to start all over again.
Possible undesirable effects of taking Furazolidone for diarrhea include:
- sudden loss of appetite, anorexia;
- tachycardia, increased blood pressure;
- headache;
- cough, bronchospasm, chest pain;
- unexpected increase in symptoms of poisoning (nausea, vomiting and diarrhea);
- allergies (redness, itching);
- lethargy, slow reaction;
- exacerbation of depression in those who are prone to this disease.
To reduce the number of side effects, along with the antibiotic, the doctor prescribes a course of vitamin B and lactobacilli.
If the dosage is exceeded, Furazolidone can cause hematotoxicity (negative effects on blood cells, their functionality and quantity), toxic hepatitis (destruction of liver cells), polyneuritis (damage to nerve fibers).
The activity of the drug is reduced when taken simultaneously with quinolones. This group includes drugs based on the following active ingredients:
- gatifloxacin (Gatispan, Zarkvir);
- gemifloxacin (Faktiv);
- levofloxacin (Lefokcin, Levolet, L-Optic Rompharm and others);
- lomefloxacin (Xenaquin, Lomacin);
- oxolinic acid;
- ciprofloxacin (Ciprinol).
Concomitant use with chloramphenicol (Levomycetin) increases the risk of anemia.
You should not take the drug simultaneously with sedatives, antidepressants and painkillers due to a possible sharp increase in blood pressure.
Without medical supervision, you should not combine the drug with cough and other cold symptoms.
You should not take the drug with alcohol - this causes a reaction reminiscent of severe alcohol poisoning: nausea, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, and a feeling of depression. You can drink alcohol no earlier than 4-5 days after completing the course of treatment, provided that there are no adverse reactions from the liver.
Furazolidone is an antimicrobial agent, so it makes sense to use it only for diarrhea of bacterial etiology. An important positive difference between Furazolidone and other antibiotics is that it does not have a negative effect on the immune system. When used, the ability of leukocytes to destroy pathogenic microflora increases.
Furazolidone interferes with the biochemical processes of microorganisms, which as a result damages the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterium. Already after 2-4 days of taking Furazolidone (even before the final destruction of microorganisms), a significant change in well-being is observed: the temperature drops, appetite returns, and sometimes the symptoms of diarrhea soften or disappear.
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Does not show activity against pathogens of purulent anaerobic infection, and is also useless for viral infections (like any antibiotic). Many microorganisms develop slow resistance to this drug. Therefore, after 10-15 days of taking the drug, it must be replaced with another drug, with a different active ingredient.
The drug is quickly absorbed from the intestines. It is quickly absorbed by the liver, which subsequently leads to the formation of an amino derivative, a chemically inactive metabolite. When the central nervous system is inflamed, it quickly enters the cerebrospinal fluid, forming the concentration necessary for treatment. About 3⁄4 of furazolidone is excreted by the kidneys, a small percentage is found in excrement.
Furazolidone is prescribed to dogs for the treatment of diarrhea very often. This medicine belongs to the group of antimicrobial drugs that have a wide spectrum of action against various intestinal infections. Furazolidone helps a dog with diarrhea get rid of pathogenic flora; it is even active in the fight against staphylococcus.
The effect of taking the medicine is observed after two hours. The drug is not addictive and has no side effects, which makes the drug very popular in veterinary medicine. Like any antibiotic, Furazolidone affects the intestinal microflora, washing away positive microorganisms from the mucous membrane. That is why probiotics should be given to your pet in combination with this drug.
Furazolidone is not effective in dogs with fungal infections, tumors, diarrhea caused by injury to internal organs or bleeding in one of them. Another treatment is necessary, which can only be prescribed by a doctor after diagnosing a sick pet.
Furazolidone in veterinary medicine
The drug has been successfully used by both veterinarians and amateurs for many years. Furazolidone has an antimicrobial effect, eliminates disorders, and kills various types of bacteria. The drug is available in yellow tablets of 50 mg. For the treatment of diarrhea in dogs, the required dose is 10 mg per kilogram of animal weight. To get rid of diarrhea, you need 3-4 doses of medication per day for five days.
In veterinary practice, furazolidone is used not only for dogs and cats, but also for agricultural livestock, birds and fish for all kinds of infectious diseases.
The following dosages of furazolidone are used:
- 4-5 mg/kg body weight – for calves;
- 10 mg/kg body weight – piglets;
- 2.5-3 mg/kg body weight – for chickens;
- 1-2 g / 10 kg of food - carp (for rubella).
The meat of animals treated with furazolidone is suitable for people to eat no earlier than 4 days after the end of taking the drug, but if earlier than 4 days, it is used only for animal feed and for preparing meat and bone meal.
Milk from animals is prohibited from being used for food during the entire period of treatment and 2 days after the last dose; it is used only for feeding animals.
It is not recommended to treat a dog or any other animal without first consulting a veterinarian, so as not to cause irreparable harm to the animal through your actions.
It must be remembered that diarrhea in a dog can be for various reasons and does not always require immediate initiation of drug therapy, but is often eliminated within a few hours by eliminating the cause that caused it.
If diarrhea occurs in a dog, you need to find out the cause of it in order to approach treatment competently and not harm the dog through illiterate actions. The approach to treatment is different. Causes of diarrhea in dogs can be:
- Poor nutrition or spoiled food, individual intolerance to components (allergies, indigestion). In this case, the cause can be eliminated by simply replacing the food;
- Poor water quality and sudden changes in feed, for example from dry to canned. In this case, you need to first test on a small portion of food and wait for the dog’s body to react. This way you can carefully select the right food for your dog;
- Parasites in a dog's intestines are a very common cause of diarrhea in dogs. Helminths are difficult to see and recognize with the naked eye; this requires a stool test for helminth eggs. Regular preventive treatment of dogs for helminths is recommended (every few months), which will help eliminate this cause altogether;
- Having been vaccinated the day before, the dog may develop a complex reaction to the administered vaccine. Everything goes away on its own, but if it happens again, you need to contact a veterinarian for advice;
- A pregnant dog may have toxicosis at an early stage, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. You cannot leave the situation to chance, in order to prevent dehydration of the body, which will lead to a miscarriage. You need to change your diet and introduce more fiber into it;
- After childbirth, diarrhea can be caused by afterbirth eaten by the dog. Cow's milk is also a laxative for the intestines;
- Acute diarrhea occurs when bacteria become infected through water or food. In this case, the dog requires antimicrobial therapy using furazolidone and antibiotics;
- Viral infection is a very serious threat to dogs, causing severe distress. Pathogens: canine distemper, coronavirus, parvovirus. It will not be possible to cure it on your own, you need to urgently take the dog to the clinic, it can be fatal;
- Side effects of drugs that were used in the near future. Read the instructions and choose another medicine;
- Fungi and protozoa (giardia, trichomonas) require special treatment;
- Tumors;
- Dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders - it is necessary to restore normal intestinal microflora with the use of lactic acid products or drugs;
- Mechanical injuries to the intestines due to foreign objects - they must be removed;
- Stress – when moving, when losing or changing the owner, etc. A quiet regime and gentle dietary feed are required.
In the case of diarrhea in dogs, you should always pay attention to the type, color and consistency of the stool, which can indicate the causes of diarrhea:
- green stool - indicates rotten food;
- white color is a sign of a biliary tract problem;
- yellow diarrhea – simple indigestion;
- orange tint – acute process in the liver;
- dark, black diarrhea – the presence of bleeding in the intestines, it requires immediate investigation;
- bloody diarrhea is always dangerous, a consequence of salmonellosis, leptospirosis, atypical rabies, damage to the intestines by a bone or foreign object, as well as chemical poisoning;
- diarrhea with mucus - often occurs during treatment for worms, when they come out in the form of mucus at the stage of digestion, as well as with disease of the large intestine;
- diarrhea with blood and mucus - you need to examine the stool for protozoa and worms, blood for biochemical analysis, to rule out intestinal ruptures.
Instructions for the use of Furazolidone for diarrhea in adults and children
The causes of diarrhea or diarrhea can be very different: these include foodborne illnesses, chemical poisoning, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of parasites, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract (colitis and enteritis), and disturbances of the natural intestinal microflora. Furazolidone tablets will help cope with the phenomenon of diarrhea, if diarrhea is caused by aerobic bacteria.
Diarrhea should not always be viewed as an exclusively negative phenomenon, because diarrhea removes toxins from the intestines. In some cases, the disorder continues even when toxins have already been removed from the gastrointestinal tract. If diarrhea persists for too long, measures must be taken to stop it.
The drug Furazolidone is an antibacterial drug based on 5-nitrofurfural. This organic compound has a strong antibacterial effect. It is especially effective at killing aerobic gram-positive bacteria such as streptococci. In addition, it acts on some protozoa (giardia and trichomonas), as well as fungi.
In small quantities, the drug has a bacteriostatic effect: it only suppresses the proliferation of microbes. If the dose taken at a time is increased, the medicine exhibits bactericidal activity, destroying pathogenic microorganisms.
The cessation of the proliferation of foreign bacteria and their rapid death occurs due to the reduction of the nitro group of nitrofurfural to the amino group in the bacterial environment. As a result, toxic compounds are formed that block important biochemical processes in microbial cells, which causes a decrease in the activity of microbes and their death.
The immunostimulating effect of furazolidone is due to its ability to enhance the phagocytic activity of leukocytes.
The medicine is quickly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and enters the circulatory system. Its presence in the blood is detected within eight hours. The patient's liver metabolizes the drug to form inactive chemicals, which are then excreted from the body by the kidneys. In addition to metabolites, the kidneys also remove furazolidone itself, which has not undergone chemical transformations in the body.
The drug is eliminated from the body quite quickly. The medicine does not accumulate in organs and tissues, so it can also be used by children. In some cases, the content of the drug in the intestines may be increased, but this does not pose a threat to health.
When using the drug, sensitivity to alcohol may increase, as a result of which even small doses of alcoholic beverages can cause an allergic reaction.
- 1 General information
- 2 Symptoms of the disease 2.1 Features of the child
- 4.1 Conservative treatment
A variety of microorganisms live in the human body, and this is considered normal. Blastocysts in the stool of an adult indicate changes in the body that have caused the proliferation of these protozoa. Effective preventive and therapeutic measures for a specific case are determined by the doctor based on the results of special laboratory tests and an assessment of the patient’s general condition.
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general information
The simplest blastocysts inhabit the human body, localizing in the intestine (blastospores). When the body's immune strength decreases or when diseases develop in the digestive system, Blastocystis hominis multiply and cause protozoal infections. For a long time, scientists classified them as non-pathogenic microorganisms; as a result, they could not identify the connection between blastocysts and infectious diseases.
However, careful studies of the blastocyst have shown that protozoa especially influence changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in people with weak immunity, thereby provoking various protozoal infectious diseases. Recently, epidemiological and clinical information has been recorded confirming the influence of Blastocystis hominis on the formation of intestinal pathologies.
The doctor selects the dosage depending on the general condition of the patient and the bacteria that caused the diarrhea. This is logical: ordinary food poisoning requires one approach, but life-threatening typhoid or cholera requires a completely different one. Therefore, the dosage described below has only general, average values.
If the drug is prescribed for an adult, then 100-150 grams of the product (2-3 tablets) should be taken. For children over 5 years of age, the permissible dose is 25-50 grams (0.5-1 tablet). For a child from 1 year to 5 years, the dosage is calculated depending on body weight: 10 mg of medication per 1 kg of weight. You need to take the medicine 3-4 times a day.
The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days. However, if no positive effect was detected on the second or third day, it means that diarrhea is most likely caused by bacteria that are insensitive to this antibiotic. You should consult your doctor to clarify the diagnosis and change the drug.
If you missed a dose of the drug (and this happens when the disease recedes), you should immediately take the forgotten dose. If the omission was noticed when it was time to take the next tablet, there is no need to double the dosage. You should not adjust the dosage yourself: if sudden changes occur in your health, you should consult your doctor about changing the treatment regimen. If there are no other doctor’s recommendations, be sure to complete the therapeutic course to the end.
While treating a child with an antibiotic, you need to monitor his behavior and well-being in order to promptly notice allergic reactions and other side effects and prevent their development.
When using Furazolidone to treat diarrhea, it is important to adhere to the diet and drinking regimen. It is necessary to drink at least 3 liters of clean (non-alkaline) water - this will help avoid dehydration. When weakened, you can drink strong sweet tea. For the entire period of taking the drug, you should completely avoid cheeses, smoked foods, legumes, canned and pickled vegetables - this will help reduce the risk of adverse reactions.
While taking the drug, the color of the urine may change - in this case, this is a type of normal that does not require additional treatment.
This medication has both more expensive and cheaper analogues.
- "Fthalazol" costs about 30 rubles, while possessing all the properties of the medicine.
- "Furasol" is the most expensive analogue. The price for a record can reach 300 rubles. The drug has the same effect as Furazolidone.
- "Sulgin" is a drug that is used to treat diarrhea caused by infection with pathogenic microorganisms. Contraindicated for pregnant women and newborns.